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KPILOT 4.2.1 by Dan Pilone
Additional work by Robert Ambrose,
Preston Brown, Adriaan de Groot,
Heiko Purnhagen, Jorg Habenicht,
and probably many more.
KPilot is software for syncing the 3Com Palm Pilot, Palm III, IIIe,
IIIc, IIIx, V, Vx, M100, Handspring Visor and IBM Workpad with a machine
running some flavor of unix. The actual PC->PP communcations was originally
based on pilot-link.0.8.7, though you should use pilot-link.0.9.3 now.
By default KPilot attempts to connnect using /dev/pilot which should be
a link to the actual serial port, however this is configurable in the
settings dialog.
This is the second release of KPilot 4.x, the first version of
KPilot that works with and under KDE2. It is released as part of KDE 2.2.
The file ../README contains minimal information on how to compile
and install KPilot. Since KPilot is part of the kdepim package, you
should also have the INSTALL file for kdepim, probably in ../../INSTALL.
This README file only contains the release notes for KPilot 4.2.1.
The first time you run KPilot 4.2.1, it will automatically display
the setup screen and you can check all the configuration settings.
If you used KPilot 3.x, you should also immediately configure all your
conduits (again) because many things have changed there.
* Conduit for abbrowser (experimental).
* Conduit for expenses (experimental).
* Improved international-character support.
o Conduit for KNotes (still experimental).
o Now a KDE2 application.
o Plug in conduit support, currently including
KOrganizer, todolist, null and PopMail
o Hot-Sync daemon. - Now hot-sync with just the push of the
Hot-Sync button on your cradle. No need to launch KPilot.
o Add/Delete/Edit memos.
o Add/Delete/Edit addresses.
o Full Category support for both memos and addresses.
o KPilot now respects secret data.
o More configuration options including port speed and
docking control.
o Now supports signature files for email.
o Drag and drop to docked icon for file install.
o International Support
o Full Backup/Restore capabilities of Palm Pilot
o File (prc,pdb) installation
o Email syncing capabilities (via POP3 & sendmail)
o SmartSync backing up modified data even
for databases KPilot doesn't recognize
o Import/Export to/from virtually any text format for
o Import/Export to/from text files for memos
o Sort and display addresses in different ways
o A null conduit (programming example)
o Syncing with UNIX mailboxes
o Database dispositions (sync, backup only, or ignore)
(* = new in this release)
All the known bugs in KPilot can be found in the KDE bugs database
Please check with that database before reporting bugs.
THIS SOFTWARE HAS BUGS. Use at your own risk. It has not even
been tested anywhere but on my machine and only with my Palm Pilot. I
have been using it against XCopilot for development then verifying it
works with a real pilot with my Palm Pilot Professional running OS v2.0.4.
It works with Adriaan's Palm V running PalmOS 3.5 as well.
I make no claims that it will work, or even try to work. I take no
responsibility for any data loss, damage, etc. done by this software.
ie: Should your pilot burst into flames while trying to sync a new game..
That being said, I _really_ want comments regarding the software
as well as suggestions. Bug fixes are even snazzier and code
contributions are welcome. :)
Dan Pilone
July 20, 2000
Adriaan de Groot
April 11, 2001