/* -*- c++ -*-
This file is part of the testsuite of KSieve,
the KDE internet mail/usenet news message filtering library.
Copyright (c) 2003 Marc Mutz <mutz@kde.org>
KSieve is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
KSieve is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
permission to link the code of this program with any edition of
the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions
of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked
combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General
Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than
Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to
your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from
your version.
#include <config.h>
#include <ksieve/lexer.h>
using KSieve::Lexer;
#include <ksieve/error.h>
using KSieve::Error;
#include <tqcstring.h> // qstrlen
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
static const char * token2string( Lexer::Token t ) {
switch ( t ) {
#define CASE(x) case Lexer::x: return #x
CASE( None );
CASE( HashComment );
CASE( BracketComment );
CASE( Identifier );
CASE( Tag );
CASE( Number );
CASE( MultiLineString );
CASE( QuotedString );
CASE( Special );
CASE( LineFeeds );
return "";
#undef CASE
struct TestCase {
const char * name;
const char * string;
struct {
Lexer::Token token;
const char * result;
} expected[16]; // end with { None, 0 }
Error::Type expectedError;
int errorLine, errorCol;
static const TestCase testcases[] = {
// Whitespace:
{ "Null script", 0,
{ { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Empty script", "",
{ { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Whitespace-only script", " \t\n\t \n",
{ { Lexer::LineFeeds, "2" }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Lone CR", "\r",
{ { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::CRWithoutLF, 0, 1
{ "CR+Space", "\r ",
{ { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::CRWithoutLF, 0, 1
{ "CRLF alone", "\r\n",
{ { Lexer::LineFeeds, "1" }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
// hash comments:
{ "Basic hash comment (no newline)", "#comment",
{ { Lexer::HashComment, "comment" }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Basic hash comment (LF)", "#comment\n",
{ { Lexer::HashComment, "comment" }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Basic hash comment (CRLF)", "#comment\r\n",
{ { Lexer::HashComment, "comment" }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Basic hash comment (CR)", "#comment\r",
{ { Lexer::HashComment, 0 } },
Error::CRWithoutLF, 0, 9
{ "Non-UTF-8 in hash comment", "#\xA9 copyright",
{ { Lexer::HashComment, 0 } },
Error::InvalidUTF8, 0, 12
// bracket comments:
{ "Basic bracket comment", "/* comment */",
{ { Lexer::BracketComment, " comment " }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Basic bracket comment - missing trailing slash", "/* comment *",
{ { Lexer::BracketComment, 0 } },
Error::UnfinishedBracketComment, 0, 0
{ "Basic bracket comment - missing trailing asterisk + slash", "/* comment ",
{ { Lexer::BracketComment, 0 } },
Error::UnfinishedBracketComment, 0, 0
{ "Basic bracket comment - missing leading slash", "* comment */",
{ { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::IllegalCharacter, 0, 0
{ "Basic bracket comment - missing leading asterisk + slash", "comment */",
{ { Lexer::Identifier, "comment" }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::IllegalCharacter, 0, 8
{ "Basic multiline bracket comment (LF)", "/* comment\ncomment */",
{ { Lexer::BracketComment, " comment\ncomment " }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Basic multiline bracket comment (CRLF)", "/* comment\r\ncomment */",
{ { Lexer::BracketComment, " comment\ncomment " }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Basic multiline bracket comment (CR)", "/* comment\rcomment */",
{ { Lexer::BracketComment, 0 } },
Error::CRWithoutLF, 0, 11
{ "Non-UTF-8 in bracket comment", "/*\xA9 copyright*/",
{ { Lexer::BracketComment, 0 } },
Error::InvalidUTF8, 0, 14
// numbers:
{ "Basic number 1", "1",
{ { Lexer::Number, "1" }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Basic number 01", "01",
{ { Lexer::Number, "01" }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Qualified number 1k", "1k",
{ { Lexer::Number, "1k" }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Qualified number 1M", "1M",
{ { Lexer::Number, "1M" }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Qualified number 1G", "1G",
{ { Lexer::Number, "1G" }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
// identifiers:
{ "Basic identifier \"id\"", "id",
{ { Lexer::Identifier, "id" }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Basic identifier \"_id\"", "_id",
{ { Lexer::Identifier, "_id" }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
// tags:
{ "Basic tag \":tag\"", ":tag",
{ { Lexer::Tag, "tag" }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Basic tag \":_tag\"", ":_tag",
{ { Lexer::Tag, "_tag" }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
// specials:
{ "Basic special \"{}[]();,\"", "{}[]();,",
{ { Lexer::Special, "{" }, { Lexer::Special, "}" },
{ Lexer::Special, "[" }, { Lexer::Special, "]" },
{ Lexer::Special, "(" }, { Lexer::Special, ")" },
{ Lexer::Special, ";" }, { Lexer::Special, "," }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
// quoted-string:
{ "Basic quoted string \"foo\"", "\"foo\"",
{ { Lexer::QuotedString, "foo" }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Basic quoted string, UTF-8", "\"foo\xC3\xB1" "foo\"", // foo<6F>foo
{ { Lexer::QuotedString, "foo\xC3\xB1" "foo" }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Quoted string, escaped '\"'", "\"foo\\\"bar\"",
{ { Lexer::QuotedString, "foo\"bar" }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Quoted string, escaped '\\'", "\"foo\\\\bar\"",
{ { Lexer::QuotedString, "foo\\bar" }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Quoted string, excessive escapes", "\"\\fo\\o\"",
{ { Lexer::QuotedString, "foo" }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Quoted string across lines (LF)", "\"foo\nbar\"",
{ { Lexer::QuotedString, "foo\nbar" }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Quoted string across lines (CRLF)", "\"foo\r\nbar\"",
{ { Lexer::QuotedString, "foo\nbar" }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
// multiline strings:
{ "Basic multiline string I (LF)", "text:\nfoo\n.",
{ { Lexer::MultiLineString, "foo" /* "foo\n" ? */ }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Basic multiline string I (CRLF)", "text:\r\nfoo\r\n.",
{ { Lexer::MultiLineString, "foo" /* "foo\n" ? */ }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Basic multiline string II (LF)", "text:\nfoo\n.\n",
{ { Lexer::MultiLineString, "foo" /* "foo\n" ? */ }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Basic multiline string II (CRLF)", "text:\r\nfoo\r\n.\r\n",
{ { Lexer::MultiLineString, "foo" /* "foo\n" ? */ }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Dotstuffed multiline string (LF)", "text:\n..foo\n.",
{ { Lexer::MultiLineString, ".foo" /* ".foo\n" ? */ }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Dotstuffed multiline string (CRLF)", "text:\r\n..foo\r\n.",
{ { Lexer::MultiLineString, ".foo" /* ".foo\n" ? */ }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Incompletely dotstuffed multiline string (LF)", "text:\n.foo\n.",
{ { Lexer::MultiLineString, ".foo" /* ".foo\n" ? */ }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Incompletely dotstuffed multiline string (CRLF)", "text:\r\n.foo\r\n.",
{ { Lexer::MultiLineString, ".foo" /* ".foo\n" ? */ }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
{ "Mutiline with a line with only one '.'","text:\r\nfoo\r\n..\r\nbar\r\n.",
{ { Lexer::MultiLineString, "foo\n.\nbar" }, { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
// Errors in single tokens:
// numbers:
{ "Number, unknown qualifier", "100f",
{ { Lexer::Number, "100" } },
Error::UnexpectedCharacter, 0, 3
{ "Negative number", "-100",
{ { Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::IllegalCharacter, 0, 0
// identifiers:
{ "Identifier, leading digits", "0id",
{ { Lexer::Number, "0" } },
Error::UnexpectedCharacter, 0, 1
{ "Identifier, embedded umlaut", "id<EFBFBD>id",
{ { Lexer::Identifier, "id" } },
Error::IllegalCharacter, 0, 2
// tags:
{ "Lone ':' (at end)", ":",
{ { Lexer::Tag, 0 } },
Error::UnexpectedCharacter, 0, 0
{ "Lone ':' (in stream)", ": ",
{ { Lexer::Tag, 0 } },
Error::UnexpectedCharacter, 0, 1
{ "Tag, leading digits", ":0tag",
{ { Lexer::Tag, 0 } },
Error::NoLeadingDigits, 0, 1
{ "Tag, embedded umlaut", ":tag<61>tag",
{ { Lexer::Tag, "tag" } },
Error::IllegalCharacter, 0, 4
// specials: (none)
// quoted string:
{ "Premature end of quoted string", "\"foo",
{ { Lexer::QuotedString, "foo" } },
Error::PrematureEndOfQuotedString, 0, 0
{ "Invalid UTF-8 in quoted string", "\"foo\xC0\xA0" "foo\"",
{ { Lexer::QuotedString, "foo" } },
Error::InvalidUTF8, 0, 4
// Whitespace / token separation: valid
{ "Two identifiers with linebreaks", "foo\nbar\n",
{ { Lexer::Identifier, "foo" },
{ Lexer::LineFeeds, "1" },
{ Lexer::Identifier, "bar" },
{ Lexer::LineFeeds, "1" },
{ Lexer::None, 0 } },
Error::None, 0, 0
// Whitespace / token separation: invalid
static const int numTestCases = sizeof testcases / sizeof *testcases ;
int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) {
if ( argc == 2 ) { // manual test
const char * scursor = argv[1];
const char * const send = argv[1] + qstrlen( argv[1] );
Lexer lexer( scursor, send );
cout << "Begin" << endl;
while ( !lexer.atEnd() ) {
TQString result;
Lexer::Token token = lexer.nextToken( result );
if ( lexer.error() ) {
cout << "Error " << token2string( token ) << ": \""
<< lexer.error().asString().latin1() << "\" at ("
<< lexer.error().line() << "," << lexer.error().column()
<< ")" << endl;
} else
cout << "Got " << token2string( token ) << ": \""
<< result.utf8().data() << "\" at ("
<< lexer.line() << "," << lexer.column() << ")" << endl;
cout << "End" << endl;
} else if ( argc == 1 ) { // automated test
bool success = true;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numTestCases ; ++i ) {
bool ok = true;
const TestCase & t = testcases[i];
const char * const send = t.string + qstrlen( t.string );
Lexer lexer( t.string, send, Lexer::IncludeComments );
cerr << t.name << ":";
for ( int j = 0 ; !lexer.atEnd() ; ++j ) {
TQString result;
Lexer::Token token = lexer.nextToken( result );
Error error = lexer.error();
if ( t.expected[j].token != token ) {
ok = false;
cerr << " expected token " << token2string( t.expected[j].token )
<< ", got " << token2string( token );
if ( TQString::fromUtf8( t.expected[j].result ) != result ) {
ok = false;
if ( t.expected[j].result )
cerr << " expected string \"" << t.expected[j].result << "\"";
cerr << " expected null string";
if ( !result.utf8().isNull() )
cerr << ", got \"" << result.utf8().data() << "\"";
cerr << ", got null string";
if ( error && error.type() != t.expectedError ) {
ok = false;
cerr << " expected error #" << (int)t.expectedError
<< ", got #" << (int)error.type();
if ( error && ( error.line() != t.errorLine || error.column() != t.errorCol ) ) {
ok = false;
cerr << " expected position (" << t.errorLine << "," << t.errorCol
<< "), got (" << error.line() << "," << error.column() << ")";
if ( error )
goto ErrorOut;
if ( t.expected[j].token == Lexer::None &&
t.expected[j].result == 0 )
if ( !lexer.atEnd() ) {
ok = false;
cerr << " premature end of expected token list";
if ( ok )
cerr << " ok";
cerr << endl;
if ( !ok )
success = false;
if ( !success )
return 1;
} else { // usage error
cerr << "usage: lexertest [ <string> ]" << endl;
exit( 1 );
return 0;