You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

61 lines
1.1 KiB

use strict;
my $inplace;
if ( @ARGV == 1 && $ARGV[ 0 ] == "--inplace" ) {
print "Substituting in place.\n";
$inplace = 1;
my $fileIn = "groupwise.h";
my $fileOut = "$fileIn.fixed";
my $fileBack = "$fileIn.backup";
if ( !open IN, $fileIn ) {
print STDERR "Unable to open '$fileIn'.\n";
exit 1;
if ( !open OUT, ">$fileOut" ) {
print STDERR "Unable to open '$fileOut'.\n";
exit 1;
while ( <IN> ) {
my $newline;
if ( /^(.*)ns1__(\w+\s+0?;.*)$/ ) {
# print;
$newline = $1 . $2 . "\n";
# print $newline;
$_ = $newline;
if ( 0 ) {
if ( /(^\s+\S+\s+)ns1__(.*)/ ) {
$newline = $1 . $2 . "\n";
if ( !/enum/ && /element$/) {
# print;
# print $newline;
$_ = $newline;
} elsif ( /(^\s+unsigned long\*\s+)ns1__(.*)/ ) {
$newline = $1 . $2 . "\n";
# print $newline;
$_ = $newline;
} elsif ( /(^\s+std\:\:\S+\s+\>.*)ns1__(.*)/ ) {
$newline = $1 . $2 . "\n";
$_ = $newline;
print OUT;
if ( $inplace ) {
system( "mv $fileIn $fileBack" );
system( "mv $fileOut $fileIn" );