/* This file is part of tdepim. Copyright (c) 2004 Reinhold Kainhofer > This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "bloggingcalendaradaptor.h" #include "API_Blogger.h" #include "kcal_resourceblogging.h" #include using namespace KCal; KBlog::APIBlog *ResourceBlogging::mAPI = 0; ResourceBlogging::ResourceBlogging() : ResourceGroupwareBase() { init(); } ResourceBlogging::ResourceBlogging( const KConfig *config ) : ResourceGroupwareBase( config ) { init(); if ( config ) { readConfig( config ); } else { setResourceName( i18n( "Blogs" ) ); } } void ResourceBlogging::init() { setType( "ResourceBlogging" ); setPrefs( createPrefs() ); setFolderLister( new KPIM::FolderLister( KPIM::FolderLister::Calendar ) ); BloggingCalendarAdaptor *ad = new BloggingCalendarAdaptor(); setAdaptor( ad ); ad->setAPI( new KBlog::APIBlogger( prefs()->url(), this ) ); ResourceGroupwareBase::init(); } void ResourceBlogging::readConfig( const KConfig *config ) { BloggingCalendarAdaptor *ad = dynamic_cast( adaptor() ); ResourceGroupwareBase::readConfig( config ); if ( ad && prefs() ) { ad->setUser( prefs()->user() ); ad->setPassword( prefs()->password() ); ad->setBaseURL( prefs()->url() ); } // TQString url = config->readEntry( "URL" ); // mUrl = KURL( url ); // mServerAPI = config->readNumEntry( "ServerAPI" ); // mTemplate.setCategoryTagOpen( config->readEntry( "CategoryTagOpen", "" ) ); // mTemplate.setCategoryTagClose( config->readEntry( "CategoryTagClose", "" ) ); // mTemplate.setTitleTagOpen( config->readEntry( "TitleTagOpen", "" ) ); // mTemplate.setTitleTagClose( config->readEntry( "TitleTagClose", "" ) ); } void ResourceBlogging::writeConfig( KConfig *config ) { kdDebug(5800) << "ResourceBlogging::writeConfig()" << endl; ResourceCalendar::writeConfig( config ); // config->writeEntry( "URL", mUrl.url() ); // config->writeEntry( "ServerAPI", mServerAPI ); // config->writeEntry( "CategoryTagOpen", mTemplate.categoryTagOpen() ); // config->writeEntry( "CategoryTagClose", mTemplate.categoryTagClose() ); // config->writeEntry( "TitleTagOpen", mTemplate.titleTagOpen() ); // config->writeEntry( "TitleTagClose", mTemplate.titleTagClose() ); ResourceGroupwareBase::writeConfig( config ); } #include "kcal_resourceblogging.moc"