You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
977 lines
34 KiB
977 lines
34 KiB
This file is part of kdepim.
Copyright (c) 2004 Cornelius Schumacher <>
Copyright (c) 2007 Volker Krause <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
permission to link the code of this program with any edition of
the TQt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions
of TQt that use the same license as TQt), and distribute linked
combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General
Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than
TQt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to
your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from
your version.
#include "attendeeselector.h"
#include "delegateselector.h"
#include <interfaces/bodypartformatter.h>
#include <interfaces/bodypart.h>
#include <interfaces/bodyparturlhandler.h>
#include <khtmlparthtmlwriter.h>
#include <libkdepim/kfileio.h>
#include <libkcal/calendarlocal.h>
#include <libkcal/calendarresources.h>
#include <libkcal/calhelper.h>
#include <libkcal/icalformat.h>
#include <libkcal/attendee.h>
#include <libkcal/attachmenthandler.h>
#include <libkcal/incidence.h>
#include <libkcal/incidenceformatter.h>
#include <kpimprefs.h> // for the timezone
#include <kmail/callback.h>
#include <kmail/kmmessage.h>
#include <kmail/kmcommands.h>
#include <email.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kfiledialog.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kstringhandler.h>
#include <kglobalsettings.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kdcopservicestarter.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <ktempfile.h>
#include <kmdcodec.h>
#include <kmimetype.h>
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include <krun.h>
#include <kio/netaccess.h>
#include <tqurl.h>
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqtextstream.h>
#include <kdepimmacros.h>
#include <dcopclient.h>
#include <dcopref.h>
#include "kcalendariface_stub.h"
using namespace KCal;
namespace {
class CalendarManager
static Calendar* calendar();
CalendarResources* mCalendar;
static CalendarManager* mSelf;
static KStaticDeleter<CalendarManager> sCalendarDeleter;
CalendarManager* CalendarManager::mSelf = 0;
mCalendar = new CalendarResources( KPimPrefs::timezone() );
bool multipleKolabResources = false;
CalendarResourceManager *mgr = mCalendar->resourceManager();
for ( CalendarResourceManager::ActiveIterator it = mgr->activeBegin(); it != mgr->activeEnd(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it)->type() == "imap" || (*it)->type() == "kolab" ) {
const TQStringList subResources = (*it)->subresources();
TQMap<TQString, int> prefixSet; // KDE4: TQSet
for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator subIt = subResources.begin(); subIt != subResources.end(); ++subIt ) {
if ( !(*subIt).contains( "/" ) )
// we don't care about shared folders
prefixSet.insert( (*subIt).left( (*subIt).find( "/" ) ), 0 );
if ( prefixSet.count() > 1 )
multipleKolabResources = true;
if ( multipleKolabResources ) {
kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << "disabling calendar lookup because multiple active Kolab resources" << endl;
delete mCalendar;
mCalendar = 0;
delete mCalendar;
mSelf = 0;
Calendar* CalendarManager::calendar()
if ( !mSelf ) {
sCalendarDeleter.setObject( mSelf, new CalendarManager() );
return mSelf->mCalendar;
class KMInvitationFormatterHelper : public InvitationFormatterHelper
KMInvitationFormatterHelper( KMail::Interface::BodyPart *bodyPart ) : mBodyPart( bodyPart ) {}
virtual TQString generateLinkURL( const TQString &id ) { return mBodyPart->makeLink( id ); }
Calendar* calendar() const { return CalendarManager::calendar(); }
KMail::Interface::BodyPart *mBodyPart;
class Formatter : public KMail::Interface::BodyPartFormatter
Result format( KMail::Interface::BodyPart *bodyPart,
KMail::HtmlWriter *writer, KMail::Callback &callback ) const
if ( !writer )
// Guard against crashes in createReply()
return Ok;
CalendarLocal cl( KPimPrefs::timezone() );
KMInvitationFormatterHelper helper( bodyPart );
TQString source;
/* If the bodypart does not have a charset specified, we need to fall back to
utf8, not the KMail fallback encoding, so get the contents as binary and decode
explicitly. */
if ( bodyPart->contentTypeParameter( "charset").isEmpty() ) {
const TQByteArray &ba = bodyPart->asBinary();
source = TQString::fromUtf8(ba);
} else {
source = bodyPart->asText();
TQString html =
IncidenceFormatter::formatICalInvitationNoHtml( source, &cl, &helper, callback.sender() );
if ( html.isEmpty() ) return AsIcon;
writer->queue( html );
return Ok;
static TQString directoryFortqStatus( Attendee::PartStat status )
TQString dir;
switch ( status ) {
case Attendee::Accepted:
dir = "accepted";
case Attendee::Tentative:
dir = "tentative";
case Attendee::Declined:
dir = "cancel";
case Attendee::Delegated:
dir = "delegated";
return dir;
static Incidence *icalToString( const TQString &iCal )
CalendarLocal calendar( KPimPrefs::timezone() ) ;
ICalFormat format;
ScheduleMessage *message =
format.parseScheduleMessage( &calendar, iCal );
if ( !message )
//TODO: Error message?
return 0;
return dynamic_cast<Incidence*>( message->event() );
static ScheduleMessage *icalToMessage( const TQString &iCal )
CalendarLocal calendar( KPimPrefs::timezone() ) ;
ICalFormat format;
return format.parseScheduleMessage( &calendar, iCal );
class UrlHandler : public KMail::Interface::BodyPartURLHandler
kdDebug() << "UrlHandler() (iCalendar)" << endl;
Attendee *findMyself( Incidence* incidence, const TQString& receiver ) const
Attendee::List attendees = incidence->attendees();
Attendee::List::ConstIterator it;
Attendee* myself = 0;
// Find myself. There will always be all attendees listed, even if
// only I need to answer it.
for ( it = attendees.begin(); it != attendees.end(); ++it ) {
// match only the email part, not the name
if( KPIM::compareEmail( (*it)->email(), receiver, false ) ) {
// We are the current one, and even the receiver, note
// this and quit searching.
myself = (*it);
return myself;
static bool heuristicalRSVP( Incidence *incidence )
bool rsvp = true; // better send superfluously than not at all
Attendee::List attendees = incidence->attendees();
Attendee::List::ConstIterator it;
for ( it = attendees.begin(); it != attendees.end(); ++it ) {
if ( it == attendees.begin() ) {
rsvp = (*it)->RSVP(); // use what the first one has
} else {
if ( (*it)->RSVP() != rsvp ) {
rsvp = true; // they differ, default
return rsvp;
static Attendee::Role heuristicalRole( Incidence *incidence )
Attendee::Role role = Attendee::OptParticipant;
Attendee::List attendees = incidence->attendees();
Attendee::List::ConstIterator it;
for ( it = attendees.begin(); it != attendees.end(); ++it ) {
if ( it == attendees.begin() ) {
role = (*it)->role(); // use what the first one has
} else {
if ( (*it)->role() != role ) {
role = Attendee::OptParticipant; // they differ, default
return role;
Attendee* seStatusOnMyself( Incidence* incidence, Attendee* myself,
Attendee::PartStat status, const TQString &receiver ) const
Attendee* newMyself = 0;
TQString name;
TQString email;
KPIM::getNameAndMail( receiver, name, email );
if ( name.isEmpty() && myself ) name = myself->name();
if ( email.isEmpty()&& myself ) email = myself->email();
Q_ASSERT( !email.isEmpty() ); // delivery must be possible
newMyself = new Attendee( name,
true, // RSVP, otherwise we would not be here
myself ? myself->role() : heuristicalRole( incidence ),
myself ? myself->uid() : TQString() );
if ( myself ) {
newMyself->setDelegate( myself->delegate() );
newMyself->setDelegator( myself->delegator() );
// Make sure only ourselves is in the event
if( newMyself )
incidence->addAttendee( newMyself );
return newMyself;
enum MailType {
bool mail( Incidence* incidence, KMail::Callback& callback,
Attendee::PartStat status,
Scheduler::Method method = Scheduler::Reply,
const TQString &to = TQString(), MailType type = Answer ) const
ICalFormat format;
format.setTimeZone( KPimPrefs::timezone(), false );
TQString msg = format.createScheduleMessage( incidence, method );
TQString summary = incidence->summary();
if ( summary.isEmpty() )
summary = i18n( "Incidence with no summary" );
TQString subject;
switch ( type ) {
case Answer:
subject = i18n( "Answer: %1" ).tqarg( summary );
case Delegation:
subject = i18n( "Delegated: %1" ).tqarg( summary );
case Forward:
subject = i18n( "Forwarded: %1" ).tqarg( summary );
case DeclineCounter:
subject = i18n( "Declined Counter Proposal: %1" ).tqarg( summary );
// Set the organizer to the sender, if the ORGANIZER hasn't been set.
if ( incidence->organizer().isEmpty() ) {
TQString tname, temail;
KPIM::getNameAndMail( callback.sender(), tname, temail );
incidence->setOrganizer( Person( tname, temail ) );
TQString recv = to;
if ( recv.isEmpty() )
recv = incidence->organizer().fullName();
TQString statusString = directoryFortqStatus( status ); //it happens to return the right strings
return callback.mailICal( recv, msg, subject, statusString, type != Forward );
void ensureKorganizerRunning( bool switchTo ) const
TQString error;
TQCString dcopService;
int result = KDCOPServiceStarter::self()->findServiceFor( "DCOP/Organizer", TQString(), TQString(), &error, &dcopService );
if ( result == 0 ) {
// OK, so korganizer (or kontact) is running. Now ensure the object we want is available
// [that's not the case when kontact was already running, but korganizer not loaded into it...]
static const char* const dcopObjectId = "KOrganizerIface";
TQCString dummy;
if ( !kapp->dcopClient()->findObject( dcopService, dcopObjectId, "", TQByteArray(), dummy, dummy ) ) {
DCOPRef ref( dcopService, dcopService ); // talk to the KUniqueApplication or its kontact wrapper
if ( switchTo ) {
| "newInstance()" ); // activate korganizer window
DCOPReply reply = "load()" );
if ( reply.isValid() && (bool)reply ) {
kdDebug() << "Loaded " << dcopService << " successfully" << endl;
Q_ASSERT( kapp->dcopClient()->findObject( dcopService, dcopObjectId, "", TQByteArray(), dummy, dummy ) );
} else
kdWarning() << "Error loading " << dcopService << endl;
// We don't do anything with it, we just need it to be running so that it handles
// the incoming directory.
kdWarning() << "Couldn't start DCOP/Organizer: " << dcopService << " " << error << endl;
bool saveFile( const TQString& receiver, const TQString& iCal,
const TQString& type ) const
KTempFile file( locateLocal( "data", "korganizer/income." + type + '/',
true ) );
TQTextStream* ts = file.textStream();
if ( !ts ) {
KMessageBox::error( 0, i18n("Could not save file to KOrganizer") );
return false;
ts->setEncoding( TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
(*ts) << receiver << '\n' << iCal;
// Now ensure that korganizer is running; otherwise start it, to prevent surprises
// (
ensureKorganizerRunning( false );
return true;
bool cancelPastInvites( Incidence *incidence, const TQString &path ) const
TQString warnStr;
TQDateTime now = TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime();
TQDate today =;
Event * const event = dynamic_cast<Event *>( incidence );
Todo * const todo = dynamic_cast<Todo *>( incidence );
if ( incidence->type() == "Event" ) {
Q_ASSERT( event );
if ( !event->doesFloat() ) {
if ( event->dtEnd() < now ) {
warnStr = i18n( "\"%1\" occurred already." ).tqarg( event->summary() );
} else if ( event->dtStart() <= now && now <= event->dtEnd() ) {
warnStr = i18n( "\"%1\" is currently in-progress." ).tqarg( event->summary() );
} else {
if ( event->dtEnd().date() < today ) {
warnStr = i18n( "\"%1\" occurred already." ).tqarg( event->summary() );
} else if ( event->dtStart().date() <= today && today <= event->dtEnd().date() ) {
warnStr = i18n( "\"%1\", happening all day today, is currently in-progress." ).
arg( event->summary() );
} else if ( incidence->type() == "Todo" ) {
Q_ASSERT( todo );
if ( !todo->doesFloat() ) {
if ( todo->hasDueDate() ) {
if ( todo->dtDue() < now ) {
warnStr = i18n( "\"%1\" is past due." ).tqarg( todo->summary() );
} else if ( todo->hasStartDate() && todo->dtStart() <= now && now <= todo->dtDue() ) {
warnStr = i18n( "\"%1\" is currently in-progress." ).tqarg( todo->summary() );
} else if ( todo->hasStartDate() ) {
if ( todo->dtStart() < now ) {
warnStr = i18n( "\"%1\" has already started." ).tqarg( todo->summary() );
} else {
if ( todo->hasDueDate() ) {
if ( todo->dtDue().date() < today) {
warnStr = i18n( "\"%1\" is past due." ).tqarg( todo->summary() );
} else if ( todo->hasStartDate() &&
todo->dtStart().date() <= today && today <= todo->dtDue().date() ) {
warnStr = i18n( "\"%1\", happening all-day today, is currently in-progress." ).
arg( todo->summary() );
} else if ( todo->hasStartDate() ) {
if ( todo->dtStart().date() < today ) {
warnStr = i18n( "\"%1\", happening all day, has already started." ).
arg( todo->summary() );
if ( !warnStr.isEmpty() ) {
TQString queryStr;
Q_ASSERT( event || todo );
if ( path == "accept" ) {
if ( event ) {
queryStr = i18n( "Do you still want to accept the invitation?" );
} else if ( todo ) {
queryStr = i18n( "Do you still want to accept the task?" );
} else if ( path == "accept_conditionally" ) {
if ( event ) {
queryStr = i18n( "Do you still want to send conditional acceptance of the invitation?" );
} else if ( todo ) {
queryStr = i18n( "Do you still want to send conditional acceptance of the task?" );
} else if ( path == "accept_counter" ) {
queryStr = i18n( "Do you still want to accept the counter proposal?" );
} else if ( path == "counter" ) {
queryStr = i18n( "Do you still want to send a counter proposal?" );
} else if ( path == "decline" ) {
queryStr = i18n( "Do you still want to send a decline response?" );
} else if ( path == "decline_counter" ) {
queryStr = i18n( "Do you still want to decline the counter proposal?" );
} else if ( path == "reply" ) {
queryStr = i18n( "Do you still want to record this reponse in your calendar?" );
} else if ( path == "delegate" ) {
if ( event ) {
queryStr = i18n( "Do you still want to delegate this invitation?" );
} else if ( todo ) {
queryStr = i18n( "Do you still want to delegate this task?" );
} else if ( path == "forward" ) {
if ( event ) {
queryStr = i18n( "Do you still want to forward this invitation?" );
} else if ( todo ) {
queryStr = i18n( "Do you still want to forward this task?" );
} else if ( path == "check_calendar" ) {
queryStr = i18n( "Do you still want to check your calendar?" );
} else if ( path == "record" ) {
if ( event ) {
queryStr = i18n( "Do you still want to record this invitation in your calendar?" );
} else if ( todo ) {
queryStr = i18n( "Do you still want to record this task in your calendar?" );
} else if ( path.startsWith( "ATTACH:" ) ) {
return false;
} else {
queryStr = i18n( "%1?" ).tqarg( path );
if ( KMessageBox::warningYesNo(
i18n( "%1\n%2" ).tqarg( warnStr ).tqarg( queryStr ) ) == KMessageBox::No ) {
return true;
return false;
bool handleInvitation( const TQString& iCal, Attendee::PartStat status,
KMail::Callback &callback ) const
bool ok = true;
const TQString receiver = callback.receiver();
if ( receiver.isEmpty() )
// Must be some error. Still return true though, since we did handle it
return true;
Incidence *incidence = icalToString( iCal );
// get comment for tentative acceptance
if ( callback.askForComment( status ) ) {
bool ok = false;
TQString comment = KInputDialog::getMultiLineText( i18n("Reaction to Invitation"),
i18n("Comment:"), TQString(), &ok );
if ( !ok )
return true;
if ( !comment.isEmpty() ) {
if ( callback.outlookCompatibleInvitationReplyComments() ) {
incidence->setDescription( comment );
} else {
incidence->addComment( comment );
// First, save it for KOrganizer to handle
TQString dir = directoryFortqStatus( status );
if ( dir.isEmpty() )
return true; // unknown status
if ( status != Attendee::Delegated ) // we do that below for delegated incidences
saveFile( receiver, iCal, dir );
TQString delegateString;
bool delegatorRSVP = false;
if ( status == Attendee::Delegated ) {
DelegateSelector dlg;
if ( dlg.exec() == TQDialog::Rejected )
return true;
delegateString = dlg.delegate();
delegatorRSVP =;
if ( delegateString.isEmpty() )
return true;
if ( KPIM::compareEmail( delegateString, incidence->organizer().email(), false ) ) {
KMessageBox::sorry( 0, i18n("Delegation to organizer is not possible.") );
return true;
if( !incidence ) return false;
Attendee *myself = findMyself( incidence, receiver );
// find our delegator, we need to inform him as well
TQString delegator;
if ( myself && !myself->delegator().isEmpty() ) {
Attendee::List attendees = incidence->attendees();
for ( Attendee::List::ConstIterator it = attendees.constBegin(); it != attendees.constEnd(); ++it ) {
if( KPIM::compareEmail( (*it)->fullName(), myself->delegator(), false ) && (*it)->status() == Attendee::Delegated ) {
delegator = (*it)->fullName();
delegatorRSVP = (*it)->RSVP();
if ( ( myself && myself->RSVP() ) || heuristicalRSVP( incidence ) ) {
Attendee* newMyself = seStatusOnMyself( incidence, myself, status, receiver );
if ( newMyself && status == Attendee::Delegated ) {
newMyself->setDelegate( delegateString );
newMyself->setRSVP( delegatorRSVP );
ok = mail( incidence, callback, status );
// check if we need to inform our delegator about this as well
if ( newMyself && (status == Attendee::Accepted || status == Attendee::Declined)
&& !delegator.isEmpty() ) {
if ( delegatorRSVP || status == Attendee::Declined )
ok = mail( incidence, callback, status, Scheduler::Reply, delegator );
} else if ( !myself && (status != Attendee::Declined) ) {
// forwarded invitation
Attendee* newMyself = 0;
TQString name;
TQString email;
KPIM::getNameAndMail( receiver, name, email );
if ( !email.isEmpty() ) {
newMyself = new Attendee( name,
true, // RSVP, otherwise we would not be here
heuristicalRole( incidence ),
TQString() );
incidence->addAttendee( newMyself );
ok = mail( incidence, callback, status, Scheduler::Reply );
} else {
if ( callback.deleteInvitationAfterReply() )
( new KMDeleteMsgCommand( callback.getMsg()->getMsgSerNum() ) )->start();
delete incidence;
// create invitation for the delegate (same as the original invitation
// with the delegate as additional attendee), we also use that for updating
// our calendar
if ( status == Attendee::Delegated ) {
incidence = icalToString( iCal );
myself = findMyself( incidence, receiver );
myself->setqStatus( status );
myself->setDelegate( delegateString );
TQString name, email;
KPIM::getNameAndMail( delegateString, name, email );
Attendee *delegate = new Attendee( name, email, true );
delegate->setDelegator( receiver );
incidence->addAttendee( delegate );
ICalFormat format;
format.setTimeZone( KPimPrefs::timezone(), false );
TQString iCal = format.createScheduleMessage( incidence, Scheduler::Request );
saveFile( receiver, iCal, dir );
ok = mail( incidence, callback, status, Scheduler::Request, delegateString, Delegation );
return ok;
void showCalendar( const TQDate &date ) const
ensureKorganizerRunning( true );
// raise korganizer part in kontact or the korganizer app
kapp->dcopClient()->send( "korganizer", "korganizer", "newInstance()", TQByteArray() );
TQByteArray arg;
TQDataStream s( arg, IO_WriteOnly );
s << TQString( "kontact_korganizerplugin" );
kapp->dcopClient()->send( "kontact", "KontactIface", "selectPlugin(TQString)", arg );
KCalendarIface_stub *iface = new KCalendarIface_stub( kapp->dcopClient(), "korganizer", "CalendarIface" );
iface->showDate( date );
delete iface;
bool handleIgnore( const TQString&, KMail::Callback& c ) const
// simply move the message to trash
( new KMDeleteMsgCommand( c.getMsg()->getMsgSerNum() ) )->start();
return true;
bool handleDeclineCounter( const TQString &iCal, KMail::Callback &callback ) const
const TQString receiver = callback.receiver();
if ( receiver.isEmpty() )
return true;
Incidence* incidence = icalToString( iCal );
if ( callback.askForComment( Attendee::Declined ) ) {
bool ok = false;
TQString comment = KInputDialog::getMultiLineText( i18n("Decline Counter Proposal"),
i18n("Comment:"), TQString(), &ok );
if ( !ok )
return true;
if ( !comment.isEmpty() ) {
if ( callback.outlookCompatibleInvitationReplyComments() ) {
incidence->setDescription( comment );
} else {
incidence->addComment( comment );
return mail( incidence, callback, Attendee::NeedsAction, Scheduler::Declinecounter,
callback.sender(), DeclineCounter );
bool counterProposal( const TQString &iCal, KMail::Callback &callback ) const
const TQString receiver = callback.receiver();
if ( receiver.isEmpty() )
return true;
saveFile( receiver, iCal, "counter" );
// Don't delete the invitation here in any case, if the counter proposal
// is declined you might need it again.
return true;
bool handleClick( KMail::Interface::BodyPart *part,
const TQString &path, KMail::Callback& c ) const
if ( !CalHelper::hasMyWritableEventsFolders( "calendar" ) ) {
i18n( "You have no writable calendar folders for invitations, "
"so storing or saving a response will not be possible.\n"
"Please create at least 1 writable events calendar and re-sync." ) );
return false;
// If the bodypart does not have a charset specified, we need to fall back to utf8,
// not the KMail fallback encoding, so get the contents as binary and decode explicitly.
TQString iCal;
if ( part->contentTypeParameter( "charset").isEmpty() ) {
const TQByteArray &ba = part->asBinary();
iCal = TQString::fromUtf8(ba);
} else {
iCal = part->asText();
Incidence *incidence = icalToString( iCal );
if ( !incidence ) {
i18n( "The calendar invitation stored in this email message is broken in some way. "
"Unable to continue." ) );
return false;
bool result = false;
if ( cancelPastInvites( incidence, path ) ) {
return result;
if ( path == "accept" )
result = handleInvitation( iCal, Attendee::Accepted, c );
if ( path == "accept_conditionally" )
result = handleInvitation( iCal, Attendee::Tentative, c );
if ( path == "counter" )
result = counterProposal( iCal, c );
if ( path == "ignore" )
result = handleIgnore( iCal, c );
if ( path == "decline" )
result = handleInvitation( iCal, Attendee::Declined, c );
if ( path == "decline_counter" ) {
result = handleDeclineCounter( iCal, c );
if ( path == "delegate" )
result = handleInvitation( iCal, Attendee::Delegated, c );
if ( path == "forward" ) {
AttendeeSelector dlg;
if ( dlg.exec() == TQDialog::Rejected )
return true;
TQString fwdTo = dlg.attendees().join( ", " );
if ( fwdTo.isEmpty() )
return true;
result = mail( incidence, c, Attendee::Delegated /*### right ?*/,
Scheduler::Request, fwdTo, Forward );
if ( path == "check_calendar" ) {
incidence = icalToString( iCal );
showCalendar( incidence->dtStart().date() );
if ( path == "reply" || path == "cancel" || path == "accept_counter" ) {
// These should just be saved with their type as the dir
const TQString p = (path == "accept_counter" ? TQString("reply") : path);
if ( saveFile( "Receiver Not Searched", iCal, p ) ) {
if ( c.deleteInvitationAfterReply() )
( new KMDeleteMsgCommand( c.getMsg()->getMsgSerNum() ) )->start();
result = true;
if ( path == "record" ) {
incidence = icalToString( iCal );
int response =
i18n( "The organizer is not expecting a reply to this invitation "
"but you can send them an email message if you desire.\n\n"
"Would you like to send the organizer a message regarding this invitation?\n"
"Press the [Cancel] button to cancel the recording operation." ),
i18n( "Send Email to Organizer" ),
KGuiItem( i18n( "Do Not Send" ) ),
KGuiItem( i18n( "Send EMail" ) ) );
TQString summary;
switch( response ) {
case KMessageBox::Cancel:
case KMessageBox::No: // means "send email"
summary = incidence->summary();
if ( !summary.isEmpty() ) {
summary = i18n( "Re: %1" ).tqarg( summary );
KApplication::kApplication()->invokeMailer( incidence->organizer().email(), summary );
//fall through
case KMessageBox::Yes: // means "do not send"
if ( saveFile( "Receiver Not Searched", iCal, TQString( "reply" ) ) ) {
if ( c.deleteInvitationAfterReply() ) {
( new KMDeleteMsgCommand( c.getMsg()->getMsgSerNum() ) )->start();
result = true;
showCalendar( incidence->dtStart().date() );
if ( path == "delete" ) {
( new KMDeleteMsgCommand( c.getMsg()->getMsgSerNum() ) )->start();
result = true;
if ( path.startsWith( "ATTACH:" ) ) {
TQString name = path;
name.remove( TQRegExp( "^ATTACH:" ) );
result = AttachmentHandler::view( 0, name, icalToMessage( iCal ) );
if ( result ) {
// do not close the secondary window if an attachment was opened (kolab/issue4317)
if ( !path.startsWith( "ATTACH:" ) ) {
return result;
bool handleContextMenuRequest( KMail::Interface::BodyPart *part,
const TQString &path,
const TQPoint &point ) const
TQString name = path;
if ( path.startsWith( "ATTACH:" ) ) {
name.remove( TQRegExp( "^ATTACH:" ) );
} else {
return false; //because it isn't an attachment inviation
TQString iCal;
if ( part->contentTypeParameter( "charset").isEmpty() ) {
const TQByteArray &ba = part->asBinary();
iCal = TQString::fromUtf8( ba );
} else {
iCal = part->asText();
KPopupMenu *menu = new KPopupMenu();
menu->insertItem( i18n( "Open Attachment" ), 0 );
menu->insertItem( i18n( "Save Attachment As..." ), 1 );
switch( menu->exec( point, 0 ) ) {
case 0: // open
AttachmentHandler::view( 0, name, icalToMessage( iCal ) );
case 1: // save as
AttachmentHandler::saveAs( 0, name, icalToMessage( iCal ) );
return true;
TQString statusBarMessage( KMail::Interface::BodyPart *,
const TQString &path ) const
if ( !path.isEmpty() ) {
if ( path == "accept" )
return i18n("Accept invitation");
if ( path == "accept_conditionally" )
return i18n( "Accept invitation conditionally" );
if ( path == "accept_counter" )
return i18n( "Accept counter proposal" );
if ( path == "counter" )
return i18n( "Create a counter proposal..." );
if ( path == "ignore" )
return i18n( "Throw mail away" );
if ( path == "decline" )
return i18n( "Decline invitation" );
if ( path == "decline_counter" )
return i18n( "Decline counter proposal" );
if ( path == "check_calendar" )
return i18n("Check my calendar..." );
if ( path == "reply" )
return i18n( "Record response into my calendar" );
if ( path == "record" )
return i18n( "Record invitation into my calendar" );
if ( path == "delete" )
return i18n( "Move this invitation to my trash folder" );
if ( path == "delegate" )
return i18n( "Delegate invitation" );
if ( path == "forward" )
return i18n( "Forward invitation" );
if ( path == "cancel" )
return i18n( "Remove invitation from my calendar" );
if ( path.startsWith( "ATTACH:" ) ) {
TQString name = path;
return i18n( "Open attachment \"%1\"" ).
arg( name.remove( TQRegExp( "^ATTACH:" ) ) );
return TQString();
class Plugin : public KMail::Interface::BodyPartFormatterPlugin
const KMail::Interface::BodyPartFormatter *bodyPartFormatter( int idx ) const
if ( idx == 0 || idx == 1 ) return new Formatter();
else return 0;
const char *type( int idx ) const
if ( idx == 0 || idx == 1 ) return "text";
else return 0;
const char *subtype( int idx ) const
if ( idx == 0 ) return "calendar";
if ( idx == 1 ) return "x-vcalendar";
else return 0;
const KMail::Interface::BodyPartURLHandler * urlHandler( int idx ) const
if ( idx == 0 ) return new UrlHandler();
else return 0;
extern "C"
KDE_EXPORT KMail::Interface::BodyPartFormatterPlugin *
KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalogue( "kmail_text_calendar_plugin" );
return new Plugin();