* editdlg . cpp - dialogue to create or modify an alarm or alarm template
* Program : kalarm
* Copyright © 2001 - 2008 by David Jarvie < djarvie @ kde . org >
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software Foundation , Inc . ,
* 51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor , Boston , MA 02110 - 1301 , USA .
# include "kalarm.h"
# include <limits.h>
# include <tqlayout.h>
# include <tqpopupmenu.h>
# include <tqvbox.h>
# include <tqgroupbox.h>
# include <tqwidgetstack.h>
# include <tqdragobject.h>
# include <tqlabel.h>
# include <tqmessagebox.h>
# include <tqtabwidget.h>
# include <tqvalidator.h>
# include <tqwhatsthis.h>
# include <tqtooltip.h>
# include <tqdir.h>
# include <tqstyle.h>
# include <tdeglobal.h>
# include <tdelocale.h>
# include <tdeconfig.h>
# include <tdefiledialog.h>
# include <kiconloader.h>
# include <tdeio/netaccess.h>
# include <tdefileitem.h>
# include <tdemessagebox.h>
# include <kurldrag.h>
# include <kurlcompletion.h>
# include <twin.h>
# include <twinmodule.h>
# include <kstandarddirs.h>
# include <kstdguiitem.h>
# include <tdeabc/addresseedialog.h>
# include <kdebug.h>
# include <libtdepim/maillistdrag.h>
# include <libtdepim/kvcarddrag.h>
# include <libkcal/icaldrag.h>
# include "alarmcalendar.h"
# include "alarmtimewidget.h"
# include "checkbox.h"
# include "colourcombo.h"
# include "deferdlg.h"
# include "emailidcombo.h"
# include "fontcolourbutton.h"
# include "functions.h"
# include "kalarmapp.h"
# include "kamail.h"
# include "latecancel.h"
# include "lineedit.h"
# include "mainwindow.h"
# include "pickfileradio.h"
# include "preferences.h"
# include "radiobutton.h"
# include "recurrenceedit.h"
# include "reminder.h"
# include "shellprocess.h"
# include "soundpicker.h"
# include "specialactions.h"
# include "spinbox.h"
# include "templatepickdlg.h"
# include "timeedit.h"
# include "timespinbox.h"
# include "editdlg.moc"
# include "editdlgprivate.moc"
using namespace KCal ;
static const char EDIT_DIALOG_NAME [ ] = " EditDialog " ;
static const int maxDelayTime = 99 * 60 + 59 ; // < 100 hours
= Class PickAlarmFileRadio
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = */
class PickAlarmFileRadio : public PickFileRadio
public :
PickAlarmFileRadio ( const TQString & text , TQButtonGroup * parent , const char * name = 0 )
: PickFileRadio ( text , parent , name ) { }
virtual TQString pickFile ( ) // called when browse button is pressed to select a file to display
return KAlarm : : browseFile ( i18n ( " Choose Text or Image File to Display " ) , mDefaultDir , fileEdit ( ) - > text ( ) ,
TQString ( ) , KFile : : ExistingOnly , parentWidget ( ) , " pickAlarmFile " ) ;
private :
TQString mDefaultDir ; // default directory for file browse button
} ;
= Class PickLogFileRadio
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = */
class PickLogFileRadio : public PickFileRadio
public :
PickLogFileRadio ( TQPushButton * b , LineEdit * e , const TQString & text , TQButtonGroup * parent , const char * name = 0 )
: PickFileRadio ( b , e , text , parent , name ) { }
virtual TQString pickFile ( ) // called when browse button is pressed to select a log file
return KAlarm : : browseFile ( i18n ( " Choose Log File " ) , mDefaultDir , fileEdit ( ) - > text ( ) , TQString ( ) ,
KFile : : LocalOnly , parentWidget ( ) , " pickLogFile " ) ;
private :
TQString mDefaultDir ; // default directory for log file browse button
} ;
inline TQString recurText ( const KAEvent & event )
TQString r ;
if ( event . repeatCount ( ) )
r = TQString : : fromLatin1 ( " %1 / %2 " ) . arg ( event . recurrenceText ( ) ) . arg ( event . repetitionText ( ) ) ;
r = event . recurrenceText ( ) ;
return i18n ( " &Recurrence - [%1] " ) . arg ( r ) ;
// Collect these widget labels together to ensure consistent wording and
// translations across different modules.
TQString EditAlarmDlg : : i18n_ConfirmAck ( ) { return i18n ( " Confirm acknowledgment " ) ; }
TQString EditAlarmDlg : : i18n_k_ConfirmAck ( ) { return i18n ( " Confirm ac&knowledgment " ) ; }
TQString EditAlarmDlg : : i18n_SpecialActions ( ) { return i18n ( " Special Actions... " ) ; }
TQString EditAlarmDlg : : i18n_ShowInKOrganizer ( ) { return i18n ( " Show in KOrganizer " ) ; }
TQString EditAlarmDlg : : i18n_g_ShowInKOrganizer ( ) { return i18n ( " Show in KOr&ganizer " ) ; }
TQString EditAlarmDlg : : i18n_EnterScript ( ) { return i18n ( " Enter a script " ) ; }
TQString EditAlarmDlg : : i18n_p_EnterScript ( ) { return i18n ( " Enter a scri&pt " ) ; }
TQString EditAlarmDlg : : i18n_ExecInTermWindow ( ) { return i18n ( " Execute in terminal window " ) ; }
TQString EditAlarmDlg : : i18n_w_ExecInTermWindow ( ) { return i18n ( " Execute in terminal &window " ) ; }
TQString EditAlarmDlg : : i18n_u_ExecInTermWindow ( ) { return i18n ( " Exec&ute in terminal window " ) ; }
TQString EditAlarmDlg : : i18n_g_LogToFile ( ) { return i18n ( " Lo&g to file " ) ; }
TQString EditAlarmDlg : : i18n_CopyEmailToSelf ( ) { return i18n ( " Copy email to self " ) ; }
TQString EditAlarmDlg : : i18n_e_CopyEmailToSelf ( ) { return i18n ( " Copy &email to self " ) ; }
TQString EditAlarmDlg : : i18n_s_CopyEmailToSelf ( ) { return i18n ( " Copy email to &self " ) ; }
TQString EditAlarmDlg : : i18n_EmailFrom ( ) { return i18n ( " 'From' email address " , " From: " ) ; }
TQString EditAlarmDlg : : i18n_f_EmailFrom ( ) { return i18n ( " 'From' email address " , " &From: " ) ; }
TQString EditAlarmDlg : : i18n_EmailTo ( ) { return i18n ( " Email addressee " , " To: " ) ; }
TQString EditAlarmDlg : : i18n_EmailSubject ( ) { return i18n ( " Email subject " , " Subject: " ) ; }
TQString EditAlarmDlg : : i18n_j_EmailSubject ( ) { return i18n ( " Email subject " , " Sub&ject: " ) ; }
* Constructor .
* Parameters :
* Template = true to edit / create an alarm template
* = false to edit / create an alarm .
* event ! = to initialise the dialogue to show the specified event ' s data .
EditAlarmDlg : : EditAlarmDlg ( bool Template , const TQString & caption , TQWidget * parent , const char * name ,
const KAEvent * event , bool readOnly )
: KDialogBase ( parent , ( name ? name : Template ? " TemplEditDlg " : " EditDlg " ) , true , caption ,
( readOnly ? Cancel | Try : Template ? Ok | Cancel | Try : Ok | Cancel | Try | Default ) ,
( readOnly ? Cancel : Ok ) ) ,
mMainPageShown ( false ) ,
mRecurPageShown ( false ) ,
mRecurSetDefaultEndDate ( true ) ,
mTemplateName ( 0 ) ,
mSpecialActionsButton ( 0 ) ,
mReminderDeferral ( false ) ,
mReminderArchived ( false ) ,
mEmailRemoveButton ( 0 ) ,
mDeferGroup ( 0 ) ,
mTimeWidget ( 0 ) ,
mShowInKorganizer ( 0 ) ,
mDeferGroupHeight ( 0 ) ,
mTemplate ( Template ) ,
mDesiredReadOnly ( readOnly ) ,
mReadOnly ( readOnly ) ,
mSavedEvent ( 0 )
setButtonText ( Default , i18n ( " Load Template... " ) ) ;
TQVBox * mainWidget = new TQVBox ( this ) ;
mainWidget - > setSpacing ( spacingHint ( ) ) ;
setMainWidget ( mainWidget ) ;
if ( mTemplate )
TQHBox * box = new TQHBox ( mainWidget ) ;
box - > setSpacing ( spacingHint ( ) ) ;
TQLabel * label = new TQLabel ( i18n ( " Template name: " ) , box ) ;
label - > setFixedSize ( label - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
mTemplateName = new TQLineEdit ( box ) ;
mTemplateName - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
label - > setBuddy ( mTemplateName ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( box , i18n ( " Enter the name of the alarm template " ) ) ;
box - > setFixedHeight ( box - > sizeHint ( ) . height ( ) ) ;
mTabs = new TQTabWidget ( mainWidget ) ;
mTabs - > setMargin ( marginHint ( ) ) ;
TQVBox * mainPageBox = new TQVBox ( mTabs ) ;
mainPageBox - > setSpacing ( spacingHint ( ) ) ;
mTabs - > addTab ( mainPageBox , i18n ( " &Alarm " ) ) ;
mMainPageIndex = 0 ;
PageFrame * mainPage = new PageFrame ( mainPageBox ) ;
connect ( mainPage , TQT_SIGNAL ( shown ( ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( slotShowMainPage ( ) ) ) ;
TQVBoxLayout * topLayout = new TQVBoxLayout ( mainPage , 0 , spacingHint ( ) ) ;
// Recurrence tab
TQVBox * recurTab = new TQVBox ( mTabs ) ;
mainPageBox - > setSpacing ( spacingHint ( ) ) ;
mTabs - > addTab ( recurTab , TQString ( ) ) ;
mRecurPageIndex = 1 ;
mRecurrenceEdit = new RecurrenceEdit ( readOnly , recurTab , " recurPage " ) ;
connect ( mRecurrenceEdit , TQT_SIGNAL ( shown ( ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( slotShowRecurrenceEdit ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( mRecurrenceEdit , TQT_SIGNAL ( typeChanged ( int ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( slotRecurTypeChange ( int ) ) ) ;
connect ( mRecurrenceEdit , TQT_SIGNAL ( frequencyChanged ( ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( slotRecurFrequencyChange ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( mRecurrenceEdit , TQT_SIGNAL ( repeatNeedsInitialisation ( ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( slotSetSubRepetition ( ) ) ) ;
// Alarm action
mActionGroup = new ButtonGroup ( i18n ( " Action " ) , mainPage , " actionGroup " ) ;
connect ( mActionGroup , TQT_SIGNAL ( buttonSet ( int ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( slotAlarmTypeChanged ( int ) ) ) ;
topLayout - > addWidget ( mActionGroup , 1 ) ;
TQBoxLayout * layout = new TQVBoxLayout ( mActionGroup , marginHint ( ) , spacingHint ( ) ) ;
layout - > addSpacing ( fontMetrics ( ) . lineSpacing ( ) / 2 ) ;
TQGridLayout * grid = new TQGridLayout ( layout , 1 , 5 ) ;
// Message radio button
mMessageRadio = new RadioButton ( i18n ( " Te&xt " ) , mActionGroup , " messageButton " ) ;
mMessageRadio - > setFixedSize ( mMessageRadio - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mMessageRadio ,
i18n ( " If checked, the alarm will display a text message. " ) ) ;
grid - > addWidget ( mMessageRadio , 1 , 0 ) ;
grid - > setColStretch ( 1 , 1 ) ;
// File radio button
mFileRadio = new PickAlarmFileRadio ( i18n ( " &File " ) , mActionGroup , " fileButton " ) ;
mFileRadio - > setFixedSize ( mFileRadio - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mFileRadio ,
i18n ( " If checked, the alarm will display the contents of a text or image file. " ) ) ;
grid - > addWidget ( mFileRadio , 1 , 2 ) ;
grid - > setColStretch ( 3 , 1 ) ;
// Command radio button
mCommandRadio = new RadioButton ( i18n ( " Co&mmand " ) , mActionGroup , " cmdButton " ) ;
mCommandRadio - > setFixedSize ( mCommandRadio - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mCommandRadio ,
i18n ( " If checked, the alarm will execute a shell command. " ) ) ;
grid - > addWidget ( mCommandRadio , 1 , 4 ) ;
grid - > setColStretch ( 5 , 1 ) ;
// Email radio button
mEmailRadio = new RadioButton ( i18n ( " &Email " ) , mActionGroup , " emailButton " ) ;
mEmailRadio - > setFixedSize ( mEmailRadio - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mEmailRadio ,
i18n ( " If checked, the alarm will send an email. " ) ) ;
grid - > addWidget ( mEmailRadio , 1 , 6 ) ;
initDisplayAlarms ( mActionGroup ) ;
layout - > addWidget ( mDisplayAlarmsFrame ) ;
initCommand ( mActionGroup ) ;
layout - > addWidget ( mCommandFrame ) ;
initEmail ( mActionGroup ) ;
layout - > addWidget ( mEmailFrame ) ;
// Deferred date/time: visible only for a deferred recurring event.
mDeferGroup = new TQGroupBox ( 1 , TQt : : Vertical , i18n ( " Deferred Alarm " ) , mainPage , " deferGroup " ) ;
topLayout - > addWidget ( mDeferGroup ) ;
TQLabel * label = new TQLabel ( i18n ( " Deferred to: " ) , mDeferGroup ) ;
label - > setFixedSize ( label - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
mDeferTimeLabel = new TQLabel ( mDeferGroup ) ;
mDeferChangeButton = new TQPushButton ( i18n ( " C&hange... " ) , mDeferGroup ) ;
mDeferChangeButton - > setFixedSize ( mDeferChangeButton - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
connect ( mDeferChangeButton , TQT_SIGNAL ( clicked ( ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( slotEditDeferral ( ) ) ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mDeferChangeButton , i18n ( " Change the alarm's deferred time, or cancel the deferral " ) ) ;
mDeferGroup - > addSpace ( 0 ) ;
layout = new TQHBoxLayout ( topLayout ) ;
// Date and time entry
if ( mTemplate )
mTemplateTimeGroup = new ButtonGroup ( i18n ( " Time " ) , mainPage , " templateGroup " ) ;
connect ( mTemplateTimeGroup , TQT_SIGNAL ( buttonSet ( int ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( slotTemplateTimeType ( int ) ) ) ;
layout - > addWidget ( mTemplateTimeGroup ) ;
grid = new TQGridLayout ( mTemplateTimeGroup , 2 , 2 , marginHint ( ) , spacingHint ( ) ) ;
grid - > addRowSpacing ( 0 , fontMetrics ( ) . lineSpacing ( ) / 2 ) ;
// Get alignment to use in TQGridLayout (AlignAuto doesn't work correctly there)
int alignment = TQApplication : : reverseLayout ( ) ? TQt : : AlignRight : TQt : : AlignLeft ;
mTemplateDefaultTime = new RadioButton ( i18n ( " &Default time " ) , mTemplateTimeGroup , " templateDefTimeButton " ) ;
mTemplateDefaultTime - > setFixedSize ( mTemplateDefaultTime - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
mTemplateDefaultTime - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mTemplateDefaultTime ,
i18n ( " Do not specify a start time for alarms based on this template. "
" The normal default start time will be used. " ) ) ;
grid - > addWidget ( mTemplateDefaultTime , 0 , 0 , alignment ) ;
TQHBox * box = new TQHBox ( mTemplateTimeGroup ) ;
box - > setSpacing ( spacingHint ( ) ) ;
mTemplateUseTime = new RadioButton ( i18n ( " Time: " ) , box , " templateTimeButton " ) ;
mTemplateUseTime - > setFixedSize ( mTemplateUseTime - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
mTemplateUseTime - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mTemplateUseTime ,
i18n ( " Specify a start time for alarms based on this template. " ) ) ;
mTemplateTimeGroup - > insert ( mTemplateUseTime ) ;
mTemplateTime = new TimeEdit ( box , " templateTimeEdit " ) ;
mTemplateTime - > setFixedSize ( mTemplateTime - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
mTemplateTime - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mTemplateTime ,
TQString ( " %1 \n \n %2 " ) . arg ( i18n ( " Enter the start time for alarms based on this template. " ) )
. arg ( TimeSpinBox : : shiftWhatsThis ( ) ) ) ;
box - > setStretchFactor ( new TQWidget ( box ) , 1 ) ; // left adjust the controls
box - > setFixedHeight ( box - > sizeHint ( ) . height ( ) ) ;
grid - > addWidget ( box , 0 , 1 , alignment ) ;
mTemplateAnyTime = new RadioButton ( i18n ( " An&y time " ) , mTemplateTimeGroup , " templateAnyTimeButton " ) ;
mTemplateAnyTime - > setFixedSize ( mTemplateAnyTime - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
mTemplateAnyTime - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mTemplateAnyTime ,
i18n ( " Set the '%1' option for alarms based on this template. " ) . arg ( i18n ( " Any time " ) ) ) ;
grid - > addWidget ( mTemplateAnyTime , 1 , 0 , alignment ) ;
box = new TQHBox ( mTemplateTimeGroup ) ;
box - > setSpacing ( spacingHint ( ) ) ;
mTemplateUseTimeAfter = new RadioButton ( AlarmTimeWidget : : i18n_w_TimeFromNow ( ) , box , " templateFromNowButton " ) ;
mTemplateUseTimeAfter - > setFixedSize ( mTemplateUseTimeAfter - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
mTemplateUseTimeAfter - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mTemplateUseTimeAfter ,
i18n ( " Set alarms based on this template to start after the specified time "
" interval from when the alarm is created. " ) ) ;
mTemplateTimeGroup - > insert ( mTemplateUseTimeAfter ) ;
mTemplateTimeAfter = new TimeSpinBox ( 1 , maxDelayTime , box ) ;
mTemplateTimeAfter - > setValue ( 1439 ) ;
mTemplateTimeAfter - > setFixedSize ( mTemplateTimeAfter - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
mTemplateTimeAfter - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mTemplateTimeAfter ,
TQString ( " %1 \n \n %2 " ) . arg ( AlarmTimeWidget : : i18n_TimeAfterPeriod ( ) )
. arg ( TimeSpinBox : : shiftWhatsThis ( ) ) ) ;
box - > setFixedHeight ( box - > sizeHint ( ) . height ( ) ) ;
grid - > addWidget ( box , 1 , 1 , alignment ) ;
layout - > addStretch ( ) ;
mTimeWidget = new AlarmTimeWidget ( i18n ( " Time " ) , AlarmTimeWidget : : AT_TIME , mainPage , " timeGroup " ) ;
connect ( mTimeWidget , TQT_SIGNAL ( anyTimeToggled ( bool ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( slotAnyTimeToggled ( bool ) ) ) ;
topLayout - > addWidget ( mTimeWidget ) ;
// Reminder
static const TQString reminderText = i18n ( " Enter how long in advance of the main alarm to display a reminder alarm. " ) ;
mReminder = new Reminder ( i18n ( " Rem&inder: " ) ,
i18n ( " Check to additionally display a reminder in advance of the main alarm time(s). " ) ,
TQString ( " %1 \n \n %2 " ) . arg ( reminderText ) . arg ( TimeSpinBox : : shiftWhatsThis ( ) ) ,
true , true , mainPage ) ;
mReminder - > setFixedSize ( mReminder - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
topLayout - > addWidget ( mReminder , 0 , TQt : : AlignAuto ) ;
// Late cancel selector - default = allow late display
mLateCancel = new LateCancelSelector ( true , mainPage ) ;
topLayout - > addWidget ( mLateCancel , 0 , TQt : : AlignAuto ) ;
// Acknowledgement confirmation required - default = no confirmation
layout = new TQHBoxLayout ( topLayout , 0 ) ;
mConfirmAck = createConfirmAckCheckbox ( mainPage ) ;
mConfirmAck - > setFixedSize ( mConfirmAck - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
layout - > addWidget ( mConfirmAck ) ;
layout - > addSpacing ( 2 * spacingHint ( ) ) ;
layout - > addStretch ( ) ;
if ( theApp ( ) - > korganizerEnabled ( ) )
// Show in KOrganizer checkbox
mShowInKorganizer = new CheckBox ( i18n_ShowInKOrganizer ( ) , mainPage ) ;
mShowInKorganizer - > setFixedSize ( mShowInKorganizer - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mShowInKorganizer , i18n ( " Check to copy the alarm into KOrganizer's calendar " ) ) ;
layout - > addWidget ( mShowInKorganizer ) ;
setButtonWhatsThis ( Ok , i18n ( " Schedule the alarm at the specified time. " ) ) ;
// Initialise the state of all controls according to the specified event, if any
initialise ( event ) ;
if ( mTemplateName )
mTemplateName - > setFocus ( ) ;
// Save the initial state of all controls so that we can later tell if they have changed
saveState ( ( event & & ( mTemplate | | ! event - > isTemplate ( ) ) ) ? event : 0 ) ;
// Note the current desktop so that the dialog can be shown on it.
// If a main window is visible, the dialog will by KDE default always appear on its
// desktop. If the user invokes the dialog via the system tray on a different desktop,
// that can cause confusion.
mDesktop = KWin : : currentDesktop ( ) ;
EditAlarmDlg : : ~ EditAlarmDlg ( )
delete mSavedEvent ;
* Set up the dialog controls common to display alarms .
void EditAlarmDlg : : initDisplayAlarms ( TQWidget * parent )
mDisplayAlarmsFrame = new TQFrame ( parent ) ;
mDisplayAlarmsFrame - > setFrameStyle ( TQFrame : : NoFrame ) ;
TQBoxLayout * frameLayout = new TQVBoxLayout ( mDisplayAlarmsFrame , 0 , spacingHint ( ) ) ;
// Text message edit box
mTextMessageEdit = new TextEdit ( mDisplayAlarmsFrame ) ;
mTextMessageEdit - > setWordWrap ( KTextEdit : : NoWrap ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mTextMessageEdit , i18n ( " Enter the text of the alarm message. It may be multi-line. " ) ) ;
frameLayout - > addWidget ( mTextMessageEdit ) ;
// File name edit box
mFileBox = new TQHBox ( mDisplayAlarmsFrame ) ;
frameLayout - > addWidget ( mFileBox ) ;
mFileMessageEdit = new LineEdit ( LineEdit : : Url , mFileBox ) ;
mFileMessageEdit - > setAcceptDrops ( true ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mFileMessageEdit , i18n ( " Enter the name or URL of a text or image file to display. " ) ) ;
// File browse button
mFileBrowseButton = new TQPushButton ( mFileBox ) ;
Bring filenew, fileopen, fileprint, filequickprint, filesave, filesaveas, fileclose, editclear, editcopy, editcut, editdelete, editpaste, folder_new, and gohome icons into XDG compliance
10 years ago
mFileBrowseButton - > setPixmap ( SmallIcon ( " document-open " ) ) ;
mFileBrowseButton - > setFixedSize ( mFileBrowseButton - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
TQToolTip : : add ( mFileBrowseButton , i18n ( " Choose a file " ) ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mFileBrowseButton , i18n ( " Select a text or image file to display. " ) ) ;
mFileRadio - > init ( mFileBrowseButton , mFileMessageEdit ) ;
// Font and colour choice button and sample text
mFontColourButton = new FontColourButton ( mDisplayAlarmsFrame ) ;
mFontColourButton - > setMaximumHeight ( mFontColourButton - > sizeHint ( ) . height ( ) ) ;
frameLayout - > addWidget ( mFontColourButton ) ;
TQHBoxLayout * layout = new TQHBoxLayout ( frameLayout , 0 , 0 ) ;
mBgColourBox = new TQHBox ( mDisplayAlarmsFrame ) ;
mBgColourBox - > setSpacing ( spacingHint ( ) ) ;
layout - > addWidget ( mBgColourBox ) ;
layout - > addStretch ( ) ;
TQLabel * label = new TQLabel ( i18n ( " &Background color: " ) , mBgColourBox ) ;
mBgColourButton = new ColourCombo ( mBgColourBox ) ;
label - > setBuddy ( mBgColourButton ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mBgColourBox , i18n ( " Select the alarm message background color " ) ) ;
// Sound checkbox and file selector
layout = new TQHBoxLayout ( frameLayout ) ;
mSoundPicker = new SoundPicker ( mDisplayAlarmsFrame ) ;
mSoundPicker - > setFixedSize ( mSoundPicker - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
layout - > addWidget ( mSoundPicker ) ;
layout - > addSpacing ( 2 * spacingHint ( ) ) ;
layout - > addStretch ( ) ;
if ( ShellProcess : : authorised ( ) ) // don't display if shell commands not allowed (e.g. kiosk mode)
// Special actions button
mSpecialActionsButton = new SpecialActionsButton ( i18n_SpecialActions ( ) , mDisplayAlarmsFrame ) ;
mSpecialActionsButton - > setFixedSize ( mSpecialActionsButton - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
layout - > addWidget ( mSpecialActionsButton ) ;
// Top-adjust the controls
mFilePadding = new TQHBox ( mDisplayAlarmsFrame ) ;
frameLayout - > addWidget ( mFilePadding ) ;
frameLayout - > setStretchFactor ( mFilePadding , 1 ) ;
* Set up the command alarm dialog controls .
void EditAlarmDlg : : initCommand ( TQWidget * parent )
mCommandFrame = new TQFrame ( parent ) ;
mCommandFrame - > setFrameStyle ( TQFrame : : NoFrame ) ;
TQBoxLayout * frameLayout = new TQVBoxLayout ( mCommandFrame , 0 , spacingHint ( ) ) ;
mCmdTypeScript = new CheckBox ( i18n_p_EnterScript ( ) , mCommandFrame ) ;
mCmdTypeScript - > setFixedSize ( mCmdTypeScript - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
connect ( mCmdTypeScript , TQT_SIGNAL ( toggled ( bool ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( slotCmdScriptToggled ( bool ) ) ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mCmdTypeScript , i18n ( " Check to enter the contents of a script instead of a shell command line " ) ) ;
frameLayout - > addWidget ( mCmdTypeScript , 0 , TQt : : AlignAuto ) ;
mCmdCommandEdit = new LineEdit ( LineEdit : : Url , mCommandFrame ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mCmdCommandEdit , i18n ( " Enter a shell command to execute. " ) ) ;
frameLayout - > addWidget ( mCmdCommandEdit ) ;
mCmdScriptEdit = new TextEdit ( mCommandFrame ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mCmdScriptEdit , i18n ( " Enter the contents of a script to execute " ) ) ;
frameLayout - > addWidget ( mCmdScriptEdit ) ;
// What to do with command output
mCmdOutputGroup = new ButtonGroup ( i18n ( " Command Output " ) , mCommandFrame ) ;
frameLayout - > addWidget ( mCmdOutputGroup ) ;
TQBoxLayout * layout = new TQVBoxLayout ( mCmdOutputGroup , marginHint ( ) , spacingHint ( ) ) ;
layout - > addSpacing ( fontMetrics ( ) . lineSpacing ( ) / 2 ) ;
// Execute in terminal window
RadioButton * button = new RadioButton ( i18n_u_ExecInTermWindow ( ) , mCmdOutputGroup , " execInTerm " ) ;
button - > setFixedSize ( button - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( button , i18n ( " Check to execute the command in a terminal window " ) ) ;
mCmdOutputGroup - > insert ( button , EXEC_IN_TERMINAL ) ;
layout - > addWidget ( button , 0 , TQt : : AlignAuto ) ;
// Log file name edit box
TQHBox * box = new TQHBox ( mCmdOutputGroup ) ;
( new TQWidget ( box ) ) - > setFixedWidth ( button - > style ( ) . subRect ( TQStyle : : SR_RadioButtonIndicator , button ) . width ( ) ) ; // indent the edit box
// (new TQWidget(box))->setFixedWidth(button->style().pixelMetric(TQStyle::PM_ExclusiveIndicatorWidth)); // indent the edit box
mCmdLogFileEdit = new LineEdit ( LineEdit : : Url , box ) ;
mCmdLogFileEdit - > setAcceptDrops ( true ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mCmdLogFileEdit , i18n ( " Enter the name or path of the log file. " ) ) ;
// Log file browse button.
// The file browser dialogue is activated by the PickLogFileRadio class.
TQPushButton * browseButton = new TQPushButton ( box ) ;
Bring filenew, fileopen, fileprint, filequickprint, filesave, filesaveas, fileclose, editclear, editcopy, editcut, editdelete, editpaste, folder_new, and gohome icons into XDG compliance
10 years ago
browseButton - > setPixmap ( SmallIcon ( " document-open " ) ) ;
browseButton - > setFixedSize ( browseButton - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
TQToolTip : : add ( browseButton , i18n ( " Choose a file " ) ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( browseButton , i18n ( " Select a log file. " ) ) ;
// Log output to file
button = new PickLogFileRadio ( browseButton , mCmdLogFileEdit , i18n_g_LogToFile ( ) , mCmdOutputGroup , " cmdLog " ) ;
button - > setFixedSize ( button - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( button ,
i18n ( " Check to log the command output to a local file. The output will be appended to any existing contents of the file. " ) ) ;
mCmdOutputGroup - > insert ( button , LOG_TO_FILE ) ;
layout - > addWidget ( button , 0 , TQt : : AlignAuto ) ;
layout - > addWidget ( box ) ;
// Discard output
button = new RadioButton ( i18n ( " Discard " ) , mCmdOutputGroup , " cmdDiscard " ) ;
button - > setFixedSize ( button - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( button , i18n ( " Check to discard command output. " ) ) ;
mCmdOutputGroup - > insert ( button , DISCARD_OUTPUT ) ;
layout - > addWidget ( button , 0 , TQt : : AlignAuto ) ;
// Top-adjust the controls
mCmdPadding = new TQHBox ( mCommandFrame ) ;
frameLayout - > addWidget ( mCmdPadding ) ;
frameLayout - > setStretchFactor ( mCmdPadding , 1 ) ;
* Set up the email alarm dialog controls .
void EditAlarmDlg : : initEmail ( TQWidget * parent )
mEmailFrame = new TQFrame ( parent ) ;
mEmailFrame - > setFrameStyle ( TQFrame : : NoFrame ) ;
TQBoxLayout * layout = new TQVBoxLayout ( mEmailFrame , 0 , spacingHint ( ) ) ;
TQGridLayout * grid = new TQGridLayout ( layout , 3 , 3 , spacingHint ( ) ) ;
grid - > setColStretch ( 1 , 1 ) ;
mEmailFromList = 0 ;
if ( Preferences : : emailFrom ( ) = = Preferences : : MAIL_FROM_KMAIL )
// Email sender identity
TQLabel * label = new TQLabel ( i18n_EmailFrom ( ) , mEmailFrame ) ;
label - > setFixedSize ( label - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
grid - > addWidget ( label , 0 , 0 ) ;
mEmailFromList = new EmailIdCombo ( KAMail : : identityManager ( ) , mEmailFrame ) ;
mEmailFromList - > setMinimumSize ( mEmailFromList - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
label - > setBuddy ( mEmailFromList ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mEmailFromList ,
i18n ( " Your email identity, used to identify you as the sender when sending email alarms. " ) ) ;
grid - > addMultiCellWidget ( mEmailFromList , 0 , 0 , 1 , 2 ) ;
// Email recipients
TQLabel * label = new TQLabel ( i18n_EmailTo ( ) , mEmailFrame ) ;
label - > setFixedSize ( label - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
grid - > addWidget ( label , 1 , 0 ) ;
mEmailToEdit = new LineEdit ( LineEdit : : Emails , mEmailFrame ) ;
mEmailToEdit - > setMinimumSize ( mEmailToEdit - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mEmailToEdit ,
i18n ( " Enter the addresses of the email recipients. Separate multiple addresses by "
" commas or semicolons. " ) ) ;
grid - > addWidget ( mEmailToEdit , 1 , 1 ) ;
mEmailAddressButton = new TQPushButton ( mEmailFrame ) ;
mEmailAddressButton - > setPixmap ( SmallIcon ( " contents " ) ) ;
mEmailAddressButton - > setFixedSize ( mEmailAddressButton - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
connect ( mEmailAddressButton , TQT_SIGNAL ( clicked ( ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( openAddressBook ( ) ) ) ;
TQToolTip : : add ( mEmailAddressButton , i18n ( " Open address book " ) ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mEmailAddressButton , i18n ( " Select email addresses from your address book. " ) ) ;
grid - > addWidget ( mEmailAddressButton , 1 , 2 ) ;
// Email subject
label = new TQLabel ( i18n_j_EmailSubject ( ) , mEmailFrame ) ;
label - > setFixedSize ( label - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
grid - > addWidget ( label , 2 , 0 ) ;
mEmailSubjectEdit = new LineEdit ( mEmailFrame ) ;
mEmailSubjectEdit - > setMinimumSize ( mEmailSubjectEdit - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
label - > setBuddy ( mEmailSubjectEdit ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mEmailSubjectEdit , i18n ( " Enter the email subject. " ) ) ;
grid - > addMultiCellWidget ( mEmailSubjectEdit , 2 , 2 , 1 , 2 ) ;
// Email body
mEmailMessageEdit = new TextEdit ( mEmailFrame ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mEmailMessageEdit , i18n ( " Enter the email message. " ) ) ;
layout - > addWidget ( mEmailMessageEdit ) ;
// Email attachments
grid = new TQGridLayout ( layout , 2 , 3 , spacingHint ( ) ) ;
label = new TQLabel ( i18n ( " Attachment&s: " ) , mEmailFrame ) ;
label - > setFixedSize ( label - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
grid - > addWidget ( label , 0 , 0 ) ;
mEmailAttachList = new TQComboBox ( true , mEmailFrame ) ;
mEmailAttachList - > setMinimumSize ( mEmailAttachList - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
mEmailAttachList - > lineEdit ( ) - > setReadOnly ( true ) ;
TQListBox * list = mEmailAttachList - > listBox ( ) ;
TQRect rect = list - > geometry ( ) ;
list - > setGeometry ( rect . left ( ) - 50 , rect . top ( ) , rect . width ( ) , rect . height ( ) ) ;
label - > setBuddy ( mEmailAttachList ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mEmailAttachList ,
i18n ( " Files to send as attachments to the email. " ) ) ;
grid - > addWidget ( mEmailAttachList , 0 , 1 ) ;
grid - > setColStretch ( 1 , 1 ) ;
mEmailAddAttachButton = new TQPushButton ( i18n ( " Add... " ) , mEmailFrame ) ;
connect ( mEmailAddAttachButton , TQT_SIGNAL ( clicked ( ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( slotAddAttachment ( ) ) ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mEmailAddAttachButton , i18n ( " Add an attachment to the email. " ) ) ;
grid - > addWidget ( mEmailAddAttachButton , 0 , 2 ) ;
mEmailRemoveButton = new TQPushButton ( i18n ( " Remo&ve " ) , mEmailFrame ) ;
connect ( mEmailRemoveButton , TQT_SIGNAL ( clicked ( ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( slotRemoveAttachment ( ) ) ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mEmailRemoveButton , i18n ( " Remove the highlighted attachment from the email. " ) ) ;
grid - > addWidget ( mEmailRemoveButton , 1 , 2 ) ;
// BCC email to sender
mEmailBcc = new CheckBox ( i18n_s_CopyEmailToSelf ( ) , mEmailFrame ) ;
mEmailBcc - > setFixedSize ( mEmailBcc - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( mEmailBcc ,
i18n ( " If checked, the email will be blind copied to you. " ) ) ;
grid - > addMultiCellWidget ( mEmailBcc , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , TQt : : AlignAuto ) ;
* Initialise the dialogue controls from the specified event .
void EditAlarmDlg : : initialise ( const KAEvent * event )
mReadOnly = mDesiredReadOnly ;
if ( ! mTemplate & & event & & event - > action ( ) = = KAEvent : : COMMAND & & ! ShellProcess : : authorised ( ) )
mReadOnly = true ; // don't allow editing of existing command alarms in kiosk mode
setReadOnly ( ) ;
mChanged = false ;
mOnlyDeferred = false ;
mExpiredRecurrence = false ;
mKMailSerialNumber = 0 ;
bool deferGroupVisible = false ;
if ( event )
// Set the values to those for the specified event
if ( mTemplate )
mTemplateName - > setText ( event - > templateName ( ) ) ;
bool recurs = event - > recurs ( ) ;
if ( ( recurs | | event - > repeatCount ( ) ) & & ! mTemplate & & event - > deferred ( ) )
deferGroupVisible = true ;
mDeferDateTime = event - > deferDateTime ( ) ;
mDeferTimeLabel - > setText ( mDeferDateTime . formatLocale ( ) ) ;
mDeferGroup - > show ( ) ;
if ( event - > defaultFont ( ) )
mFontColourButton - > setDefaultFont ( ) ;
mFontColourButton - > setFont ( event - > font ( ) ) ;
mFontColourButton - > setBgColour ( event - > bgColour ( ) ) ;
mFontColourButton - > setFgColour ( event - > fgColour ( ) ) ;
mBgColourButton - > setColour ( event - > bgColour ( ) ) ;
if ( mTemplate )
// Editing a template
int afterTime = event - > isTemplate ( ) ? event - > templateAfterTime ( ) : - 1 ;
bool noTime = ! afterTime ;
bool useTime = ! event - > mainDateTime ( ) . isDateOnly ( ) ;
int button = mTemplateTimeGroup - > id ( noTime ? mTemplateDefaultTime :
( afterTime > 0 ) ? mTemplateUseTimeAfter :
useTime ? mTemplateUseTime : mTemplateAnyTime ) ;
mTemplateTimeGroup - > setButton ( button ) ;
mTemplateTimeAfter - > setValue ( afterTime > 0 ? afterTime : 1 ) ;
if ( ! noTime & & useTime )
mTemplateTime - > setValue ( event - > mainDateTime ( ) . time ( ) ) ;
mTemplateTime - > setValue ( 0 ) ;
if ( event - > isTemplate ( ) )
// Initialising from an alarm template: use current date
TQDateTime now = TQDateTime : : currentDateTime ( ) ;
int afterTime = event - > templateAfterTime ( ) ;
if ( afterTime > = 0 )
mTimeWidget - > setDateTime ( TQDateTime ( now . addSecs ( afterTime * 60 ) ) ) ;
mTimeWidget - > selectTimeFromNow ( ) ;
TQDate d = now . date ( ) ;
TQTime t = event - > startDateTime ( ) . time ( ) ;
bool dateOnly = event - > startDateTime ( ) . isDateOnly ( ) ;
if ( ! dateOnly & & now . time ( ) > = t )
d = d . addDays ( 1 ) ; // alarm time has already passed, so use tomorrow
mTimeWidget - > setDateTime ( DateTime ( TQDateTime ( d , t ) , dateOnly ) ) ;
mExpiredRecurrence = recurs & & event - > mainExpired ( ) ;
mTimeWidget - > setDateTime ( recurs | | event - > uidStatus ( ) = = KAEvent : : EXPIRED ? event - > startDateTime ( )
: event - > mainExpired ( ) ? event - > deferDateTime ( ) : event - > mainDateTime ( ) ) ;
KAEvent : : Action action = event - > action ( ) ;
AlarmText altext ;
if ( event - > commandScript ( ) )
altext . setScript ( event - > cleanText ( ) ) ;
altext . setText ( event - > cleanText ( ) ) ;
setAction ( action , altext ) ;
if ( action = = KAEvent : : MESSAGE & & event - > kmailSerialNumber ( )
& & AlarmText : : checkIfEmail ( event - > cleanText ( ) ) )
mKMailSerialNumber = event - > kmailSerialNumber ( ) ;
if ( action = = KAEvent : : EMAIL )
mEmailAttachList - > insertStringList ( event - > emailAttachments ( ) ) ;
mLateCancel - > setMinutes ( event - > lateCancel ( ) , event - > startDateTime ( ) . isDateOnly ( ) ,
TimePeriod : : HOURS_MINUTES ) ;
mLateCancel - > showAutoClose ( action = = KAEvent : : MESSAGE | | action = = KAEvent : : FILE ) ;
mLateCancel - > setAutoClose ( event - > autoClose ( ) ) ;
mLateCancel - > setFixedSize ( mLateCancel - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
if ( mShowInKorganizer )
mShowInKorganizer - > setChecked ( event - > copyToKOrganizer ( ) ) ;
mConfirmAck - > setChecked ( event - > confirmAck ( ) ) ;
int reminder = event - > reminder ( ) ;
if ( ! reminder & & event - > reminderDeferral ( ) & & ! recurs )
reminder = event - > reminderDeferral ( ) ;
mReminderDeferral = true ;
if ( ! reminder & & event - > reminderArchived ( ) & & recurs )
reminder = event - > reminderArchived ( ) ;
mReminderArchived = true ;
mReminder - > setMinutes ( reminder , ( mTimeWidget ? mTimeWidget - > anyTime ( ) : mTemplateAnyTime - > isOn ( ) ) ) ;
mReminder - > setOnceOnly ( event - > reminderOnceOnly ( ) ) ;
mReminder - > enableOnceOnly ( event - > recurs ( ) ) ;
if ( mSpecialActionsButton )
mSpecialActionsButton - > setActions ( event - > preAction ( ) , event - > postAction ( ) ) ;
mRecurrenceEdit - > set ( * event , ( mTemplate | | event - > isTemplate ( ) ) ) ; // must be called after mTimeWidget is set up, to ensure correct date-only enabling
mTabs - > setTabLabel ( mTabs - > page ( mRecurPageIndex ) , recurText ( * event ) ) ;
SoundPicker : : Type soundType = event - > speak ( ) ? SoundPicker : : SPEAK
: event - > beep ( ) ? SoundPicker : : BEEP
: ! event - > audioFile ( ) . isEmpty ( ) ? SoundPicker : : PLAY_FILE
: SoundPicker : : NONE ;
mSoundPicker - > set ( soundType , event - > audioFile ( ) , event - > soundVolume ( ) ,
event - > fadeVolume ( ) , event - > fadeSeconds ( ) , event - > repeatSound ( ) ) ;
CmdLogType logType = event - > commandXterm ( ) ? EXEC_IN_TERMINAL
: ! event - > logFile ( ) . isEmpty ( ) ? LOG_TO_FILE
if ( logType = = LOG_TO_FILE )
mCmdLogFileEdit - > setText ( event - > logFile ( ) ) ; // set file name before setting radio button
mCmdOutputGroup - > setButton ( logType ) ;
mEmailToEdit - > setText ( event - > emailAddresses ( " , " ) ) ;
mEmailSubjectEdit - > setText ( event - > emailSubject ( ) ) ;
mEmailBcc - > setChecked ( event - > emailBcc ( ) ) ;
if ( mEmailFromList )
mEmailFromList - > setCurrentIdentity ( event - > emailFromId ( ) ) ;
// Set the values to their defaults
if ( ! ShellProcess : : authorised ( ) )
// Don't allow shell commands in kiosk mode
mCommandRadio - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
if ( mSpecialActionsButton )
mSpecialActionsButton - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
mFontColourButton - > setDefaultFont ( ) ;
mFontColourButton - > setBgColour ( Preferences : : defaultBgColour ( ) ) ;
mFontColourButton - > setFgColour ( Preferences : : defaultFgColour ( ) ) ;
mBgColourButton - > setColour ( Preferences : : defaultBgColour ( ) ) ;
TQDateTime defaultTime = TQDateTime : : currentDateTime ( ) . addSecs ( 60 ) ;
if ( mTemplate )
mTemplateTimeGroup - > setButton ( mTemplateTimeGroup - > id ( mTemplateDefaultTime ) ) ;
mTemplateTime - > setValue ( 0 ) ;
mTemplateTimeAfter - > setValue ( 1 ) ;
mTimeWidget - > setDateTime ( defaultTime ) ;
mActionGroup - > setButton ( mActionGroup - > id ( mMessageRadio ) ) ;
mLateCancel - > setMinutes ( ( Preferences : : defaultLateCancel ( ) ? 1 : 0 ) , false , TimePeriod : : HOURS_MINUTES ) ;
mLateCancel - > showAutoClose ( true ) ;
mLateCancel - > setAutoClose ( Preferences : : defaultAutoClose ( ) ) ;
mLateCancel - > setFixedSize ( mLateCancel - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
if ( mShowInKorganizer )
mShowInKorganizer - > setChecked ( Preferences : : defaultCopyToKOrganizer ( ) ) ;
mConfirmAck - > setChecked ( Preferences : : defaultConfirmAck ( ) ) ;
if ( mSpecialActionsButton )
mSpecialActionsButton - > setActions ( Preferences : : defaultPreAction ( ) , Preferences : : defaultPostAction ( ) ) ;
mRecurrenceEdit - > setDefaults ( defaultTime ) ; // must be called after mTimeWidget is set up, to ensure correct date-only enabling
slotRecurFrequencyChange ( ) ; // update the Recurrence text
mReminder - > setMinutes ( 0 , false ) ;
mReminder - > enableOnceOnly ( mRecurrenceEdit - > isTimedRepeatType ( ) ) ; // must be called after mRecurrenceEdit is set up
mSoundPicker - > set ( Preferences : : defaultSoundType ( ) , Preferences : : defaultSoundFile ( ) ,
Preferences : : defaultSoundVolume ( ) , - 1 , 0 , Preferences : : defaultSoundRepeat ( ) ) ;
mCmdTypeScript - > setChecked ( Preferences : : defaultCmdScript ( ) ) ;
mCmdLogFileEdit - > setText ( Preferences : : defaultCmdLogFile ( ) ) ; // set file name before setting radio button
mCmdOutputGroup - > setButton ( Preferences : : defaultCmdLogType ( ) ) ;
mEmailBcc - > setChecked ( Preferences : : defaultEmailBcc ( ) ) ;
slotCmdScriptToggled ( mCmdTypeScript - > isChecked ( ) ) ;
if ( ! deferGroupVisible )
mDeferGroup - > hide ( ) ;
bool enable = ! ! mEmailAttachList - > count ( ) ;
mEmailAttachList - > setEnabled ( enable ) ;
if ( mEmailRemoveButton )
mEmailRemoveButton - > setEnabled ( enable ) ;
AlarmCalendar * cal = AlarmCalendar : : templateCalendar ( ) ;
bool empty = cal - > isOpen ( ) & & ! cal - > events ( ) . count ( ) ;
enableButton ( Default , ! empty ) ;
* Set the read - only status of all non - template controls .
void EditAlarmDlg : : setReadOnly ( )
// Common controls
mMessageRadio - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
mFileRadio - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
mCommandRadio - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
mEmailRadio - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
if ( mTimeWidget )
mTimeWidget - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
mLateCancel - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
if ( mReadOnly )
mDeferChangeButton - > hide ( ) ;
mDeferChangeButton - > show ( ) ;
if ( mShowInKorganizer )
mShowInKorganizer - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
// Message alarm controls
mTextMessageEdit - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
mFileMessageEdit - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
mFontColourButton - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
mBgColourButton - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
mSoundPicker - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
mConfirmAck - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
mReminder - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
if ( mSpecialActionsButton )
mSpecialActionsButton - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
if ( mReadOnly )
mFileBrowseButton - > hide ( ) ;
mFontColourButton - > hide ( ) ;
mFileBrowseButton - > show ( ) ;
mFontColourButton - > show ( ) ;
// Command alarm controls
mCmdTypeScript - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
mCmdCommandEdit - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
mCmdScriptEdit - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
for ( int id = DISCARD_OUTPUT ; id < EXEC_IN_TERMINAL ; + + id )
( ( RadioButton * ) mCmdOutputGroup - > find ( id ) ) - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
// Email alarm controls
mEmailToEdit - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
mEmailSubjectEdit - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
mEmailMessageEdit - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
mEmailBcc - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
if ( mEmailFromList )
mEmailFromList - > setReadOnly ( mReadOnly ) ;
if ( mReadOnly )
mEmailAddressButton - > hide ( ) ;
mEmailAddAttachButton - > hide ( ) ;
mEmailRemoveButton - > hide ( ) ;
mEmailAddressButton - > show ( ) ;
mEmailAddAttachButton - > show ( ) ;
mEmailRemoveButton - > show ( ) ;
* Set the dialog ' s action and the action ' s text .
void EditAlarmDlg : : setAction ( KAEvent : : Action action , const AlarmText & alarmText )
TQString text = alarmText . displayText ( ) ;
bool script ;
TQRadioButton * radio ;
switch ( action )
case KAEvent : : FILE :
radio = mFileRadio ;
mFileMessageEdit - > setText ( text ) ;
break ;
case KAEvent : : COMMAND :
radio = mCommandRadio ;
script = alarmText . isScript ( ) ;
mCmdTypeScript - > setChecked ( script ) ;
if ( script )
mCmdScriptEdit - > setText ( text ) ;
mCmdCommandEdit - > setText ( text ) ;
break ;
case KAEvent : : EMAIL :
radio = mEmailRadio ;
mEmailMessageEdit - > setText ( text ) ;
break ;
case KAEvent : : MESSAGE :
default :
radio = mMessageRadio ;
mTextMessageEdit - > setText ( text ) ;
mKMailSerialNumber = 0 ;
if ( alarmText . isEmail ( ) )
mKMailSerialNumber = alarmText . kmailSerialNumber ( ) ;
// Set up email fields also, in case the user wants an email alarm
mEmailToEdit - > setText ( alarmText . to ( ) ) ;
mEmailSubjectEdit - > setText ( alarmText . subject ( ) ) ;
mEmailMessageEdit - > setText ( alarmText . body ( ) ) ;
else if ( alarmText . isScript ( ) )
// Set up command script field also, in case the user wants a command alarm
mCmdScriptEdit - > setText ( text ) ;
mCmdTypeScript - > setChecked ( true ) ;
break ;
mActionGroup - > setButton ( mActionGroup - > id ( radio ) ) ;
* Create an " acknowledgement confirmation required " checkbox .
CheckBox * EditAlarmDlg : : createConfirmAckCheckbox ( TQWidget * parent , const char * name )
CheckBox * widget = new CheckBox ( i18n_k_ConfirmAck ( ) , parent , name ) ;
TQWhatsThis : : add ( widget ,
i18n ( " Check to be prompted for confirmation when you acknowledge the alarm. " ) ) ;
return widget ;
* Save the state of all controls .
void EditAlarmDlg : : saveState ( const KAEvent * event )
delete mSavedEvent ;
mSavedEvent = 0 ;
if ( event )
mSavedEvent = new KAEvent ( * event ) ;
if ( mTemplate )
mSavedTemplateName = mTemplateName - > text ( ) ;
mSavedTemplateTimeType = mTemplateTimeGroup - > selected ( ) ;
mSavedTemplateTime = mTemplateTime - > time ( ) ;
mSavedTemplateAfterTime = mTemplateTimeAfter - > value ( ) ;
mSavedTypeRadio = mActionGroup - > selected ( ) ;
mSavedSoundType = mSoundPicker - > sound ( ) ;
mSavedSoundFile = mSoundPicker - > file ( ) ;
mSavedSoundVolume = mSoundPicker - > volume ( mSavedSoundFadeVolume , mSavedSoundFadeSeconds ) ;
mSavedRepeatSound = mSoundPicker - > repeat ( ) ;
mSavedConfirmAck = mConfirmAck - > isChecked ( ) ;
mSavedFont = mFontColourButton - > font ( ) ;
mSavedFgColour = mFontColourButton - > fgColour ( ) ;
mSavedBgColour = mFileRadio - > isOn ( ) ? mBgColourButton - > colour ( ) : mFontColourButton - > bgColour ( ) ;
mSavedReminder = mReminder - > minutes ( ) ;
mSavedOnceOnly = mReminder - > isOnceOnly ( ) ;
if ( mSpecialActionsButton )
mSavedPreAction = mSpecialActionsButton - > preAction ( ) ;
mSavedPostAction = mSpecialActionsButton - > postAction ( ) ;
checkText ( mSavedTextFileCommandMessage , false ) ;
mSavedCmdScript = mCmdTypeScript - > isChecked ( ) ;
mSavedCmdOutputRadio = mCmdOutputGroup - > selected ( ) ;
mSavedCmdLogFile = mCmdLogFileEdit - > text ( ) ;
if ( mEmailFromList )
mSavedEmailFrom = mEmailFromList - > currentIdentityName ( ) ;
mSavedEmailTo = mEmailToEdit - > text ( ) ;
mSavedEmailSubject = mEmailSubjectEdit - > text ( ) ;
mSavedEmailAttach . clear ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < mEmailAttachList - > count ( ) ; + + i )
mSavedEmailAttach + = mEmailAttachList - > text ( i ) ;
mSavedEmailBcc = mEmailBcc - > isChecked ( ) ;
if ( mTimeWidget )
mSavedDateTime = mTimeWidget - > getDateTime ( 0 , false , false ) ;
mSavedLateCancel = mLateCancel - > minutes ( ) ;
mSavedAutoClose = mLateCancel - > isAutoClose ( ) ;
if ( mShowInKorganizer )
mSavedShowInKorganizer = mShowInKorganizer - > isChecked ( ) ;
mSavedRecurrenceType = mRecurrenceEdit - > repeatType ( ) ;
* Check whether any of the controls has changed state since the dialog was
* first displayed .
* Reply = true if any non - deferral controls have changed , or if it ' s a new event .
* = false if no non - deferral controls have changed . In this case ,
* mOnlyDeferred indicates whether deferral controls may have changed .
bool EditAlarmDlg : : stateChanged ( ) const
mChanged = true ;
mOnlyDeferred = false ;
if ( ! mSavedEvent )
return true ;
TQString textFileCommandMessage ;
checkText ( textFileCommandMessage , false ) ;
if ( mTemplate )
if ( mSavedTemplateName ! = mTemplateName - > text ( )
| | mSavedTemplateTimeType ! = mTemplateTimeGroup - > selected ( )
| | ( mTemplateUseTime - > isOn ( ) & & mSavedTemplateTime ! = mTemplateTime - > time ( ) )
| | ( mTemplateUseTimeAfter - > isOn ( ) & & mSavedTemplateAfterTime ! = mTemplateTimeAfter - > value ( ) ) )
return true ;
if ( mSavedDateTime ! = mTimeWidget - > getDateTime ( 0 , false , false ) )
return true ;
if ( mSavedTypeRadio ! = mActionGroup - > selected ( )
| | mSavedLateCancel ! = mLateCancel - > minutes ( )
| | ( mShowInKorganizer & & mSavedShowInKorganizer ! = mShowInKorganizer - > isChecked ( ) )
| | textFileCommandMessage ! = mSavedTextFileCommandMessage
| | mSavedRecurrenceType ! = mRecurrenceEdit - > repeatType ( ) )
return true ;
if ( mMessageRadio - > isOn ( ) | | mFileRadio - > isOn ( ) )
if ( mSavedSoundType ! = mSoundPicker - > sound ( )
| | mSavedConfirmAck ! = mConfirmAck - > isChecked ( )
| | mSavedFont ! = mFontColourButton - > font ( )
| | mSavedFgColour ! = mFontColourButton - > fgColour ( )
| | mSavedBgColour ! = ( mFileRadio - > isOn ( ) ? mBgColourButton - > colour ( ) : mFontColourButton - > bgColour ( ) )
| | mSavedReminder ! = mReminder - > minutes ( )
| | mSavedOnceOnly ! = mReminder - > isOnceOnly ( )
| | mSavedAutoClose ! = mLateCancel - > isAutoClose ( ) )
return true ;
if ( mSpecialActionsButton )
if ( mSavedPreAction ! = mSpecialActionsButton - > preAction ( )
| | mSavedPostAction ! = mSpecialActionsButton - > postAction ( ) )
return true ;
if ( mSavedSoundType = = SoundPicker : : PLAY_FILE )
if ( mSavedSoundFile ! = mSoundPicker - > file ( ) )
return true ;
if ( ! mSavedSoundFile . isEmpty ( ) )
float fadeVolume ;
int fadeSecs ;
if ( mSavedRepeatSound ! = mSoundPicker - > repeat ( )
| | mSavedSoundVolume ! = mSoundPicker - > volume ( fadeVolume , fadeSecs )
| | mSavedSoundFadeVolume ! = fadeVolume
| | mSavedSoundFadeSeconds ! = fadeSecs )
return true ;
else if ( mCommandRadio - > isOn ( ) )
if ( mSavedCmdScript ! = mCmdTypeScript - > isChecked ( )
| | mSavedCmdOutputRadio ! = mCmdOutputGroup - > selected ( ) )
return true ;
if ( mCmdOutputGroup - > selectedId ( ) = = LOG_TO_FILE )
if ( mSavedCmdLogFile ! = mCmdLogFileEdit - > text ( ) )
return true ;
else if ( mEmailRadio - > isOn ( ) )
TQStringList emailAttach ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < mEmailAttachList - > count ( ) ; + + i )
emailAttach + = mEmailAttachList - > text ( i ) ;
if ( ( mEmailFromList & & mSavedEmailFrom ! = mEmailFromList - > currentIdentityName ( ) )
| | mSavedEmailTo ! = mEmailToEdit - > text ( )
| | mSavedEmailSubject ! = mEmailSubjectEdit - > text ( )
| | mSavedEmailAttach ! = emailAttach
| | mSavedEmailBcc ! = mEmailBcc - > isChecked ( ) )
return true ;
if ( mRecurrenceEdit - > stateChanged ( ) )
return true ;
if ( mSavedEvent & & mSavedEvent - > deferred ( ) )
mOnlyDeferred = true ;
mChanged = false ;
return false ;
* Get the currently entered dialogue data .
* The data is returned in the supplied KAEvent instance .
* Reply = false if the only change has been to an existing deferral .
bool EditAlarmDlg : : getEvent ( KAEvent & event )
if ( mChanged )
// It's a new event, or the edit controls have changed
setEvent ( event , mAlarmMessage , false ) ;
return true ;
// Only the deferral time may have changed
event = * mSavedEvent ;
if ( mOnlyDeferred )
// Just modify the original event, to avoid expired recurring events
// being returned as rubbish.
if ( mDeferDateTime . isValid ( ) )
event . defer ( mDeferDateTime , event . reminderDeferral ( ) , false ) ;
event . cancelDefer ( ) ;
return false ;
* Extract the data in the dialogue and set up a KAEvent from it .
* If ' trial ' is true , the event is set up for a simple one - off test , ignoring
* recurrence , reminder , template etc . data .
void EditAlarmDlg : : setEvent ( KAEvent & event , const TQString & text , bool trial )
TQDateTime dt ;
if ( ! trial )
if ( ! mTemplate )
dt = mAlarmDateTime . dateTime ( ) ;
else if ( mTemplateUseTime - > isOn ( ) )
dt = TQDateTime ( TQDate ( 2000 , 1 , 1 ) , mTemplateTime - > time ( ) ) ;
KAEvent : : Action type = getAlarmType ( ) ;
event . set ( dt , text , ( mFileRadio - > isOn ( ) ? mBgColourButton - > colour ( ) : mFontColourButton - > bgColour ( ) ) ,
mFontColourButton - > fgColour ( ) , mFontColourButton - > font ( ) ,
type , ( trial ? 0 : mLateCancel - > minutes ( ) ) , getAlarmFlags ( ) ) ;
switch ( type )
case KAEvent : : MESSAGE :
if ( AlarmText : : checkIfEmail ( text ) )
event . setKMailSerialNumber ( mKMailSerialNumber ) ;
// fall through to FILE
case KAEvent : : FILE :
float fadeVolume ;
int fadeSecs ;
float volume = mSoundPicker - > volume ( fadeVolume , fadeSecs ) ;
event . setAudioFile ( mSoundPicker - > file ( ) , volume , fadeVolume , fadeSecs ) ;
if ( ! trial )
event . setReminder ( mReminder - > minutes ( ) , mReminder - > isOnceOnly ( ) ) ;
if ( mSpecialActionsButton )
event . setActions ( mSpecialActionsButton - > preAction ( ) , mSpecialActionsButton - > postAction ( ) ) ;
break ;
case KAEvent : : EMAIL :
uint from = mEmailFromList ? mEmailFromList - > currentIdentity ( ) : 0 ;
event . setEmail ( from , mEmailAddresses , mEmailSubjectEdit - > text ( ) , mEmailAttachments ) ;
break ;
case KAEvent : : COMMAND :
if ( mCmdOutputGroup - > selectedId ( ) = = LOG_TO_FILE )
event . setLogFile ( mCmdLogFileEdit - > text ( ) ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
if ( ! trial )
if ( mRecurrenceEdit - > repeatType ( ) ! = RecurrenceEdit : : NO_RECUR )
mRecurrenceEdit - > updateEvent ( event , ! mTemplate ) ;
TQDateTime now = TQDateTime : : currentDateTime ( ) ;
bool dateOnly = mAlarmDateTime . isDateOnly ( ) ;
if ( ( dateOnly & & mAlarmDateTime . date ( ) < now . date ( ) )
| | ( ! dateOnly & & mAlarmDateTime . rawDateTime ( ) < now ) )
// A timed recurrence has an entered start date which has
// already expired, so we must adjust the next repetition.
event . setNextOccurrence ( now ) ;
mAlarmDateTime = event . startDateTime ( ) ;
if ( mDeferDateTime . isValid ( ) & & mDeferDateTime < mAlarmDateTime )
bool deferral = true ;
bool deferReminder = false ;
int reminder = mReminder - > minutes ( ) ;
if ( reminder )
DateTime remindTime = mAlarmDateTime . addMins ( - reminder ) ;
if ( mDeferDateTime > = remindTime )
if ( remindTime > TQDateTime : : currentDateTime ( ) )
deferral = false ; // ignore deferral if it's after next reminder
else if ( mDeferDateTime > remindTime )
deferReminder = true ; // it's the reminder which is being deferred
if ( deferral )
event . defer ( mDeferDateTime , deferReminder , false ) ;
if ( mTemplate )
int afterTime = mTemplateDefaultTime - > isOn ( ) ? 0
: mTemplateUseTimeAfter - > isOn ( ) ? mTemplateTimeAfter - > value ( ) : - 1 ;
event . setTemplate ( mTemplateName - > text ( ) , afterTime ) ;
* Get the currently specified alarm flag bits .
int EditAlarmDlg : : getAlarmFlags ( ) const
bool displayAlarm = mMessageRadio - > isOn ( ) | | mFileRadio - > isOn ( ) ;
bool cmdAlarm = mCommandRadio - > isOn ( ) ;
bool emailAlarm = mEmailRadio - > isOn ( ) ;
return ( displayAlarm & & mSoundPicker - > sound ( ) = = SoundPicker : : BEEP ? KAEvent : : BEEP : 0 )
| ( displayAlarm & & mSoundPicker - > sound ( ) = = SoundPicker : : SPEAK ? KAEvent : : SPEAK : 0 )
| ( displayAlarm & & mSoundPicker - > repeat ( ) ? KAEvent : : REPEAT_SOUND : 0 )
| ( displayAlarm & & mConfirmAck - > isChecked ( ) ? KAEvent : : CONFIRM_ACK : 0 )
| ( displayAlarm & & mLateCancel - > isAutoClose ( ) ? KAEvent : : AUTO_CLOSE : 0 )
| ( cmdAlarm & & mCmdTypeScript - > isChecked ( ) ? KAEvent : : SCRIPT : 0 )
| ( cmdAlarm & & mCmdOutputGroup - > selectedId ( ) = = EXEC_IN_TERMINAL ? KAEvent : : EXEC_IN_XTERM : 0 )
| ( emailAlarm & & mEmailBcc - > isChecked ( ) ? KAEvent : : EMAIL_BCC : 0 )
| ( mShowInKorganizer & & mShowInKorganizer - > isChecked ( ) ? KAEvent : : COPY_KORGANIZER : 0 )
| ( mRecurrenceEdit - > repeatType ( ) = = RecurrenceEdit : : AT_LOGIN ? KAEvent : : REPEAT_AT_LOGIN : 0 )
| ( ( mTemplate ? mTemplateAnyTime - > isOn ( ) : mAlarmDateTime . isDateOnly ( ) ) ? KAEvent : : ANY_TIME : 0 )
| ( mFontColourButton - > defaultFont ( ) ? KAEvent : : DEFAULT_FONT : 0 ) ;
* Get the currently selected alarm type .
KAEvent : : Action EditAlarmDlg : : getAlarmType ( ) const
return mFileRadio - > isOn ( ) ? KAEvent : : FILE
: mCommandRadio - > isOn ( ) ? KAEvent : : COMMAND
: mEmailRadio - > isOn ( ) ? KAEvent : : EMAIL
: KAEvent : : MESSAGE ;
* Called when the dialog is displayed .
* The first time through , sets the size to the same as the last time it was
* displayed .
void EditAlarmDlg : : showEvent ( TQShowEvent * se )
if ( ! mDeferGroupHeight )
mDeferGroupHeight = mDeferGroup - > height ( ) + spacingHint ( ) ;
TQSize s ;
if ( KAlarm : : readConfigWindowSize ( EDIT_DIALOG_NAME , s ) )
s . setHeight ( s . height ( ) + ( mDeferGroup - > isHidden ( ) ? 0 : mDeferGroupHeight ) ) ;
s = minimumSize ( ) ;
resize ( s ) ;
KWin : : setOnDesktop ( winId ( ) , mDesktop ) ; // ensure it displays on the desktop expected by the user
KDialog : : showEvent ( se ) ;
* Called when the dialog ' s size has changed .
* Records the new size ( adjusted to ignore the optional height of the deferred
* time edit widget ) in the config file .
void EditAlarmDlg : : resizeEvent ( TQResizeEvent * re )
if ( isVisible ( ) )
TQSize s = re - > size ( ) ;
s . setHeight ( s . height ( ) - ( mDeferGroup - > isHidden ( ) ? 0 : mDeferGroupHeight ) ) ;
KAlarm : : writeConfigWindowSize ( EDIT_DIALOG_NAME , s ) ;
KDialog : : resizeEvent ( re ) ;
* Called when the OK button is clicked .
* Validate the input data .
void EditAlarmDlg : : slotOk ( )
if ( ! stateChanged ( ) )
// No changes have been made except possibly to an existing deferral
if ( ! mOnlyDeferred )
reject ( ) ;
accept ( ) ;
return ;
RecurrenceEdit : : RepeatType recurType = mRecurrenceEdit - > repeatType ( ) ;
if ( mTimeWidget
& & mTabs - > currentPageIndex ( ) = = mRecurPageIndex & & recurType = = RecurrenceEdit : : AT_LOGIN )
mTimeWidget - > setDateTime ( mRecurrenceEdit - > endDateTime ( ) ) ;
bool timedRecurrence = mRecurrenceEdit - > isTimedRepeatType ( ) ; // does it recur other than at login?
if ( mTemplate )
// Check that the template name is not blank and is unique
TQString errmsg ;
TQString name = mTemplateName - > text ( ) ;
if ( name . isEmpty ( ) )
errmsg = i18n ( " You must enter a name for the alarm template " ) ;
else if ( name ! = mSavedTemplateName )
AlarmCalendar * cal = AlarmCalendar : : templateCalendarOpen ( ) ;
if ( cal & & KAEvent : : findTemplateName ( * cal , name ) . valid ( ) )
errmsg = i18n ( " Template name is already in use " ) ;
if ( ! errmsg . isEmpty ( ) )
mTemplateName - > setFocus ( ) ;
KMessageBox : : sorry ( this , errmsg ) ;
return ;
TQWidget * errWidget ;
mAlarmDateTime = mTimeWidget - > getDateTime ( 0 , ! timedRecurrence , false , & errWidget ) ;
if ( errWidget )
// It's more than just an existing deferral being changed, so the time matters
mTabs - > setCurrentPage ( mMainPageIndex ) ;
errWidget - > setFocus ( ) ;
mTimeWidget - > getDateTime ( ) ; // display the error message now
return ;
if ( ! checkCommandData ( ) | | ! checkEmailData ( ) )
return ;
if ( ! mTemplate )
if ( timedRecurrence )
// For daily, weekly, monthly and yearly recurrences, check that the
// specified date matches the allowed days of the week
if ( ! mRecurrenceEdit - > validateDate ( mAlarmDateTime ) )
KMessageBox : : sorry ( this , i18n ( " The date/time in the Alarm tab does not "
" match the recurrence settings specified in the Recurrence tab. " ) ) ;
return ;
TQDateTime now = TQDateTime : : currentDateTime ( ) ;
if ( mAlarmDateTime . date ( ) < now . date ( )
| | ( mAlarmDateTime . date ( ) = = now . date ( )
& & ! mAlarmDateTime . isDateOnly ( ) & & mAlarmDateTime . time ( ) < now . time ( ) ) )
// A timed recurrence has an entered start date which
// has already expired, so we must adjust it.
KAEvent event ;
getEvent ( event ) ; // this may adjust mAlarmDateTime
if ( ( mAlarmDateTime . date ( ) < now . date ( )
| | ( mAlarmDateTime . date ( ) = = now . date ( )
& & ! mAlarmDateTime . isDateOnly ( ) & & mAlarmDateTime . time ( ) < now . time ( ) ) )
& & event . nextOccurrence ( now , mAlarmDateTime , KAEvent : : ALLOW_FOR_REPETITION ) = = KAEvent : : NO_OCCURRENCE )
KMessageBox : : sorry ( this , i18n ( " Recurrence has already expired " ) ) ;
return ;
TQString errmsg ;
TQWidget * errWidget = mRecurrenceEdit - > checkData ( mAlarmDateTime . dateTime ( ) , errmsg ) ;
if ( errWidget )
mTabs - > setCurrentPage ( mRecurPageIndex ) ;
errWidget - > setFocus ( ) ;
KMessageBox : : sorry ( this , errmsg ) ;
return ;
if ( recurType ! = RecurrenceEdit : : NO_RECUR )
KAEvent recurEvent ;
int longestRecurInterval = - 1 ;
int reminder = mReminder - > minutes ( ) ;
if ( reminder & & ! mReminder - > isOnceOnly ( ) )
mRecurrenceEdit - > updateEvent ( recurEvent , false ) ;
longestRecurInterval = recurEvent . longestRecurrenceInterval ( ) ;
if ( longestRecurInterval & & reminder > = longestRecurInterval )
mTabs - > setCurrentPage ( mMainPageIndex ) ;
mReminder - > setFocusOnCount ( ) ;
KMessageBox : : sorry ( this , i18n ( " Reminder period must be less than the recurrence interval, unless '%1' is checked. " ) . arg ( Reminder : : i18n_first_recurrence_only ( ) ) ) ;
return ;
if ( mRecurrenceEdit - > subRepeatCount ( ) )
if ( longestRecurInterval < 0 )
mRecurrenceEdit - > updateEvent ( recurEvent , false ) ;
longestRecurInterval = recurEvent . longestRecurrenceInterval ( ) ;
if ( longestRecurInterval > 0
& & recurEvent . repeatInterval ( ) * recurEvent . repeatCount ( ) > = longestRecurInterval - reminder )
KMessageBox : : sorry ( this , i18n ( " The duration of a repetition within the recurrence must be less than the recurrence interval minus any reminder period " ) ) ;
mRecurrenceEdit - > activateSubRepetition ( ) ; // display the alarm repetition dialog again
return ;
if ( recurEvent . repeatInterval ( ) % 1440
& & ( ( mTemplate & & mTemplateAnyTime - > isOn ( ) ) | | ( ! mTemplate & & mAlarmDateTime . isDateOnly ( ) ) ) )
KMessageBox : : sorry ( this , i18n ( " For a repetition within the recurrence, its period must be in units of days or weeks for a date-only alarm " ) ) ;
mRecurrenceEdit - > activateSubRepetition ( ) ; // display the alarm repetition dialog again
return ;
if ( checkText ( mAlarmMessage ) )
accept ( ) ;
* Called when the Try button is clicked .
* Display / execute the alarm immediately for the user to check its configuration .
void EditAlarmDlg : : slotTry ( )
TQString text ;
if ( checkText ( text ) )
if ( mEmailRadio - > isOn ( ) )
if ( ! checkEmailData ( )
| | KMessageBox : : warningContinueCancel ( this , i18n ( " Do you really want to send the email now to the specified recipient(s)? " ) ,
i18n ( " Confirm Email " ) , i18n ( " &Send " ) ) ! = KMessageBox : : Continue )
return ;
KAEvent event ;
setEvent ( event , text , true ) ;
void * proc = theApp ( ) - > execAlarm ( event , event . firstAlarm ( ) , false , false ) ;
if ( proc )
if ( mCommandRadio - > isOn ( ) & & mCmdOutputGroup - > selectedId ( ) ! = EXEC_IN_TERMINAL )
theApp ( ) - > commandMessage ( ( ShellProcess * ) proc , this ) ;
KMessageBox : : information ( this , i18n ( " Command executed: \n %1 " ) . arg ( text ) ) ;
theApp ( ) - > commandMessage ( ( ShellProcess * ) proc , 0 ) ;
else if ( mEmailRadio - > isOn ( ) )
TQString bcc ;
if ( mEmailBcc - > isChecked ( ) )
bcc = i18n ( " \n Bcc: %1 " ) . arg ( Preferences : : emailBccAddress ( ) ) ;
KMessageBox : : information ( this , i18n ( " Email sent to: \n %1%2 " ) . arg ( mEmailAddresses . join ( " \n " ) ) . arg ( bcc ) ) ;
* Called when the Cancel button is clicked .
void EditAlarmDlg : : slotCancel ( )
reject ( ) ;
* Called when the Load Template button is clicked .
* Prompt to select a template and initialise the dialogue with its contents .
void EditAlarmDlg : : slotDefault ( )
TemplatePickDlg dlg ( this , " templPickDlg " ) ;
if ( dlg . exec ( ) = = TQDialog : : Accepted )
initialise ( dlg . selectedTemplate ( ) ) ;
* Called when the Change deferral button is clicked .
void EditAlarmDlg : : slotEditDeferral ( )
if ( ! mTimeWidget )
return ;
bool limit = true ;
int repeatInterval ;
int repeatCount = mRecurrenceEdit - > subRepeatCount ( & repeatInterval ) ;
DateTime start = mSavedEvent - > recurs ( ) ? ( mExpiredRecurrence ? DateTime ( ) : mSavedEvent - > mainDateTime ( ) )
: mTimeWidget - > getDateTime ( 0 , ! repeatCount , ! mExpiredRecurrence ) ;
if ( ! start . isValid ( ) )
if ( ! mExpiredRecurrence )
return ;
limit = false ;
TQDateTime now = TQDateTime : : currentDateTime ( ) ;
if ( limit )
if ( repeatCount & & start < now )
// Sub-repetition - find the time of the next one
repeatInterval * = 60 ;
int repetition = ( start . secsTo ( now ) + repeatInterval - 1 ) / repeatInterval ;
if ( repetition > repeatCount )
mTimeWidget - > getDateTime ( ) ; // output the appropriate error message
return ;
start = start . addSecs ( repetition * repeatInterval ) ;
bool deferred = mDeferDateTime . isValid ( ) ;
DeferAlarmDlg deferDlg ( i18n ( " Defer Alarm " ) , ( deferred ? mDeferDateTime : DateTime ( now . addSecs ( 60 ) ) ) ,
deferred , this , " EditDeferDlg " ) ;
if ( limit )
// Don't allow deferral past the next recurrence
int reminder = mReminder - > minutes ( ) ;
if ( reminder )
DateTime remindTime = start . addMins ( - reminder ) ;
if ( TQDateTime : : currentDateTime ( ) < remindTime )
start = remindTime ;
deferDlg . setLimit ( start . addSecs ( - 60 ) ) ;
if ( deferDlg . exec ( ) = = TQDialog : : Accepted )
mDeferDateTime = deferDlg . getDateTime ( ) ;
mDeferTimeLabel - > setText ( mDeferDateTime . isValid ( ) ? mDeferDateTime . formatLocale ( ) : TQString ( ) ) ;
* Called when the main page is shown .
* Sets the focus widget to the first edit field .
void EditAlarmDlg : : slotShowMainPage ( )
slotAlarmTypeChanged ( - 1 ) ;
if ( ! mMainPageShown )
if ( mTemplateName )
mTemplateName - > setFocus ( ) ;
mMainPageShown = true ;
if ( mTimeWidget )
if ( ! mReadOnly & & mRecurPageShown & & mRecurrenceEdit - > repeatType ( ) = = RecurrenceEdit : : AT_LOGIN )
mTimeWidget - > setDateTime ( mRecurrenceEdit - > endDateTime ( ) ) ;
if ( mReadOnly | | mRecurrenceEdit - > isTimedRepeatType ( ) )
mTimeWidget - > setMinDateTime ( ) ; // don't set a minimum date/time
mTimeWidget - > setMinDateTimeIsCurrent ( ) ; // set the minimum date/time to track the clock
* Called when the recurrence edit page is shown .
* The recurrence defaults are set to correspond to the start date .
* The first time , for a new alarm , the recurrence end date is set according to
* the alarm start time .
void EditAlarmDlg : : slotShowRecurrenceEdit ( )
mRecurPageIndex = mTabs - > currentPageIndex ( ) ;
if ( ! mReadOnly & & ! mTemplate )
TQDateTime now = TQDateTime : : currentDateTime ( ) ;
mAlarmDateTime = mTimeWidget - > getDateTime ( 0 , false , false ) ;
bool expired = ( mAlarmDateTime . dateTime ( ) < now ) ;
if ( mRecurSetDefaultEndDate )
mRecurrenceEdit - > setDefaultEndDate ( expired ? now . date ( ) : mAlarmDateTime . date ( ) ) ;
mRecurSetDefaultEndDate = false ;
mRecurrenceEdit - > setStartDate ( mAlarmDateTime . date ( ) , now . date ( ) ) ;
if ( mRecurrenceEdit - > repeatType ( ) = = RecurrenceEdit : : AT_LOGIN )
mRecurrenceEdit - > setEndDateTime ( expired ? now : mAlarmDateTime ) ;
mRecurPageShown = true ;
* Called when the recurrence type selection changes .
* Enables / disables date - only alarms as appropriate .
* Enables / disables controls depending on at - login setting .
void EditAlarmDlg : : slotRecurTypeChange ( int repeatType )
bool atLogin = ( mRecurrenceEdit - > repeatType ( ) = = RecurrenceEdit : : AT_LOGIN ) ;
if ( ! mTemplate )
bool recurs = ( mRecurrenceEdit - > repeatType ( ) ! = RecurrenceEdit : : NO_RECUR ) ;
if ( mDeferGroup )
mDeferGroup - > setEnabled ( recurs ) ;
mTimeWidget - > enableAnyTime ( ! recurs | | repeatType ! = RecurrenceEdit : : SUBDAILY ) ;
if ( atLogin )
mAlarmDateTime = mTimeWidget - > getDateTime ( 0 , false , false ) ;
mRecurrenceEdit - > setEndDateTime ( mAlarmDateTime . dateTime ( ) ) ;
mReminder - > enableOnceOnly ( recurs & & ! atLogin ) ;
mReminder - > setEnabled ( ! atLogin ) ;
mLateCancel - > setEnabled ( ! atLogin ) ;
if ( mShowInKorganizer )
mShowInKorganizer - > setEnabled ( ! atLogin ) ;
slotRecurFrequencyChange ( ) ;
* Called when the recurrence frequency selection changes , or the sub -
* repetition interval changes .
* Updates the recurrence frequency text .
void EditAlarmDlg : : slotRecurFrequencyChange ( )
slotSetSubRepetition ( ) ;
KAEvent event ;
mRecurrenceEdit - > updateEvent ( event , false ) ;
mTabs - > setTabLabel ( mTabs - > page ( mRecurPageIndex ) , recurText ( event ) ) ;
* Called when the Repetition within Recurrence button has been pressed to
* display the sub - repetition dialog .
* Alarm repetition has the following restrictions :
* 1 ) Not allowed for a repeat - at - login alarm
* 2 ) For a date - only alarm , the repeat interval must be a whole number of days .
* 3 ) The overall repeat duration must be less than the recurrence interval .
void EditAlarmDlg : : slotSetSubRepetition ( )
bool dateOnly = mTemplate ? mTemplateAnyTime - > isOn ( ) : mTimeWidget - > anyTime ( ) ;
mRecurrenceEdit - > setSubRepetition ( mReminder - > minutes ( ) , dateOnly ) ;
* Validate and convert command alarm data .
bool EditAlarmDlg : : checkCommandData ( )
if ( mCommandRadio - > isOn ( ) & & mCmdOutputGroup - > selectedId ( ) = = LOG_TO_FILE )
// Validate the log file name
TQString file = mCmdLogFileEdit - > text ( ) ;
TQFileInfo info ( file ) ;
TQDir : : setCurrent ( TQDir : : homeDirPath ( ) ) ;
bool err = file . isEmpty ( ) | | info . isDir ( ) ;
if ( ! err )
if ( info . exists ( ) )
err = ! info . isWritable ( ) ;
TQFileInfo dirinfo ( info . dirPath ( true ) ) ; // get absolute directory path
err = ( ! dirinfo . isDir ( ) | | ! dirinfo . isWritable ( ) ) ;
if ( err )
mTabs - > setCurrentPage ( mMainPageIndex ) ;
mCmdLogFileEdit - > setFocus ( ) ;
KMessageBox : : sorry ( this , i18n ( " Log file must be the name or path of a local file, with write permission. " ) ) ;
return false ;
// Convert the log file to an absolute path
mCmdLogFileEdit - > setText ( info . absFilePath ( ) ) ;
return true ;
* Convert the email addresses to a list , and validate them . Convert the email
* attachments to a list .
bool EditAlarmDlg : : checkEmailData ( )
if ( mEmailRadio - > isOn ( ) )
TQString addrs = mEmailToEdit - > text ( ) ;
if ( addrs . isEmpty ( ) )
mEmailAddresses . clear ( ) ;
TQString bad = KAMail : : convertAddresses ( addrs , mEmailAddresses ) ;
if ( ! bad . isEmpty ( ) )
mEmailToEdit - > setFocus ( ) ;
KMessageBox : : error ( this , i18n ( " Invalid email address: \n %1 " ) . arg ( bad ) ) ;
return false ;
if ( mEmailAddresses . isEmpty ( ) )
mEmailToEdit - > setFocus ( ) ;
KMessageBox : : error ( this , i18n ( " No email address specified " ) ) ;
return false ;
mEmailAttachments . clear ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < mEmailAttachList - > count ( ) ; + + i )
TQString att = mEmailAttachList - > text ( i ) ;
switch ( KAMail : : checkAttachment ( att ) )
case 1 :
mEmailAttachments . append ( att ) ;
break ;
case 0 :
break ; // empty
case - 1 :
mEmailAttachList - > setFocus ( ) ;
KMessageBox : : error ( this , i18n ( " Invalid email attachment: \n %1 " ) . arg ( att ) ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
* Called when one of the alarm action type radio buttons is clicked ,
* to display the appropriate set of controls for that action type .
void EditAlarmDlg : : slotAlarmTypeChanged ( int )
bool displayAlarm = false ;
TQWidget * focus = 0 ;
if ( mMessageRadio - > isOn ( ) )
mFileBox - > hide ( ) ;
mFilePadding - > hide ( ) ;
mTextMessageEdit - > show ( ) ;
mFontColourButton - > show ( ) ;
mBgColourBox - > hide ( ) ;
mSoundPicker - > showSpeak ( true ) ;
mDisplayAlarmsFrame - > show ( ) ;
mCommandFrame - > hide ( ) ;
mEmailFrame - > hide ( ) ;
mReminder - > show ( ) ;
mConfirmAck - > show ( ) ;
setButtonWhatsThis ( Try , i18n ( " Display the alarm message now " ) ) ;
focus = mTextMessageEdit ;
displayAlarm = true ;
else if ( mFileRadio - > isOn ( ) )
mTextMessageEdit - > hide ( ) ;
mFileBox - > show ( ) ;
mFilePadding - > show ( ) ;
mFontColourButton - > hide ( ) ;
mBgColourBox - > show ( ) ;
mSoundPicker - > showSpeak ( false ) ;
mDisplayAlarmsFrame - > show ( ) ;
mCommandFrame - > hide ( ) ;
mEmailFrame - > hide ( ) ;
mReminder - > show ( ) ;
mConfirmAck - > show ( ) ;
setButtonWhatsThis ( Try , i18n ( " Display the file now " ) ) ;
mFileMessageEdit - > setNoSelect ( ) ;
focus = mFileMessageEdit ;
displayAlarm = true ;
else if ( mCommandRadio - > isOn ( ) )
mDisplayAlarmsFrame - > hide ( ) ;
mCommandFrame - > show ( ) ;
mEmailFrame - > hide ( ) ;
mReminder - > hide ( ) ;
mConfirmAck - > hide ( ) ;
setButtonWhatsThis ( Try , i18n ( " Execute the specified command now " ) ) ;
mCmdCommandEdit - > setNoSelect ( ) ;
focus = mCmdCommandEdit ;
else if ( mEmailRadio - > isOn ( ) )
mDisplayAlarmsFrame - > hide ( ) ;
mCommandFrame - > hide ( ) ;
mEmailFrame - > show ( ) ;
mReminder - > hide ( ) ;
mConfirmAck - > hide ( ) ;
setButtonWhatsThis ( Try , i18n ( " Send the email to the specified addressees now " ) ) ;
mEmailToEdit - > setNoSelect ( ) ;
focus = mEmailToEdit ;
mLateCancel - > showAutoClose ( displayAlarm ) ;
mLateCancel - > setFixedSize ( mLateCancel - > sizeHint ( ) ) ;
if ( focus )
focus - > setFocus ( ) ;
* Called when one of the command type radio buttons is clicked ,
* to display the appropriate edit field .
void EditAlarmDlg : : slotCmdScriptToggled ( bool on )
if ( on )
mCmdCommandEdit - > hide ( ) ;
mCmdPadding - > hide ( ) ;
mCmdScriptEdit - > show ( ) ;
mCmdScriptEdit - > setFocus ( ) ;
mCmdScriptEdit - > hide ( ) ;
mCmdCommandEdit - > show ( ) ;
mCmdPadding - > show ( ) ;
mCmdCommandEdit - > setFocus ( ) ;
* Called when one of the template time radio buttons is clicked ,
* to enable or disable the template time entry spin boxes .
void EditAlarmDlg : : slotTemplateTimeType ( int )
mTemplateTime - > setEnabled ( mTemplateUseTime - > isOn ( ) ) ;
mTemplateTimeAfter - > setEnabled ( mTemplateUseTimeAfter - > isOn ( ) ) ;
* Called when the " Any time " checkbox is toggled in the date / time widget .
* Sets the advance reminder and late cancel units to days if any time is checked .
void EditAlarmDlg : : slotAnyTimeToggled ( bool anyTime )
if ( mReminder - > isReminder ( ) )
mReminder - > setDateOnly ( anyTime ) ;
mLateCancel - > setDateOnly ( anyTime ) ;
* Get a selection from the Address Book .
void EditAlarmDlg : : openAddressBook ( )
TDEABC : : Addressee a = TDEABC : : AddresseeDialog : : getAddressee ( this ) ;
if ( a . isEmpty ( ) )
return ;
Person person ( a . realName ( ) , a . preferredEmail ( ) ) ;
TQString addrs = mEmailToEdit - > text ( ) . stripWhiteSpace ( ) ;
if ( ! addrs . isEmpty ( ) )
addrs + = " , " ;
addrs + = person . fullName ( ) ;
mEmailToEdit - > setText ( addrs ) ;
* Select a file to attach to the email .
void EditAlarmDlg : : slotAddAttachment ( )
TQString url = KAlarm : : browseFile ( i18n ( " Choose File to Attach " ) , mAttachDefaultDir , TQString ( ) ,
TQString ( ) , KFile : : ExistingOnly , this , " pickAttachFile " ) ;
if ( ! url . isEmpty ( ) )
mEmailAttachList - > insertItem ( url ) ;
mEmailAttachList - > setCurrentItem ( mEmailAttachList - > count ( ) - 1 ) ; // select the new item
mEmailRemoveButton - > setEnabled ( true ) ;
mEmailAttachList - > setEnabled ( true ) ;
* Remove the currently selected attachment from the email .
void EditAlarmDlg : : slotRemoveAttachment ( )
int item = mEmailAttachList - > currentItem ( ) ;
mEmailAttachList - > removeItem ( item ) ;
int count = mEmailAttachList - > count ( ) ;
if ( item > = count )
mEmailAttachList - > setCurrentItem ( count - 1 ) ;
if ( ! count )
mEmailRemoveButton - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
mEmailAttachList - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
* Clean up the alarm text , and if it ' s a file , check whether it ' s valid .
bool EditAlarmDlg : : checkText ( TQString & result , bool showErrorMessage ) const
if ( mMessageRadio - > isOn ( ) )
result = mTextMessageEdit - > text ( ) ;
else if ( mEmailRadio - > isOn ( ) )
result = mEmailMessageEdit - > text ( ) ;
else if ( mCommandRadio - > isOn ( ) )
if ( mCmdTypeScript - > isChecked ( ) )
result = mCmdScriptEdit - > text ( ) ;
result = mCmdCommandEdit - > text ( ) ;
result = result . stripWhiteSpace ( ) ;
else if ( mFileRadio - > isOn ( ) )
TQString alarmtext = mFileMessageEdit - > text ( ) . stripWhiteSpace ( ) ;
// Convert any relative file path to absolute
// (using home directory as the default)
Err err = NONE ;
KURL url ;
int i = alarmtext . find ( TQString : : fromLatin1 ( " / " ) ) ;
if ( i > 0 & & alarmtext [ i - 1 ] = = ' : ' )
url = alarmtext ;
url . cleanPath ( ) ;
alarmtext = url . prettyURL ( ) ;
TDEIO : : UDSEntry uds ;
if ( ! TDEIO : : NetAccess : : stat ( url , uds , MainWindow : : mainMainWindow ( ) ) )
KFileItem fi ( uds , url ) ;
if ( fi . isDir ( ) ) err = DIRECTORY ;
else if ( ! fi . isReadable ( ) ) err = UNREADABLE ;
else if ( alarmtext . isEmpty ( ) )
err = BLANK ; // blank file name
// It's a local file - convert to absolute path & check validity
TQFileInfo info ( alarmtext ) ;
TQDir : : setCurrent ( TQDir : : homeDirPath ( ) ) ;
alarmtext = info . absFilePath ( ) ;
url . setPath ( alarmtext ) ;
alarmtext = TQString : : fromLatin1 ( " file: " ) + alarmtext ;
if ( ! err )
if ( info . isDir ( ) ) err = DIRECTORY ;
else if ( ! info . exists ( ) ) err = NONEXISTENT ;
else if ( ! info . isReadable ( ) ) err = UNREADABLE ;
if ( ! err )
switch ( KAlarm : : fileType ( KFileItem ( KFileItem : : Unknown , KFileItem : : Unknown , url ) . mimetype ( ) ) )
case KAlarm : : TextFormatted :
case KAlarm : : TextPlain :
case KAlarm : : TextApplication :
case KAlarm : : Image :
break ;
default :
break ;
if ( err & & showErrorMessage )
mFileMessageEdit - > setFocus ( ) ;
TQString errmsg ;
switch ( err )
case BLANK :
KMessageBox : : sorry ( const_cast < EditAlarmDlg * > ( this ) , i18n ( " Please select a file to display " ) ) ;
return false ;
case NONEXISTENT : errmsg = i18n ( " %1 \n not found " ) ; break ;
case DIRECTORY : errmsg = i18n ( " %1 \n is a folder " ) ; break ;
case UNREADABLE : errmsg = i18n ( " %1 \n is not readable " ) ; break ;
case NOT_TEXT_IMAGE : errmsg = i18n ( " %1 \n appears not to be a text or image file " ) ; break ;
case NONE :
default :
break ;
if ( KMessageBox : : warningContinueCancel ( const_cast < EditAlarmDlg * > ( this ) , errmsg . arg ( alarmtext ) )
= = KMessageBox : : Cancel )
return false ;
result = alarmtext ;
return true ;
= Class TextEdit
= A text edit field with a minimum height of 3 text lines .
= Provides KDE 2 compatibility .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = */
TextEdit : : TextEdit ( TQWidget * parent , const char * name )
: KTextEdit ( parent , name )
TQSize tsize = sizeHint ( ) ;
tsize . setHeight ( fontMetrics ( ) . lineSpacing ( ) * 13 / 4 + 2 * frameWidth ( ) ) ;
setMinimumSize ( tsize ) ;
void TextEdit : : dragEnterEvent ( TQDragEnterEvent * e )
if ( KCal : : ICalDrag : : canDecode ( e ) )
e - > accept ( false ) ; // don't accept "text/calendar" objects
KTextEdit : : dragEnterEvent ( e ) ;