You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1111 lines
35 KiB

kopetemetacontactlvi.cpp - Kopete Meta Contact KListViewItem
Copyright (c) 2004 by Richard Smith <>
Copyright (c) 2002-2004 by Martijn Klingens <>
Copyright (c) 2002-2005 by Olivier Goffart <ogoffart@>
Copyright (c) 2002 by Duncan Mac-Vicar P <>
Kopete (c) 2002-2004 by the Kopete developers <>
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqvariant.h>
#include <tqmime.h>
#include <tqstylesheet.h>
#include "knotification.h"
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kiconeffect.h>
#include <kimageeffect.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kpassivepopup.h>
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kabc/addressbook.h>
#include <kabc/addressee.h>
#include <tdeversion.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
#include "addcontactpage.h"
#include "kopeteaccount.h"
#include "kopeteaccountmanager.h"
#include "kopetecontactlist.h"
#include "kopetecontactlistview.h"
#include "kopeteemoticons.h"
#include "kopeteuiglobal.h"
#include "kopetegroup.h"
#include "kopetegroupviewitem.h"
#include "kopetemetacontact.h"
#include "kopetemetacontactlvi.h"
#include "kopetepluginmanager.h"
#include "kopeteprefs.h"
#include "kopetestdaction.h"
#include "systemtray.h"
#include "kopeteglobal.h"
#include "kopetecontact.h"
#include "kabcpersistence.h"
#include <memory>
using namespace Kopete::UI;
namespace Kopete {
namespace UI {
namespace ListView {
class MetaContactToolTipSource : public ToolTipSource
MetaContactToolTipSource( MetaContact *mc )
: metaContact( mc )
TQString operator()( ComponentBase *, const TQPoint &, TQRect & )
// We begin with the meta contact display name at the top of the tooltip
TQString toolTip = TQString::fromLatin1("<qt><table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\">");
toolTip += TQString::fromLatin1("<tr><td>");
if ( ! metaContact->photo().isNull() )
TQString photoName = TQString::fromLatin1("kopete-metacontact-photo:%1").arg( KURL::encode_string( metaContact->metaContactId() ));
//TQMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->setImage( "contactimg", metaContact->photo() );
toolTip += TQString::fromLatin1("<img src=\"%1\">").arg( photoName );
toolTip += TQString::fromLatin1("</td><td>");
TQString displayName;
Kopete::Emoticons *e = Kopete::Emoticons::self();
TQValueList<Emoticons::Token> t = e->tokenize( metaContact->displayName());
TQValueList<Emoticons::Token>::iterator it;
for( it = t.begin(); it != t.end(); ++it )
if( (*it).type == Kopete::Emoticons::Image )
displayName += (*it).picHTMLCode;
} else if( (*it).type == Kopete::Emoticons::Text )
displayName += TQStyleSheet::escape( (*it).text );
toolTip += TQString::fromLatin1("<b><font size=\"+1\">%1</font></b><br><br>").arg( displayName );
TQPtrList<Contact> contacts = metaContact->contacts();
if ( contacts.count() == 1 )
return toolTip + contacts.first()->toolTip() + TQString::fromLatin1("</td></tr></table></qt>");
toolTip += TQString::fromLatin1("<table>");
// We are over a metacontact with > 1 child contacts, and not over a specific contact
// Iterate through children and display a summary tooltip
for(Contact *c = contacts.first(); c; c =
TQString iconName = TQString::fromLatin1("kopete-contact-icon:%1:%2:%3")
.arg( KURL::encode_string( c->protocol()->pluginId() ),
KURL::encode_string( c->account()->accountId() ),
KURL::encode_string( c->contactId() )
toolTip += i18n("<tr><td>STATUS ICON <b>PROTOCOL NAME</b> (ACCOUNT NAME)</td><td>STATUS DESCRIPTION</td></tr>",
"<tr><td><img src=\"%1\">&nbsp;<nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>&nbsp;<nobr>(%3)</nobr></td><td align=\"right\"><nobr>%4</nobr></td></tr>")
.arg( iconName, Kopete::Emoticons::parseEmoticons(c->property(Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName()).value().toString()) , c->contactId(), c->onlineStatus().description() );
return toolTip + TQString::fromLatin1("</table></td></tr></table></qt>");
MetaContact *metaContact;
} // END namespace ListView
} // END namespace UI
} // END namespace Kopete
class KopeteMetaContactLVI::Private
Private() : metaContactIcon( 0L ), nameText( 0L ), extraText( 0L ), contactIconBox( 0L ),
currentMode( -1 ), currentIconMode( -1 ), hbox(NULL) {}
ListView::ContactBoxComponent *hbox;
ListView::FaceComponent *metaContactIcon;
ListView::DisplayNameComponent *nameText;
ListView::DisplayNameComponent *extraText;
ListView::BoxComponent *contactIconBox;
ListView::BoxComponent *spacerBox;
std::auto_ptr<ListView::ToolTipSource> toolTipSource;
// metacontact icon size
int iconSize;
// protocol icon size
int contactIconSize;
int currentMode;
int currentIconMode;
TQPtrList<Kopete::MessageEvent> events;
KopeteMetaContactLVI::KopeteMetaContactLVI( Kopete::MetaContact *contact, KopeteGroupViewItem *parent )
: ListView::Item( parent, contact, "MetaContactLVI" )
//: TQObject( contact, "MetaContactLVI" ), KListViewItem( parent )
m_metaContact = contact;
m_isTopLevel = false;
m_parentGroup = parent;
m_parentView = 0L;
KopeteMetaContactLVI::KopeteMetaContactLVI( Kopete::MetaContact *contact, TQListViewItem *parent )
: ListView::Item( parent, contact, "MetaContactLVI" )
//: TQObject( contact, "MetaContactLVI" ), KListViewItem( parent )
m_metaContact = contact;
m_isTopLevel = true;
m_parentGroup = 0L;
m_parentView = 0L;
KopeteMetaContactLVI::KopeteMetaContactLVI( Kopete::MetaContact *contact, TQListView *parent )
: ListView::Item( parent, contact, "MetaContactLVI" )
//: TQObject( contact, "MetaContactLVI" ), KListViewItem( parent )
m_metaContact = contact;
m_isTopLevel = true;
m_parentGroup = 0L;
m_parentView = parent;
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::initLVI()
d = new Private;
d->toolTipSource.reset( new ListView::MetaContactToolTipSource( m_metaContact ) );
m_oldStatus = m_metaContact->status();
connect( m_metaContact, TQT_SIGNAL( displayNameChanged( const TQString &, const TQString & ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotDisplayNameChanged() ) );
connect( m_metaContact, TQT_SIGNAL( photoChanged() ),
TQT_SLOT( slotPhotoChanged() ) );
connect( m_metaContact, TQT_SIGNAL( onlineStatusChanged( Kopete::MetaContact *, Kopete::OnlineStatus::StatusType ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotPhotoChanged() ) );
connect( m_metaContact, TQT_SIGNAL( onlineStatusChanged( Kopete::MetaContact *, Kopete::OnlineStatus::StatusType ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT(slotIdleStateChanged( ) ) );
connect( m_metaContact, TQT_SIGNAL( contactStatusChanged( Kopete::Contact *, const Kopete::OnlineStatus & ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotContactStatusChanged( Kopete::Contact * ) ) );
connect( m_metaContact, TQT_SIGNAL( contactAdded( Kopete::Contact * ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotContactAdded( Kopete::Contact * ) ) );
connect( m_metaContact, TQT_SIGNAL( contactRemoved( Kopete::Contact * ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotContactRemoved( Kopete::Contact * ) ) );
connect( m_metaContact, TQT_SIGNAL( iconAppearanceChanged() ),
TQT_SLOT( slotUpdateMetaContact() ) );
connect( m_metaContact, TQT_SIGNAL( useCustomIconChanged( bool ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotUpdateMetaContact() ) );
connect( m_metaContact, TQT_SIGNAL( contactIdleStateChanged( Kopete::Contact * ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotIdleStateChanged( Kopete::Contact * ) ) );
connect( KopetePrefs::prefs(), TQT_SIGNAL( contactListAppearanceChanged() ),
TQT_SLOT( slotConfigChanged() ) );
connect( kapp, TQT_SIGNAL( appearanceChanged() ), TQT_SLOT( slotConfigChanged() ) );
mBlinkTimer = new TQTimer( this, "mBlinkTimer" );
connect( mBlinkTimer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), TQT_SLOT( slotBlink() ) );
mIsBlinkIcon = false;
//if ( !mBlinkIcon )
// mBlinkIcon = new TQPixmap( TDEGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon( TQString::fromLatin1( "newmsg" ), KIcon::Small ) );
slotConfigChanged(); // this calls slotIdleStateChanged(), which sets up the constituent components, spacing, fonts and indirectly, the contact icon
delete d;
//if ( m_parentGroup )
// m_parentGroup->refreshDisplayName();
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::movedToDifferentGroup()
KopeteContactListView *lv = dynamic_cast<KopeteContactListView *>( listView() );
if ( !lv )
if ( m_parentGroup )
// create a spacer if wanted
// I assume that the safety property that allows the delete in slotConfigChanged holds here - Will
delete d->spacerBox->component( 0 );
if ( KListViewItem::parent() && KopetePrefs::prefs()->contactListIndentContacts() &&
!KopetePrefs::prefs()->treeView() )
new ListView::SpacerComponent( d->spacerBox, 20, 0 );
KopeteGroupViewItem *group_item = dynamic_cast<KopeteGroupViewItem*>(KListViewItem::parent());
if ( group_item )
m_isTopLevel = false;
m_parentGroup = group_item;
m_parentView = 0L;
m_isTopLevel = true;
m_parentGroup = 0L;
m_parentView = lv;
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::rename( const TQString& newName )
TQString oldName = m_metaContact->displayName();
KopeteContactListView *lv = dynamic_cast<KopeteContactListView *>( listView() );
if ( lv )
KopeteContactListView::UndoItem *u=new KopeteContactListView::UndoItem(KopeteContactListView::UndoItem::MetaContactRename, m_metaContact);
// HACK but args are strings not ints
u->nameSource = m_metaContact->displayNameSource();
// additional args
if ( m_metaContact->displayNameSource() == Kopete::MetaContact::SourceCustom )
u->args << m_metaContact->customDisplayName();
else if ( m_metaContact->displayNameSource() == Kopete::MetaContact::SourceContact )
Kopete::Contact* c = m_metaContact->displayNameSourceContact();
u->args << c->contactId() << c->protocol()->pluginId() << c->account()->accountId();
// source kabc requires no arguments
if ( newName.isEmpty() )
// fallback to KABC
if ( !m_metaContact->metaContactId().isEmpty() )
if ( ! m_metaContact->displayName().isEmpty() )
// bad luck with KABC
// TODO iterate though all subcontacts to check non empty nick
m_metaContact->setDisplayNameSourceContact( m_metaContact->contacts().first() );
else // user changed name manually, set source to custom
m_metaContact->setDisplayNameSource( Kopete::MetaContact::SourceCustom );
m_metaContact->setDisplayName( newName );
kdDebug( 14000 ) << k_funcinfo << "newName=" << newName << endl;
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::slotContactStatusChanged( Kopete::Contact *c )
updateContactIcon( c );
// FIXME: All this code should be in kopetemetacontact.cpp.. having it in the LVI makes it all fire
// multiple times if the user is in multiple groups - Jason
// comparing the status of the previous and new preferred contact is the determining factor in deciding to notify
Kopete::OnlineStatus newStatus;
if ( m_metaContact->preferredContact() )
newStatus = m_metaContact->preferredContact()->onlineStatus();
// the last child contact has gone offline or otherwise unreachable, so take the changed contact's online status
newStatus = c->onlineStatus();
// ensure we are not suppressing notifications, because connecting or disconnected
if ( !(c->account()->suppressStatusNotification()
|| ( c->account()->myself()->onlineStatus().status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Connecting )
|| !c->account()->isConnected() ) )
if ( !c->account()->isAway() || KopetePrefs::prefs()->soundIfAway() )
//int winId = KopeteSystemTray::systemTray() ? KopeteSystemTray::systemTray()->winId() : 0;
TQString text = i18n( "<qt><i>%1</i> is now %2.</qt>" )
.arg( Kopete::Emoticons::parseEmoticons( TQStyleSheet::escape(m_metaContact->displayName()) ) ,
// figure out what's happened
enum ChangeType { noChange, noEvent, signedIn, changedStatus, signedOut };
ChangeType t = noChange;
//kdDebug( 14000 ) << k_funcinfo << m_metaContact->displayName() <<
//" - Old MC Status: " << m_oldStatus.status() << ", New MC Status: " << newStatus.status() << endl;
// first, exclude changes due to blocking or subscription changes at the protocol level
if ( ( m_oldStatus.status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Unknown
|| newStatus.status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Unknown ) )
t = noEvent; // This means the contact's changed from or to unknown - due to a protocol state change, not a contact state change
else // we're dealing with a genuine contact state change
if ( m_oldStatus.status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Offline )
if ( newStatus.status() != Kopete::OnlineStatus::Offline )
//kdDebug( 14000 ) << "signed in" << endl;
t = signedIn; // contact has gone from offline to something else, it's a sign-in
else if ( m_oldStatus.status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Online
|| m_oldStatus.status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Away
|| m_oldStatus.status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Invisible)
if ( newStatus.status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Offline )
//kdDebug( 14000 ) << "signed OUT" << endl;
t = signedOut; // contact has gone from an online state to an offline state, it's a sign out
else if ( m_oldStatus > newStatus || m_oldStatus < newStatus ) // operator!= is useless because it's an identity operator, not an equivalence operator
// contact has changed online states, it's a status change,
// and the preferredContact changed status, or there is a new preferredContacat
// so it's worth notifying
//kdDebug( 14000 ) << "changed status" << endl;
t = changedStatus;
else if ( m_oldStatus != newStatus )
//kdDebug( 14000 ) << "non-event" << endl;
// catch-all for any other status change we don't know about
t = noEvent;
// if none of the above were true, t will still be noChange
// now issue the appropriate notification
switch ( t )
case noEvent:
case noChange:
case signedIn:
connect(KNotification::event(m_metaContact, "kopete_contact_online", text, m_metaContact->photo(), KopeteSystemTray::systemTray(), i18n( "Chat" )) ,
TQT_SIGNAL(activated(unsigned int )) , this, TQT_SLOT( execute() ) );
case changedStatus:
connect(KNotification::event(m_metaContact, "kopete_contact_status_change", text, m_metaContact->photo(), KopeteSystemTray::systemTray(), i18n( "Chat" )) ,
TQT_SIGNAL(activated(unsigned int )) , this, TQT_SLOT( execute() ));
case signedOut:
KNotification::event(m_metaContact, "kopete_contact_offline", text, m_metaContact->photo(), KopeteSystemTray::systemTray());
//blink if the metacontact icon has changed.
if ( !mBlinkTimer->isActive() && d->metaContactIcon /*&& d->metaContactIcon->pixmap() != m_oldStatusIcon */)
mIsBlinkIcon = false;
m_blinkLeft = 9;
mBlinkTimer->start( 400, false );
//the status icon probably changed, but we didn't blink.
//So the olfStatusIcon will not be set to the real after the blink.
//we set it now.
if( !mBlinkTimer->isActive() )
m_oldStatusIcon=d->metaContactIcon ? d->metaContactIcon->pixmap() : TQPixmap();
// make a note of the current status for the next time we get a status change
m_oldStatus = newStatus;
if ( m_parentGroup )
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::slotUpdateMetaContact()
slotIdleStateChanged( 0 );
if ( m_parentGroup )
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::execute() const
if ( d->events.first() )
//The selection is removed, but the contact still hihjlihted, remove the selection in the contactlist (see bug 106090)
Kopete::ContactList::self()->setSelectedItems( TQPtrList<Kopete::MetaContact>() , TQPtrList<Kopete::Group>() );
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::slotDisplayNameChanged()
if ( d->nameText )
d->nameText->setText( m_metaContact->displayName() );
// delay the sort if we can
if ( ListView::ListView *lv = dynamic_cast<ListView::ListView *>( listView() ) )
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::slotPhotoChanged()
if ( d->metaContactIcon && d->currentIconMode == KopetePrefs::PhotoPic )
m_oldStatusIcon= d->metaContactIcon->pixmap();
TQPixmap photoPixmap;
//TQPixmap defaultIcon( TDEGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon( "vcard", KIcon::Desktop ) );
TQImage photoImg = m_metaContact->photo();
if ( !photoImg.isNull() && (photoImg.width() > 0) && (photoImg.height() > 0) )
int photoSize = d->iconSize;
photoImg = photoImg.smoothScale( photoSize, photoSize, TQ_ScaleMin );
KImageEffect *effect = 0L;
switch ( m_metaContact->status() )
case Kopete::OnlineStatus::Online:
case Kopete::OnlineStatus::Away:
effect = new KImageEffect();
effect->fade(photoImg, 0.5, TQt::white);
case Kopete::OnlineStatus::Offline:
effect = new KImageEffect();
effect->fade(photoImg, 0.4, TQt::white);
case Kopete::OnlineStatus::Unknown:
effect = new KImageEffect();
effect->fade(photoImg, 0.8, TQt::white);
delete effect;
photoPixmap = photoImg;
photoPixmap=SmallIcon(m_metaContact->statusIcon(), d->iconSize);
d->metaContactIcon->setPixmap( photoPixmap, false);
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::slotRemoveThisUser()
kdDebug( 14000 ) << k_funcinfo << " Removing user" << endl;
if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(),
i18n( "Are you sure you want to remove %1 from your contact list?" ).
arg( m_metaContact->displayName() ), i18n( "Remove Contact" ), KGuiItem(i18n("Remove"),"delete_user") )
== KMessageBox::Continue )
Kopete::ContactList::self()->removeMetaContact( m_metaContact );
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::slotRemoveFromGroup()
if ( m_metaContact->isTemporary() )
m_metaContact->removeFromGroup( group() );
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::startRename( int /*col*/ )
KListViewItem::startRename( 0 );
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::okRename( int col )
KListViewItem::okRename( col );
setRenameEnabled( 0, false );
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::cancelRename( int col )
KListViewItem::cancelRename( col );
setRenameEnabled( 0, false );
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::slotMoveToGroup()
if ( m_actionMove && !m_metaContact->isTemporary() )
if ( m_actionMove->currentItem() == 0 )
// we are moving to top-level
if ( group() != Kopete::Group::toplevel )
m_metaContact->moveToGroup( group(), Kopete::Group::toplevel );
Kopete::Group *to = Kopete::ContactList::self()->getGroup( m_actionMove->currentText() );
if ( !m_metaContact->groups().contains( to ) )
m_metaContact->moveToGroup( group(), to );
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::slotAddToGroup()
if ( m_actionCopy )
kdDebug( 14000 ) << "KopeteMetaContactLVI::slotAddToGroup " << endl;
if ( m_actionCopy->currentItem() == 0 )
// we are adding to top-level
m_metaContact->addToGroup( Kopete::Group::toplevel );
m_metaContact->addToGroup( Kopete::ContactList::self()->getGroup( m_actionCopy->currentText() ) );
//FIXME: this is not used... remove?
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::slotAddToNewGroup()
if ( m_metaContact->isTemporary() )
TQString groupName = KInputDialog::getText(
i18n( "New Group" ), i18n( "Please enter the name for the new group:" ) );
if ( !groupName.isEmpty() )
m_metaContact->addToGroup( Kopete::ContactList::self()->findGroup( groupName ) );
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::slotConfigChanged()
if (d->hbox != NULL)
setDisplayMode( KopetePrefs::prefs()->contactListDisplayMode(),
KopetePrefs::prefs()->contactListIconMode() );
// create a spacer if wanted
delete d->spacerBox->component( 0 );
if ( KListViewItem::parent() && KopetePrefs::prefs()->contactListIndentContacts() &&
!KopetePrefs::prefs()->treeView() )
new ListView::SpacerComponent( d->spacerBox, 20, 0 );
if ( KopetePrefs::prefs()->contactListUseCustomFonts() )
d->nameText->setFont( KopetePrefs::prefs()->contactListCustomNormalFont() );
if ( d->extraText )
d->extraText->setFont( KopetePrefs::prefs()->contactListSmallFont() );
TQFont font=listView()->font();
d->nameText->setFont( font );
if ( font.pixelSize() != -1 )
font.setPixelSize( (font.pixelSize() * 3) / 4 );
font.setPointSizeFloat( font.pointSizeFloat() * 0.75 );
d->extraText->setFont( font );
slotIdleStateChanged( 0 );
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::setMetaContactToolTipSourceForComponent( ListView::Component *comp )
if ( comp )
comp->setToolTipSource( d->toolTipSource.get() );
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::setDisplayMode( int mode, int iconmode )
if ( mode == d->currentMode && iconmode == d->currentIconMode )
d->currentMode = mode;
d->currentIconMode = iconmode;
// empty...
while ( component( 0 ) )
delete component( 0 );
d->nameText = 0L;
d->extraText = 0L;
d->metaContactIcon = 0L;
d->contactIconSize = 12;
if (mode == KopetePrefs::Detailed) {
d->iconSize = iconmode == KopetePrefs::IconPic ? KIcon::SizeMedium : KIcon::SizeLarge;
} else {
d->iconSize = iconmode == KopetePrefs::IconPic ? IconSize( KIcon::Small ) : KIcon::SizeMedium;
disconnect( Kopete::KABCPersistence::self()->addressBook() , 0 , this , 0);
// generate our contents
using namespace ListView;
d->hbox = new ContactBoxComponent( this, BoxComponent::Horizontal );
Component *hbox = d->hbox;
d->spacerBox = new BoxComponent( hbox, BoxComponent::Horizontal );
if (iconmode == KopetePrefs::PhotoPic) {
Component *imageBox = new BoxComponent( hbox, BoxComponent::Vertical );
new VSpacerComponent( imageBox );
d->metaContactIcon = new FaceComponent( imageBox, d->iconSize , d->iconSize );
new VSpacerComponent( imageBox );
if(!metaContact()->photoSource() && !Kopete::KABCPersistence::self()->addressBook()->findByUid( metaContact()->metaContactId() ).isEmpty() )
{ //if the photo is the one of the kaddressbook, track every change in the adressbook, it might be the photo of our contact.
connect( Kopete::KABCPersistence::self()->addressBook() , TQT_SIGNAL(addressBookChanged (AddressBook *) ) ,
this , TQT_SLOT(slotPhotoChanged()));
} else {
d->metaContactIcon = new FaceComponent( hbox );
new SpacerComponent(hbox, 8, 8);
if( mode == KopetePrefs::Detailed )
d->contactIconSize = IconSize( KIcon::Small );
Component *vbox = new BoxComponent( hbox, BoxComponent::Vertical );
d->nameText = new DisplayNameComponent( vbox );
d->extraText = new DisplayNameComponent( vbox );
Component *box = new BoxComponent( vbox, BoxComponent::Horizontal );
d->contactIconBox = new BoxComponent( box, BoxComponent::Horizontal );
else if( mode == KopetePrefs::RightAligned ) // old right-aligned contact
d->nameText = new DisplayNameComponent( hbox );
new HSpacerComponent( hbox );
d->contactIconBox = new BoxComponent( hbox, BoxComponent::Horizontal );
else // older left-aligned contact
d->nameText = new DisplayNameComponent( hbox );
d->contactIconBox = new BoxComponent( hbox, BoxComponent::Horizontal );
// set some components to have the metacontact tooltip
setMetaContactToolTipSourceForComponent( d->metaContactIcon );
setMetaContactToolTipSourceForComponent( d->nameText );
setMetaContactToolTipSourceForComponent( d->extraText );
// update the display name
slotIdleStateChanged( 0 );
// finally, re-add all contacts so their icons appear. remove them first for consistency.
TQPtrList<Kopete::Contact> contacts = m_metaContact->contacts();
for ( TQPtrListIterator<Kopete::Contact> it( contacts ); it.current(); ++it )
slotContactRemoved( *it );
slotContactAdded( *it );
m_oldStatusIcon=d->metaContactIcon ? d->metaContactIcon->pixmap() : TQPixmap();
if( mBlinkTimer->isActive() )
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::updateVisibility()
if ( KopetePrefs::prefs()->showOffline() || !d->events.isEmpty() )
setTargetVisibility( true );
else if ( !m_metaContact->isOnline() && !mBlinkTimer->isActive() )
setTargetVisibility( false );
setTargetVisibility( true );
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::slotContactPropertyChanged( Kopete::Contact *contact,
const TQString &key, const TQVariant &old, const TQVariant &newVal )
// if ( key == TQString::fromLatin1("awayMessage") )
// kdDebug( 14000 ) << k_funcinfo << "contact=" << contact->contactId() << ", isonline=" << contact->isOnline() << ", alloffline=" << !m_metaContact->isOnline() << ", oldvalue=" << old.toString() << ", newvalue=" << newVal.toString() << endl;
if ( key == TQString::fromLatin1("awayMessage") && d->extraText && old != newVal )
bool allOffline = !m_metaContact->isOnline();
if ( newVal.toString().isEmpty() || ( !contact->isOnline() && !allOffline ) )
// try to find a more suitable away message to be displayed when:
// -new away message is empty or
// -contact who set it is offline and there are contacts online in the metacontact
bool allAwayMessagesEmpty = true;
TQPtrList<Kopete::Contact> contacts = m_metaContact->contacts();
for ( Kopete::Contact *c = contacts.first(); c; c = )
// kdDebug( 14000 ) << k_funcinfo << "ccontact=" << c->contactId() << ", isonline=" << c->isOnline() << ", awaymsg=" << c->property( key ).value().toString() << endl;
TQString awayMessage( c->property( key ).value().toString() );
if ( ( allOffline || c->isOnline() ) && !awayMessage.isEmpty() )
// display this contact's away message when:
// -this contact's away message is not empty and
// -this contact is online or there are no contacts online at all
allAwayMessagesEmpty = false;
d->extraText->setText( awayMessage );
if ( allAwayMessagesEmpty )
d->extraText->setText( TQString() );
// just use new away message when:
// -new away message is not empty and
// -contact who set it is online or there are no contacts online at all
d->extraText->setText( newVal.toString() );
} // wtf? KopeteMetaContact also connects this signals and emits photoChanged! why no connect photoChanged to slotPhotoChanged?
/*else if ( key == TQString::fromLatin1("photo") && (m_metaContact->photoSourceContact() == contact) && (m_metaContact->photoSource() == Kopete::MetaContact::SourceContact))
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::slotContactAdded( Kopete::Contact *c )
connect( c, TQT_SIGNAL( propertyChanged( Kopete::Contact *, const TQString &,
const TQVariant &, const TQVariant & ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( slotContactPropertyChanged( Kopete::Contact *, const TQString &,
const TQVariant &, const TQVariant & ) ) );
connect( c->account() , TQT_SIGNAL( colorChanged(const TQColor& ) ) , this, TQT_SLOT( updateContactIcons() ) );
updateContactIcon( c );
slotContactPropertyChanged( c, TQString::fromLatin1("awayMessage"),
TQVariant(), c->property( TQString::fromLatin1("awayMessage") ).value() );
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::slotContactRemoved( Kopete::Contact *c )
disconnect( c, TQT_SIGNAL( propertyChanged( Kopete::Contact *, const TQString &,
const TQVariant &, const TQVariant & ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( slotContactPropertyChanged( Kopete::Contact *,
const TQString &, const TQVariant &, const TQVariant & ) ) );
disconnect( c->account() , TQT_SIGNAL( colorChanged(const TQColor& ) ) , this, TQT_SLOT( updateContactIcons() ) );
if ( ListView::Component *comp = contactComponent( c ) )
delete comp;
slotContactPropertyChanged( c, TQString::fromLatin1("awayMessage"),
c->property( TQString::fromLatin1("awayMessage") ).value(), TQVariant() );
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::updateContactIcons()
// show offline contacts setting may have changed
TQPtrList<Kopete::Contact> contacts = m_metaContact->contacts();
for ( TQPtrListIterator<Kopete::Contact> it( contacts ); it.current(); ++it )
updateContactIcon( *it );
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::updateContactIcon( Kopete::Contact *c )
TDEGlobal::config()->setGroup( TQString::fromLatin1("ContactList") );
bool bHideOffline = TDEGlobal::config()->readBoolEntry(
TQString::fromLatin1("HideOfflineContacts"), false );
if ( KopetePrefs::prefs()->showOffline() )
bHideOffline = false;
ListView::ContactComponent *comp = contactComponent( c );
bool bShow = !bHideOffline || c->isOnline();
if ( bShow && !comp )
(void)new ListView::ContactComponent( d->contactIconBox, c, d->contactIconSize );
else if ( !bShow && comp )
delete comp;
else if ( comp )
Kopete::Contact *KopeteMetaContactLVI::contactForPoint( const TQPoint &p ) const
if ( ListView::ContactComponent *comp = dynamic_cast<ListView::ContactComponent*>( d->contactIconBox->componentAt( p ) ) )
return comp->contact();
return 0L;
ListView::ContactComponent *KopeteMetaContactLVI::contactComponent( const Kopete::Contact *c ) const
for ( uint n = 0; n < d->contactIconBox->components(); ++n )
if ( ListView::ContactComponent *comp = dynamic_cast<ListView::ContactComponent*>( d->contactIconBox->component( n ) ) )
if ( comp->contact() == c )
return comp;
return 0;
TQRect KopeteMetaContactLVI::contactRect( const Kopete::Contact *c ) const
if ( ListView::Component *comp = contactComponent( c ) )
return comp->rect();
return TQRect();
Kopete::Group *KopeteMetaContactLVI::group()
if ( m_parentGroup && m_parentGroup->group() != Kopete::Group::topLevel() )
return m_parentGroup->group();
return Kopete::Group::topLevel();
TQString KopeteMetaContactLVI::key( int, bool ) const
char importanceChar;
switch ( m_metaContact->status() )
case Kopete::OnlineStatus::Online:
importanceChar = 'A';
case Kopete::OnlineStatus::Away:
importanceChar = 'B';
case Kopete::OnlineStatus::Offline:
importanceChar = 'C';
case Kopete::OnlineStatus::Unknown:
importanceChar = 'D';
return importanceChar + d->nameText->text().lower();
bool KopeteMetaContactLVI::isTopLevel() const
return m_isTopLevel;
bool KopeteMetaContactLVI::isGrouped() const
if ( m_parentView )
return true;
if ( !m_parentGroup || !m_parentGroup->group() )
return false;
if ( m_parentGroup->group() == Kopete::Group::temporary() && !KopetePrefs::prefs()->sortByGroup() )
return false;
return true;
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::slotIdleStateChanged( Kopete::Contact *c )
bool doWeHaveToGrayThatContact = KopetePrefs::prefs()->greyIdleMetaContacts() && ( m_metaContact->idleTime() >= 10 * 60 );
if ( doWeHaveToGrayThatContact )
d->nameText->setColor( KopetePrefs::prefs()->idleContactColor() );
if ( d->extraText )
d->extraText->setColor( KopetePrefs::prefs()->idleContactColor() );
if ( d->extraText )
if(d->metaContactIcon && d->currentIconMode==KopetePrefs::IconPic)
TQPixmap icon = SmallIcon( m_metaContact->statusIcon(), d->iconSize );
if ( doWeHaveToGrayThatContact )
// TODO: TQPixmapCache this result
KIconEffect::semiTransparent( icon );
d->metaContactIcon->setPixmap( icon );
// we only need to update the contact icon if one was supplied;
// if none was supplied, we only need to update the MC appearance
if ( c )
updateContactIcon( c );
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::catchEvent( Kopete::MessageEvent *event )
d->events.append( event );
connect( event, TQT_SIGNAL( done( Kopete::MessageEvent* ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( slotEventDone( Kopete::MessageEvent * ) ) );
if ( mBlinkTimer->isActive() )
m_oldStatusIcon= d->metaContactIcon ? d->metaContactIcon->pixmap() : TQPixmap();
mBlinkTimer->start( 400, false );
//show the contact if it was hidden because offline.
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::slotBlink()
bool haveEvent = !d->events.isEmpty();
if ( mIsBlinkIcon )
d->metaContactIcon->setPixmap( m_originalBlinkIcon );
if ( !haveEvent && m_blinkLeft <= 0 )
m_oldStatusIcon=d->metaContactIcon ? d->metaContactIcon->pixmap() : TQPixmap();
m_originalBlinkIcon=TQPixmap(); //i hope this help to reduce memory consuption
if ( haveEvent )
d->metaContactIcon->setPixmap( SmallIcon( "newmsg", d->iconSize ) );
d->metaContactIcon->setPixmap( m_oldStatusIcon );
mIsBlinkIcon = !mIsBlinkIcon;
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::slotEventDone( Kopete::MessageEvent *event )
d->events.remove( event );
if ( d->events.isEmpty() )
if ( mBlinkTimer->isActive() )
//If the contact gone offline while the timer was actif,
//the visibility has not been correctly updated. so do it now
d->metaContactIcon->setPixmap( m_originalBlinkIcon );
m_originalBlinkIcon=TQPixmap(); //i hope this help to reduce memory consuption
mIsBlinkIcon = false;
TQString KopeteMetaContactLVI::text( int column ) const
if ( column == 0 )
return d->nameText->text();
return KListViewItem::text( column );
void KopeteMetaContactLVI::setText( int column, const TQString &text )
if ( column == 0 )
rename( text );
KListViewItem::setText( column, text );
#include "kopetemetacontactlvi.moc"
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