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msnchallengehandler.h - Computes a msn challenge response hash key.
Copyright (c) 2005 by Gregg Edghill <>
Kopete (c) 2003-2005 by The Kopete developers <>
Portions taken from
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "msnchallengehandler.h"
#include <tqdatastream.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kmdcodec.h>
MSNChallengeHandler::MSNChallengeHandler(const TQString& productKey, const TQString& productId)
m_productKey = productKey;
m_productId = productId;
kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << endl;
TQString MSNChallengeHandler::computeHash(const TQString& challengeString)
// Step One: THe MD5 Hash.
// Combine the received challenge string with the product key.
KMD5 md5((challengeString + m_productKey).utf8());
TQCString digest = md5.hexDigest();
kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "md5: " << digest << endl;
TQValueVector<Q_INT32> md5Integers(4);
for(Q_UINT32 i=0; i < md5Integers.count(); i++)
md5Integers[i] = hexSwap(digest.mid(i*8, 8)).toUInt(0, 16) & 0x7FFFFFFF;
kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << ("0x" + hexSwap(digest.mid(i*8, 8))) << " " << md5Integers[i] << endl;
// Step Two: Create the challenge string key
TQString challengeKey = challengeString + m_productId;
// Pad to multiple of 8.
challengeKey = challengeKey.leftJustify(challengeKey.length() + (8 - challengeKey.length() % 8), '0');
kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "challenge key: " << challengeKey << endl;
TQValueVector<Q_INT32> challengeIntegers(challengeKey.length() / 4);
for(Q_UINT32 i=0; i < challengeIntegers.count(); i++)
TQString sNum = challengeKey.mid(i*4, 4), sNumHex;
// Go through the number string, determining the hex equivalent of each value
// and add that to our new hex string for this number.
for(uint j=0; j < sNum.length(); j++) {
sNumHex += TQString::number((int)sNum[j].latin1(), 16);
// swap because of the byte ordering issue.
sNumHex = hexSwap(sNumHex);
// Assign the converted number.
challengeIntegers[i] = sNumHex.toInt(0, 16);
kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << sNum << (": 0x"+sNumHex) << " " << challengeIntegers[i] << endl;
// Step Three: Create the 64-bit hash key.
// Get the hash key using the specified arrays.
Q_INT64 key = createHashKey(md5Integers, challengeIntegers);
kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "key: " << key << endl;
// Step Four: Create the final hash key.
TQString upper = TQString::number(TQString(digest.mid(0, 16)).toULongLong(0, 16)^key, 16);
if(upper.length() % 16 != 0)
upper = upper.rightJustify(upper.length() + (16 - upper.length() % 16), '0');
TQString lower = TQString::number(TQString(digest.mid(16, 16)).toULongLong(0, 16)^key, 16);
if(lower.length() % 16 != 0)
lower = lower.rightJustify(lower.length() + (16 - lower.length() % 16), '0');
return (upper + lower);
Q_INT64 MSNChallengeHandler::createHashKey(const TQValueVector<Q_INT32>& md5Integers,
const TQValueVector<Q_INT32>& challengeIntegers)
kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "Creating 64-bit key." << endl;
Q_INT64 magicNumber = 0x0E79A9C1L, high = 0L, low = 0L;
for(uint i=0; i < challengeIntegers.count(); i += 2)
Q_INT64 temp = ((challengeIntegers[i] * magicNumber) % 0x7FFFFFFF) + high;
temp = ((temp * md5Integers[0]) + md5Integers[1]) % 0x7FFFFFFF;
high = (challengeIntegers[i + 1] + temp) % 0x7FFFFFFF;
high = ((high * md5Integers[2]) + md5Integers[3]) % 0x7FFFFFFF;
low += high + temp;
high = (high + md5Integers[1]) % 0x7FFFFFFF;
low = (low + md5Integers[3]) % 0x7FFFFFFF;
TQDataStream buffer(TQByteArray(8), IO_ReadWrite);
buffer << (Q_INT32)high;
buffer << (Q_INT32)low;
Q_INT64 key;
buffer >> key;
return key;
TQString MSNChallengeHandler::hexSwap(const TQString& in)
TQString sHex = in, swapped;
while(sHex.length() > 0)
swapped = swapped + sHex.mid(sHex.length() - 2, 2);
sHex = sHex.remove(sHex.length() - 2, 2);
return swapped;
TQString MSNChallengeHandler::productId()
return m_productId;
#include "msnchallengehandler.moc"