Kopete Oscar Protocol
oscarutils.h - Oscar Utility Functions
Copyright (c) 2004 Matt Rogers <mattr@kde.org>
Kopete (c) 2002-2004 by the Kopete developers <kopete-devel@kde.org>
* *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public *
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#ifndef _OSCARUTILS_H_
#define _OSCARUTILS_H_
#include <tqglobal.h>
#include <tqvaluelist.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include "oscartypes.h"
#include "buffer.h"
namespace Oscar
///Normalize the contact name to all lowercase and no spaces
KOPETE_EXPORT TQString normalize( const TQString& );
///compare TLVs for equality
KOPETE_EXPORT bool operator==( TLV, TLV );
* Find the TLV corresponding to the type in the list
KOPETE_EXPORT TLV findTLV( const TQValueList<TLV>&, int type );
* Update TLVs of SSI item from TLV list if necessary
* \return true if something was updated
KOPETE_EXPORT bool uptateTLVs( SSI& item, const TQValueList<TLV>& list );
* Get the value of the capability that corresponds to the value
* in the Capabilities enum
* \return -1 if the capability isn't found
* \return a non-negative number corresponding to the value of the
* capability in the Capabilities enum
int parseCap( char* cap );
* Convert the capability to a string we can print
const TQString capToString(char *cap);
* Parse the character array for validness and a version string
* \param buffer the buffer we'll be parsing for capabilities
* \param versionString a TQString reference that will contain the
* version string of the detected client. Will be TQString::null if
* no client is found
* \return a DWORD containg a bit array of the capabilities we found
DWORD parseCapabilities(Buffer &inbuf, TQString &versionString);
* Get the name of the capability from its number
const TQString capName( int capNumber );
* Convert an IP address in dotted decimal notation to a
* numerical constant
DWORD getNumericalIP( const TQString& address );
* Convert a numerical constant that is an IP address to
* dotted decimal format
TQString getDottedDecimal( DWORD address );
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