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Tests for Kopete::Message
Copyright (c) 2005 by Tommi Rantala <>
Copyright (c) 2005 by Duncan Mac-Vicar Prett <>
Copyright (c) 2004 by Richard Smith <>
Kopete (c) 2002-2005 by the Kopete developers <>
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kinstance.h>
#include <kprocess.h>
#include <kunittest/module.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include "kopetemessage_test.h"
#include "kopeteaccount_tqmock.h"
#include "kopeteprotocol_tqmock.h"
#include "kopetecontact_tqmock.h"
#include "kopetemetacontact_tqmock.h"
#include "kopeteaccount_tqmock.h"
using namespace KUnitTest;
KUNITTEST_MODULE( kunittest_kopetemessage_test, "KopeteSuite");
There are four sets of tests: for each of plain text and html, we have those
known to work in the current codebase, and those known to fail right now.
the name convention is working|broken-plaintext|html-number.input|output
// change user data dir to avoid messing with user's .kde dir
setenv( "TDEHOME", TQFile::encodeName( TQDir::homeDirPath() + "/.kopete-unittest" ), true );
// create fake objects needed to build a reasonable testeable message
m_protocol = new Kopete::Test::Mock::Protocol( new KInstance(TQCString("test-kopete-message")), 0L, "test-kopete-message");
m_account = new Kopete::Test::Mock::Account(m_protocol, "testaccount");
m_metaContactMyself = new Kopete::Test::Mock::MetaContact();
m_metaContactOther = new Kopete::Test::Mock::MetaContact();
m_contactFrom = new Kopete::Test::Mock::Contact(m_account, TQString::tqfromLatin1("test-myself"), m_metaContactMyself, TQString());
m_contactTo = new Kopete::Test::Mock::Contact(m_account, TQString::tqfromLatin1("test-dest"), m_metaContactOther, TQString());
m_message = new Kopete::Message( m_contactFrom, m_contactTo, TQString(), Kopete::Message::Outbound, Kopete::Message::PlainText);
void KopeteMessage_Test::allTests()
//KCmdLineArgs::init(argc,argv,"testkopetemessage", 0, 0, 0, 0);
// At least Kopete::Message::asXML() seems to require that a TQApplication
// is created. Running the console version doesn't create it, but the GUI
// version does.
if (!kapp)
new KApplication();
void KopeteMessage_Test::testPrimitives()
* from(), to()
Kopete::Message msg( m_contactFrom, m_contactTo, "foobar", Kopete::Message::Inbound, Kopete::Message::PlainText);
* Direction
Kopete::Message msg( m_contactFrom, m_contactTo, "foobar", Kopete::Message::Inbound, Kopete::Message::PlainText);
CHECK(Kopete::Message::Inbound, msg.direction());
Kopete::Message msg( m_contactFrom, m_contactTo, "foobar", Kopete::Message::Outbound, Kopete::Message::RichText);
CHECK(Kopete::Message::Outbound, msg.direction());
Kopete::Message msg( m_contactFrom, m_contactTo, "foobar", Kopete::Message::Internal, Kopete::Message::RichText);
CHECK(Kopete::Message::Internal, msg.direction());
* Message Format
Kopete::Message msg( m_contactFrom, m_contactTo, "foobar", Kopete::Message::Inbound, Kopete::Message::PlainText);
CHECK(Kopete::Message::PlainText, msg.format());
Kopete::Message msg( m_contactFrom, m_contactTo, "foobar", Kopete::Message::Inbound, Kopete::Message::RichText);
CHECK(Kopete::Message::RichText, msg.format());
TQString m = "foobar";
Kopete::Message msg( m_contactFrom, m_contactTo, m, Kopete::Message::Inbound, Kopete::Message::RichText);
msg.setBody(m, Kopete::Message::PlainText);
CHECK(Kopete::Message::PlainText, msg.format());
msg.setBody(m, Kopete::Message::RichText);
CHECK(Kopete::Message::RichText, msg.format());
msg.setBody(m, Kopete::Message::ParsedHTML);
CHECK(Kopete::Message::ParsedHTML, msg.format());
msg.setBody(m, Kopete::Message::Crypted);
CHECK(Kopete::Message::Crypted, msg.format());
* setBody()
TQString m = "foobar";
Kopete::Message msg( m_contactFrom, m_contactTo, m, Kopete::Message::Inbound, Kopete::Message::RichText);
msg.setBody("NEW", Kopete::Message::PlainText);
CHECK(TQString("NEW"), msg.plainBody());
msg.setBody("NEW_NEW", Kopete::Message::RichText);
CHECK(TQString("NEW_NEW"), msg.plainBody());
TQString m = "foobar";
Kopete::Message msg( m_contactFrom, m_contactTo, m, Kopete::Message::Inbound, Kopete::Message::PlainText);
msg.setBody("NEW", Kopete::Message::PlainText);
CHECK(TQString("NEW"), msg.plainBody());
msg.setBody("NEW_NEW", Kopete::Message::RichText);
CHECK(TQString("NEW_NEW"), msg.plainBody());
TQString m = "<html><head></head><body foo=\"bar\"> <b>HELLO WORLD</b> </body></html>";
Kopete::Message msg( m_contactFrom, m_contactTo, m, Kopete::Message::Inbound, Kopete::Message::PlainText);
CHECK(m, msg.plainBody());
msg.setBody("<simple> SIMPLE", Kopete::Message::PlainText);
CHECK(msg.plainBody(), TQString("<simple> SIMPLE") );
CHECK(msg.escapedBody(), TQString("&lt;simple&gt; SIMPLE") );
msg.setBody("<simple>SIMPLE</simple>", Kopete::Message::RichText);
CHECK(msg.plainBody(), TQString("SIMPLE") );
CHECK(msg.escapedBody(), TQString("<simple>SIMPLE</simple>") );
CHECK(Kopete::Message::unescape( TQString( "<simple>SIMPLE</simple>" ) ), TQString("SIMPLE") );
CHECK(Kopete::Message::unescape( TQString( "Foo <img src=\"foo.png\" />" ) ), TQString("Foo ") );
CHECK(Kopete::Message::unescape( TQString( "Foo <img src=\"foo.png\" title=\"Bar\" />" ) ), TQString("Foo Bar") );
msg.setBody(m, Kopete::Message::RichText);
// FIXME: Should setBody() also strip extra white space?
//CHECK(msg.plainBody(), TQString("HELLO WORLD"));
//CHECK(msg.escapedBody(), TQString("<b>HELLO WORLD</b>"));
CHECK(msg.escapedBody(), TQString(" &nbsp; <b>HELLO WORLD</b> &nbsp; "));
CHECK(msg.plainBody(), TQString(" HELLO WORLD "));
CHECK(msg.plainBody().stripWhiteSpace(), TQString("HELLO WORLD"));
CHECK(msg.escapedBody().stripWhiteSpace(), TQString("&nbsp; <b>HELLO WORLD</b> &nbsp;"));
Kopete::Message msg( m_contactFrom, m_contactTo, "foo", Kopete::Message::Inbound, Kopete::Message::PlainText);
msg.setBody("<p>foo", Kopete::Message::RichText);
CHECK(msg.escapedBody(), TQString("foo"));
msg.setBody("<p>foo</p>", Kopete::Message::RichText);
CHECK(msg.escapedBody(), TQString("foo"));
msg.setBody("\n<p>foo</p>\n<br/>", Kopete::Message::RichText);
CHECK(msg.escapedBody(), TQString("foo<br/>"));
* Copy constructor
Kopete::Message msg1(m_contactFrom, m_contactTo, "foo", Kopete::Message::Inbound, Kopete::Message::RichText);
Kopete::Message msg2(msg1);
CHECK(msg1.plainBody(), msg2.plainBody());
CHECK(msg1.escapedBody(), msg2.escapedBody());
msg1.setBody("NEW", Kopete::Message::PlainText);
CHECK(msg1.plainBody(), TQString("NEW"));
CHECK(msg2.plainBody(), TQString("foo"));
* operator=
Kopete::Message msg1(m_contactFrom, m_contactTo, "foo", Kopete::Message::Inbound, Kopete::Message::RichText);
Kopete::Message msg2;
CHECK(msg2.plainBody(), TQString());
msg2 = msg1;
CHECK(msg1.plainBody(), msg2.plainBody());
CHECK(msg1.escapedBody(), msg2.escapedBody());
msg1.setBody("NEW", Kopete::Message::PlainText);
CHECK(msg1.plainBody(), TQString("NEW"));
CHECK(msg2.plainBody(), TQString("foo"));
CHECK(msg1.plainBody(), TQString("NEW"));
msg1 = msg1;
CHECK(msg1.plainBody(), TQString("NEW"));
void KopeteMessage_Test::setup()
void KopeteMessage_Test::testLinkParser()
TQString basePath = TQString::tqfromLatin1( SRCDIR ) + TQString::tqfromLatin1("/link-parser-testcases");
TQDir testCasesDir(basePath);
TQStringList inputFileNames = testCasesDir.entryList("*.input");
for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = inputFileNames.begin(); it != inputFileNames.end(); ++it)
TQString fileName = *it;
TQString outputFileName = fileName;
// open the input file
TQFile inputFile(basePath + TQString::tqfromLatin1("/") + fileName);
TQFile expectedFile(basePath + TQString::tqfromLatin1("/") + outputFileName);
// check if the expected output file exists
// if it doesn't, skip the testcase
if ( ! expectedFile.exists() )
SKIP("Warning! expected output for testcase "+ *it + " not found. Skiping testcase");
if ( IO_ReadOnly ) && IO_ReadOnly ))
TQTextStream inputStream(&inputFile);
TQTextStream expectedStream(&expectedFile);
TQString inputData;
TQString expectedData;
inputData =;
expectedData =;
// use a concrete url
inputData.replace( "$URL","" );
expectedData.replace( "$URL","" );
// set message format for parsing according to textcase filename convention
Kopete::Message::MessageFormat format;
if ( fileName.section("-", 1, 1) == TQString::tqfromLatin1("plaintext") )
format = Kopete::Message::PlainText;
format = Kopete::Message::RichText;
TQString result = Kopete::Message::parseLinks( inputData, format );
// HACK to know the test case we applied, concatenate testcase name to both
// input and expected string. WIll remove when I can add some sort of metadata
// to a CHECK so debug its origin testcase
result = fileName + TQString::tqfromLatin1(": ") + result;
expectedData = fileName + TQString::tqfromLatin1(": ") + expectedData;
// if the test case begins with broken, we expect it to fail, then use XFAIL
// otherwise use CHECK
if ( fileName.section("-", 0, 0) == TQString::tqfromLatin1("broken") )
//kdDebug() << "checking known-broken testcase: " << fileName << endl;
XFAIL(result, expectedData);
//kdDebug() << "checking known-working testcase: " << fileName << endl;
CHECK(result, expectedData);
SKIP("Warning! can't open testcase files for "+ *it + ". Skiping testcase");
// vim: set noet ts=4 sts=4 sw=4: