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/* -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu" -*-
* User identity information
* Author: Stefan Taferner <>
* This code is under GPL
#ifndef kpim_identity_h
#define kpim_identity_h
#include <kleo/enum.h>
#include <kdepimmacros.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qcstring.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
class KProcess;
namespace KPIM {
class Identity;
class Signature;
class KConfigBase;
class IdentityList;
class QDataStream;
namespace KPIM {
* @short abstraction of a signature (aka "footer").
* @author Marc Mutz <>
class KDE_EXPORT Signature {
friend class Identity;
friend QDataStream & KPIM::operator<<( QDataStream & stream, const Signature & sig );
friend QDataStream & KPIM::operator>>( QDataStream & stream, Signature & sig );
/** Type of signature (ie. way to obtain the signature text) */
enum Type { Disabled = 0, Inlined = 1, FromFile = 2, FromCommand = 3 };
/** Used for comparison */
bool operator==( const Signature & other ) const;
/** Constructor for disabled signature */
/** Constructor for inline text */
Signature( const QString & text );
/** Constructor for text from a file or from output of a command */
Signature( const QString & url, bool isExecutable );
/** @return the raw signature text as entered resp. read from file. */
QString rawText( bool * ok=0 ) const;
/** @return the signature text with a "-- " separator added, if
necessary. */
QString withSeparator( bool * ok=0 ) const;
/** Set the signature text and mark this signature as being of
"inline text" type. */
void setText( const QString & text ) { mText = text; }
QString text() const { return mText; }
/** Set the signature URL and mark this signature as being of
"from file" resp. "from output of command" type. */
void setUrl( const QString & url, bool isExecutable=false );
QString url() const { return mUrl; }
/// @return the type of signature (ie. way to obtain the signature text)
Type type() const { return mType; }
void setType( Type type ) { mType = type; }
void writeConfig( KConfigBase * config ) const;
void readConfig( const KConfigBase * config );
QString textFromFile( bool * ok ) const;
QString textFromCommand( bool * ok ) const;
QString mUrl;
QString mText;
Type mType;
/** User identity information */
class KDE_EXPORT Identity
// only the identity manager should be able to construct and
// destruct us, but then we get into problems with using
// QValueList<Identity> and especially qHeapSort().
friend class IdentityManager;
friend QDataStream & operator<<( QDataStream & stream, const KPIM::Identity & ident );
friend QDataStream & operator>>( QDataStream & stream, KPIM::Identity & ident );
typedef QValueList<Identity> List;
/** used for comparison */
bool operator==( const Identity & other ) const;
bool operator!=( const Identity & other ) const {
return !operator==( other );
/** used for sorting */
bool operator<( const Identity & other ) const {
if ( isDefault() ) return true;
if ( other.isDefault() ) return false;
return identityName() < other.identityName();
bool operator>( const Identity & other ) const {
if ( isDefault() ) return false;
if ( other.isDefault() ) return true;
return identityName() > other.identityName();
bool operator<=( const Identity & other ) const {
return !operator>( other );
bool operator>=( const Identity & other ) const {
return !operator<( other );
/** Constructor */
explicit Identity( const QString & id=QString::null,
const QString & realName=QString::null,
const QString & emailAddr=QString::null,
const QString & organization=QString::null,
const QString & replyToAddress=QString::null );
/** Destructor */
/** Read configuration from config. Group must be preset (or use
KConfigGroup). Called from IdentityManager. */
void readConfig( const KConfigBase * );
/** Write configuration to config. Group must be preset (or use
KConfigGroup). Called from IdentityManager. */
void writeConfig( KConfigBase * ) const;
/** Tests if there are enough values set to allow mailing */
bool mailingAllowed() const;
/** Identity/nickname for this collection */
QString identityName() const { return mIdentity; }
void setIdentityName( const QString & name );
/** @return whether this identity is the default identity */
bool isDefault() const { return mIsDefault; }
/// Unique Object Identifier for this identity
uint uoid() const { return mUoid; }
/** Set whether this identity is the default identity. Since this
affects all other identites, too (most notably, the old default
identity), only the IdentityManager can change this.
You should use
kmkernel->identityManager()->setAsDefault( name_of_default )
void setIsDefault( bool flag );
void setUoid( uint aUoid ) { mUoid = aUoid; }
/** Full name of the user */
QString fullName() const { return mFullName; }
void setFullName(const QString&);
/** The user's organization (optional) */
QString organization() const { return mOrganization; }
void setOrganization(const QString&);
KDE_DEPRECATED QCString pgpIdentity() const { return pgpEncryptionKey(); }
KDE_DEPRECATED void setPgpIdentity( const QCString & key ) {
setPGPEncryptionKey( key );
setPGPSigningKey( key );
/** The user's OpenPGP encryption key */
QCString pgpEncryptionKey() const { return mPGPEncryptionKey; }
void setPGPEncryptionKey( const QCString & key );
/** The user's OpenPGP signing key */
QCString pgpSigningKey() const { return mPGPSigningKey; }
void setPGPSigningKey( const QCString & key );
/** The user's S/MIME encryption key */
QCString smimeEncryptionKey() const { return mSMIMEEncryptionKey; }
void setSMIMEEncryptionKey( const QCString & key );
/** The user's S/MIME signing key */
QCString smimeSigningKey() const { return mSMIMESigningKey; }
void setSMIMESigningKey( const QCString & key );
Kleo::CryptoMessageFormat preferredCryptoMessageFormat() const { return mPreferredCryptoMessageFormat; }
void setPreferredCryptoMessageFormat( Kleo::CryptoMessageFormat format ) { mPreferredCryptoMessageFormat = format; }
/** email address (without the user name - only name\@host) */
QString emailAddr() const { return mEmailAddr; }
void setEmailAddr(const QString&);
/** vCard to attach to outgoing emails */
QString vCardFile() const { return mVCardFile; }
void setVCardFile(const QString&);
/** email address in the format "username <name@host>" suitable
for the "From:" field of email messages. */
QString fullEmailAddr() const;
/** email address for the ReplyTo: field */
QString replyToAddr() const { return mReplyToAddr; }
void setReplyToAddr(const QString&);
/** email addresses for the BCC: field */
QString bcc() const { return mBcc; }
void setBcc(const QString& aBcc) { mBcc = aBcc; }
void setSignature( const Signature & sig ) { mSignature = sig; }
Signature & signature() /* _not_ const! */ { return mSignature; }
const Signature & signature() const { return mSignature; }
/** @return true if the signature is read from the output of a command */
bool signatureIsCommand() const { return mSignature.type() == Signature::FromCommand; }
/** @return true if the signature is read from a text file */
bool signatureIsPlainFile() const { return mSignature.type() == Signature::FromFile; }
/** @return true if the signature was specified directly */
bool signatureIsInline() const { return mSignature.type() == Signature::Inlined; }
/** name of the signature file (with path) */
QString signatureFile() const { return mSignature.url(); }
void setSignatureFile(const QString&);
/** inline signature */
QString signatureInlineText() const { return mSignature.text();}
void setSignatureInlineText(const QString&);
/** Inline or signature from a file */
bool useSignatureFile() const { return signatureIsPlainFile() || signatureIsCommand(); }
/** Returns the signature. This method also takes care of special
signature files that are shell scripts and handles them
correct. So use this method to rectreive the contents of the
signature file. If @p prompt is false, no errors will be displayed
(useful for retries). */
QString signatureText( bool * ok=0) const;
/** The transport that is set for this identity. Used to link a
transport with an identity. */
QString transport() const { return mTransport; }
void setTransport(const QString&);
/** The folder where sent messages from this identity will be
stored by default. */
QString fcc() const { return mFcc; }
void setFcc(const QString&);
/** The folder where draft messages from this identity will be
stored by default. */
QString drafts() const { return mDrafts; }
void setDrafts(const QString&);
/** The folder where template messages from this identity will be
stored by default. */
QString templates() const { return mTemplates; }
void setTemplates( const QString& );
/** dictionary which should be used for spell checking */
QString dictionary() const { return mDictionary; }
void setDictionary( const QString& );
/** a X-Face header for this identity */
QString xface() const { return mXFace; }
void setXFace( const QString& );
bool isXFaceEnabled() const { return mXFaceEnabled; }
void setXFaceEnabled( const bool );
static const Identity& null();
bool isNull() const;
// if you add new members, make sure they have an operator= (or the
// compiler can synthesize one) and amend Identity::operator==,
// isNull(), readConfig() and writeConfig() as well as operator<<
// and operator>> accordingly:
uint mUoid;
QString mIdentity, mFullName, mEmailAddr, mOrganization;
QString mReplyToAddr;
QString mBcc;
QString mVCardFile;
QCString mPGPEncryptionKey, mPGPSigningKey, mSMIMEEncryptionKey, mSMIMESigningKey;
QString mFcc, mDrafts, mTemplates, mTransport;
QString mDictionary;
QString mXFace;
bool mXFaceEnabled;
Signature mSignature;
bool mIsDefault;
Kleo::CryptoMessageFormat mPreferredCryptoMessageFormat;
KDE_EXPORT QDataStream & operator<<( QDataStream & stream, const KPIM::Signature & sig );
KDE_EXPORT QDataStream & operator>>( QDataStream & stream, KPIM::Signature & sig );
KDE_EXPORT QDataStream & operator<<( QDataStream & stream, const KPIM::Identity & ident );
KDE_EXPORT QDataStream & operator>>( QDataStream & stream, KPIM::Identity & ident );
} // namespace KPIM
#endif /*kpim_identity_h*/