You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2009 lines
59 KiB

// kmfilteraction.cpp
// The process methods really should use an enum instead of an int
// -1 -> status unchanged, 0 -> success, 1 -> failure, 2-> critical failure
// (GoOn), (Ok), (ErrorButGoOn), (CriticalError)
#include <config.h>
#include "kmfilteraction.h"
#include "customtemplates.h"
#include "customtemplates_kfg.h"
#include "kmcommands.h"
#include "kmmsgpart.h"
#include "kmfiltermgr.h"
#include "kmfolderindex.h"
#include "kmfoldermgr.h"
#include "messagesender.h"
#include "kmmainwidget.h"
#include <libkpimidentities/identity.h>
#include <libkpimidentities/identitymanager.h>
#include <libkpimidentities/identitycombo.h>
#include <libtdepim/tdefileio.h>
#include <libtdepim/collectingprocess.h>
using KPIM::CollectingProcess;
#include <mimelib/message.h>
#include "kmfawidgets.h"
#include "folderrequester.h"
using KMail::FolderRequester;
#include "kmmsgbase.h"
#include "messageproperty.h"
#include "actionscheduler.h"
using KMail::MessageProperty;
using KMail::ActionScheduler;
#include "regexplineedit.h"
using KMail::RegExpLineEdit;
#include <kregexp3.h>
#include <tdetempfile.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tdeprocess.h>
#include <kaudioplayer.h>
#include <kurlrequester.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqtextcodec.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqstylesheet.h>
#include <tqtooltip.h>
#include <tqwhatsthis.h>
#include <assert.h>
// KMFilterAction
KMFilterAction::KMFilterAction( const char* aName, const TQString aLabel )
mName = aName;
mLabel = aLabel;
void KMFilterAction::processAsync(KMMessage* msg) const
ActionScheduler *handler = MessageProperty::filterHandler( msg );
ReturnCode result = process( msg );
if (handler)
handler->actionMessage( result );
bool KMFilterAction::requiresBody(KMMsgBase*) const
return true;
KMFilterAction* KMFilterAction::newAction()
return 0;
TQWidget* KMFilterAction::createParamWidget(TQWidget* parent) const
return new TQWidget(parent);
void KMFilterAction::applyParamWidgetValue(TQWidget*)
void KMFilterAction::setParamWidgetValue( TQWidget * ) const
void KMFilterAction::clearParamWidget( TQWidget * ) const
bool KMFilterAction::folderRemoved(KMFolder*, KMFolder*)
return false;
int KMFilterAction::tempOpenFolder(KMFolder* aFolder)
return kmkernel->filterMgr()->tempOpenFolder(aFolder);
void KMFilterAction::sendMDN( KMMessage * msg, KMime::MDN::DispositionType d,
const TQValueList<KMime::MDN::DispositionModifier> & m ) {
if ( !msg ) return;
/* createMDN requires Return-Path and Disposition-Notification-To
* if it is not set in the message we assume that the notification should go to the
* sender
const TQString returnPath = msg->headerField( "Return-Path" );
const TQString dispNoteTo = msg->headerField( "Disposition-Notification-To" );
if ( returnPath.isEmpty() )
msg->setHeaderField( "Return-Path", msg->from() );
if ( dispNoteTo.isEmpty() )
msg->setHeaderField( "Disposition-Notification-To", msg->from() );
KMMessage * mdn = msg->createMDN( KMime::MDN::AutomaticAction, d, false, m );
if ( mdn && !kmkernel->msgSender()->send( mdn, KMail::MessageSender::SendLater ) ) {
kdDebug(5006) << "KMFilterAction::sendMDN(): sending failed." << endl;
//delete mdn;
//restore orignial header
if ( returnPath.isEmpty() )
msg->removeHeaderField( "Return-Path" );
if ( dispNoteTo.isEmpty() )
msg->removeHeaderField( "Disposition-Notification-To" );
// KMFilterActionWithNone
KMFilterActionWithNone::KMFilterActionWithNone( const char* aName, const TQString aLabel )
: KMFilterAction( aName, aLabel )
const TQString KMFilterActionWithNone::displayString() const
return label();
// KMFilterActionWithUOID
KMFilterActionWithUOID::KMFilterActionWithUOID( const char* aName, const TQString aLabel )
: KMFilterAction( aName, aLabel ), mParameter( 0 )
void KMFilterActionWithUOID::argsFromString( const TQString argsStr )
mParameter = argsStr.stripWhiteSpace().toUInt();
const TQString KMFilterActionWithUOID::argsAsString() const
return TQString::number( mParameter );
const TQString KMFilterActionWithUOID::displayString() const
// FIXME after string freeze:
// return i18n("").arg( );
return label() + " \"" + TQStyleSheet::escape( argsAsString() ) + "\"";
// KMFilterActionWithString
KMFilterActionWithString::KMFilterActionWithString( const char* aName, const TQString aLabel )
: KMFilterAction( aName, aLabel )
TQWidget* KMFilterActionWithString::createParamWidget( TQWidget* parent ) const
TQLineEdit *le = new KLineEdit(parent);
le->setText( mParameter );
return le;
void KMFilterActionWithString::applyParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget )
mParameter = ((TQLineEdit*)paramWidget)->text();
void KMFilterActionWithString::setParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const
((TQLineEdit*)paramWidget)->setText( mParameter );
void KMFilterActionWithString::clearParamWidget( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const
void KMFilterActionWithString::argsFromString( const TQString argsStr )
mParameter = argsStr;
const TQString KMFilterActionWithString::argsAsString() const
return mParameter;
const TQString KMFilterActionWithString::displayString() const
// FIXME after string freeze:
// return i18n("").arg( );
return label() + " \"" + TQStyleSheet::escape( argsAsString() ) + "\"";
// class KMFilterActionWithStringList
KMFilterActionWithStringList::KMFilterActionWithStringList( const char* aName, const TQString aLabel )
: KMFilterActionWithString( aName, aLabel )
TQWidget* KMFilterActionWithStringList::createParamWidget( TQWidget* parent ) const
TQComboBox *cb = new TQComboBox( false, parent );
cb->insertStringList( mParameterList );
setParamWidgetValue( cb );
return cb;
void KMFilterActionWithStringList::applyParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget )
mParameter = ((TQComboBox*)paramWidget)->currentText();
void KMFilterActionWithStringList::setParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const
int idx = mParameterList.findIndex( mParameter );
((TQComboBox*)paramWidget)->setCurrentItem( idx >= 0 ? idx : 0 );
void KMFilterActionWithStringList::clearParamWidget( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const
void KMFilterActionWithStringList::argsFromString( const TQString argsStr )
int idx = mParameterList.findIndex( argsStr );
if ( idx < 0 ) {
mParameterList.append( argsStr );
idx = mParameterList.count() - 1;
mParameter = * idx );
// class KMFilterActionWithFolder
KMFilterActionWithFolder::KMFilterActionWithFolder( const char* aName, const TQString aLabel )
: KMFilterAction( aName, aLabel )
mFolder = 0;
TQWidget* KMFilterActionWithFolder::createParamWidget( TQWidget* parent ) const
FolderRequester *req = new FolderRequester( parent,
kmkernel->getKMMainWidget()->folderTree() );
setParamWidgetValue( req );
return req;
void KMFilterActionWithFolder::applyParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget )
mFolder = ((FolderRequester *)paramWidget)->folder();
mFolderName = ((FolderRequester *)paramWidget)->folderId();
void KMFilterActionWithFolder::setParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const
if ( mFolder )
((FolderRequester *)paramWidget)->setFolder( mFolder );
((FolderRequester *)paramWidget)->setFolder( mFolderName );
void KMFilterActionWithFolder::clearParamWidget( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const
((FolderRequester *)paramWidget)->setFolder( kmkernel->draftsFolder() );
void KMFilterActionWithFolder::argsFromString( const TQString argsStr )
mFolder = kmkernel->folderMgr()->findIdString( argsStr );
if (!mFolder)
mFolder = kmkernel->dimapFolderMgr()->findIdString( argsStr );
if (!mFolder)
mFolder = kmkernel->imapFolderMgr()->findIdString( argsStr );
if (mFolder)
mFolderName = mFolder->idString();
mFolderName = argsStr;
const TQString KMFilterActionWithFolder::argsAsString() const
TQString result;
if ( mFolder )
result = mFolder->idString();
result = mFolderName;
return result;
const TQString KMFilterActionWithFolder::displayString() const
TQString result;
if ( mFolder )
result = mFolder->prettyURL();
result = mFolderName;
return label() + " \"" + TQStyleSheet::escape( result ) + "\"";
bool KMFilterActionWithFolder::folderRemoved( KMFolder* aFolder, KMFolder* aNewFolder )
if ( aFolder == mFolder ) {
mFolder = aNewFolder;
if ( aNewFolder )
mFolderName = mFolder->idString();
return true;
} else
return false;
// class KMFilterActionWithAddress
KMFilterActionWithAddress::KMFilterActionWithAddress( const char* aName, const TQString aLabel )
: KMFilterActionWithString( aName, aLabel )
TQWidget* KMFilterActionWithAddress::createParamWidget( TQWidget* parent ) const
KMFilterActionWithAddressWidget *w = new KMFilterActionWithAddressWidget(parent);
w->setText( mParameter );
return w;
void KMFilterActionWithAddress::applyParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget )
mParameter = ((KMFilterActionWithAddressWidget*)paramWidget)->text();
void KMFilterActionWithAddress::setParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const
((KMFilterActionWithAddressWidget*)paramWidget)->setText( mParameter );
void KMFilterActionWithAddress::clearParamWidget( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const
// class KMFilterActionWithCommand
KMFilterActionWithCommand::KMFilterActionWithCommand( const char* aName, const TQString aLabel )
: KMFilterActionWithUrl( aName, aLabel )
TQWidget* KMFilterActionWithCommand::createParamWidget( TQWidget* parent ) const
return KMFilterActionWithUrl::createParamWidget( parent );
void KMFilterActionWithCommand::applyParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget )
KMFilterActionWithUrl::applyParamWidgetValue( paramWidget );
void KMFilterActionWithCommand::setParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const
KMFilterActionWithUrl::setParamWidgetValue( paramWidget );
void KMFilterActionWithCommand::clearParamWidget( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const
KMFilterActionWithUrl::clearParamWidget( paramWidget );
TQString KMFilterActionWithCommand::substituteCommandLineArgsFor( KMMessage *aMsg, TQPtrList<KTempFile> & aTempFileList ) const
TQString result = mParameter;
TQValueList<int> argList;
TQRegExp r( "%[0-9-]+" );
// search for '%n'
int start = -1;
while ( ( start = result, start + 1 ) ) > 0 ) {
int len = r.matchedLength();
// and save the encountered 'n' in a list.
bool OK = false;
int n = result.mid( start + 1, len - 1 ).toInt( &OK );
if ( OK )
argList.append( n );
// sort the list of n's
qHeapSort( argList );
// and use TQString::arg to substitute filenames for the %n's.
int lastSeen = -2;
TQString tempFileName;
for ( TQValueList<int>::Iterator it = argList.begin() ; it != argList.end() ; ++it ) {
// setup temp files with check for duplicate %n's
if ( (*it) != lastSeen ) {
KTempFile *tf = new KTempFile();
if ( tf->status() != 0 ) {
delete tf;
kdDebug(5006) << "KMFilterActionWithCommand: Could not create temp file!" << endl;
return TQString();
aTempFileList.append( tf );
tempFileName = tf->name();
if ((*it) == -1)
KPIM::kCStringToFile( aMsg->asString(), tempFileName, //###
false, false, false );
else if (aMsg->numBodyParts() == 0)
KPIM::kByteArrayToFile( aMsg->bodyDecodedBinary(), tempFileName,
false, false, false );
else {
KMMessagePart msgPart;
aMsg->bodyPart( (*it), &msgPart );
KPIM::kByteArrayToFile( msgPart.bodyDecodedBinary(), tempFileName,
false, false, false );
// TQString( "%0 and %1 and %1" ).arg( 0 ).arg( 1 )
// returns "0 and 1 and %1", so we must call .arg as
// many times as there are %n's, regardless of their multiplicity.
if ((*it) == -1) result.replace( "%-1", tempFileName );
else result = result.arg( tempFileName );
// And finally, replace the %{foo} with the content of the foo
// header field:
TQRegExp header_rx( "%\\{([a-z0-9-]+)\\}", false );
int idx = 0;
while ( ( idx = result, idx ) ) != -1 ) {
TQString replacement = TDEProcess::quote( aMsg->headerField( TQString(header_rx.cap(1)).latin1() ) );
result.replace( idx, header_rx.matchedLength(), replacement );
idx += replacement.length();
return result;
KMFilterAction::ReturnCode KMFilterActionWithCommand::genericProcess(KMMessage* aMsg, bool withOutput) const
Q_ASSERT( aMsg );
if ( mParameter.isEmpty() )
return ErrorButGoOn;
// TDEProcess doesn't support a TQProcess::launch() equivalent, so
// we must use a temp file :-(
KTempFile * inFile = new KTempFile;
TQPtrList<KTempFile> atmList;
atmList.append( inFile );
TQString commandLine = substituteCommandLineArgsFor( aMsg , atmList );
if ( commandLine.isEmpty() )
return ErrorButGoOn;
// The parentheses force the creation of a subshell
// in which the user-specified command is executed.
// This is to really catch all output of the command as well
// as to avoid clashes of our redirection with the ones
// the user may have specified. In the long run, we
// shouldn't be using tempfiles at all for this class, due
// to security aspects. (mmutz)
commandLine = "(" + commandLine + ") <" + inFile->name();
// write message to file
TQString tempFileName = inFile->name();
KPIM::kCStringToFile( aMsg->asString(), tempFileName, //###
false, false, false );
CollectingProcess shProc;
shProc << commandLine;
// run process:
if ( !shProc.start( TDEProcess::Block,
withOutput ? TDEProcess::Stdout
: TDEProcess::NoCommunication ) )
return ErrorButGoOn;
if ( !shProc.normalExit() || shProc.exitStatus() != 0 ) {
return ErrorButGoOn;
if ( withOutput ) {
// read altered message:
TQByteArray msgText = shProc.collectedStdout();
if ( !msgText.isEmpty() ) {
/* If the pipe through alters the message, it could very well
happen that it no longer has a X-UID header afterwards. That is
unfortunate, as we need to removed the original from the folder
using that, and look it up in the message. When the (new) message
is uploaded, the header is stripped anyhow. */
TQString uid = aMsg->headerField("X-UID");
aMsg->fromByteArray( msgText );
return ErrorButGoOn;
return GoOn;
// Specific Filter Actions
// KMFilterActionSendReceipt - send receipt
// Return delivery receipt.
class KMFilterActionSendReceipt : public KMFilterActionWithNone
virtual ReturnCode process(KMMessage* msg) const;
static KMFilterAction* newAction(void);
KMFilterAction* KMFilterActionSendReceipt::newAction(void)
return (new KMFilterActionSendReceipt);
: KMFilterActionWithNone( "confirm delivery", i18n("Confirm Delivery") )
KMFilterAction::ReturnCode KMFilterActionSendReceipt::process(KMMessage* msg) const
KMMessage *receipt = msg->createDeliveryReceipt();
if ( !receipt ) return ErrorButGoOn;
// Queue message. This is a) so that the user can check
// the receipt before sending and b) for speed reasons.
kmkernel->msgSender()->send( receipt, KMail::MessageSender::SendLater );
return GoOn;
// KMFilterActionSetTransport - set transport to...
// Specify mail transport (smtp server) to be used when replying to a message
class KMFilterActionTransport: public KMFilterActionWithString
virtual ReturnCode process(KMMessage* msg) const;
static KMFilterAction* newAction(void);
KMFilterAction* KMFilterActionTransport::newAction(void)
return (new KMFilterActionTransport);
: KMFilterActionWithString( "set transport", i18n("Set Transport To") )
KMFilterAction::ReturnCode KMFilterActionTransport::process(KMMessage* msg) const
if ( mParameter.isEmpty() )
return ErrorButGoOn;
msg->setHeaderField( "X-KMail-Transport", mParameter );
return GoOn;
// KMFilterActionReplyTo - set Reply-To to
// Set the Reply-to header in a message
class KMFilterActionReplyTo: public KMFilterActionWithString
virtual ReturnCode process(KMMessage* msg) const;
static KMFilterAction* newAction(void);
KMFilterAction* KMFilterActionReplyTo::newAction(void)
return (new KMFilterActionReplyTo);
: KMFilterActionWithString( "set Reply-To", i18n("Set Reply-To To") )
mParameter = "";
KMFilterAction::ReturnCode KMFilterActionReplyTo::process(KMMessage* msg) const
msg->setHeaderField( "Reply-To", mParameter );
return GoOn;
// KMFilterActionIdentity - set identity to
// Specify Identity to be used when replying to a message
class KMFilterActionIdentity: public KMFilterActionWithUOID
virtual ReturnCode process(KMMessage* msg) const;
static KMFilterAction* newAction();
TQWidget * createParamWidget( TQWidget * parent ) const;
void applyParamWidgetValue( TQWidget * parent );
void setParamWidgetValue( TQWidget * parent ) const;
void clearParamWidget( TQWidget * param ) const;
KMFilterAction* KMFilterActionIdentity::newAction()
return (new KMFilterActionIdentity);
: KMFilterActionWithUOID( "set identity", i18n("Set Identity To") )
mParameter = kmkernel->identityManager()->defaultIdentity().uoid();
KMFilterAction::ReturnCode KMFilterActionIdentity::process(KMMessage* msg) const
msg->setHeaderField( "X-KMail-Identity", TQString::number( mParameter ) );
return GoOn;
TQWidget * KMFilterActionIdentity::createParamWidget( TQWidget * parent ) const
KPIM::IdentityCombo * ic = new KPIM::IdentityCombo( kmkernel->identityManager(), parent );
ic->setCurrentIdentity( mParameter );
return ic;
void KMFilterActionIdentity::applyParamWidgetValue( TQWidget * paramWidget )
KPIM::IdentityCombo * ic = dynamic_cast<KPIM::IdentityCombo*>( paramWidget );
assert( ic );
mParameter = ic->currentIdentity();
void KMFilterActionIdentity::clearParamWidget( TQWidget * paramWidget ) const
KPIM::IdentityCombo * ic = dynamic_cast<KPIM::IdentityCombo*>( paramWidget );
assert( ic );
ic->setCurrentItem( 0 );
//ic->setCurrentIdentity( kmkernel->identityManager()->defaultIdentity() );
void KMFilterActionIdentity::setParamWidgetValue( TQWidget * paramWidget ) const
KPIM::IdentityCombo * ic = dynamic_cast<KPIM::IdentityCombo*>( paramWidget );
assert( ic );
ic->setCurrentIdentity( mParameter );
// KMFilterActionSeStatus - set status to
// Set the status of messages
class KMFilterActionSeStatus: public KMFilterActionWithStringList
virtual ReturnCode process(KMMessage* msg) const;
virtual bool requiresBody(KMMsgBase*) const;
static KMFilterAction* newAction();
virtual bool isEmpty() const { return false; }
virtual void argsFromString( const TQString argsStr );
virtual const TQString argsAsString() const;
virtual const TQString displayString() const;
static const KMMsgStatus stati[] =
static const int StatiCount = sizeof( stati ) / sizeof( KMMsgStatus );
KMFilterAction* KMFilterActionSeStatus::newAction()
return (new KMFilterActionSeStatus);
: KMFilterActionWithStringList( "set status", i18n("Mark As") )
// if you change this list, also update
// KMFilterActionSeStatus::stati above
mParameterList.append( "" );
mParameterList.append( i18n("msg status","Important") );
mParameterList.append( i18n("msg status","Read") );
mParameterList.append( i18n("msg status","Unread") );
mParameterList.append( i18n("msg status","Replied") );
mParameterList.append( i18n("msg status","Forwarded") );
mParameterList.append( i18n("msg status","Old") );
mParameterList.append( i18n("msg status","New") );
mParameterList.append( i18n("msg status","Watched") );
mParameterList.append( i18n("msg status","Ignored") );
mParameterList.append( i18n("msg status","Spam") );
mParameterList.append( i18n("msg status","Ham") );
mParameter = *;
KMFilterAction::ReturnCode KMFilterActionSeStatus::process(KMMessage* msg) const
int idx = mParameterList.findIndex( mParameter );
if ( idx < 1 ) return ErrorButGoOn;
KMMsgStatus status = stati[idx-1] ;
msg->setStatus( status );
return GoOn;
bool KMFilterActionSeStatus::requiresBody(KMMsgBase*) const
return false;
void KMFilterActionSeStatus::argsFromString( const TQString argsStr )
if ( argsStr.length() == 1 ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < StatiCount ; i++ )
if ( KMMsgBase::statusToStr(stati[i])[0] == argsStr[0] ) {
mParameter = *;
mParameter = *;
const TQString KMFilterActionSeStatus::argsAsString() const
int idx = mParameterList.findIndex( mParameter );
if ( idx < 1 ) return TQString();
KMMsgStatus status = stati[idx-1];
return KMMsgBase::statusToStr(status);
const TQString KMFilterActionSeStatus::displayString() const
// FIXME after string freeze:
// return i18n("").arg( );
return label() + " \"" + TQStyleSheet::escape( argsAsString() ) + "\"";
// KMFilterActionFakeDisposition - send fake MDN
// Sends a fake MDN or forces an ignore.
class KMFilterActionFakeDisposition: public KMFilterActionWithStringList
virtual ReturnCode process(KMMessage* msg) const;
static KMFilterAction* newAction() {
return (new KMFilterActionFakeDisposition);
virtual bool isEmpty() const { return false; }
virtual void argsFromString( const TQString argsStr );
virtual const TQString argsAsString() const;
virtual const TQString displayString() const;
// if you change this list, also update
// the count in argsFromString
static const KMime::MDN::DispositionType mdns[] =
static const int numMDNs = sizeof mdns / sizeof *mdns;
: KMFilterActionWithStringList( "fake mdn", i18n("Send Fake MDN") )
// if you change this list, also update
// mdns above
mParameterList.append( "" );
mParameterList.append( i18n("MDN type","Ignore") );
mParameterList.append( i18n("MDN type","Displayed") );
mParameterList.append( i18n("MDN type","Deleted") );
mParameterList.append( i18n("MDN type","Dispatched") );
mParameterList.append( i18n("MDN type","Processed") );
mParameterList.append( i18n("MDN type","Denied") );
mParameterList.append( i18n("MDN type","Failed") );
mParameter = *;
KMFilterAction::ReturnCode KMFilterActionFakeDisposition::process(KMMessage* msg) const
int idx = mParameterList.findIndex( mParameter );
if ( idx < 1 ) return ErrorButGoOn;
if ( idx == 1 ) // ignore
msg->setMDNSentState( KMMsgMDNIgnore );
else // send
sendMDN( msg, mdns[idx-2] ); // skip first two entries: "" and "ignore"
return GoOn;
void KMFilterActionFakeDisposition::argsFromString( const TQString argsStr )
if ( argsStr.length() == 1 ) {
if ( argsStr[0] == 'I' ) { // ignore
mParameter = *;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numMDNs ; i++ )
if ( char(mdns[i]) == argsStr[0] ) { // send
mParameter = *;
mParameter = *;
const TQString KMFilterActionFakeDisposition::argsAsString() const
int idx = mParameterList.findIndex( mParameter );
if ( idx < 1 ) return TQString();
return TQString( TQChar( idx < 2 ? 'I' : char(mdns[idx-2]) ) );
const TQString KMFilterActionFakeDisposition::displayString() const
// FIXME after string freeze:
// return i18n("").arg( );
return label() + " \"" + TQStyleSheet::escape( argsAsString() ) + "\"";
// KMFilterActionRemoveHeader - remove header
// Remove all instances of the given header field.
class KMFilterActionRemoveHeader: public KMFilterActionWithStringList
virtual ReturnCode process(KMMessage* msg) const;
virtual TQWidget* createParamWidget( TQWidget* parent ) const;
virtual void setParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const;
static KMFilterAction* newAction();
KMFilterAction* KMFilterActionRemoveHeader::newAction()
return (new KMFilterActionRemoveHeader);
: KMFilterActionWithStringList( "remove header", i18n("Remove Header") )
mParameterList << ""
<< "Reply-To"
<< "Delivered-To"
<< "X-TDE-PR-Message"
<< "X-TDE-PR-Package"
<< "X-TDE-PR-Keywords";
mParameter = *;
TQWidget* KMFilterActionRemoveHeader::createParamWidget( TQWidget* parent ) const
TQComboBox *cb = new TQComboBox( true/*editable*/, parent );
cb->setInsertionPolicy( TQComboBox::AtBottom );
setParamWidgetValue( cb );
return cb;
KMFilterAction::ReturnCode KMFilterActionRemoveHeader::process(KMMessage* msg) const
if ( mParameter.isEmpty() ) return ErrorButGoOn;
while ( !msg->headerField( mParameter.latin1() ).isEmpty() )
msg->removeHeaderField( mParameter.latin1() );
return GoOn;
void KMFilterActionRemoveHeader::setParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const
TQComboBox * cb = dynamic_cast<TQComboBox*>(paramWidget);
Q_ASSERT( cb );
int idx = mParameterList.findIndex( mParameter );
cb->insertStringList( mParameterList );
if ( idx < 0 ) {
cb->insertItem( mParameter );
cb->setCurrentItem( cb->count() - 1 );
} else {
cb->setCurrentItem( idx );
// KMFilterActionAddHeader - add header
// Add a header with the given value.
class KMFilterActionAddHeader: public KMFilterActionWithStringList
virtual ReturnCode process(KMMessage* msg) const;
virtual TQWidget* createParamWidget( TQWidget* parent ) const;
virtual void setParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const;
virtual void applyParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget );
virtual void clearParamWidget( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const;
virtual const TQString argsAsString() const;
virtual void argsFromString( const TQString argsStr );
virtual const TQString displayString() const;
static KMFilterAction* newAction()
return (new KMFilterActionAddHeader);
TQString mValue;
: KMFilterActionWithStringList( "add header", i18n("Add Header") )
mParameterList << ""
<< "Reply-To"
<< "Delivered-To"
<< "X-TDE-PR-Message"
<< "X-TDE-PR-Package"
<< "X-TDE-PR-Keywords";
mParameter = *;
KMFilterAction::ReturnCode KMFilterActionAddHeader::process(KMMessage* msg) const
if ( mParameter.isEmpty() ) return ErrorButGoOn;
msg->setHeaderField( mParameter.latin1(), mValue );
return GoOn;
TQWidget* KMFilterActionAddHeader::createParamWidget( TQWidget* parent ) const
TQWidget *w = new TQWidget( parent );
TQHBoxLayout *hbl = new TQHBoxLayout( w );
hbl->setSpacing( 4 );
TQComboBox *cb = new TQComboBox( true, w, "combo" );
cb->setInsertionPolicy( TQComboBox::AtBottom );
hbl->addWidget( cb, 0 /* stretch */ );
TQLabel *l = new TQLabel( i18n("With value:"), w );
l->setFixedWidth( l->sizeHint().width() );
hbl->addWidget( l, 0 );
TQLineEdit *le = new KLineEdit( w, "ledit" );
hbl->addWidget( le, 1 );
setParamWidgetValue( w );
return w;
void KMFilterActionAddHeader::setParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const
int idx = mParameterList.findIndex( mParameter );
TQComboBox *cb = (TQComboBox*)paramWidget->child("combo");
Q_ASSERT( cb );
cb->insertStringList( mParameterList );
if ( idx < 0 ) {
cb->insertItem( mParameter );
cb->setCurrentItem( cb->count() - 1 );
} else {
cb->setCurrentItem( idx );
TQLineEdit *le = (TQLineEdit*)paramWidget->child("ledit");
Q_ASSERT( le );
le->setText( mValue );
void KMFilterActionAddHeader::applyParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget )
TQComboBox *cb = (TQComboBox*)paramWidget->child("combo");
Q_ASSERT( cb );
mParameter = cb->currentText();
TQLineEdit *le = (TQLineEdit*)paramWidget->child("ledit");
Q_ASSERT( le );
mValue = le->text();
void KMFilterActionAddHeader::clearParamWidget( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const
TQComboBox *cb = (TQComboBox*)paramWidget->child("combo");
Q_ASSERT( cb );
TQLineEdit *le = (TQLineEdit*)paramWidget->child("ledit");
Q_ASSERT( le );
const TQString KMFilterActionAddHeader::argsAsString() const
TQString result = mParameter;
result += '\t';
result += mValue;
return result;
const TQString KMFilterActionAddHeader::displayString() const
// FIXME after string freeze:
// return i18n("").arg( );
return label() + " \"" + TQStyleSheet::escape( argsAsString() ) + "\"";
void KMFilterActionAddHeader::argsFromString( const TQString argsStr )
TQStringList l = TQStringList::split( '\t', argsStr, true /*allow empty entries*/ );
TQString s;
if ( l.count() < 2 ) {
s = l[0];
mValue = "";
} else {
s = l[0];
mValue = l[1];
int idx = mParameterList.findIndex( s );
if ( idx < 0 ) {
mParameterList.append( s );
idx = mParameterList.count() - 1;
mParameter = * idx );
// KMFilterActionRewriteHeader - rewrite header
// Rewrite a header using a regexp.
class KMFilterActionRewriteHeader: public KMFilterActionWithStringList
virtual ReturnCode process(KMMessage* msg) const;
virtual TQWidget* createParamWidget( TQWidget* parent ) const;
virtual void setParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const;
virtual void applyParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget );
virtual void clearParamWidget( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const;
virtual const TQString argsAsString() const;
virtual void argsFromString( const TQString argsStr );
virtual const TQString displayString() const;
static KMFilterAction* newAction()
return (new KMFilterActionRewriteHeader);
KRegExp3 mRegExp;
TQString mReplacementString;
: KMFilterActionWithStringList( "rewrite header", i18n("Rewrite Header") )
mParameterList << ""
<< "Subject"
<< "Reply-To"
<< "Delivered-To"
<< "X-TDE-PR-Message"
<< "X-TDE-PR-Package"
<< "X-TDE-PR-Keywords";
mParameter = *;
KMFilterAction::ReturnCode KMFilterActionRewriteHeader::process(KMMessage* msg) const
if ( mParameter.isEmpty() || !mRegExp.isValid() )
return ErrorButGoOn;
KRegExp3 rx = mRegExp; // KRegExp3::replace is not const.
TQString newValue = rx.replace( msg->headerField( mParameter.latin1() ),
mReplacementString );
msg->setHeaderField( mParameter.latin1(), newValue );
return GoOn;
TQWidget* KMFilterActionRewriteHeader::createParamWidget( TQWidget* parent ) const
TQWidget *w = new TQWidget( parent );
TQHBoxLayout *hbl = new TQHBoxLayout( w );
hbl->setSpacing( 4 );
TQComboBox *cb = new TQComboBox( true, w, "combo" );
cb->setInsertionPolicy( TQComboBox::AtBottom );
hbl->addWidget( cb, 0 /* stretch */ );
TQLabel *l = new TQLabel( i18n("Replace:"), w );
l->setFixedWidth( l->sizeHint().width() );
hbl->addWidget( l, 0 );
RegExpLineEdit *rele = new RegExpLineEdit( w, "search" );
hbl->addWidget( rele, 1 );
l = new TQLabel( i18n("With:"), w );
l->setFixedWidth( l->sizeHint().width() );
hbl->addWidget( l, 0 );
TQLineEdit *le = new KLineEdit( w, "replace" );
hbl->addWidget( le, 1 );
setParamWidgetValue( w );
return w;
void KMFilterActionRewriteHeader::setParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const
int idx = mParameterList.findIndex( mParameter );
TQComboBox *cb = (TQComboBox*)paramWidget->child("combo");
Q_ASSERT( cb );
cb->insertStringList( mParameterList );
if ( idx < 0 ) {
cb->insertItem( mParameter );
cb->setCurrentItem( cb->count() - 1 );
} else {
cb->setCurrentItem( idx );
RegExpLineEdit *rele = (RegExpLineEdit*)paramWidget->child("search");
Q_ASSERT( rele );
rele->setText( mRegExp.pattern() );
TQLineEdit *le = (TQLineEdit*)paramWidget->child("replace");
Q_ASSERT( le );
le->setText( mReplacementString );
void KMFilterActionRewriteHeader::applyParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget )
TQComboBox *cb = (TQComboBox*)paramWidget->child("combo");
Q_ASSERT( cb );
mParameter = cb->currentText();
RegExpLineEdit *rele = (RegExpLineEdit*)paramWidget->child("search");
Q_ASSERT( rele );
mRegExp.setPattern( rele->text() );
TQLineEdit *le = (TQLineEdit*)paramWidget->child("replace");
Q_ASSERT( le );
mReplacementString = le->text();
void KMFilterActionRewriteHeader::clearParamWidget( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const
TQComboBox *cb = (TQComboBox*)paramWidget->child("combo");
Q_ASSERT( cb );
RegExpLineEdit *rele = (RegExpLineEdit*)paramWidget->child("search");
Q_ASSERT( rele );
TQLineEdit *le = (TQLineEdit*)paramWidget->child("replace");
Q_ASSERT( le );
const TQString KMFilterActionRewriteHeader::argsAsString() const
TQString result = mParameter;
result += '\t';
result += mRegExp.pattern();
result += '\t';
result += mReplacementString;
return result;
const TQString KMFilterActionRewriteHeader::displayString() const
// FIXME after string freeze:
// return i18n("").arg( );
return label() + " \"" + TQStyleSheet::escape( argsAsString() ) + "\"";
void KMFilterActionRewriteHeader::argsFromString( const TQString argsStr )
TQStringList l = TQStringList::split( '\t', argsStr, true /*allow empty entries*/ );
TQString s;
s = l[0];
mRegExp.setPattern( l[1] );
mReplacementString = l[2];
int idx = mParameterList.findIndex( s );
if ( idx < 0 ) {
mParameterList.append( s );
idx = mParameterList.count() - 1;
mParameter = * idx );
// KMFilterActionMove - move into folder
// File message into another mail folder
class KMFilterActionMove: public KMFilterActionWithFolder
virtual ReturnCode process(KMMessage* msg) const;
virtual bool requiresBody(KMMsgBase*) const;
static KMFilterAction* newAction(void);
KMFilterAction* KMFilterActionMove::newAction(void)
return (new KMFilterActionMove);
: KMFilterActionWithFolder( "transfer", i18n("Move Into Folder") )
KMFilterAction::ReturnCode KMFilterActionMove::process(KMMessage* msg) const
if ( !mFolder )
return ErrorButGoOn;
ActionScheduler *handler = MessageProperty::filterHandler( msg );
if (handler) {
MessageProperty::setFilterFolder( msg, mFolder );
} else {
// The old filtering system does not support online imap targets.
// Skip online imap targets when using the old system.
KMFolder *check;
check = kmkernel->imapFolderMgr()->findIdString( argsAsString() );
if (mFolder && (check != mFolder)) {
MessageProperty::setFilterFolder( msg, mFolder );
return GoOn;
bool KMFilterActionMove::requiresBody(KMMsgBase*) const
return false; //iff mFolder->folderMgr == msgBase->parent()->folderMgr;
// KMFilterActionCopy - copy into folder
// Copy message into another mail folder
class KMFilterActionCopy: public KMFilterActionWithFolder
virtual ReturnCode process(KMMessage* msg) const;
virtual void processAsync(KMMessage* msg) const;
virtual bool requiresBody(KMMsgBase*) const;
static KMFilterAction* newAction(void);
KMFilterAction* KMFilterActionCopy::newAction(void)
return (new KMFilterActionCopy);
: KMFilterActionWithFolder( "copy", i18n("Copy Into Folder") )
KMFilterAction::ReturnCode KMFilterActionCopy::process(KMMessage* msg) const
// TODO opening and closing the folder is a trade off.
// Perhaps Copy is a seldomly used action for now,
// but I gonna look at improvements ASAP.
if ( !mFolder )
return ErrorButGoOn;
if ( mFolder && mFolder->open( "filtercopy" ) != 0 )
return ErrorButGoOn;
// copy the message 1:1
KMMessage* msgCopy = new KMMessage( new DwMessage( *msg->asDwMessage() ) );
int index;
int rc = mFolder->addMsg(msgCopy, &index);
if (rc == 0 && index != -1)
mFolder->unGetMsg( index );
return GoOn;
void KMFilterActionCopy::processAsync(KMMessage* msg) const
// FIXME remove the debug output
kdDebug(5006) << "##### KMFilterActionCopy::processAsync(KMMessage* msg)" << endl;
ActionScheduler *handler = MessageProperty::filterHandler( msg );
KMCommand *cmd = new KMCopyCommand( mFolder, msg );
TQObject::connect( cmd, TQ_SIGNAL( completed( KMCommand * ) ),
handler, TQ_SLOT( copyMessageFinished( KMCommand * ) ) );
bool KMFilterActionCopy::requiresBody(KMMsgBase*) const
return true;
// KMFilterActionForward - forward to
// Forward message to another user, with a defined template
class KMFilterActionForward: public KMFilterActionWithAddress
virtual ReturnCode process( KMMessage* msg ) const;
virtual TQWidget* createParamWidget( TQWidget* parent ) const;
virtual void applyParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget );
virtual void setParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const;
virtual void clearParamWidget( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const;
virtual void argsFromString( const TQString argsStr );
virtual const TQString argsAsString() const;
virtual const TQString displayString() const;
static KMFilterAction* newAction(void);
mutable TQString mTemplate;
KMFilterAction* KMFilterActionForward::newAction(void)
return (new KMFilterActionForward);
: KMFilterActionWithAddress( "forward", i18n("Forward To") )
KMFilterAction::ReturnCode KMFilterActionForward::process(KMMessage* aMsg) const
if ( mParameter.isEmpty() )
return ErrorButGoOn;
// avoid endless loops when this action is used in a filter
// which applies to sent messages
if ( KMMessage::addressIsInAddressList( mParameter, aMsg->to() ) ) {
kdWarning(5006) << "Attempt to forward to receipient of original message, ignoring." << endl;
return ErrorButGoOn;
KMMessage *fwdMsg = aMsg->createForward( mTemplate );
fwdMsg->setTo( fwdMsg->to() + ',' + mParameter );
if ( !kmkernel->msgSender()->send( fwdMsg, KMail::MessageSender::SendDefault ) ) {
kdWarning(5006) << "KMFilterAction: could not forward message (sending failed)" << endl;
return ErrorButGoOn; // error: couldn't send
sendMDN( aMsg, KMime::MDN::Dispatched );
// (the msgSender takes ownership of the message, so don't delete it here)
return GoOn;
TQWidget* KMFilterActionForward::createParamWidget( TQWidget* parent ) const
TQWidget *addressAndTemplate = new TQWidget( parent );
TQHBoxLayout *hBox = new TQHBoxLayout( addressAndTemplate );
TQWidget *addressEdit = KMFilterActionWithAddress::createParamWidget( addressAndTemplate );
addressEdit->setName( "addressEdit" );
hBox->addWidget( addressEdit );
KLineEdit *lineEdit = dynamic_cast<KLineEdit*>( addressEdit->child( "addressEdit" ) );
Q_ASSERT( lineEdit );
TQToolTip::add( lineEdit, i18n( "The addressee the message will be forwarded to" ) );
TQWhatsThis::add( lineEdit, i18n( "The filter will forward the message to the addressee entered here." ) );
TQComboBox *templateCombo = new TQComboBox( addressAndTemplate );
templateCombo->setName( "templateCombo" );
hBox->addWidget( templateCombo );
templateCombo->insertItem( i18n( "Default Template" ) );
TQStringList templateNames = GlobalSettingsBase::self()->customTemplates();
for ( TQStringList::const_iterator it = templateNames.begin(); it != templateNames.end();
it++ ) {
CTemplates templat( *it );
if ( templat.type() == CustomTemplates::TForward ||
templat.type() == CustomTemplates::TUniversal )
templateCombo->insertItem( *it );
templateCombo->setEnabled( templateCombo->count() > 1 );
TQToolTip::add( templateCombo, i18n( "The template used when forwarding" ) );
TQWhatsThis::add( templateCombo, i18n( "Set the forwarding template that will be used with this filter." ) );
return addressAndTemplate;
void KMFilterActionForward::applyParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget )
// Use findChildren<T> when porting to KDE 4
TQWidget *addressEdit = dynamic_cast<TQWidget*>( paramWidget->child( "addressEdit" ) );
Q_ASSERT( addressEdit );
KMFilterActionWithAddress::applyParamWidgetValue( addressEdit );
TQComboBox *templateCombo = dynamic_cast<TQComboBox*>( paramWidget->child( "templateCombo" ) );
Q_ASSERT( templateCombo );
if ( templateCombo->currentItem() == 0 ) {
// Default template, so don't use a custom one
mTemplate = TQString();
else {
mTemplate = templateCombo->currentText();
void KMFilterActionForward::setParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const
TQWidget *addressEdit = dynamic_cast<TQWidget*>( paramWidget->child( "addressEdit" ) );
Q_ASSERT( addressEdit );
KMFilterActionWithAddress::setParamWidgetValue( addressEdit );
TQComboBox *templateCombo = dynamic_cast<TQComboBox*>( paramWidget->child( "templateCombo" ) );
Q_ASSERT( templateCombo );
if ( mTemplate.isEmpty() ) {
templateCombo->setCurrentItem( 0 );
else {
// WTF: TQt3's combobox has no indexOf? Search it manually, then.
int templateIndex = -1;
for ( int i = 1; i < templateCombo->count(); i++ ) {
if ( templateCombo->text( i ) == mTemplate ) {
templateIndex = i;
if ( templateIndex != -1 ) {
templateCombo->setCurrentItem( templateIndex );
else {
mTemplate = TQString();
void KMFilterActionForward::clearParamWidget( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const
TQWidget *addressEdit = dynamic_cast<TQWidget*>( paramWidget->child( "addressEdit" ) );
Q_ASSERT( addressEdit );
KMFilterActionWithAddress::clearParamWidget( addressEdit );
TQComboBox *templateCombo = dynamic_cast<TQComboBox*>( paramWidget->child( "templateCombo" ) );
Q_ASSERT( templateCombo );
templateCombo->setCurrentItem( 0 );
// We simply place a "@$$@" between the two parameters. The template is the last
// parameter in the string, for compatibility reasons.
static const TQString forwardFilterArgsSeperator = "@$$@";
void KMFilterActionForward::argsFromString( const TQString argsStr )
int seperatorPos = argsStr.find( forwardFilterArgsSeperator );
if ( seperatorPos == - 1 ) {
// Old config, assume that the whole string is the addressee
KMFilterActionWithAddress::argsFromString( argsStr );
else {
TQString addressee = argsStr.left( seperatorPos );
mTemplate = argsStr.mid( seperatorPos + forwardFilterArgsSeperator.length() );
KMFilterActionWithAddress::argsFromString( addressee );
const TQString KMFilterActionForward::argsAsString() const
return KMFilterActionWithAddress::argsAsString() + forwardFilterArgsSeperator + mTemplate;
const TQString KMFilterActionForward::displayString() const
if ( mTemplate.isEmpty() )
return i18n( "Forward to %1 with default template " ).arg( mParameter );
return i18n( "Forward to %1 with template %2" ).arg( mParameter, mTemplate );
// KMFilterActionRedirect - redirect to
// Redirect message to another user
class KMFilterActionRedirect: public KMFilterActionWithAddress
virtual ReturnCode process(KMMessage* msg) const;
static KMFilterAction* newAction(void);
KMFilterAction* KMFilterActionRedirect::newAction(void)
return (new KMFilterActionRedirect);
: KMFilterActionWithAddress( "redirect", i18n("Redirect To") )
KMFilterAction::ReturnCode KMFilterActionRedirect::process(KMMessage* aMsg) const
KMMessage* msg;
if ( mParameter.isEmpty() )
return ErrorButGoOn;
msg = aMsg->createRedirect( mParameter );
sendMDN( aMsg, KMime::MDN::Dispatched );
if ( !kmkernel->msgSender()->send( msg, KMail::MessageSender::SendLater ) ) {
kdDebug(5006) << "KMFilterAction: could not redirect message (sending failed)" << endl;
return ErrorButGoOn; // error: couldn't send
return GoOn;
// KMFilterActionExec - execute command
// Execute a shell command
class KMFilterActionExec : public KMFilterActionWithCommand
virtual ReturnCode process(KMMessage* msg) const;
static KMFilterAction* newAction(void);
KMFilterAction* KMFilterActionExec::newAction(void)
return (new KMFilterActionExec());
: KMFilterActionWithCommand( "execute", i18n("Execute Command") )
KMFilterAction::ReturnCode KMFilterActionExec::process(KMMessage *aMsg) const
return KMFilterActionWithCommand::genericProcess( aMsg, false ); // ignore output
// KMFilterActionExtFilter - use external filter app
// External message filter: executes a shell command with message
// on stdin; altered message is expected on stdout.
#include <weaver.h>
class PipeJob : public KPIM::ThreadWeaver::Job
PipeJob(TQObject* parent = 0 , const char* name = 0, KMMessage* aMsg = 0, TQString cmd = 0, TQString tempFileName = 0 )
: Job (parent, name),
mMsg( aMsg )
~PipeJob() {}
virtual void processEvent( KPIM::ThreadWeaver::Event *ev )
KPIM::ThreadWeaver::Job::processEvent( ev );
if ( ev->action() == KPIM::ThreadWeaver::Event::JobFinished )
deleteLater( );
void run()
KPIM::ThreadWeaver::debug (1, "PipeJob::run: doing it .\n");
FILE *p;
TQByteArray ba;
// backup the serial number in case the header gets lost
TQString origSerNum = mMsg->headerField( "X-KMail-Filtered" );
p = popen(TQFile::encodeName(mCmd), "r");
int len =100;
char buffer[100];
// append data to ba:
while (true) {
if (! fgets( buffer, len, p ) ) break;
int oldsize = ba.size();
ba.resize( oldsize + strlen(buffer) );
tqmemmove( ba.begin() + oldsize, buffer, strlen(buffer) );
if ( !ba.isEmpty() ) {
KPIM::ThreadWeaver::debug (1, "PipeJob::run: %s", TQString(ba).latin1() );
KMFolder *filterFolder = mMsg->parent();
ActionScheduler *handler = MessageProperty::filterHandler( mMsg->getMsgSerNum() );
mMsg->fromByteArray( ba );
if ( !origSerNum.isEmpty() )
mMsg->setHeaderField( "X-KMail-Filtered", origSerNum );
if ( filterFolder && handler ) {
bool oldStatus = handler->ignoreChanges( true );
filterFolder->take( filterFolder->find( mMsg ) );
filterFolder->addMsg( mMsg );
handler->ignoreChanges( oldStatus );
} else {
kdDebug(5006) << "Warning: Cannot refresh the message from the external filter." << endl;
KPIM::ThreadWeaver::debug (1, "PipeJob::run: done.\n" );
// unlink the tempFile
TQString mTempFileName;
TQString mCmd;
KMMessage *mMsg;
class KMFilterActionExtFilter: public KMFilterActionWithCommand
virtual ReturnCode process(KMMessage* msg) const;
virtual void processAsync(KMMessage* msg) const;
static KMFilterAction* newAction(void);
KMFilterAction* KMFilterActionExtFilter::newAction(void)
return (new KMFilterActionExtFilter);
: KMFilterActionWithCommand( "filter app", i18n("Pipe Through") )
KMFilterAction::ReturnCode KMFilterActionExtFilter::process(KMMessage* aMsg) const
return KMFilterActionWithCommand::genericProcess( aMsg, true ); // use output
void KMFilterActionExtFilter::processAsync(KMMessage* aMsg) const
ActionScheduler *handler = MessageProperty::filterHandler( aMsg->getMsgSerNum() );
KTempFile * inFile = new KTempFile;
TQPtrList<KTempFile> atmList;
atmList.append( inFile );
TQString commandLine = substituteCommandLineArgsFor( aMsg , atmList );
if ( commandLine.isEmpty() )
handler->actionMessage( ErrorButGoOn );
// The parentheses force the creation of a subshell
// in which the user-specified command is executed.
// This is to really catch all output of the command as well
// as to avoid clashes of our redirection with the ones
// the user may have specified. In the long run, we
// shouldn't be using tempfiles at all for this class, due
// to security aspects. (mmutz)
commandLine = "(" + commandLine + ") <" + inFile->name();
// write message to file
TQString tempFileName = inFile->name();
KPIM::kCStringToFile( aMsg->asString(), tempFileName, //###
false, false, false );
PipeJob *job = new PipeJob(0, 0, aMsg, commandLine, tempFileName);
TQObject::connect ( job, TQ_SIGNAL( done() ), handler, TQ_SLOT( actionMessage() ) );
// KMFilterActionExecSound - execute command
// Execute a sound
class KMFilterActionExecSound : public KMFilterActionWithTest
virtual ReturnCode process(KMMessage* msg) const;
virtual bool requiresBody(KMMsgBase*) const;
static KMFilterAction* newAction(void);
KMFilterActionWithTest::KMFilterActionWithTest( const char* aName, const TQString aLabel )
: KMFilterAction( aName, aLabel )
TQWidget* KMFilterActionWithTest::createParamWidget( TQWidget* parent ) const
KMSoundTestWidget *le = new KMSoundTestWidget(parent);
le->setUrl( mParameter );
return le;
void KMFilterActionWithTest::applyParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget )
mParameter = ((KMSoundTestWidget*)paramWidget)->url();
void KMFilterActionWithTest::setParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const
((KMSoundTestWidget*)paramWidget)->setUrl( mParameter );
void KMFilterActionWithTest::clearParamWidget( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const
void KMFilterActionWithTest::argsFromString( const TQString argsStr )
mParameter = argsStr;
const TQString KMFilterActionWithTest::argsAsString() const
return mParameter;
const TQString KMFilterActionWithTest::displayString() const
// FIXME after string freeze:
// return i18n("").arg( );
return label() + " \"" + TQStyleSheet::escape( argsAsString() ) + "\"";
: KMFilterActionWithTest( "play sound", i18n("Play Sound") )
KMFilterAction* KMFilterActionExecSound::newAction(void)
return (new KMFilterActionExecSound());
KMFilterAction::ReturnCode KMFilterActionExecSound::process(KMMessage*) const
if ( mParameter.isEmpty() )
return ErrorButGoOn;
TQString play = mParameter;
TQString file = TQString::fromLatin1("file:");
if (mParameter.startsWith(file))
play = mParameter.mid(file.length());
return GoOn;
bool KMFilterActionExecSound::requiresBody(KMMsgBase*) const
return false;
KMFilterActionWithUrl::KMFilterActionWithUrl( const char* aName, const TQString aLabel )
: KMFilterAction( aName, aLabel )
TQWidget* KMFilterActionWithUrl::createParamWidget( TQWidget* parent ) const
KURLRequester *le = new KURLRequester(parent);
le->setURL( mParameter );
return le;
void KMFilterActionWithUrl::applyParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget )
mParameter = ((KURLRequester*)paramWidget)->url();
void KMFilterActionWithUrl::setParamWidgetValue( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const
((KURLRequester*)paramWidget)->setURL( mParameter );
void KMFilterActionWithUrl::clearParamWidget( TQWidget* paramWidget ) const
void KMFilterActionWithUrl::argsFromString( const TQString argsStr )
mParameter = argsStr;
const TQString KMFilterActionWithUrl::argsAsString() const
return mParameter;
const TQString KMFilterActionWithUrl::displayString() const
// FIXME after string freeze:
// return i18n("").arg( );
return label() + " \"" + TQStyleSheet::escape( argsAsString() ) + "\"";
// Filter Action Dictionary
void KMFilterActionDict::init(void)
insert( KMFilterActionMove::newAction );
insert( KMFilterActionCopy::newAction );
insert( KMFilterActionIdentity::newAction );
insert( KMFilterActionSeStatus::newAction );
insert( KMFilterActionFakeDisposition::newAction );
insert( KMFilterActionTransport::newAction );
insert( KMFilterActionReplyTo::newAction );
insert( KMFilterActionForward::newAction );
insert( KMFilterActionRedirect::newAction );
insert( KMFilterActionSendReceipt::newAction );
insert( KMFilterActionExec::newAction );
insert( KMFilterActionExtFilter::newAction );
insert( KMFilterActionRemoveHeader::newAction );
insert( KMFilterActionAddHeader::newAction );
insert( KMFilterActionRewriteHeader::newAction );
insert( KMFilterActionExecSound::newAction );
// Register custom filter actions below this line.
// The int in the TQDict constructor (41) must be a prime
// and should be greater than the double number of KMFilterAction types
: TQDict<KMFilterActionDesc>(41)
void KMFilterActionDict::insert( KMFilterActionNewFunc aNewFunc )
KMFilterAction *action = aNewFunc();
KMFilterActionDesc* desc = new KMFilterActionDesc;
desc->name = action->name();
desc->label = action->label();
desc->create = aNewFunc;
TQDict<KMFilterActionDesc>::insert( desc->name, desc );
TQDict<KMFilterActionDesc>::insert( desc->label, desc );
mList.append( desc );
delete action;