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2722 lines
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2722 lines
81 KiB
# dsirc: dumb-mode small irc client in perl
# by orabidoo <>
# Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Roger Espel Llima
# for a full-screen termcap interface, use this with ssfe
# use: dsirc [options] [nick [server[:port[:password]]]]
# options are:
# -p = specify port number
# -i = specify IRCNAME
# -n = specify nickname (quite useless as an option)
# -s = specify server (quite useless as an option)
# -l = specify file to be loaded instead of ~/
# -L = specify file to be loaded instead of ~/.sircrc
# -H = specify virtual host to bind to
# -q = don't load ~/.sircrc or ~/
# -Q = don't load system sircrc or
# -R = run in restricted (secure) mode
# -r = raw mode (no control-char filtering)
# -8 = 8-bit mode
# -S = connect using SSL
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation. See the file LICENSE for more details.
# If you make improvements to sirc, please send me the modifications
# (context diffs appreciated) and they might make it to the next release.
# For bug reports, comments, questions, email
# You can always find the latest version of sirc at the following URL:
# Concerning the use in ksirc you'll find a mail from the author below:
# Subject: Re: dsirc in kde
# Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 13:16:30 -0400
# From: Roger Espel Llima <>
# To: Harri Porten <>
# On Thu, Sep 07, 2000 at 07:12:33PM +0200, Harri Porten wrote:
# [....]
# > Ok. Your dsirc script is used in ksirc. I haven't checked how it is
# > invoked and what legal ramifications that would have licensing wise but
# > I would like to "officially" ask you anyway:
# >
# > Do you have oppose to your code being used this way in the past and in
# > the future ? Do you "forgive" us [for use in prev. versions of KDE] ? :)
# I "officially" find it perfectly fine that dsirc is used in KDE. I knew
# of ksirc when it started, and found it very flattering that someone
# would write 200k of C++ to interface with my 62k of perl :=)
$date='10 Mar 1998';
$libdir=$ENV{"SIRCLIB"} || ".";
push(@INC, $libdir, $ENV{"HOME"});
@loadpath=($ENV{"HOME"}."/.sirc", $libdir, ".");
$ENV{"SIRCWAIT"} or $ready=1;
$publicAway = 1;
if (!eval "require '';") {
print "\n\n\
Your perl interpreter is *really* screwed up: the library is not
even there! Have you even bothered to run 'install'?\n";
if ($] >= 5 && (eval "use Socket;", $@ eq '')) {
$sock6 = eval ("require Socket6;") and eval("use Socket6;");
} elsif (-f "$libdir/") {
do "$libdir/";
} elsif (-f $ENV{'HOME'}."/") {
do $ENV{'HOME'}."/";
} elsif (!eval "require 'sys/';") {
print "\n\n\
Your perl installation is wrong somewhere, the sys/ include file
couldn't be found. Have you even bothered to run 'install'?\n";
$hasPOSIX = 1;
eval "use POSIX;";
if($@) {
$hasPOSIX = 0;
print "*** No Posix library, falling back to blocking IO (dcc will suck)\n";
%set=("LOGFILE", "", "LOG", "off", "PRINTUH", "none", "PRINTCHAN", "off",
"LOCALHOST", "", "CTCP", "noflood", "SENDAHEAD", 4096,
"USERINFO", "", "FINGER", "", "IRCNAME", "", "EIGHT_BIT", "on",
"LOADPATH", join(":", @loadpath), "CTRL_T", "/next");
$raw_mode=$opt_r || (!-t STDOUT);
$ansi=!$raw_mode && $ENV{"TERM"} =~ /^vt|^xterm|^ansi/i;
$server=$opt_s || $ARGV[1] || $ENV{"SIRCSERVER"} || $ENV{"IRCSERVER"} ||
$port0=$opt_p || $ENV{"SIRCPORT"} || $ENV{"IRCPORT"} || 6667;
$username=$opt_u || $ENV{"SIRCUSER"} || $ENV{"IRCUSER"} || (getpwuid($<))[0] ||
$ENV{"USER"} || "blah";
$set{"IRCNAME"}=$opt_i || $ENV{"SIRCNAME"} || $ENV{"IRCNAME"} || "sirc user";
$nick=$opt_n || $ARGV[0] || $ENV{"SIRCNICK"} || $ENV{"IRCNICK"} || $username;
$set{"FINGER"}=$ENV{"IRCFINGER"} || "keep your fingers to yourself";
$set{"USERINFO"}=$ENV{"USERINFO"} || "yep, I'm a user";
if ($server =~ /^\[([^\]]+)\]:([0-9]*):?(.*)$/
or $server =~ /^([^:]+):([0-9]*):?(.*)$/)
($server, $port, $pass)=($1, $2, $3);
$port || ($port=$port0);
$initfile=$opt_l || $ENV{"SIRCRCPL"} || $ENV{'HOME'}."/"
if $opt_l || !$opt_q;
$sysinit=$libdir."/" if $libdir ne '.' && !$opt_Q;
$rcfile=$opt_L || $ENV{"SIRCRC"} || $ENV{'HOME'}."/.sircrc"
if $opt_L || !$opt_q;
$sysrc=$libdir."/sircrc" if $libdir ne '.' && !$opt_Q;
$opt_8 || ($set{"EIGHT_BIT"}="off");
$set{"LOCALHOST"}=$opt_H || $ENV{"SIRCHOST"} || $ENV{"IRCHOST"} ||
$ENV{"LOCALHOST"} || "";
@ARGV=(); # ignore any more arguments
if (open(H, "$libdir/") || ((-f "$libdir/") &&
open(H, "gzip -cd $libdir/ |"))) {
close H;
foreach (@help) {
} else {
print "*** Warning: help file ($libdir/ not found!\n";
sub exit {
&sl("QUIT :using sirc version $version$add_ons") if $connected;
close LOG if $logging;
exit 0;
$SIG{'TERM'}='exit'; # KSIRC MOD
sub eq {
local($a, $b)=@_;
$a =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$b =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
return ($a eq $b);
sub tilde {
$_[0] =~ s|^\~(\w+)|(getpwnam($1))[7]|e;
$_[0] =~ s/^\~/$ENV{'HOME'}/;
$_[0]="." if $_[0] eq '';
sub sigquit {
# really ugly hack, but it works...
sub resolve {
if ($sock6) {
my $addr = $_[0];
if ("$addr" =~ /^\d+$/)
$addr = pack("N", $addr);
my @i = unpack("C4", $addr);
$addr = "$i[0].$i[1].$i[2].$i[3]";
return getaddrinfo($addr, $_[1], $_[2] || &AF_UNSPEC, &SOCK_STREAM);
my $addr;
if ($_[0] =~ /^\d+$/) {
$addr = pack("N", $_[0]+0);
} elsif ($_[0] =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) {
$addr = pack("c4", $1, $2, $3, $4);
} else {
return -1 unless (defined($addr));
return (&AF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, 0, pack_sockaddr_in($_[1], $addr), undef);
sub newfh {
return ++$nextfh;
sub connect {
local($fh, $host, $port)=@_;
my @res = resolve($host, $port);
&tell("*\cbE\cb* Hostname `$host' not found"), return -1 if scalar(@res) < 5;
$family = -1;
my $bindfailed;
while (scalar(@res) >= 5) {
($family, my ($socktype, $proto, $addr), undef, @res) = @res;
&print("*\cbE\cb* Out of file descriptors: $!"), return -2
unless socket($fh, $family, $socktype, $proto);
$bindfailed = undef;
if ($set{"LOCALHOST"}) {
# once again, DCC only does ipv4
$bindaddr = (&resolve($set{"LOCALHOST"}, 0, &AF_INET))[3];
$bindfailed = 1 unless bind($fh, $bindaddr);
$SIG{'QUIT'}='IGNORE', last if connect($fh, $addr);
$family = -1;
&print("*\cbE\cb* Can't connect to host: $!"), return -3 if $family == -1;
# Tried to just check for $family != &AF_INET where needed, but
# that segfaulted perl (!), guess it's a bug in, but I won't try
# to debug that. (malte)
$ipv6 = 1 if ($sock6 && $family == &AF_INET6);
&tell("*\cbE\cb* Warning: can't bind to sirc host: ".$set{'LOCALHOST'})
if $bindfailed;
if ($ipv6 != 1)
$bindaddr=getsockname($fh) unless $bindaddr;
select($fh); $|=1; select(STDOUT);
return 1;
sub connectSSL {
eval "use IO::Socket::SSL;";
&tell("Can't load SSL socket library, perl does not support SSL!");
&tell("To use SSL you must install the IO::Socket::SSL perl library");
&tell("Try as root: perl -MCPAN -e 'install IO::Socket::SSL'");
&tell("Giving up connect");
return 0;
local($fh, $host, $port)=@_;
&tell("*** Doing SSL server connect...");
$fh = new IO::Socket::SSL("$host:$port");
if(defined $fh){
$_[0] = $fh;
select($fh); $|=1; select(STDOUT);
return 1;
else {
warn "*** I encountered a problem: ($!) ",
warn "*** Invalid hostname or port?\n";
return -1;
sub sel_nbconnecthandler {
local($fh) = $_[0];
my $res = unpack("i", getsockopt("$fh", SOL_SOCKET(), SO_ERROR()) || die "Failed to get sockopt: $!");
select($fh); $|=1; select(STDOUT);
&{$nbconnectlist{$fh}{"callback"}}($fh, $res);
$nbconnectlist{$fh} = undef;
# Non blocking connect
# arguments are: filehandle(returned), host, port, callback function.
sub connectnb {
if($hasPOSIX == 0){
my $cb = $_[3];
$_[3] = undef;
my $ret = &connect(@_);
if($ret == 1){
&$cb($_[0], 0);
else {
&$cb($_[0], -1);
return $ret;
local($fh, $host, $port, $callback)=@_;
my @res = resolve($host, $port);
&tell("*\cbE\cb* Hostname `$host' not found"), return -1 if scalar(@res) < 5;
while (scalar(@res) >= 5) {
($family, my ($socktype, $proto, $addr), undef, @res) = @res;
&print("*\cbE\cb* Out of file descriptors: $!"), return -2
unless socket($fh, $family, $socktype, $proto);
fcntl($fh, F_SETFL(), O_NONBLOCK());
&addwsel($fh, "nbconnecthandler", 0);
if(connect($fh, $addr)){
&$callback($fh, 0);
else {
if($! == EINPROGRESS()){
$nbconnectlist{$fh}{"callback"} = $callback;
else {
&print("*\cbI\cb* got other error $!");
return -1;
return 1;
sub listen {
local($fh, $port)=@_;
&tell("\cbE\cb* first set your ipv4 hostname with /set LOCALHOST <hostname>"), return 0
unless (length $bindaddr);
# XXX: don't use ipv6 for the time being as ipv6 and dcc don't mix
# if ($ipv6) {
# XXX: substr() hack to avoid problems on some Linux systems
# (undef, my $addr) = unpack_sockaddr_in6(substr($bindaddr, 0, 24));
# $thisend = pack_sockaddr_in6($port, $addr);
# } else {
(undef, my $addr) = unpack_sockaddr_in($bindaddr);
$thisend = pack_sockaddr_in($port, $addr);
# }
&tell("*\cbE\cb* Out of file descriptors"), return 0
unless socket($fh, &AF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, 0);
&tell("*\cbE\cb* Can't bind local socket!"), close $fh, return 0
unless bind($fh, $thisend);
&tell("*\cbE\cb* Can't listen to socket!"), close $fh, return
unless listen($fh, 5);
return getsockname($fh);
sub accept {
return (accept($_[0], $_[1]), close($_[1]))[0];
sub bindtoserver {
@channels=(); $talkchannel='';
%mode=(); $umode=''; %limit=(); %haveops=(); %chankey=(); $away='';
$listmin=0; $listmax=100000; $listpat='';
@waituh=(); @douh=(); @erruh=(); $invited='';
&tell("*** Connecting to $server, port $port...");
if($SSL == 1){
sleep 10, &bindtoserver if &connectSSL($S, $server, $port) < 0;
} else {
sleep 10, &bindtoserver if &connect($S, $server, $port) < 0;
&sl("PASS $pass") if $pass;
&sl("USER $username blah blah :".$set{'IRCNAME'});
&sl("NICK $nick");
@channels=(); $talkchannel=''; %mode=(); $umode=''; %limit=();
%haveops=(); %chankey=();
sub gl {
if ($buffer{$_[0]} =~ /^([^\n\r]*)\r?\n\r?/) {
return 1;
# &tell("About to sysread: $_[0]");
if (sysread($_[0], $buf, 4096)) {
if ($buffer{$_[0]} =~ /^([^\n\r]*)\r?\n\r?/) {
return 1;
return '';
return 1;
sub sl {
$logging && print LOG "<<".$_[0]."\n";
if(!print $S $_[0]."\n"){
&print("*\cbE\cb* Error writing to server: $!");
&tell("*\cbE\cb* Connection to server lost");
delete $buffer{$S};
elsif (time-$floodtimer < 1){
select(undef, undef, undef, 0.5);
sub dostatus {
return unless $ssfe;
local($t, $s)=($talkchannel, " [sirc] ");
for($i=0; $i<=$#channels; $i++){
$s = " [sirc] ";
$t = $channels[$i];
$t =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$s.="*" if $umode =~ /o/;
$s.="\@" if $t && $haveops{$t};
$s.=" (+$umode)" if $umode;
$s.=" [query: ${query}]" if $query;
$s.=" (away)" if $away;
if ($talkchannel ne '') {
$s.=" on $t (+$mode{$t})";
$s.=" <key: $chankey{$t}>" if $chankey{$t};
$s.=" <limit: $limit{$t}>" if $limit{$t};
&dohooks("status", $s);
# $laststatus=$s, print "~${t}~`#ssfe#s$s\n" if $laststatus ne $s;
$logging && print LOG "** ~${t}~`#ssfe#s$s\n";
print "~${t}~`#ssfe#s$s\n";
sub enhance {
$what =~ tr/\c@-\c^/@-^/;
return "\cv${what}\cv";
sub print {
local($skip, $what)=(0, @_);
&dohooks("print", $what);
return if $skip;
$what =~ s/\s+$//;
# thanks to Toy ( for this translation
$what =~ tr/\x80-\xff/\x00-\x1f !cLxY|$_ca<\-\-R_o+23\'mp.,1o>123?AAAAAAACEEEEIIIIDNOOOOO*0UUUUYPBaaaaaaaceeeeiiiidnooooo:0uuuuypy/
if $set{"EIGHT_BIT"} ne 'on';
$logging && print LOG "-> " . $what."\n";
if ($raw_mode) {
print $what, "\n" || &exit;
} elsif ($ansi) {
# this is buggy if you combine effects
$what =~ s/([\ca\cc-\ch\cj-\cu\cw-\c^])/&enhance($1)/eg;
while ($what =~ /\cb/) {
($what =~ s/\cb([^\cb]*)\cb/$bold$1$normal/) ||
$what =~ s/\cb/$bold/g;
while ($what =~ /\c_/) {
($what =~ s/\c_([^\c_]*)\c_/$underline$1$normal/) ||
$what =~ s/\c_/$underline/g;
while ($what =~ /\cv/) {
($what =~ s/\cv([^\cv]*)\cv/$reverse$1$normal/) ||
$what =~ s/\cv/$reverse/g;
print $what, $normal, "\n" || &exit;
} else {
$what =~ tr/\ca-\ch\cj-\c_//d;
print $what, "\n" || &exit;
sub tell {
$silent || &print;
sub dohooks {
eval "\@hl=\@${hooktype}_hooks;";
foreach $h (@hl) {
eval { &$h(@_); };
$@ =~ s/\n$//, &tell("*\cbE\cb* error in $hooktype hook &$h: $@")
if $@ ne '';
sub dcerror {
local($fh, $n)=($_[0], $dcnick{$_[0]});
&dohooks("chat_disconnect", $n);
&tell("*\cbE\cb* DCC chat with $n lost");
&tell("~!dcc~Closing DCC CHAT with who: $n");
$n =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
delete $dcnick{$fh};
delete $dcvol{$n};
delete $dcfh{$n};
delete $buffer{$fh};
sub dgsclose {
local($sfh, $rfh, $type, $err)=@_;
&dohooks("dcc_disconnect", $dnick{$sfh}, $dfile{$rfh}, $dtransferred{$sfh},
time-$dstarttime{$rfh}, $rfh);
&tell("*\cbD\cb* DCC $type with $dnick{$sfh} ($dfile{$rfh}) terminated; $dtransferred{$sfh} bytes transferred in ".(time-$dstarttime{$rfh}). " seconds");
&tell("~!dcc~DCC $type terminated who: $dnick{$sfh} file: $dfile{$rfh} reason: $err");
delete $dgrfh{$sfh};
delete $dsrfh{$sfh};
delete $dfile{$rfh};
delete $dstarttime{$rfh};
delete $dtransferred{$sfh};
delete $dsoffset{$sfh};
delete $dsport{$sfh};
delete $dsresumedb{$sfh};
delete $dgxferadd{$sfh};
delete $dnick{$sfh};
sub msg {
local($towho, $what)=@_;
print "`#ssfe#t/m $towho \n" if $ssfe && !&eq($towho, $talkchannel);
if ($towho =~ s/^=//) {
local($n, $fh)=($towho);
$n =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
if ($fh) {
(print $fh $what."\n") || &dcerror($fh);
&dohooks("send_dcc_chat", $towho, $what);
&tell("~=${towho}~|\cb$towho\cb| $what"); #KSIRC MOD
} else {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* No active DCC chat with $towho");
} elsif ($connected>1) {
$what=substr($what, 0, 485);
&dohooks("send_text", $towho, $what);
if (&eq($towho, $talkchannel) && !$printchan) {
&tell("~${towho}~<${nick}> $what"); # KSIRC MOD
} elsif ($towho =~ /^[\&\#\+]/) {
&tell("~${towho}~<$nick> $what"); #KSIRC MOD
} else {
&tell("~${towho}~>${nick}< $what"); #KSIRC MOD
&sl("PRIVMSG $towho :$what");
} else {
&tell("*** You're not connected to a server");
sub say {
if ($query)
&msg($query, @_);
elsif ($talkchannel) {
&msg($talkchannel, @_);
} else {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* Not on a channel");
sub notice {
local($towho, $what)=@_;
$what=substr($what, 0, 485);
&dohooks("send_notice", $towho, $what);
&tell("~${towho}~-> -~n${towho}~n- $what");
&sl("NOTICE $towho :$what");
sub describe {
local($towho, $what)=@_;
$what=substr($what, 0, 480);
&dohooks("send_action", $towho, $what);
if (&eq($towho, $talkchannel) && !$printchan) {
&tell("~${towho}~* $nick $what"); # KSIRC MOD
} elsif ($towho =~ /^[\#\&\+]/) {
&tell("~${towho}~* $nick $what"); # KSIRC MOD
} else {
&tell("~${towho}~* $nick $what"); #KSIRC MOD
# &tell("~${towho}~*-> \cb${towho}\cb: $nick $what"); #KSIRC MOD
&sl("PRIVMSG $towho :\caACTION".($what eq "" ? "" : " ").$what."\ca");
sub me {
if ($talkchannel) {
&describe($talkchannel, @_);
} else {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* Not on a channel");
sub yetonearg {
($newarg, $args)=split(/ +/, $args, 2);
$args =~ s/^://;
sub getarg {
($newarg, $args)=split(/ +/, $args, 2);
@weekdays=("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat");
@months=("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct",
"Nov", "Dec");
sub date {
local($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday)=localtime($_[0]);
return sprintf("$weekdays[$wday] $months[$mon] $mday %.2d:%.2d:%.2d %d",
$hour, $min, $sec, $year+1900);
sub reply {
return if $set{"CTCP"} eq 'noreply';
if ($lastrep<time-10) {
} else {
return if $nreps++>=2 && $set{"CTCP"} eq 'noflood';
&sl("NOTICE $who :\ca$_[0]\ca");
sub ctcp {
local($towho, $to, $what)=$_[0];
($what, $args)=split(/ +/, $_[1], 2);
$what =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
&dohooks("ctcp", $towho, $what, $args);
return if $skip;
$a && ($a=' '.$a);
$to = (&eq($towho, $nick) ? "you" : $towho);
&tell("~$to~*** $who$puh1 did a CTCP $what$a to $to")
unless $what =~ /^(ACTION|PING|DCC|VERSION)$/;
if ($what eq 'ACTION') {
&dohooks("action", $towho, $args);
if (&eq($towho, $nick)) {
&tell("~$who~* \cb${who}\cb$puh1 $args"); # KSIRC MOD
} elsif (&eq($towho, $talkchannel) && !$printchan) {
&tell("~$towho~* $who $args"); #KSIRC MOD
} else {
&tell("~$towho~* $who$puh2 $args"); #KSIRC MOD
} elsif ($what eq 'TIME') {
&reply("TIME ".&date(time));
} elsif ($what eq 'CLIENTINFO') {
} elsif ($what eq 'FINGER') {
&reply("FINGER ".$set{"FINGER"});
} elsif ($what eq 'USERINFO') {
&reply("USERINFO ".$set{"USERINFO"});
} elsif ($what eq 'VERSION') {
$u =~ s/^\+//;
$u =~ s/\+/ + /g;
$u=" -- using $u" if $u;
if($to eq 'you'){
&tell("~$who~*** $who$puh1 did a CTCP $what$a to $to")
else {
&tell("~$to~*** $who$puh1 did a CTCP $what$a to $to")
&reply("VERSION sirc $version, a \cbperl\cb client$u");
} elsif ($what eq 'PING') {
&reply("PING $args");
&tell("*** $who$puh1 did a CTCP PING to $to"); #KSIRC
} elsif ($what eq 'ECHO' || $what eq 'ERRMSG') {
&reply("$what $args");
} elsif ($what eq 'DCC') {
if ($newarg eq 'CHAT' || $newarg eq 'SEND' && !$restrict) {
local($dfile, $dhost, $dport, $dsize)=split(/ +/, $args, 4);
$dfile=$1 if $dfile =~ m|/([^/]*)$|;
$dfile =~ s/^\./_/;
if ($dhost==2130706433 || !$dport>1024 || $dhost !~ /^\d+$/ ||
$dport !~ /^\d+$/) {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* DCC $newarg ($dfile) from $who$puh1 rejected");
} elsif ($newarg eq 'CHAT' && grep (&eq($who, $dcwait{$_}),
keys(%dcwait))) {
&tell("*\cbD\cb* DCC chat already requested from $who, connecting...");
my ($wfh)=(grep(&eq($dcwait{$_}, $who), keys(%dcwait)));
my ($n, $fh)=$who;
delete $dcwait{$wfh};
my $w = $who;
my $cb = sub {
my ($lfh, $lres) = @_;
if($lres != 0){
&tell("*\cbD\cb* DCC CHAT with $w failed: " . strerror($lres));
&tell("~!dcc~DCC CHAT failed who: $who reason: " . strerror($lres));
&tell("*\cbD\cb* DCC CHAT with $w established");
&tell("~!dcc~DCC CHAT established who: $w");
$n =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
print "`#ssfe#t/m =$w \n" if $ssfe;
if(&connectnb($fh, $dhost, $dport, $cb) < 1) {
} elsif ($newarg eq 'CHAT' && grep(&eq($who, $_), keys(%dcfh))) {
&tell("*\cbD\cb* DCC chat from $who$puh1 ignored (already established)");
} else {
#&tell("*\cbD\cb* DCC $newarg ($dfile) from $who$puh1 ".
# ($dsize ? "(size: $dsize) " : "")."[$dhost, $dport]");
my $ip = inet_ntoa(pack("N", $dhost));
if ($newarg eq 'CHAT') {
&tell("~!dcc~DCC CHAT OFFERED who: $who$puh1 ip: $ip port: $dport");
$dcoffered{$who}="$dhost $dport";
&dohooks("dcc_request", "CHAT", $dhost, $dport);
} else {
my $index = 1; # KSIRC MOD - Make the file name unique
foreach $i (keys(%dgoffered)) {
my($h, $p, $f) = split(/ /, $i);
if (&eq($f, $dfile)) {
$dfile =~ s/(.*)\.\d+$/$1/;
$dfile .= ".$index";
redo UNIQ;
&tell("~!dcc~INBOUND DCC SEND who: $who$puh1 file: $dfile size: $dsize ip: $ip port: $dport");
$dgoffered{"$dhost $dport $dfile"}=$who;
&dohooks("dcc_request", "SEND", $dhost, $dport, $dfile, $dsize);
} else {
&tell("*** $who$puh1 did a CTCP ${what}$a to $to");
sub doset {
local($var, $val)=@_;
$var =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
$val="" unless defined($val);
if ($var eq 'PRINTUH') {
$set{$var}="all" if $val =~ /^(on|all)$/i;
$set{$var}="some" if $val =~ /^some$/i;
$set{$var}="none" if $val =~ /^(off|none)$/i;
} elsif ($var eq 'PRINTCHAN') {
$set{$var}="on", $printchan=1 if $val =~ /^on$/i;
$set{$var}="off", $printchan=0 if $val =~ /^off$/i;
} elsif ($var eq 'CTCP') {
$val =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$set{$var}=$val if $val =~ /^(none|all)$/;
$set{$var}="noreply" if $val =~ /^(noreply|off)$/;
$set{$var}="noflood" if $val =~ /^(noflood|on)$/;
} elsif ($var eq 'SENDAHEAD') {
$set{$var}=$val if $val =~ /^\d+$/ && $val<=65536;
} elsif ($var eq 'USERINFO') {
} elsif ($var eq 'FINGER') {
} elsif ($var eq 'IRCNAME') {
} elsif ($var eq 'EIGHT_BIT') {
$val =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$set{$var}=$val if $val =~ /^(on|off)$/;
} elsif ($var eq 'LOCALHOST') {
&restrict || return;
# IPV6: DCC is always ipv4 :(
local($ad) = (&resolve($val, 0, &AF_INET))[3];
$set{$var}=$val, $bindaddr=$ad if $ad;
} elsif ($var eq 'LOADPATH') {
@loadpath=split(/:/, $val);
foreach (@loadpath) {
$set{$var}=join(":", @loadpath);
} elsif ($var eq 'CTRL_T') {
print "`#ssfe#T$val\n" if $ssfe;
} elsif ($var eq 'LOGFILE') {
&restrict || return;
} elsif ($var eq 'LOG') {
&restrict || return;
if ($val =~ /^on$/i) {
$logging && close LOG;
if (open(LOG,
($logfile =~ /\.gz$/ ? "| gzip >> $logfile" : ">> $logfile"))) {
select(LOG); $|=1; select(STDOUT);
print LOG "*\cbL\cb* IRC log started on ".&date(time)."\n";
} else {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* Can't write to logfile $logfile");
} elsif ($val =~ /^off$/i) {
print LOG "*\cbL\cb* Log ended on ".&date(time)."\n", close LOG
if $logging;
} elsif (defined($sets{$var})) {
eval { &$f($val); };
$@ =~ s/\n$//, &tell("*\cbE\cb* error in SET $var hook: $@") if $@ ne '';
sub ctcpreply {
local($ctcp, $rest)=split(/ +/, $_[1], 2);
$ctcp =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
&dohooks("ctcp_reply", $_[0], $ctcp, $rest);
$rest=(time-$rest)." seconds" if $ctcp eq 'PING';
if (&eq($_[0], $nick)) {
&tell("*** CTCP $ctcp reply from $who$puh1: $rest");
} else {
&tell("*** CTCP $ctcp reply to $_[0] from $who$puh2: $rest");
sub load {
if ($f !~ /\//) {
foreach (@loadpath) {
$f="$_/$f", last if -f "$_/$f";
$f="$_/${f}.pl", last if $f !~ /\.pl$/ && -f "$_/${f}.pl";
} else {
$f.=".pl" if -f "${f}.pl" && !-f $f;
if ($f =~ /\// && -f $f) {
do $f;
$@ =~ s/\n$//, &tell("*\cbE\cb* Load error in $f: $@") if $@ ne '';
} else {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* $f: File not found");
sub restrict {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* Command not available"), return 0 if $restrict;
sub dosplat {
$args =~ s/^\s*\*($|\s)/${talkchannel}${1}/ if $talkchannel;
sub expand {
if ($_[0] eq '$') {
return '$';
} elsif ($_[0] =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
return (split(/ +/, $args))[$1];
} elsif ($_[0] =~ /^(\d+)-$/) {
return (split(/ +/, $args, 1+$1))[$1];
} else {
return eval "\$$_[0]";
sub docommand {
&print("*\cbE\cb* Max recursion exceeded!"), return
if $recdepth > $maxrecursion;
local($noalias)=($line =~ s/^\///);
local($silent)=1 if $line =~ s/^\^//;
local($cmd, $args)=split(/ +/, $line, 2);
$cmd =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
if (!$noalias && defined($aliases{$cmd})) {
$line.=($args ne '' ? " ".$args : "")
unless ($line =~ s/\$(\$|\d+-?|\w+)/&expand($1)/eg);
$line =~ s/^\///;
$noalias=1 if $line =~ s/^\///;
$silent=1 if $line =~ s/^\^//;
($cmd, $args)=split(/ +/, $line, 2);
$cmd =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
if (!$noalias && defined($cmds{$cmd})) {
eval $cmds{$cmd};
$@ =~ s/\n$//, &tell("*\cbE\cb* error in command $cmd: $@") if $@ ne '';
} elsif ($cmd eq 'ALIAS') {
if ($newarg =~ /^-/) {
if ($a eq '') {
&tell("*** All aliases removed");
} else {
$a =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
delete $aliases{$a};
&tell("*** Alias $a removed");
} elsif ($newarg ne '') {
$newarg =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
if ($args ne '') {
&tell("*** $newarg aliased to $args");
} else {
if (defined($aliases{$newarg})) {
&tell("*** $newarg is aliased to: $aliases{$newarg}");
} else {
&tell("*** $newarg: no such alias");
} else {
foreach $a (sort(keys(%aliases))) {
&tell("*** $a is aliased to $aliases{$a}");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'SET') {
$s =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
if ($s =~ s/^-//) {
&tell("*** No such variable $s"), return unless defined($set{$s});
&doset($s, "");
&tell("*** $s is ".($set{$s} ne '' ? "set to $set{$s}" : "unset"));
} elsif ($s ne '') {
&tell("*** No such variable $s"), return unless defined($set{$s});
&doset($s, $args) if $args ne '';
&tell("*** $s is ".($set{$s} ne '' ? "set to $set{$s}" : "unset"));
} else {
foreach $s (sort(keys (%set))) {
&tell("*** $s is ".($set{$s} ne '' ? "set to $set{$s}" : "unset"));
} elsif ($cmd eq 'NOTIFY' || $cmd eq 'N') {
if ($args eq '-') {
&tell("*** Notify list cleared");
while(($_, $value) = each %notify){ # Remove all nicks
&tell("*\cb(\cb* Signoff by $_ detected!"); # KSIRC MOD
} elsif ($args eq '') {
foreach (grep($notify{$_}, keys %notify)) {
&tell("*** Currently present: $l"), $l='' if length($l)>450;
&tell("*\cb)\cb* Signon by $_ detected!"); # KSIRC MOD
$l.=$_." ";
$l && &tell("*** Currently present: $l");
foreach (grep(!$notify{$_}, keys %notify)) {
&tell("*** Currently absent: $l"), $l='' if length($l)>450;
&tell("*\cb(\cb* Signoff by $_ detected!"); # KSIRC MOD
$l.=$_." ";
$l && &tell("*** Currently absent: $l");
} else {
local($w, $n);
foreach $w (split(/ +/, $args)) {
if ($w =~ s/^-//) {
($n)=(grep(&eq($_, $w), keys(%notify)), '');
$n ne '' && delete $notify{$n};
&tell("*** $w removed from notify list");
&tell("*\cb(\cb* Signoff by $w detected!"); # KSIRC MOD
} else {
&tell("*** $w added to notify list");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'IGNORE' || $cmd eq 'IG') {
if ($newarg eq '-') {
&tell("*** Ignore list cleared");
} elsif ($newarg eq '') {
&tell("*** You're ignoring:");
foreach (@ignore) {
$p =~ s/\\//g;
$p =~ s/\.\*/*/g;
&tell("*** $p");
} else {
local($d, $p)=('');
$d=1 if $newarg =~ s/^-//;
if ($newarg =~ /\!.*\@/) {
} elsif ($newarg !~ /[\@\!]/) {
} elsif ($newarg =~ /\@/) {
} else {
$newarg =~ s/([^\\])\./$1\\./g;
$newarg =~ s/\*/\.\*/g;
$newarg =~ s/([^\.\*\\\w])/\\$1/g;
if ($d) {
&tell("*** Removing $p from the ignore list");
@ignore=grep(!&eq($_, $newarg), @ignore);
} else {
&tell("*** Ignoring $p ... what a relief!");
push(@ignore, $newarg);
} elsif ($cmd eq 'ECHO') {
} elsif ($cmd eq 'CLEAR' || $cmd eq 'CL') {
print $cls if $ansi;
print "`#ssfe#l\n" if $ssfe;
} elsif ($cmd eq 'EVAL') {
&restrict || return;
eval ($args);
$@ =~ s/\n$//, &tell("*\cbE\cb* eval error: $@") if $@ ne '';
} elsif ($cmd eq 'HELP') {
&tell("*\cbH\cb* Help not available"), return unless @help;
$args='main' if $args =~ /^\s*$/;
$args =~ s/ *$//;
foreach (@help) {
if (/^\@/) {
last if $found;
if (&eq($_, "\@$args")) {
&tell("*\cbH\cb* Help on $args") if $args ne 'main';
} else {
&tell("*\cbH\cb* $_") if $found;
&tell("*\cbH\cb* Unknown help topic; try /help") unless $found;
} elsif ($cmd eq 'LOAD') {
&restrict || return;
&tell("*\cbE\cb* Yeah, but what?"), return if $newarg eq '';
} elsif ($cmd eq 'VERSION') {
&tell("*** \cbsirc\cb version $version, written in \cbperl\cb by \cborabidoo\cb");
s/\+/, /g;
&tell("*** add-ons: $_") if $_;
$connected==2 && &sl("VERSION $args");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'CD') {
&restrict || return;
if ($newarg ne '') {
chdir($newarg) || &tell("*\cbE\cb* Can't chdir to $newarg");
local($cwd); chop($cwd=`pwd`);
&tell("*** Current directory is $cwd");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'SYSTEM') {
&restrict || return;
} elsif ($cmd eq 'BYE' || $cmd eq 'QUIT' || $cmd eq 'EXIT' ||
$cmd eq 'SIGNOFF') {
$args || ($args="using sirc version $version$add_ons");
&sl("QUIT :$args") if $connected;
} elsif ($cmd eq 'SERVER') {
$args=$1 if $args =~ /^\s*(.*)\s*$/;
$args="$server0:$port0:$pass0" if $args eq '0';
$args="$server1:$port1:$pass1" if $args eq '1';
if ($args eq '') {
&tell($connected ? "*** Your current server is $server" :
"*** You're not connected to a server");
} else {
($server, $port, $pass)=split(/[\s:]+/, $args);
$server=$', $nick=$1 if $server =~ /^([^\@]+)\@/;
$port || ($port=$port0);
&sl("QUIT :changing servers"), close $S, delete $buffer{$S} if $connected;
} elsif ($cmd eq 'MSG' || $cmd eq 'M') {
if ($args) {
($newarg, $args)=split(/ /, $args, 2);
&msg($newarg, $args);
} else {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* You must specify a nick or channel!");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'QUERY' || $cmd eq 'Q') {
if ($args) {
$args =~ s/\s+$//;
&tell("*** Starting conversation with $query");
} elsif ($query) {
&tell("*** Ending conversation with $query");
} else {
&tell("*** You aren't querying anyone :p");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'DCC') {
if ($newarg =~ /^chat$/i) {
local($n)=grep(&eq($newarg, $_), keys(%dcoffered));
if ($n) {
local($dcadr, $dcport)=split(/ +/, $dcoffered{$n});
delete $dcoffered{$n};
my $w = $n;
my $cb = sub {
my ($lfh, $lres) = @_;
if($lres != 0){
&tell("*\cbD\cb* DCC CHAT with $w failed: " . strerror($lres));
&tell("~!dcc~DCC CHAT failed who: $w reason: " . strerror($lres));
&tell("*\cbD\cb* DCC CHAT with $w established");
&tell("~!dcc~DCC CHAT established who: $w");
print "`#ssfe#t/m =$w \n" if $ssfe;
my $n = $w;
$n =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
if(&connectnb($fh, $dcadr, $dcport, $cb) < 1){
} elsif (grep (&eq($newarg, $dcwait{$_}), keys(%dcwait))) {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* DCC CHAT request to $newarg already sent");
} elsif (grep(&eq($newarg, $dcnick{$_}), keys(%dcnick))) {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* DCC CHAT with $newarg already established");
} elsif ($newarg) {
&tell("*** You're not connected to a server"), return if $connected<2;
&tell("*** Don't be antisocial!"), return if &eq($newarg, $nick);
local($mynumber, $myport, $fh);
my $sockaddr = &listen($fh) or return;
if ($ipv6) {
# XXX: substr is used in order to avoid dying on Linux with older
# glibc that lacks the scope field from sockaddr_in6 but the kernel
# has it and returns it from getsockname()
($myport, undef) = unpack_sockaddr_in6(substr($sockaddr, 0, 24));
$mynumber = '0';
} else {
($myport, $mynumber) = unpack_sockaddr_in(&listen($fh)) or return;
$mynumber = unpack("N", $mynumber);
&sl("PRIVMSG $newarg :\caDCC CHAT chat $mynumber $myport\ca");
&dohooks("send_ctcp", $newarg, "DCC CHAT chat $mynumber $myport");
&tell("*\cbD\cb* Sent DCC CHAT request to $newarg");
&tell("~!dcc~DCC CHAT SEND who: $newarg");
} else {
&tell("*** I need a nick");
} elsif ($newarg =~ /^rchat$/i) {
if ($newarg) {
local($fh)=grep(&eq($dcnick{$_}, $n), keys(%dcnick));
if( ! $fh){
&tell("*\cbE\cb* No DCC CHAT established with $n");
&tell("~!dcc~No DCC CHAT established who: $n");
&tell("*\cbE\cb* DCC CHAT already established with $newarg"), return
if grep(&eq($dcnick{$_}, $newarg), keys(%dcnick));
&tell("*\cbD\cb* DCC CHAT with $n renamed to $newarg");
&tell("~!dcc~DCC CHAT renamed who: $n to: $newarg");
$n =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$newarg =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
delete $dcfh{$n};
delete $dcvol{$n};
} else {
&tell("*** I need *two* nicks");
} elsif ($newarg =~ /^close$/i) {
if ($newarg =~ /^chat$/i) {
$newarg =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
local($nn)=(grep(&eq($_, $newarg), keys(%dcoffered)));
if ($nn) {
&tell("*\cbD\cb* Forgetting offered DCC CHAT from $nn");
&tell("~!dcc~Closing DCC CHAT who: $nn");
delete $dcoffered{$nn};
if($no_reject == 0){
$who = $nn;
&reply("DCC REJECT CHAT chat");
$no_reject = 0;
} elsif ($fh) {
&dohooks("chat_disconnect", $n);
&tell("*\cbD\cb* Closing DCC CHAT connection with $n");
&tell("~!dcc~Closing DCC CHAT who: $n");
delete $dcnick{$fh};
delete $dcvol{$newarg};
delete $dcfh{$newarg};
delete $buffer{$fh};
if($no_reject == 0){
$who = $n;
&reply("DCC REJECT CHAT chat");
$no_reject = 0;
} elsif (($fh)=grep(&eq($dcwait{$_}, $n), keys (%dcwait)), $fh) {
delete $dcwait{$fh};
&tell("*\cbD\cb* Closing listening DCC CHAT with $n");
&tell("~!dcc~Closing DCC CHAT who: $n");
if($no_reject == 0){
$who = $n;
&reply("DCC REJECT CHAT chat");
$no_reject = 0;
} else {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* No DCC CHAT connection with $n");
&tell("~!dcc~No DCC CHAT connection who: $n");
} elsif ($newarg =~ /^get$/i) {
my $arg = $newarg;
foreach $i (keys(%dgoffered)) {
if (&eq($dgoffered{$i}, $newarg) && (!$args ||
&eq($args, (split(/ +/, $i))[2]))) {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* Forgetting pending DCC GET from $newarg");
my($host, $port, $file) = split(/ /, $i);
&tell("~!dcc~Closing DCC GET connection with who: $newarg file: $file"); # KSIRC MOD
delete $dgoffered{$i};
if($no_reject == 0){
$who = $newarg;
&reply("DCC REJECT GET $file");
$no_reject = 0;
foreach $sfh (grep(&eq($newarg, $dnick{$_}), keys(%dnick))) {
if (!$found && $dgrfh{$sfh}) {
next if $args && ($args ne $dfile{$fh});
&dohooks("dcc_disconnect", $dnick{$sfh}, $dfile{$fh},
$dtransferred{$sfh}, time-$dstarttime{$fh}, $fh);
&tell("*\cbE\cb* Closing DCC GET connection with: $newarg ($file)"); # KSIRC MOD
&tell("~!dcc~Closing DCC GET connection with who: $newarg file: $file"); # KSIRC MOD
close $sfh;
close $fh;
delete $dgrfh{$sfh};
delete $dfile{$fh};
delete $dstarttime{$fh};
delete $dtransferred{$sfh};
delete $dgxferadd{$sfh};
delete $dnick{$sfh};
if($no_reject == 0){
$who = $newarg;
&reply("DCC REJECT GET $file");
$no_reject = 0;
if( ! $found){
&tell("*\cbE\cb* No DCC GET connection with $newarg for $arg");
&tell("~!dcc~No DCC GET connection who: $newarg file: $arg");
} elsif ($newarg =~ /^send$/i) {
local($n, $found, $fh)=($newarg, '');
my $arg = $newarg;
$newarg =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
foreach $sfh (keys(%dswait), keys(%dsrfh)) {
next unless &eq($dnick{$sfh}, $n);
$fh=$dswait{$sfh} || $dsrfh{$sfh} || next;
if ($newarg eq '' || $dfile{$fh} =~ /^${newarg}$/ ||
$dfile{$fh} =~ /\/${newarg}$/) {
#&tell("*\cbD\cb* DCC SEND connection with $n closed");
#&tell("~!dcc~Closing DCC SEND connection with who: $n file: $file"); # KSIRC MOD
#&dohooks("dcc_disconnect", $dnick{$sfh}, $dfile{$fh},
# $dtransferred{$sfh}, time-$dstarttime{$fh}, $fh);
#delete $dswait{$sfh};
#delete $dsrfh{$sfh};
#delete $dfile{$fh};
#delete $dstarttime{$fh};
#delete $dtransferred{$sfh};
#delete $dsoffset{$sfh};
#delete $dsport{$sfh};
#delete $dsresumedb{$sfh};
#delete $dgxferadd{$sfh};
#delete $dnick{$sfh};
if($no_reject == 0){
$who = $n;
&reply("DCC REJECT SEND $dfile{$fh}");
$no_reject = 0;
if($dstarttime{$fh} == undef) {
$dstarttime{$fh} = time;
&dgsclose($sfh, $fh, "SEND", "CLOSE");
&tell("*\cbE\cb* No DCC SEND connection with $n for $arg");
&tell("~!dcc~No DCC SEND connection with who: $n file: $arg");
} else {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* Unknown DCC type");
} elsif ($newarg =~ /^rename$/i) {
local($found, $n);
$args=$newarg, $newarg='' if $args eq '';
&tell("*\cbE\cb* I need a filename :p"), return if $args eq '';
foreach $i (keys(%dgoffered)) {
if (&eq($dgoffered{$i}, $n) && (!$newarg ||
&eq($newarg, (split(/ +/, $i))[2]))) {
local($m, $p, $f)=split(/ +/, $i);
delete $dgoffered{$i};
$dgoffered{"$m $p $args"}=$n;
&tell("*\cbD\cb* Renaming \"$f\" (offered by $n) to \"$args\"");
&tell("*\cbE\cb* No such file offered by $n") unless $found;
} elsif ($newarg =~ /^get$/i) {
local($n)=grep((&eq($newarg, $dgoffered{$_}) && (!$args ||
&eq($args, (split(/ +/, $_))[2]))),
if ($n) {
my($dgadr, $dgport, $file)=split(/ +/, $n);
my($fh, $sfh);
my $offset = 0;
$n=(delete $dgoffered{$n});
if($dgresume{$dgport} && $dgresume{$dgport}{"GotReply"}){
&print("*\cbE\cb* Can't write to file $file"), return unless open($fh, ">> $file");
seek($fh, $dgresume{$dgport}{"pos"}, SEEK_SET);
$offset = $dgresume{$dgport}{"pos"};
delete $dgresume{$dgport};
else {
&print("*\cbE\cb* Can't write to file $file"), return unless open($fh, "> $file");
my $who = $n;
my $cb = sub {
my ($lfh, $lres) = @_;
if($lres != 0){
&tell("*\cbD\cb* DCC GET connection with $who ($file) failed: " . strerror($lres));
&tell("~!dcc~DCC GET failed who: $who file: $file reason: " . strerror($lres));
&tell("*\cbD\cb* DCC GET connection with $who established");
&tell("~!dcc~DCC GET established who: $who file: $file");
&dohooks("dcc_get", $who, $file, $fh);
if(&connectnb($sfh, $dgadr, $dgport, $cb) < 1){
} else {
if ($newarg) {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* No pending DCC GET from $newarg");
} else {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* Uhm, who from?");
} elsif ($newarg =~ /^list$/i || $newarg eq '') {
&tell("*\cbD\cb* List of DCC connections:");
foreach $n (keys(%dcfh)) {
&tell("*\cbD\cb* Established DCC CHAT with $n ($dcvol{$n} bytes)");
foreach $n (keys(%dcoffered)) {
my ($pip, $port) = split(/ /, $dcoffered{$n});
my $ip = inet_ntoa(pack("N", $pip));
&tell("*\cbD\cb* DCC CHAT offered by $n ($ip:$port)");
foreach $f (keys(%dcwait)) {
&tell("*\cbD\cb* DCC CHAT offered to $dcwait{$f}");
foreach $i (keys(%dgoffered)) {
my ($pip, $port, $file) = split(/ /, $i);
my $ip = inet_ntoa(pack("N", $pip));
&tell("*\cbD\cb* DCC GET \"$file\" ($ip:$port) offered by $dgoffered{$i}");
foreach $s (keys(%dgrfh)) {
&tell("*\cbD\cb* DCC GET \"$dfile{$f}\" established with $dnick{$s}, $dtransferred{$s} bytes read in ".(time-$dstarttime{$f})." seconds.");
foreach $s (keys(%dswait)) {
&tell("*\cbD\cb* DCC SEND \"$dfile{$f}\" offered to $dnick{$s}");
foreach $s (keys(%dsrfh)) {
&tell("*\cbD\cb* DCC SEND \"$dfile{$f}\" established with $dnick{$s}, $dtransferred{$s} bytes sent in ".(time-$dstarttime{$f})." seconds.");
} elsif ($newarg =~ /^send$/i) {
&tell("*** You're not connected to a server"), return if $connected<2;
&restrict || return;
local(($n),($f)) = $args =~ /^(.+?) (.+)/;
local($tf, $mynumber, $sz, $fh, $myport, $lfh)=($f);
while (my($fh, $ni) = each %dnick ) {
if(&eq($n, $ni)){
my $lfh = $dswait{$fh};
if(&eq($dfile{$lfh}, $f)){
&tell("*\cbE\cb* DCC Send already pending of $f to $n");
&tell("*\cbE\cb* DCC Send already in progress $f to $n");
&tell("*\cbE\cb* Can't open file $f"), return unless open($fh, "<$f");
my $sockaddr = &listen($lfh) or (close $fh, return);
if ($ipv6) {
# XXX: substr is used in order to avoid dying on Linux with older
# glibc that lacks the scope field from sockaddr_in6 but the kernel
# has it and returns it from getsockname()
($myport, undef) = unpack_sockaddr_in6(substr($sockaddr, 0, 24));
$mynumber = 0;
} else {
($myport, $mynumber) = unpack_sockaddr_in($sockaddr);
$mynumber = unpack("N", $mynumber);
$tf=$1 if $f =~ m|/([^/]*)$|;
$sz=(-s $f);
$tf =~ s/ /_/g; # we have to convert spaces in the filename to underscores
&sl("PRIVMSG $n :\caDCC SEND $tf $mynumber $myport $sz\ca");
&dohooks("send_ctcp", $n, "DCC SEND $tf $mynumber $myport $sz");
&dohooks("dcc_send", $n, $f, $sz, $fh);
#&tell("*\cbD\cb* Sent DCC SEND request to $n ($f,$sz)");
&tell("~!dcc~Sent DCC SEND request to who: $n file: $f size: $sz");
} else {
&tell("*** I can \"only\" do DCC CHAT, RCHAT, GET, SEND, CLOSE, RENAME and LIST, *sheesh*");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'QUOTE') { #KSIRC MOD
$args ne '' && &sl($args); #Allow this even if not connected to talk to proxies
} elsif ($connected<2) {
&tell("*** You're not connected to a server");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'AWAY') {
&sl($args ? "AWAY :$args" : "AWAY");
my $oldchannel = $talkchannel;
if ( $publicAway == 1 ) {
foreach $talkchannel (@channels) {
&me($args ? "is away: $args" : "is back");
$talkchannel = $oldchannel;
} elsif ($cmd eq 'NEXT') {
if ($#channels>0) {
push(@channels, $talkchannel);
!$ssfe && &tell("*** Talking to $talkchannel now");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'SAY' || $cmd eq '') {
} elsif ($cmd eq 'NOTICE' || $cmd eq 'NO') {
if ($args) {
($newarg, $args)=split(/ /, $args, 2);
¬ice($newarg, $args);
} else {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* You must specify a nick or channel!");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'DESCRIBE' || $cmd eq 'DE') {
if ($args) {
($newarg, $args)=split(/ /, $args, 2);
&describe($newarg, $args);
} else {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* You must specify a nick or channel!");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'KICK' || $cmd eq 'K') {
if ($newarg =~ /^[\#\&\+]/) {
if ($newarg) {
$args || ($args=$nick);
&sl("KICK $c $newarg :$args");
} else {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* You must specify a nick!");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'DISCONNECT' || $cmd eq 'DIS') {
&tell("*** Disconnecting from $server");
delete $buffer{$S};
} elsif ($cmd eq 'INVITE' || $cmd eq 'INV' || $cmd eq 'I') {
local(@ns)=split(/ +/, $args);
local($l, $c)=(pop(@ns), $talkchannel);
if ($l =~ /^[\#\&\+]/) {
} else {
$l && push(@ns, $l);
foreach (@ns) {
&sl("INVITE $_ $c");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'CTCP') {
if ($args) {
$newarg =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
$args=" ".$args if $args ne '';
&sl("PRIVMSG $towho :\ca$newarg$args\ca");
&dohooks("send_ctcp", $towho, $newarg.$args);
&tell("*** Sending a CTCP $newarg$args to $towho");
} else {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* You must specify a nick or channel!");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'PING' || $cmd eq 'P') {
if ($args) {
&sl("PRIVMSG $newarg :\caPING $t\ca");
&dohooks("send_ctcp", $newarg, "PING $t");
&tell("*** Sending a CTCP PING to $newarg");
} else {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* You must specify a nick or channel!");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'ME') {
if ($talkchannel) {
&describe($talkchannel, $args);
} else {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* Not on a channel");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'TOPIC' || $cmd eq 'T') {
if ($args =~ /^[\#\&\+]/) {
if ($args) {
&sl("TOPIC $c :$args");
} else {
&sl("TOPIC $c");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'LEAVE' || $cmd eq 'PART' || $cmd eq 'HOP') {
$args=$talkchannel if $args eq '';
&sl("PART $args");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'LL') {
if ($talkchannel) {
&sl("WHO $talkchannel");
} else {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* Not on a channel");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'O' || $cmd eq 'OP') {
local($c, $n, $l)=($talkchannel, 0, '');
&getarg, $c=$newarg if ($args =~ /^[\#\&\+]/);
local(@ppl)=split(/ +/, $args);
foreach (@ppl) {
if ($n<4) {
$l .= " ".$_;
} else {
&sl("MODE $c +oooo $l");
$l && &sl("MODE $c +oooo $l");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'D' || $cmd eq 'DEOP') {
local($c, $n, $l)=($talkchannel, 0, '');
&getarg, $c=$newarg if ($args =~ /^[\#\&\+]/);
local(@ppl)=split(/ +/, $args);
foreach (@ppl) {
if ($n<4) {
$l .= " ".$_;
} else {
&sl("MODE $c -oooo $l");
$l && &sl("MODE $c -oooo $l");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'W' || $cmd eq 'WHOIS') {
&sl($args eq '' ? "WHOIS $nick" : "WHOIS $args");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'WI') {
$newarg=$nick if $newarg eq '';
&sl("WHOIS $newarg $newarg");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'WHO') {
if ($args =~ /^[\s\*]*$/) {
&tell("*** Uhm, better not");
} else {
&sl("WHO $args");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'JOIN' || $cmd eq 'J') {
$args=$invited if $args eq '';
if ($args !~ /^[\#\&\+]/) {
$query = $args;
elsif (grep(&eq($_, $args), @channels)) {
# &tell("*** Talking to $args now"); # KSIRC MOD
$query = "";
} else {
&sl("JOIN $args");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'UMODE') {
&sl("MODE $nick $args");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'MO') {
if ($talkchannel) {
&sl("MODE $talkchannel $args");
} else {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* You're not on any channel anyway");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'LIST') {
if ($args =~ /\*/ || $args =~ /-m[ia][nx]\s/i) {
while (&getarg, $newarg ne '') {
if ($newarg =~ /^-min$/i) {
$listmin=$newarg if $newarg>0;
} elsif ($newarg =~ /^-max$/i) {
$listmax=$newarg if $newarg>0;
} else {
$newarg =~ s/([^\\])\./$1\\./g;
$newarg =~ s/\*/\.\*/g;
$newarg =~ s/([^\.\*\\\w])/\\$1/g;
} else {
} elsif ($cmd eq 'RPING') {
&sl("RPING $newarg ".time);
} elsif ($cmd eq 'KILL') {
if ($newarg) {
$args || ($args=$nick);
&sl("KILL $newarg :$args");
} else {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* You must specify a nick!");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'MODE' || $cmd eq 'NAMES') {
&sl("$cmd $args");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'OPER') {
$newarg=$nick unless $newarg;
&getuserpass("Oper password? ", "Passwd: "), $args=$_ unless $args;
&sl("OPER $newarg $args");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'CONNECT') {
if ($args) {
&sl("CONNECT $srv $newarg $args");
} else {
&sl("CONNECT $srv 6667 $newarg");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'SQUIT') {
&sl("SQUIT $newarg :$args");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'WHOWAS' || $cmd eq 'ADMIN' || $cmd eq 'STATS' ||
$cmd eq 'INFO' || $cmd eq 'LUSERS' || $cmd eq 'SQUIT' ||
$cmd eq 'REHASH' || $cmd eq 'DIE' || $cmd eq 'LINKS' ||
$cmd eq 'NOTE' || $cmd eq 'WALLOPS' || $cmd eq 'NICK' ||
$cmd eq 'MOTD' || $cmd eq 'TIME' || $cmd eq 'TRACE' ||
$cmd eq 'USERS' || $cmd eq 'SILENCE' || $cmd eq 'MAP' ||
$cmd eq 'UPING') {
} else {
# Unknown command sucks. People want to use extensions like /nickserv, which works
# on some servers (Simon)
# &tell("*\cbE\cb* Unknown command: $cmd");
sub douserline {
local($skip, $line)=(0, @_);
if ($line =~ /^\@ssfe\@/) {
} else {
&dohooks("command", $line);
return if $skip;
if ($line =~ s/^\///) {
} elsif ($query ne '') {
&msg($query, $line);
} else {
sub getuserline {
&dohooks("input", $_[0], $_[1]);
return if $skip;
print $_[0];
print "\n" if $raw_mode;
print $ssfe_getline.$_[1]."\n" if $ssfe;
while (($_=<STDIN>) ne '') {
if (/^\@ssfe\@/) {
$ssfe || ($add_ons.="+ssfe");
} else {
&exit if $_ eq '';
sub getuserpass {
sub addcmd {
$cmd =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
sub addhelp {
local($cmd, $txt)=@_;
$cmd =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
foreach (reverse(split(/\n/, $txt))) {
unshift (@help, $_);
unshift(@help, "\@".$cmd);
sub addset {
$var =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
sub addsel {
$buf_fds{$_[0]}="sel_".$_[1] if $_[2];
$sel_fds{$_[0]}="sel_".$_[1] unless $_[2];
sub remsel {
delete $buf_fds{$_[0]};
delete $sel_fds{$_[0]};
sub addwsel {
sub remwsel {
delete $sel_w_fds{$_[0]};
@hooks=("action", "ctcp", "ctcp_reply", "dcc_chat", "dcc_request", "input",
"invite", "join", "kick", "leave", "mode", "msg", "nick", "notice",
"server_notice", "notify_signoff", "notify_signon", "public",
"raw_irc", "send_action", "send_dcc_chat", "send_text", "send_notice",
"signoff", "topic", "disconnect", "status", "print", "command",
"chat_disconnect", "dcc_disconnect", "send_ctcp",
"dcc_send", "dcc_send_status", "dcc_get", "dcc_get_status", "quit",
"pong"); # ksirc additions
sub addhook {
local($type, $name)=@_;
$type =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
if ($type =~ /^\d\d\d$/ || grep(($_ eq $type), @hooks)) {
($type =~ /^\d\d\d$/) && ($type="num_".$type);
eval "*ugly_hack_hooks=*${type}_hooks;";
unless (grep(($_ eq $name), @ugly_hack_hooks)) {
push(@ugly_hack_hooks, $name);
} else {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* $type: no such hook");
sub remhook {
local($type, $name)=@_;
$type =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
if ($type =~ /^\d\d\d$/ || grep(($_ eq $type), @hooks)) {
($type =~ /^\d\d\d$/) && ($type="num_".$type);
eval "*ugly_hack_hooks=*${type}_hooks;";
@ugly_hack_hooks=grep(($_ ne $name), @ugly_hack_hooks);
} else {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* $type: no such hook");
sub userhost {
push (@waituh, $_[0]);
push (@douh, $_[1]);
push (@erruh, $_[2]);
&sl("USERHOST $_[0]");
sub deltimer {
if ($#trefs>=0 && $ref!=0) {
# delete the timer if it exists
for ($i=0; $i<=$#trefs; $i++) {
if ($trefs[$i]==$ref) {
sub timer {
local(@r, @t, @a)=();
local($ref)=$_[2] || 0;
&deltimer($ref) if $ref;
while ($#timers>=0 && $timers[0]<=$t) {
push (@r, shift(@trefs));
push (@t, shift(@timers));
push (@a, shift(@timeactions));
@trefs=(@r, $ref, @trefs);
@timers=(@t, $t, @timers);
@timeactions=(@a, $_[1], @timeactions);
sub disappeared {
local($n)=(grep(&eq($_, $_[0]), keys(%notify)));
if ($n ne '' && $notify{$n}>0) {
&dohooks("notify_signoff", $_[0]);
&tell("*\cb(\cb* Signoff by $_[0] detected");
sub appeared {
local($t, $n)=(time, grep(&eq($_, $_[0]), keys(%notify)));
if ($n ne '') {
if ($notify{$n}==0) {
&dohooks("notify_signon", $_[0]);
&tell("*\cb)\cb* Signon by $_[0] detected!");
else {
# &tell("*\cb(\cb* Signoff by $_[0] detected!");
sub send_isons {
foreach (keys %notify) {
&sl("ISON : $l"), $l='' if (length($l)>500);
$l.=$_." ";
&sl("ISON :$l") if $l;
sub signoffs {
foreach (keys %notify) {
if ($notify{$_}>0 && $notify{$_}<$lastsendison) {
&dohooks("notify_signoff", $_);
&tell("*\cb(\cb* Signoff by $_ detected");
sub modestripper {
local($chnl, $what)=@_;
$chnl =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
local($how, $modes, @args)=('+', split(/ +/, $what));
foreach $m (split(//, $modes)) {
if ($m =~ /[\-\+]/) {
} elsif ($m =~ /[vb]/) {
} elsif ($m eq 'k') {
$how eq '+' ? ($chankey{$chnl}=$args[0]) : delete $chankey{$chnl};
} elsif ($m eq 'l') {
$how eq '+' ? ($limit{$chnl}=shift(@args)) : delete $limit{$chnl};
} elsif ($m eq 'o') {
$haveops{$chnl}=($how eq '+') if (&eq(shift(@args), $nick));
} else {
$mode{$chnl} =~ s/$m//g;
$mode{$chnl}.=$m if $how eq '+';
sub umodechange {
foreach $m (split(//, $what)) {
if ($m =~ /[\-\+]/) {
} else {
$umode =~ s/$m//g;
$umode.=$m if ($how eq '+' && $m !~ /\s/);
sub ignored {
foreach (@ignore) {
return 1 if $_[0] =~ /^${_}$/;
return '';
sub dorcfile {
return if !open(RCFILE, "<$_[0]");
while (<RCFILE>) {
next if /^\#/;
&docommand($_) if $_;
close RCFILE;
sub loadrc {
$sysrc && &dorcfile($sysrc);
$rcfile && &dorcfile($rcfile);
sub selline {
$rin=$rout="\0" x 32;
$win=$wout="\0" x 32;
foreach ($S, 'STDIN', keys(%dcnick), keys(%buf_fds)) {
$leftover=1, return $_ if $buffer{$_} =~ /\n/;
foreach ('STDIN', keys(%dcnick), keys(%dcwait), keys(%dgrfh), keys(%dswait),
keys(%dsrfh), keys(%sel_fds), keys(%buf_fds)) {
vec($rin, fileno($_), 1)=1;
foreach (keys(%sel_w_fds)){
vec($win, fileno($_), 1)=1;
vec($rin, fileno($S), 1)=1 if $connected;
if ($#timers<0 || $timers[0]>time+30) {
select($rout=$rin, $wout=$win, undef, 30);
} elsif ($timers[0]<=time) {
select($rout=$rin, $wout=$win, undef, 0);
} else {
select($rout=$rin, $wout=$win, undef, $timers[0]-time);
sub getnick {
if ($ENV{'BACKUPNICK'} && !($nick eq $ENV{'BACKUPNICK'})) {
} else {
&getuserline("Pick a nick: ", "Nick: ");
&sl("NICK $nick");
sub donumeric {
local($from)=($who eq $myserver ? '' : " (from ${who})");
if ($cmd eq '401') {
&tell("*\cb?\cb* Cannot tqfind $newarg on irc$from");
} elsif ($cmd eq '402') {
&tell("*\cb?\cb* $newarg: no such server$from");
} elsif ($cmd eq '403') {
&tell("*\cb?\cb* $newarg: no such channel$from");
} elsif ($cmd eq '406') {
&tell("*\cb?\cb* $newarg: there was no such nickname$from");
} elsif ($cmd eq '421') {
&tell("*\cb?\cb* $newarg: unknown command$from");
} elsif ($cmd =~ /^4[012]/) {
$args =~ s/^[^:]*://;
&tell("*** $args$from");
} elsif ($cmd eq '431') {
&tell("*** Was expecting a nickname somewhere...");
&getnick if $connected<2;
} elsif ($cmd eq '432') {
if ($connected==2) {
&tell("*\cbN\cb* Invalid nickname, you're still \"$nick\"");
} else {
&tell("*\cbN\cb* Invalid nickname!");
} elsif ($cmd eq '433') {
if ($connected==2) {
&tell("*\cbN\cb* Nick already taken, you're still \"$nick\"");
} else {
&tell("*\cbN\cb* Nick already taken!");
} elsif ($cmd eq '441') {
local($g, $w, $c)=split(/ +/, $args);
&tell("*\cbE\cb* $w is not on channel $c$from");
} elsif ($cmd eq '442') {
local($w, $c)=split(/ +/, $args);
# &tell("*\cbE\cb* You're not on channel $c$from"); # KSIRC MOD
} elsif ($cmd eq '443') {
local($w, $o, $c)=split(/ +/, $args);
&tell("*\cbE\cb* $o is already on channel $c$from");
} elsif ($cmd eq '465') {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* You are banned from this server$from");
} elsif ($cmd eq '461') {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* The command $newarg needs more arguments than that$from");
} elsif ($cmd =~ /^47[1345]$/) {
if ($cmd eq '471') {
$r="channel is full";
} elsif ($cmd eq '473') {
$r="channel is invite-only";
} elsif ($cmd eq '474') {
$r="banned from channel";
} else {
$r="bad channel key";
&tell("*\cbE\cb* Can't join $newarg: ${r}$from");
} elsif ($cmd eq '301') {
&tell("*** $newarg is away: $args");
} elsif ($cmd eq '302') {
local($n, $do, $err)=(shift(@waituh), shift(@douh), shift(@erruh));
if ($newarg =~ /^([^\s\*=]+)[\*]?=([\-+])/) {
if ($adr =~ /\@/) {
} else {
if (&eq($who, $n)) {
eval $do;
$@ =~ s/\n$//, &tell("*\cbE\cb* error in userhost: $@") if $@ ne '';
} else {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* userhost returned for unexpected nick $who");
} else {
if (defined($err)) {
eval $err;
$@ =~ s/\n$//, &tell("*\cbE\cb* error in userhost: $@") if $@ ne '';
} else {
&tell("*\cb?\cb* Cannot tqfind $n on irc");
} elsif ($cmd eq '303') {
foreach $n (split(/ +/, $args)) {
} elsif ($cmd eq '305') {
&tell("*** You are no longer marked as away");
} elsif ($cmd eq '306') {
&tell("*** You are marked as being away");
} elsif ($cmd eq '311') {
local($g, $n, $u, $m, $g, $r)=split(/ +/, $args, 6);
$r =~ s/^://;
&tell("*** $n is $u\@$m ($r)");
} elsif ($cmd eq '312') {
&tell("*** on IRC via server $s ($args)");
} elsif ($cmd eq '313') {
&tell("*** $newarg $args");
} elsif ($cmd eq '314') {
local($g, $n, $u, $m, $g, $r)=split(/ +/, $args, 6);
$r =~ s/^://;
&tell("*** $n was $u\@$m ($r)");
} elsif ($cmd eq '317') {
if ($newarg>=3600) {
&tell("*** $n has been idle for ".int($newarg/3600)." hours, ".
int(($newarg%3600)/60)." minutes and ".
($newarg%60)." seconds");
} elsif ($newarg>=60) {
&tell("*** $n has been idle for ".int($newarg/60)." minutes and ".
($newarg%60)." seconds");
} else {
&tell("*** $n has been idle for $newarg seconds");
} elsif ($cmd eq '319') {
local($g, $g, $c)=split(/ +/, $args, 3);
$c =~ s/^://;
&tell("*** on channels: $c");
} elsif ($cmd eq '322') {
local($g, $c, $n, $r)=split(/ +/, $args, 4);
$r =~ s/^://;
$n>=$listmin && $n <=$listmax && (!$listpat || $c =~ /^${listpat}$/i)
&& &tell(sprintf("*** %-10s %-5s %s", $c, $n, $r));
} elsif ($cmd eq '323') {
} elsif ($cmd eq '324') {
local($g, $c, $m)=split(/ +/, $args, 3);
$m =~ s/^://;
$m =~ s/ $//;
$c =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
if (grep(&eq($_, $c), @channels)) {
if (defined($mode{$c})) {
&tell("*\cb+\cb* Mode for channel $c is \"$m\"");
} else {
&modestripper($c, $m);
} else {
&tell("*\cb+\cb* Mode for channel $c is \"$m\"");
} elsif ($cmd eq '329') {
local($t)=($newarg ? ("created " . &date($newarg)) : "0 TS");
&tell("*** $c : $t");
} elsif ($cmd eq '331') {
&tell("*\cbT\cb* No topic is set on channel $newarg");
} elsif ($cmd eq '332') {
&tell("*\cbT\cb* Topic for $newarg: $args");
} elsif ($cmd eq '333') {
local($g, $c, $n, $t)=split(/ +/, $args, 4);
&tell("*\cbT\cb* Topic for $c set by $n on $d");
} elsif ($cmd eq '318' || $cmd eq '315' || $cmd eq '369' ||
$cmd eq '321' || $cmd eq '376' || # KSIRC MOD
$cmd eq '365' || $cmd eq '368' || $cmd eq '374' ||
$cmd eq '219' || $cmd eq '007') {
} elsif ($cmd eq '341') {
local($g, $n, $c)=split(/ +/, $args, 3);
&tell("*\cbI\cb* Inviting $n to channel $c");
} elsif ($cmd eq '352') {
local($g, $c, $u, $m, $s, $n, $st, $g, $i)=split(/ +/, $args, 9);
&tell(sprintf("%-10s %-9s %4s %s\@%s (%s)", $c, $n, $st, $u, $m, $i));
} elsif ($cmd eq '353') {
local($g, $m, $c, $r)=split(/ +/, $args, 4);
$n =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
$r =~ s/^://;
&tell("*I* Users on $c: $r"); # KSIRC MOD
else { # KSIRC MOD
&tell("*\cbI\cb* Users on $c: $r"); # KSIRC MOD
$c =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$haveops{$c}=1 if ($r =~ /\@${n}( |$)/i);
&dostatus if &eq($c, $talkchannel);
} elsif ($cmd eq '366'){ # KSIRC MOD
#&tell("*I* Users on $DSIRC_NAMES:"); # KSIRC MOD
} elsif ($cmd eq '221') {
&tell("*\cb+\cb* Your user mode is \"$args\"");
} elsif ($cmd eq '200') {
local($b, $l, $v, $n, $s)=split(/ +/, $args);
$s =~ s/^://;
&tell("*** $l $who ($v) ==> $n $s");
} elsif ($cmd eq '205') {
local($b, $u, $h, $n)=split(/ +/, $args);
$n =~ s/^://;
&tell("*** $u [$h] ==> $n");
} elsif ($cmd =~ /^20/) {
local($b, $t, $n, $r)=split(/ +/, $args, 4);
&tell("*** $t [$n] ==> $r");
} elsif ($cmd eq '375' || $cmd eq '372' || $cmd =~ /^25/) {
&tell("*** $args");
} elsif ($cmd eq '379' ) { # RPL_FORWARD (Simon)
local( $from_channel, $to_channel ) = split( / +/, $args );
&tell("~$from_channel~*\cb<\cb* You have left channel $from_channel");
} else {
#$args =~ s/ :/ /;
&tell("*** $args$from");
# main prog
print "`#ssfe#i\n" unless (-t STDOUT);
&tell("*** Welcome to \cbsirc\cb version $version; type /help for help");
&load($sysinit) if $sysinit ne '' && -f $sysinit;
&load($initfile) if !$restrict && $initfile ne '' && -f $initfile;
while (1) {
&bindtoserver, undef $ready if $ready;
if ($connected==2) {
&loadrc unless $rcloaded;
if $time>=$lastsendison+90 || ($newisons && $time>=$lastsendison+10);
&signoffs if $checkisons && ($time>=$lastsendison+30);
foreach $rfh (keys (%buf_fds)) {
if (vec($rout, fileno($rfh), 1) || ($leftover && $fh eq $rfh)) {
&gl($rfh) || next;
local($line, $h)=($_, $buf_fds{$rfh});
delete $buf_fds{$rfh}, delete $buffer{$rfh}, close($rfh) if $_ eq '';
eval { &$h($line); };
$@ =~ s/\n$//, &tell("*\cbE\cb* error in buffered fd hook &$h: $@")
if $@ ne '';
foreach $rfh (keys (%sel_fds)) {
if (vec($rout, fileno($rfh), 1)) {
eval { &$h($rfh); }; #KSIRC MOD
$@ =~ s/\n$//, &tell("*\cbE\cb* error in unbuffered fd hook &$h: $@")
if $@ ne '';
foreach $rfh (keys (%sel_w_fds)) {
if (vec($wout, fileno($rfh), 1)) {
eval { &$h($rfh); }; #KSIRC MOD
$@ =~ s/\n$//, &tell("*\cbE\cb* error in unbuffered fd hook &$h: $@")
if $@ ne '';
foreach $rfh (keys (%dcnick)) {
if (vec($rout, fileno($rfh), 1) || ($leftover && $fh eq $rfh)) {
&gl($rfh) || next;
&dcerror($rfh), next if $_ eq '';
local($who, $what)=($dcnick{$rfh}, $_);
print "`#ssfe#t/m =$who \n" if $ssfe;
print "`#ssfe#o=${who}= $what\n" if $ssfe;
&dohooks("dcc_chat", $who, $what);
&tell("~=${who}~=\cb${who}\cb= $what"); # KSIRC MOD
foreach $rfh (keys (%dcwait)) {
if (vec($rout, fileno($rfh), 1)) {
local($n, $fh);
my $paddr;
if ($paddr = &accept($fh, $rfh)) {
select($fh); $|=1; select(STDOUT);
my($port,$iaddr) = sockaddr_in($paddr);
my $ip = inet_ntoa($iaddr);
$n =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
&tell("*\cbD\cb* DCC CHAT connection with $n established");
&tell("~!dcc~DCC CHAT inbound established who: $n ip: $ip");
print "`#ssfe#t/m =$n \n" if $ssfe;
delete $dcwait{$rfh};
foreach $sfh (keys (%dswait)) {
local($rfh, $fh)=$dswait{$sfh};
if (vec($rout, fileno($sfh), 1)) {
my $paddr;
if ($paddr = &accept($fh, $sfh)) {
my($port,$iaddr) = sockaddr_in($paddr);
my $ip = inet_ntoa($iaddr);
select($fh); $|=1; select(STDOUT);
&tell("*\cbD\cb* DCC SEND connection with $dnick{$sfh}/$ip ($dfile{$rfh}) established");
&tell("~!dcc~DCC SEND established who: $dnick{$sfh} file: $dfile{$rfh} ip: $ip");
delete $dnick{$sfh};
delete $dswait{$sfh};
delete $dsoffset{$sfh};
delete $dsport{$sfh};
foreach $sfh (keys (%dgrfh)) {
if (vec($rout, fileno($sfh), 1)) {
local($a, $buf)=(0, '');
$a=sysread($sfh, $buf, 4096);
if ($a) {
&dohooks("dcc_get_status", $dfile{$rfh}, $dtransferred{$sfh}, $rfh);
# &tell("*\cbD\cb* DCC GET read: $dfile{$rfh} bytes: $dtransferred{$sfh}"); # KSIRC MOD FOR 971217
my $b = $dtransferred{$sfh}+$dgxferadd{$sfh};
&tell("~!dcc~DCC GET read: $dfile{$rfh} who: $dnick{$sfh} bytes: $b"); # KSIRC MOD FOR 971217
print $rfh $buf;
print $sfh pack("N", $b); # used to be just $dtransfered but most seem to want xfet + offset
} else {
&dgsclose($sfh, $rfh, "GET", "OK");
foreach $sfh (keys (%dsrfh)) {
if (vec($rout, fileno($sfh), 1) || !$dtransferred{$sfh}) {
local($ack, $csa, $buf, $b, $l, $w)=(0, '', '');
if ($dtransferred{$sfh}) {
&dgsclose($sfh, $rfh, "SEND", "Protocol Error"), next if sysread($sfh, $b, 4)!=4;
$ack=unpack("N", $b);
if($ack > ($dtransferred{$sfh} + $dsoffset{$sfh})){
my $v = $dtransferred{$sfh} + $dsoffset{$sfh};
&tell("*\cbD\cb* DCC transfer protocol failure! $ack $dtransferred{$sfh} $dsoffset{$sfh} $v");
&dgsclose($sfh, $rfh, "SEND", "Protocol Out of Sync");
# When you do a dcc resume the ack value returned from the
# remote client is not well defined. Two different values
# are used, the current number of bytes transfered, or
# the current location in the file. We try to detech
# which type of ack we got and we adjust our math
# according so we keep up nice packet sizes.
# xchat can't seem to take > 4k packets after a resume
# and it causes the backoff to ack a little funny, but
# it's not our fault!
if($dsoffset{$sfh} && ($ack != 0) && ($dsresumedb{$sfh} == undef)) {
if($ack > $dsoffset{$sfh}){
$dsresumedb{$sfh} = 1;
else {
$dsresumedb{$sfh} = 2;
#&print("*** Resume style is: $dsresumedb{$sfh}");
if($dsoffset{$sfh} && ($dsresumedb{$sfh} == 1)){
else {
#&print("*** CSA is: $csa ack: $ack dt: $dtransferred{$sfh} $dsoffset{$sfh}");
next if $csa<0;
$l=read($rfh, $buf, 512+$csa);
$w=syswrite($sfh, $buf, $l) if $l;
&dohooks("dcc_send_status", $dfile{$rfh}, $dtransferred{$sfh}, $rfh);
# &tell("*\cbD\cb* DCC SEND write: $dfile{$rfh} bytes: $dtransferred{$sfh}"); # KSIRC MOD FOR 971218
my $sz = $dtransferred{$sfh}+$dsoffset{$sfh};
&tell("~!dcc~DCC SEND write: $dfile{$rfh} who: $dnick{$sfh} bytes: $sz"); # KSIRC MOD FOR 971218
next if $l==0 && $ack<$dtransferred{$sfh};
&dgsclose($sfh, $rfh, "SEND", "OK"), next if ($w<$l || $l==0);
while ($#timers>=0 && $timers[0]<=time) {
shift (@timers);
shift (@trefs);
eval shift (@timeactions);
$@ =~ s/\n$//, &tell("*\cbE\cb* error in timer: $@") if $@ ne '';
if (vec($rout, fileno(STDIN), 1) || ($leftover && $fh eq 'STDIN')) {
&gl('STDIN') || next;
&exit if $_ eq '';
$logging && print LOG "<- " . $_ . "\n";
&douserline($_) if $_ ne '';
if ($connected && (($leftover && $fh eq $S) || vec($rout, fileno($S), 1))) {
&gl($S) || next;
if ($_ eq '') {
&tell("*\cbE\cb* Connection to server lost");
delete $buffer{$S};
$logging && print LOG ">> " . $_ . "\n";
$_=$server." ".$_ unless /^:/;
($who, $cmd, $args)=split(/ /, $_, 3);
$cmd =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
$who =~ s/^://;
$args =~ s/^://;
if ($who =~ /^([^!@ ]+)!([^@ ]+)@([^ ]+)$/) {
($who, $user, $host) = ($1, $2, $3);
$puh1="!$user\@$host" if $set{"PRINTUH"} ne 'none';
$puh2=$puh1 if $set{"PRINTUH"} eq 'all';
&dohooks("raw_irc", $cmd, $args);
next if $skip;
next if (($cmd eq 'PRIVMSG' || $cmd eq 'NOTICE') &&
if ($cmd eq '001') {
($nick)=split(/ /, $args, 2);
if ($cmd =~ /^\d\d\d$/) {
&dohooks("num_".$cmd, $args);
next if $skip;
} elsif ($cmd eq 'PING') {
&sl("PONG $args");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'PRIVMSG') {
if ($args =~ /^\001([^\001]*)\001$/ && $set{'CTCP'} ne 'none') {
&ctcp($newarg, $1);
} elsif (!$printchan && &eq($newarg, $talkchannel)) {
&dohooks("public", $newarg, $args);
&tell("~${newarg}~<${who}> $args"); # MOD FOR KSIRC
} elsif ($newarg =~ /^[\#\&\+]/) {
&dohooks("public", $newarg, $args);
&tell("~${newarg}~<${who}> $args"); # MOD FOR KSIRC
} elsif (&eq ($newarg, $nick)) {
print "`#ssfe#t/m $who \n" if $ssfe;
print "`#ssfe#o[$who$puh1] $args\n" if $ssfe;
&dohooks("msg", $args);
&tell("~${who}~[\cb${who}\cb${puh1}] $args"); # MOD FOR KSIRC
} else {
&tell("~${who}~[\cb${who}\cb${puh1}\cb] $args"); # MOD FOR KSIRC
} elsif ($cmd eq 'NOTICE') {
if ($args =~ /^\001([^\001]*)\001$/) {
&ctcpreply($newarg, $1);
} elsif ($newarg =~ /^[\#\&\+]/) {
&dohooks("notice", $newarg, $args);
&tell("~${newarg}~-${who}- $args"); # MOD FOR KSIRC
} elsif ($who =~ /\./) {
&dohooks("server_notice", $args);
$args="*** ".$args unless ($args =~ /^\*/);
} elsif (&eq($newarg, $nick)) {
&dohooks("notice", $newarg, $args);
&tell("~${who}~-\cb${who}\cb${puh1}- $args"); # MOD FOR KSIRC
} else {
&dohooks("notice", $newarg, $args);
&tell("~${who}~-\cb$who$puh1\cb- $args"); # MOD FOR KSIRC
$newarg =~ s/\cg.*//; # ircnet kludge
} elsif ($cmd eq 'KICK') {
$args=$who unless $args;
if (&eq($nick, $newarg)) {
&tell("~${channel}~*\cb<\cb* You have been kicked off channel $channel by $who$puh2 ($args)"); # MOD FOR KSIRC
@channels=grep(!&eq($_, $channel), @channels);
if (@channels) {
} else {
$channel =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
&dohooks("kick", $newarg, $channel, $args);
delete $mode{$channel};
delete $limit{$channel};
delete $haveops{$channel};
delete $chankey{$channel};
$talkchannel && !$ssfe && &tell("*** Talking to $talkchannel now");
} else {
&dohooks("kick", $newarg, $channel, $args);
&tell("~${channel}~*\cb<\cb* $newarg has been kicked off channel $channel by $who$puh2 ($args)"); # MOD FOR KSIRC
} elsif ($cmd eq 'PART') {
if (&eq($who, $nick)) {
#&tell("~!all~*\cb<\cb* You have left channel $newarg"); # MOD FOR KSIRC
@channels=grep(!&eq($_, $newarg), @channels);
if (@channels) {
} else {
$newarg =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
delete $mode{$newarg};
delete $limit{$newarg};
delete $haveops{$newarg};
delete $chankey{$newarg};
&dohooks("leave", $newarg);
$talkchannel && !$ssfe && &tell("*** Talking to $talkchannel now");
} else {
&dohooks("leave", $newarg);
&tell("~${newarg}~*\cb<\cb* $who$puh2 has left channel $newarg"); # MOD FOR KSIRC
} elsif ($cmd eq 'JOIN') {
if (&eq($nick, $who)) {
$newarg =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
push(@channels, $newarg);
&dohooks("join", $newarg);
&tell("~${newarg}~*\cb>\cb* You have joined channel $newarg"); # MOD FOR KSIRC
&sl("MODE $newarg");
} else {
&dohooks("join", $newarg);
&tell("~${newarg}~*\cb>\cb* $who ($user\@$host) has joined channel $newarg"); # MOD FOR KSIRC
} elsif ($cmd eq 'NICK') {
if (&eq($nick, $who)) {
$oldnick = $nick;
&dohooks("nick", $newarg);
&tell("~!all~*\cbN\cb* $oldnick is now known as $newarg");
} else {
&dohooks("nick", $newarg);
&tell("~!all~*\cbN\cb* $who$puh2 is now known as $newarg"); # MOD FOR KSIRC
} elsif ($cmd eq 'MODE') {
$args =~ s/ $//;
if ($newarg =~ /^[\#\&\+]/) {
&modestripper($newarg, $args);
&dohooks("mode", $newarg, $args);
&tell("~${newarg}~*\cb+\cb* Mode change \"$args\" on channel $newarg by $who$puh2"); # MOD FOR KSIRC
} else {
&umodechange($newarg), &dostatus if &eq($towho, $nick);
&dohooks("mode", $towho, $newarg);
&tell("*\cb+\cb* Mode change \"$newarg\" for user $towho by $who"); # MOD FOR KSIRC
} elsif ($cmd eq 'KILL') {
$args || ($args=$who);
&tell("~${newarg}~*\cb<\cb* $n got killed by $who$puh1 ($args)"); # MOD FOR KSIRC
} elsif ($cmd eq 'INVITE') {
&dohooks("invite", $newarg);
&tell("~!default~*\cbI\cb* $who$puh1 invites you to channel $newarg"); # MOD FOR KSIRC
} elsif ($cmd eq 'TOPIC') {
&dohooks("topic", $newarg, $args);
&tell("~${newarg}~*\cbT\cb* $who$puh2 has changed the topic on channel $newarg to \"$args\""); # MOD FOR KSIRC
} elsif ($cmd eq 'SILENCE') {
&tell("*** Silence $args");
} elsif ($cmd eq 'PONG') {
&dohooks("pong", $args);
} elsif ($cmd eq 'QUIT') {
&dohooks("signoff", $args);
&tell("~!all~*\cb<\cb* Signoff: $who$puh2 ($args)"); # MOD FOR KSIRC
} elsif ($cmd eq 'WALLOPS') {
&tell("!$who$puh2! ".$args);
} elsif ($cmd eq 'RPONG') {
local($n, $t, $ms, $ts)=split(/ +/, $args);
$ts =~ s/^://;
&tell("*** RPONG: $who - $t: $ms ms, ".time-$ts." sec");
} else {
&tell("*** The server says: $serverline");