You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

38 lines
1.1 KiB

SUBDIRS = icons
pics_DATA = kmmsgdel.png kmmsgnew.png kmmsgunseen.png kmmsgread.png \
kmmsgreplied.png kmmsgforwarded.png kmmsgqueued.png kmmsgflag.png \
kmmsgsent.png kmmsgwatched.png kmmsgignored.png kmmsgtodo.png \
kmmsgread_fwd.png kmmsgread_replied.png kmmsgread_fwd_replied.png \
pgp-keys.png \
kmmsgpartiallyencrypted.png \
kmmsgpartiallysigned.png kmmsgfullyencrypted.png \
kmmsgfullysigned.png kmmsgundefinedencrypted.png \
kmmsgundefinedsigned.png \
kmmsgspam.png kmmsgham.png kmmsgattachment.png kmmsginvitation.png \
kmwizard.png \
quotecollapse.png quoteexpand.png \
enterprise_bottom_left.png \
enterprise_bottom.png \
enterprise_bottom_right.png \
enterprise_icon.png \
enterprise_left.png \
enterprise_right.png \
enterprise_s_left.png \
enterprise_sbar.png \
enterprise_s_right.png \
enterprise_sp_right.png \
enterprise_top_left.png \
enterprise_top.png \
enterprise_top_right.png \
enterprise_sw.png \
enterprise_w.png \
attachmentQuictdelistClosed.png \
picsdir = $(kde_datadir)/kmail/pics