gwaccount . cpp - Kopete GroupWise Protocol
Copyright ( c ) 2004 SUSE Linux AG http : //www.suse.com
Based on Testbed
Copyright ( c ) 2003 by Will Stephenson < will @ stevello . free - online . co . uk >
Kopete ( c ) 2002 - 2003 by the Kopete developers < kopete - devel @ kde . org >
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *
* This library is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either *
* version 2 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version . *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
# include <sys/utsname.h>
# include <tqvalidator.h>
# include <kaboutdata.h>
# include <kapplication.h>
# include <kconfig.h>
# include <kdebug.h>
# include <kdialogbase.h>
# include <kinputdialog.h>
# include <klocale.h>
# include <kmessagebox.h>
# include <kpassivepopup.h>
# include <kopeteuiglobal.h>
# include <kopeteaway.h>
# include <kopeteawayaction.h>
# include <kopetecontactlist.h>
# include <kopetegroup.h>
# include <kopeteglobal.h>
# include <kopetemetacontact.h>
# include <kopetepassword.h>
# include <kopeteview.h>
# include "client.h"
# include "qca.h"
# include "gwcontact.h"
# include "gwcontactlist.h"
# include "gwprotocol.h"
# include "gwconnector.h"
# include "gwmessagemanager.h"
# include "privacymanager.h"
# include "qcatlshandler.h"
# include "userdetailsmanager.h"
# include "tasks/createcontacttask.h"
# include "tasks/createcontactinstancetask.h"
# include "tasks/deleteitemtask.h"
# include "tasks/movecontacttask.h"
# include "tasks/updatecontacttask.h"
# include "tasks/updatefoldertask.h"
# include "ui/gwchatsearchdialog.h"
# include "ui/gwprivacy.h"
# include "ui/gwprivacydialog.h"
# include "ui/gwreceiveinvitationdialog.h"
# include "gwaccount.h"
GroupWiseAccount : : GroupWiseAccount ( GroupWiseProtocol * tqparent , const TQString & accountID , const char * name )
: Kopete : : ManagedConnectionAccount ( tqparent , accountID , 0 , " groupwiseaccount " )
Q_UNUSED ( name ) ;
// Init the myself contact
setMyself ( new GroupWiseContact ( this , accountId ( ) , Kopete : : ContactList : : self ( ) - > myself ( ) , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
myself ( ) - > setOnlineStatus ( GroupWiseProtocol : : protocol ( ) - > groupwiseOffline ) ;
// Contact list management
TQObject : : connect ( Kopete : : ContactList : : self ( ) , TQT_SIGNAL ( groupRenamed ( Kopete : : Group * , const TQString & ) ) ,
TQT_SLOT ( slotKopeteGroupRenamed ( Kopete : : Group * ) ) ) ;
TQObject : : connect ( Kopete : : ContactList : : self ( ) , TQT_SIGNAL ( groupRemoved ( Kopete : : Group * ) ) ,
TQT_SLOT ( slotKopeteGroupRemoved ( Kopete : : Group * ) ) ) ;
m_actionAutoReply = new KAction ( i18n ( " &Set Auto-Reply... " ) , TQString ( ) , 0 , this ,
TQT_SLOT ( slotSetAutoReply ( ) ) , this , " actionSetAutoReply " ) ;
m_actionJoinChatRoom = new KAction ( i18n ( " &Join Channel... " ) , TQString ( ) , 0 , this ,
TQT_SLOT ( slotJoinChatRoom ( ) ) , this , " actionJoinChatRoom " ) ;
m_actionManagePrivacy = new KAction ( i18n ( " &Manage Privacy... " ) , TQString ( ) , 0 , this ,
TQT_SLOT ( slotPrivacy ( ) ) , this , " actionPrivacy " ) ;
m_connector = 0 ;
m_QCATLS = 0 ;
m_tlsHandler = 0 ;
m_clientStream = 0 ;
m_client = 0 ;
m_dontSync = false ;
m_serverListModel = 0 ;
GroupWiseAccount : : ~ GroupWiseAccount ( )
cleanup ( ) ;
KActionMenu * GroupWiseAccount : : actionMenu ( )
KActionMenu * m_actionMenu = Kopete : : Account : : actionMenu ( ) ;
m_actionAutoReply - > setEnabled ( isConnected ( ) ) ;
m_actionManagePrivacy - > setEnabled ( isConnected ( ) ) ;
m_actionJoinChatRoom - > setEnabled ( isConnected ( ) ) ;
m_actionMenu - > insert ( m_actionManagePrivacy ) ;
m_actionMenu - > insert ( m_actionAutoReply ) ;
m_actionMenu - > insert ( m_actionJoinChatRoom ) ;
/* Used for debugging */
theActionMenu - > insert ( new KAction ( " Test rtfize() " , TQString ( ) , 0 , this ,
TQT_SLOT ( slotTestRTFize ( ) ) , this ,
" actionTestRTFize " ) ) ;
return m_actionMenu ;
int GroupWiseAccount : : port ( ) const
return configGroup ( ) - > readNumEntry ( " Port " ) ;
const TQString GroupWiseAccount : : server ( ) const
return configGroup ( ) - > readEntry ( " Server " ) ;
Client * GroupWiseAccount : : client ( ) const
return m_client ;
GroupWiseProtocol * GroupWiseAccount : : protocol ( ) const
return static_cast < GroupWiseProtocol * > ( Kopete : : Account : : protocol ( ) ) ;
GroupWiseChatSession * GroupWiseAccount : : chatSession ( Kopete : : ContactPtrList others , const GroupWise : : ConferenceGuid & guid , Kopete : : Contact : : CanCreateFlags canCreate )
GroupWiseChatSession * chatSession = 0 ;
do // one iteration misuse of do...while to enable an easy drop-out once we locate a manager
// do we have a manager keyed by GUID?
if ( ! guid . isEmpty ( ) )
chatSession = findChatSessionByGuid ( guid ) ;
if ( chatSession )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " found a message manager by GUID: " < < guid < < endl ;
break ;
// does the factory know about one, going on the chat members?
chatSession = dynamic_cast < GroupWiseChatSession * > (
Kopete : : ChatSessionManager : : self ( ) - > findChatSession ( myself ( ) , others , protocol ( ) ) ) ;
if ( chatSession )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " found a message manager by members with GUID: " < < chatSession - > guid ( ) < < endl ;
// re-add the returning contact(s) (very likely only one) to the chat
Kopete : : Contact * returningContact ;
for ( returningContact = others . first ( ) ; returningContact ; returningContact = others . next ( ) )
chatSession - > joined ( static_cast < GroupWiseContact * > ( returningContact ) ) ;
if ( ! guid . isEmpty ( ) )
chatSession - > setGuid ( guid ) ;
break ;
// we don't have an existing message manager for this chat, so create one if we may
if ( canCreate )
chatSession = new GroupWiseChatSession ( myself ( ) , others , protocol ( ) , guid ) ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < <
" created a new message manager with GUID: " < < chatSession - > guid ( ) < < endl ;
m_chatSessions . append ( chatSession ) ;
// listen for the message manager telling us that the user
//has left the conference so we remove it from our map
TQObject : : connect ( chatSession , TQT_SIGNAL ( leavingConference ( GroupWiseChatSession * ) ) ,
TQT_SLOT ( slotLeavingConference ( GroupWiseChatSession * ) ) ) ;
break ;
//kdDebug( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) << k_funcinfo <<
// " no message manager available." << endl;
while ( 0 ) ;
return chatSession ;
GroupWiseChatSession * GroupWiseAccount : : findChatSessionByGuid ( const GroupWise : : ConferenceGuid & guid )
GroupWiseChatSession * chatSession = 0 ;
TQValueList < GroupWiseChatSession * > : : ConstIterator it ;
for ( it = m_chatSessions . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_chatSessions . end ( ) ; + + it )
if ( ( * it ) - > guid ( ) = = guid )
chatSession = * it ;
break ;
return chatSession ;
GroupWiseContact * GroupWiseAccount : : contactForDN ( const TQString & dn )
TQDictIterator < Kopete : : Contact > it ( contacts ( ) ) ;
// check if we have a DN for them
for ( ; it . current ( ) ; + + it )
GroupWiseContact * candidate = static_cast < GroupWiseContact * > ( it . current ( ) ) ;
if ( candidate & & candidate - > dn ( ) = = dn )
return candidate ;
// we might have just added the contact with a user ID, try the first section of the dotted dn
return static_cast < GroupWiseContact * > ( contacts ( ) [ protocol ( ) - > dnToDotted ( dn ) . section ( ' . ' , 0 , 0 ) ] ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : setAway ( bool away , const TQString & reason )
if ( away )
if ( Kopete : : Away : : getInstance ( ) - > idleTime ( ) > 10 ) // don't go AwayIdle unless the user has actually been idle this long
setOnlineStatus ( protocol ( ) - > groupwiseAwayIdle , TQString ( ) ) ;
setOnlineStatus ( protocol ( ) - > groupwiseAway , reason ) ;
setOnlineStatus ( protocol ( ) - > groupwiseAvailable ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : performConnectWithPassword ( const TQString & password )
if ( password . isEmpty ( ) )
disconnect ( ) ;
return ;
// don't try and connect if we are already connected
if ( isConnected ( ) )
return ;
bool sslPossible = QCA : : isSupported ( QCA : : CAP_TLS ) ;
if ( ! sslPossible )
KMessageBox : : queuedMessageBox ( Kopete : : UI : : Global : : mainWidget ( ) , KMessageBox : : Error ,
i18n ( " SSL support could not be initialized for account %1. This is most likely because the QCA TLS plugin is not installed on your system. " ) .
arg ( myself ( ) - > contactId ( ) ) ,
i18n ( " GroupWise SSL Error " ) ) ;
return ;
if ( m_client )
m_client - > close ( ) ;
cleanup ( ) ;
// set up network classes
m_connector = new KNetworkConnector ( 0 ) ;
//myConnector->setOptHostPort( "localhost", 8300 );
m_connector - > setOptHostPort ( server ( ) , port ( ) ) ;
m_connector - > setOptSSL ( true ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( QCA : : isSupported ( QCA : : CAP_TLS ) ) ;
m_QCATLS = new QCA : : TLS ;
m_tlsHandler = new QCATLSHandler ( m_QCATLS ) ;
m_clientStream = new ClientStream ( m_connector , m_tlsHandler , 0 ) ;
TQObject : : connect ( m_connector , TQT_SIGNAL ( error ( ) ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotConnError ( ) ) ) ;
TQObject : : connect ( m_connector , TQT_SIGNAL ( connected ( ) ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotConnConnected ( ) ) ) ;
TQObject : : connect ( m_clientStream , TQT_SIGNAL ( connectionClosed ( ) ) ,
this , TQT_SLOT ( slotCSDisconnected ( ) ) ) ;
TQObject : : connect ( m_clientStream , TQT_SIGNAL ( delayedCloseFinished ( ) ) ,
this , TQT_SLOT ( slotCSDisconnected ( ) ) ) ;
// Notify us when the transport layer is connected
TQObject : : connect ( m_clientStream , TQT_SIGNAL ( connected ( ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( slotCSConnected ( ) ) ) ;
// it's necessary to catch this signal and tell the TLS handler to proceed
// even if we don't check cert validity
TQObject : : connect ( m_tlsHandler , TQT_SIGNAL ( tlsHandshaken ( ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( slotTLSHandshaken ( ) ) ) ;
// starts the client once the security layer is up, but see below
TQObject : : connect ( m_clientStream , TQT_SIGNAL ( securityLayerActivated ( int ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( slotTLSReady ( int ) ) ) ;
// we could handle login etc in start(), in which case we would emit this signal after that
//TQObject::connect (jabberClientStream, TQT_SIGNAL (authenticated()),
// this, TQT_SLOT (slotCSAuthenticated ()));
// we could also get do the actual login in response to this..
//TQObject::connect (m_clientStream, TQT_SIGNAL (needAuthParams(bool, bool, bool)),
// this, TQT_SLOT (slotCSNeedAuthParams (bool, bool, bool)));
// not implemented: warning
TQObject : : connect ( m_clientStream , TQT_SIGNAL ( warning ( int ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( slotCSWarning ( int ) ) ) ;
// not implemented: error
TQObject : : connect ( m_clientStream , TQT_SIGNAL ( error ( int ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( slotCSError ( int ) ) ) ;
m_client = new Client ( 0 , CMSGPRES_GW_6_5 ) ;
// NB these are prefixed with TQObject:: to avoid any chance of a clash with our connect() methods.
// we connected successfully
TQObject : : connect ( m_client , TQT_SIGNAL ( loggedIn ( ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( slotLoggedIn ( ) ) ) ;
// or connection failed
TQObject : : connect ( m_client , TQT_SIGNAL ( loginFailed ( ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( slotLoginFailed ( ) ) ) ;
// folder listed
TQObject : : connect ( m_client , TQT_SIGNAL ( folderReceived ( const FolderItem & ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( receiveFolder ( const FolderItem & ) ) ) ;
// contact listed
TQObject : : connect ( m_client , TQT_SIGNAL ( contactReceived ( const ContactItem & ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( receiveContact ( const ContactItem & ) ) ) ;
// contact details listed
TQObject : : connect ( m_client , TQT_SIGNAL ( contactUserDetailsReceived ( const GroupWise : : ContactDetails & ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( receiveContactUserDetails ( const GroupWise : : ContactDetails & ) ) ) ;
// contact status changed
TQObject : : connect ( m_client , TQT_SIGNAL ( statusReceived ( const TQString & , TQ_UINT16 , const TQString & ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( receivetqStatus ( const TQString & , TQ_UINT16 , const TQString & ) ) ) ;
// incoming message
TQObject : : connect ( m_client , TQT_SIGNAL ( messageReceived ( const ConferenceEvent & ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( handleIncomingMessage ( const ConferenceEvent & ) ) ) ;
// auto reply to one of our messages because the recipient is away
TQObject : : connect ( m_client , TQT_SIGNAL ( autoReplyReceived ( const ConferenceEvent & ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( handleIncomingMessage ( const ConferenceEvent & ) ) ) ;
TQObject : : connect ( m_client , TQT_SIGNAL ( ourStatusChanged ( GroupWise : : tqStatus , const TQString & , const TQString & ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( changeOurtqStatus ( GroupWise : : tqStatus , const TQString & , const TQString & ) ) ) ;
// conference events
TQObject : : connect ( m_client ,
TQT_SIGNAL ( conferenceCreated ( const int , const GroupWise : : ConferenceGuid & ) ) ,
TQT_SIGNAL ( conferenceCreated ( const int , const GroupWise : : ConferenceGuid & ) ) ) ;
TQObject : : connect ( m_client , TQT_SIGNAL ( conferenceCreationFailed ( const int , const int ) ) , TQT_SIGNAL ( conferenceCreationFailed ( const int , const int ) ) ) ;
TQObject : : connect ( m_client , TQT_SIGNAL ( invitationReceived ( const ConferenceEvent & ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( receiveInvitation ( const ConferenceEvent & ) ) ) ;
TQObject : : connect ( m_client , TQT_SIGNAL ( conferenceLeft ( const ConferenceEvent & ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( receiveConferenceLeft ( const ConferenceEvent & ) ) ) ;
TQObject : : connect ( m_client , TQT_SIGNAL ( conferenceJoinNotifyReceived ( const ConferenceEvent & ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( receiveConferenceJoinNotify ( const ConferenceEvent & ) ) ) ;
TQObject : : connect ( m_client , TQT_SIGNAL ( inviteNotifyReceived ( const ConferenceEvent & ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( receiveInviteNotify ( const ConferenceEvent & ) ) ) ;
TQObject : : connect ( m_client , TQT_SIGNAL ( invitationDeclined ( const ConferenceEvent & ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( receiveInviteDeclined ( const ConferenceEvent & ) ) ) ;
TQObject : : connect ( m_client , TQT_SIGNAL ( conferenceJoined ( const GroupWise : : ConferenceGuid & , const TQStringList & , const TQStringList & ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( receiveConferenceJoin ( const GroupWise : : ConferenceGuid & , const TQStringList & , const TQStringList & ) ) ) ;
// typing events
TQObject : : connect ( m_client , TQT_SIGNAL ( contactTyping ( const ConferenceEvent & ) ) ,
TQT_SIGNAL ( contactTyping ( const ConferenceEvent & ) ) ) ;
TQObject : : connect ( m_client , TQT_SIGNAL ( contactNotTyping ( const ConferenceEvent & ) ) ,
TQT_SIGNAL ( contactNotTyping ( const ConferenceEvent & ) ) ) ;
// misc
TQObject : : connect ( m_client , TQT_SIGNAL ( accountDetailsReceived ( const GroupWise : : ContactDetails & ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( receiveAccountDetails ( const GroupWise : : ContactDetails & ) ) ) ;
TQObject : : connect ( m_client , TQT_SIGNAL ( connectedElsewhere ( ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( slotConnectedElsewhere ( ) ) ) ;
// privacy - contacts can't connect directly to this signal because myself() is initialised before m_client
TQObject : : connect ( m_client - > privacyManager ( ) , TQT_SIGNAL ( privacyChanged ( const TQString & , bool ) ) , TQT_SIGNAL ( privacyChanged ( const TQString & , bool ) ) ) ;
// GW7
TQObject : : connect ( m_client , TQT_SIGNAL ( broadcastReceived ( const ConferenceEvent & ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( handleIncomingMessage ( const ConferenceEvent & ) ) ) ;
TQObject : : connect ( m_client , TQT_SIGNAL ( systemBroadcastReceived ( const ConferenceEvent & ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( handleIncomingMessage ( const ConferenceEvent & ) ) ) ;
struct utsname utsBuf ;
uname ( & utsBuf ) ;
m_client - > setClientName ( " Kopete " ) ;
m_client - > setClientVersion ( kapp - > aboutData ( ) - > version ( ) ) ;
m_client - > setOSName ( TQString ( " %1 %2 " ) . arg ( utsBuf . sysname , 1 ) . arg ( utsBuf . release , 2 ) ) ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " Connecting to GroupWise server " < < server ( ) < < " : " < < port ( ) < < endl ;
NovellDN dn ;
dn . dn = " maeuschen " ;
dn . server = " reiser.suse.de " ;
m_serverListModel = new GWContactList ( this ) ;
myself ( ) - > setOnlineStatus ( protocol ( ) - > groupwiseConnecting ) ;
m_client - > connectToServer ( m_clientStream , dn , true ) ;
TQObject : : connect ( m_client , TQT_SIGNAL ( messageSendingFailed ( ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( slotMessageSendingFailed ( ) ) ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : slotMessageSendingFailed ( )
KMessageBox : : queuedMessageBox ( Kopete : : UI : : Global : : mainWidget ( ) , KMessageBox : : Sorry ,
i18n ( " Message Sending Failed " , " Kopete was not able to send the last message sent on account '%1'. \n If possible, please send the console output from Kopete to <wstephenson@novell.com> for analysis. " ) . tqarg ( accountId ( ) ) , i18n ( " Unable to Send Message on Account '%1' " ) . tqarg ( accountId ( ) ) ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : setOnlineStatus ( const Kopete : : OnlineStatus & status , const TQString & reason )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < endl ;
if ( status = = protocol ( ) - > groupwiseUnknown
| | status = = protocol ( ) - > groupwiseConnecting
| | status = = protocol ( ) - > groupwiseInvalid )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " called with invalid status \" "
< < status . description ( ) < < " \" " < < endl ;
// going offline
else if ( status = = protocol ( ) - > groupwiseOffline )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " DISCONNECTING " < < endl ;
disconnect ( ) ;
// changing status
else if ( isConnected ( ) )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " changing status to \" " < < status . description ( ) < < " \" " < < endl ;
// Appear Offline is achieved by explicitly setting the status to offline,
// rather than disconnecting as when really going offline.
if ( status = = protocol ( ) - > groupwiseAppearOffline )
m_client - > settqStatus ( GroupWise : : Offline , reason , configGroup ( ) - > readEntry ( " AutoReply " ) ) ;
m_client - > settqStatus ( ( GroupWise : : tqStatus ) status . internalStatus ( ) , reason , configGroup ( ) - > readEntry ( " AutoReply " ) ) ;
// going online
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " Must be connected before changing status " < < endl ;
m_initialReason = reason ;
connect ( status ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : disconnect ( )
disconnect ( Manual ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : disconnect ( Kopete : : Account : : DisconnectReason reason )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < endl ;
if ( isConnected ( ) )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " Still connected, closing connection... " < < endl ;
TQValueList < GroupWiseChatSession * > : : ConstIterator it ;
for ( it = m_chatSessions . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_chatSessions . end ( ) ; + + it )
( * it ) - > setClosed ( ) ;
/* Tell backend class to disconnect. */
m_client - > close ( ) ;
// clear the model of the server side contact list, so that when we reconnect, there will not be any stale entries to confuse GroupWiseContact::syncGroups()
delete m_serverListModel ;
m_serverListModel = 0 ;
// make sure that the connection animation gets stopped if we're still
// in the process of connecting
myself ( ) - > setOnlineStatus ( GroupWiseProtocol : : protocol ( ) - > groupwiseOffline ) ;
disconnected ( reason ) ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " Disconnected. " < < endl ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : cleanup ( )
delete m_client ;
delete m_clientStream ;
delete m_QCATLS ;
delete m_connector ;
m_connector = 0 ;
m_QCATLS = 0 ;
m_clientStream = 0 ;
m_client = 0 ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : createConference ( const int clientId , const TQStringList & invitees )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < endl ;
// TODO: remove this it prevents sending a list of participants with the createconf
if ( isConnected ( ) )
m_client - > createConference ( clientId , invitees ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : sendInvitation ( const GroupWise : : ConferenceGuid & guid , const TQString & dn , const TQString & message )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < endl ;
if ( isConnected ( ) )
GroupWise : : OutgoingMessage msg ;
msg . guid = guid ;
msg . message = message ;
m_client - > sendInvitation ( guid , dn , msg ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : slotLoggedIn ( )
reconcileOfflineChanges ( ) ;
// set local status display
myself ( ) - > setOnlineStatus ( protocol ( ) - > groupwiseAvailable ) ;
// set status on server
if ( initialtqStatus ( ) ! = Kopete : : OnlineStatus ( Kopete : : OnlineStatus : : Online ) & &
( ( GroupWise : : tqStatus ) initialtqStatus ( ) . internalStatus ( ) ! = GroupWise : : Unknown ) )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " Initial status is not online, setting status to " < < initialtqStatus ( ) . internalStatus ( ) < < endl ;
m_client - > settqStatus ( ( GroupWise : : tqStatus ) initialtqStatus ( ) . internalStatus ( ) , m_initialReason , configGroup ( ) - > readEntry ( " AutoReply " ) ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : reconcileOfflineChanges ( )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < endl ;
m_dontSync = true ;
//sanity check the server side model vs our contact list.
//Contacts might have been removed from some groups or entirely on the server.
//Any contact not present on the server should be deleted locally.
// for each metacontact group membership:
// for each GroupWiseContact
// get its contact list instances
// get its metacontact's groups
// for each group
// is there no CLI with the same id?
// if MC has no other contacts
// if MC's groups size is 1
// remove MC
// else
// remove from group
// else
// if MC's groups size is 1 and group is topLevel
// remove contact
// else // Contact's group membership were changed elsewhere, but we can't change it here without
// // affecting other protocols' contacts
// set flag to warn user that incompatible changes were made on other client
bool conflicts = false ;
TQDictIterator < Kopete : : Contact > it ( contacts ( ) ) ;
for ( ; it . current ( ) ; + + it )
if ( * it = = myself ( ) )
continue ;
GroupWiseContact * c = static_cast < GroupWiseContact * > ( * it ) ;
GWContactInstanceList instances = m_serverListModel - > instancesWithDn ( c - > dn ( ) ) ;
TQPtrList < Kopete : : Group > groups = c - > metaContact ( ) - > groups ( ) ;
TQPtrListIterator < Kopete : : Group > grpIt ( groups ) ;
while ( * grpIt )
TQPtrListIterator < Kopete : : Group > candidate = grpIt ;
+ + grpIt ;
bool found = false ;
GWContactInstanceList : : Iterator instIt = instances . begin ( ) ;
for ( ; instIt ! = instances . end ( ) ; + + instIt )
TQString groupId = ( * candidate ) - > pluginData ( protocol ( ) , accountId ( ) + " objectId " ) ;
if ( groupId . isEmpty ( ) )
if ( * candidate = = Kopete : : Group : : topLevel ( ) )
groupId = " 0 " ; // hack the top level's objectId to 0
continue ;
GWFolder * folder = : : tqqt_cast < GWFolder * > ( ( * instIt ) - > tqparent ( ) ) ;
if ( folder - > id = = ( unsigned int ) groupId . toInt ( ) )
found = true ;
instances . remove ( instIt ) ;
break ;
if ( ! found )
if ( c - > metaContact ( ) - > contacts ( ) . count ( ) = = 1 )
if ( c - > metaContact ( ) - > groups ( ) . count ( ) = = 1 )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " contact instance " < < c - > dn ( ) < < " not found on server side list, deleting metacontact with only this contact, in one group " < < c - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) < < endl ;
Kopete : : ContactList : : self ( ) - > removeMetaContact ( c - > metaContact ( ) ) ;
break ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " contact instance " < < c - > dn ( ) < < " not found, removing metacontact " < < c - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) < < " from group " < < ( * candidate ) - > displayName ( ) < < endl ;
c - > metaContact ( ) - > removeFromGroup ( * candidate ) ;
if ( c - > metaContact ( ) - > groups ( ) . count ( ) = = 1 )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " contact instance " < < c - > dn ( ) < < " not found, removing contact " < < c - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) < < " from metacontact with other contacts " < < endl ;
c - > deleteLater ( ) ;
break ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " metacontact " < < c - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) < < " has multiple tqchildren and group membership, and contact " < < c - > dn ( ) < < " was removed from one group on the server. " < < endl ;
conflicts = true ;
} //
} //end while, now check the next group membership
} //end for, now check the next groupwise contact
if ( conflicts )
// show queuedmessagebox
KPassivePopup : : message ( i18n ( " Conflicting Changes Made Offline " ) , i18n ( " A change happened to your GroupWise contact list while you were offline which was impossible to reconcile. " ) , Kopete : : UI : : Global : : mainWidget ( ) ) ;
m_dontSync = false ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : slotLoginFailed ( )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < endl ;
password ( ) . setWrong ( ) ;
disconnect ( ) ;
connect ( ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : slotKopeteGroupRenamed ( Kopete : : Group * renamedGroup )
if ( isConnected ( ) )
TQString objectIdString = renamedGroup - > pluginData ( protocol ( ) , accountId ( ) + " objectId " ) ;
// if this group exists on the server
if ( ! objectIdString . isEmpty ( ) )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < endl ;
GroupWise : : FolderItem fi ;
fi . id = objectIdString . toInt ( ) ;
if ( fi . id ! = 0 )
fi . sequence = renamedGroup - > pluginData ( protocol ( ) , accountId ( ) + " sequence " ) . toInt ( ) ;
fi . name = renamedGroup - > pluginData ( protocol ( ) , accountId ( ) + " serverDisplayName " ) ;
UpdateFolderTask * uft = new UpdateFolderTask ( client ( ) - > rootTask ( ) ) ;
uft - > renameFolder ( renamedGroup - > displayName ( ) , fi ) ;
uft - > go ( true ) ;
// would be safer to do this in a slot fired on uft's finished() signal
renamedGroup - > setPluginData ( protocol ( ) , accountId ( ) + " serverDisplayName " ,
renamedGroup - > displayName ( ) ) ;
// errornotconnected
void GroupWiseAccount : : slotKopeteGroupRemoved ( Kopete : : Group * group )
if ( isConnected ( ) )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < endl ;
// the member contacts should be deleted separately, so just delete the folder here
// get the folder object id
TQString objectIdString = group - > pluginData ( protocol ( ) , accountId ( ) + " objectId " ) ;
if ( ! objectIdString . isEmpty ( ) )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " deleting folder with objectId: " < < objectIdString < < endl ;
int objectId = objectIdString . toInt ( ) ;
if ( objectId = = 0 )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " deleted folder " < < group - > displayName ( ) < < " has root folder objectId 0! " < < endl ;
return ;
DeleteItemTask * dit = new DeleteItemTask ( client ( ) - > rootTask ( ) ) ;
dit - > item ( 0 , objectId ) ;
// the group is deleted synchronously after this slot returns; so there is no point listening for signals
dit - > go ( true ) ;
// errornotconnected
void GroupWiseAccount : : slotConnError ( )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < endl ;
KMessageBox : : queuedMessageBox ( Kopete : : UI : : Global : : mainWidget ( ) , KMessageBox : : Sorry ,
i18n ( " Error shown when connecting failed " , " Kopete was not able to connect to the GroupWise Messenger server for account '%1'. \n Please check your server and port settings and try again. " ) . tqarg ( accountId ( ) ) , i18n ( " Unable to Connect '%1' " ) . tqarg ( accountId ( ) ) ) ;
disconnect ( ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : slotConnConnected ( )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < endl ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : slotCSDisconnected ( )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " Disconnected from Groupwise server. " < < endl ;
myself ( ) - > setOnlineStatus ( protocol ( ) - > groupwiseOffline ) ;
TQValueList < GroupWiseChatSession * > : : ConstIterator it ;
for ( it = m_chatSessions . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_chatSessions . end ( ) ; + + it )
( * it ) - > setClosed ( ) ;
setAllContactstqStatus ( protocol ( ) - > groupwiseOffline ) ;
client ( ) - > close ( ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : slotCSConnected ( )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " Connected to Groupwise server. " < < endl ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : slotCSError ( int error )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " Got error from ClientStream: " < < error < < endl ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : slotCSWarning ( int warning )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " Got warning from ClientStream: " < < warning < < endl ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : slotTLSHandshaken ( )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " TLS handshake complete " < < endl ;
int validityResult = m_QCATLS - > certificateValidityResult ( ) ;
if ( validityResult = = QCA : : TLS : : Valid )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " Certificate is valid, continuing. " < < endl ;
// valid certificate, continue
m_tlsHandler - > continueAfterHandshake ( ) ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " Certificate is not valid, continuing anyway " < < endl ;
// certificate is not valid, query the user
if ( handleTLSWarning ( validityResult , server ( ) , myself ( ) - > contactId ( ) ) = = KMessageBox : : Continue )
m_tlsHandler - > continueAfterHandshake ( ) ;
disconnect ( Kopete : : Account : : Manual ) ;
int GroupWiseAccount : : handleTLSWarning ( int warning , TQString server , TQString accountId )
TQString validityString , code ;
switch ( warning )
case QCA : : TLS : : NoCert :
validityString = i18n ( " No certificate was presented. " ) ;
code = " NoCert " ;
break ;
case QCA : : TLS : : HostMismatch :
validityString = i18n ( " The host name does not match the one in the certificate. " ) ;
code = " HostMismatch " ;
break ;
case QCA : : TLS : : Rejected :
validityString = i18n ( " The Certificate Authority rejected the certificate. " ) ;
code = " Rejected " ;
break ;
case QCA : : TLS : : Untrusted :
// FIXME: write better error message here
validityString = i18n ( " The certificate is untrusted. " ) ;
code = " Untrusted " ;
break ;
case QCA : : TLS : : SignatureFailed :
validityString = i18n ( " The signature is invalid. " ) ;
code = " SignatureFailed " ;
break ;
case QCA : : TLS : : InvalidCA :
validityString = i18n ( " The Certificate Authority is invalid. " ) ;
code = " InvalidCA " ;
break ;
case QCA : : TLS : : InvalidPurpose :
// FIXME: write better error message here
validityString = i18n ( " Invalid certificate purpose. " ) ;
code = " InvalidPurpose " ;
break ;
case QCA : : TLS : : SelfSigned :
validityString = i18n ( " The certificate is self-signed. " ) ;
code = " SelfSigned " ;
break ;
case QCA : : TLS : : Revoked :
validityString = i18n ( " The certificate has been revoked. " ) ;
code = " Revoked " ;
break ;
case QCA : : TLS : : PathLengthExceeded :
validityString = i18n ( " Maximum certificate chain length was exceeded. " ) ;
code = " PathLengthExceeded " ;
break ;
case QCA : : TLS : : Expired :
validityString = i18n ( " The certificate has expired. " ) ;
code = " Expired " ;
break ;
case QCA : : TLS : : Unknown :
default :
validityString = i18n ( " An unknown error occurred trying to validate the certificate. " ) ;
code = " Unknown " ;
break ;
return KMessageBox : : warningContinueCancel ( Kopete : : UI : : Global : : mainWidget ( ) ,
i18n ( " The certificate of server %1 could not be validated for account %2: %3 " ) .
arg ( server ) .
arg ( accountId ) .
arg ( validityString ) ,
i18n ( " GroupWise Connection Certificate Problem " ) ,
KStdGuiItem : : cont ( ) ,
TQString ( " KopeteTLSWarning " ) + server + code ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : slotTLSReady ( int secLayerCode )
// i don't know what secLayerCode is for...
Q_UNUSED ( secLayerCode ) ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < endl ;
m_client - > start ( server ( ) , port ( ) , accountId ( ) , password ( ) . cachedValue ( ) ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : handleIncomingMessage ( const ConferenceEvent & message )
TQString typeName = " UNKNOWN " ;
if ( message . type = = ReceiveMessage )
typeName = " message " ;
else if ( message . type = = ReceiveAutoReply )
typeName = " autoreply " ;
else if ( message . type = = ReceivedBroadcast )
typeName = " broadcast " ;
else if ( message . type = = ReceivedSystemBroadcast )
typeName = " system broadcast " ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " received a " < < typeName < < " from " < < message . user < < " , to conference: " < < message . guid < < " , message: " < < message . message < < endl ;
GroupWiseContact * sender = contactForDN ( message . user ) ;
if ( ! sender )
sender = createTemporaryContact ( message . user ) ;
// if we receive a message from an Offline contact, they are probably blocking us
// but we have to set their status to Unknown so that we can reply to them.
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " sender is: " < < sender - > onlinetqStatus ( ) . description ( ) < < endl ;
if ( sender - > onlinetqStatus ( ) = = protocol ( ) - > groupwiseOffline ) {
sender - > setMessageReceivedOffline ( true ) ;
Kopete : : ContactPtrList contactList ;
contactList . append ( sender ) ;
GroupWiseChatSession * sess = chatSession ( contactList , message . guid , Kopete : : Contact : : CanCreate ) ;
// add an auto-reply indicator if needed
TQString messageMunged = message . message ;
if ( message . type = = ReceiveAutoReply )
TQString prefix = i18n ( " Prefix used for automatically generated auto-reply "
" messages when the contact is Away, contains contact's name " ,
" Auto reply from %1: " ) . tqarg ( sender - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) ) ;
messageMunged = prefix + message . message ;
if ( message . type = = GroupWise : : ReceivedBroadcast )
TQString prefix = i18n ( " Prefix used for broadcast messages " ,
" Broadcast message from %1: " ) . tqarg ( sender - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) ) ;
messageMunged = prefix + message . message ;
if ( message . type = = GroupWise : : ReceivedSystemBroadcast )
TQString prefix = i18n ( " Prefix used for system broadcast messages " ,
" System Broadcast message from %1: " ) . tqarg ( sender - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) ) ;
messageMunged = prefix + message . message ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " message before KopeteMessage and appending: " < < messageMunged < < endl ;
Kopete : : Message * newMessage =
new Kopete : : Message ( message . timeStamp , sender , contactList , messageMunged ,
Kopete : : Message : : Inbound ,
( message . type = = ReceiveAutoReply ) ? Kopete : : Message : : PlainText : Kopete : : Message : : RichText ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( sess ) ;
sess - > appendMessage ( * newMessage ) ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " message from KopeteMessage: plainbody: " < < newMessage - > plainBody ( ) < < " parsedbody: " < < newMessage - > parsedBody ( ) < < endl ;
delete newMessage ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : receiveFolder ( const FolderItem & folder )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo
< < " objectId: " < < folder . id
< < " sequence: " < < folder . sequence
< < " tqparentId: " < < folder . tqparentId
< < " displayName: " < < folder . name < < endl ;
if ( folder . tqparentId ! = 0 )
kdWarning ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " - received a nested folder. These were not supported in GroupWise or Kopete as of Sept 2004, aborting! (tqparentId = " < < folder . tqparentId < < " ) " < < endl ;
return ;
GWFolder * fld = m_serverListModel - > addFolder ( folder . id , folder . sequence , folder . name ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( fld ) ;
// either find a local group and record these details there, or create a new group to suit
Kopete : : Group * found = 0 ;
TQPtrList < Kopete : : Group > groupList = Kopete : : ContactList : : self ( ) - > groups ( ) ;
for ( Kopete : : Group * grp = groupList . first ( ) ; grp ; grp = groupList . next ( ) )
// see if there is already a local group that matches this group
TQString groupId = grp - > pluginData ( protocol ( ) , accountId ( ) + " objectId " ) ;
if ( groupId . isEmpty ( ) )
if ( folder . name = = grp - > displayName ( ) ) // no match on id, match on display name instead
grp - > setPluginData ( protocol ( ) , accountId ( ) + " objectId " , TQString : : number ( folder . id ) ) ;
found = grp ;
break ;
if ( folder . id = = ( unsigned int ) groupId . toInt ( ) )
// was it renamed locally while we were offline?
if ( grp - > displayName ( ) ! = folder . name )
slotKopeteGroupRenamed ( grp ) ;
grp - > setPluginData ( protocol ( ) , accountId ( ) + " serverDisplayName " , grp - > displayName ( ) ) ;
fld - > displayName = grp - > displayName ( ) ;
found = grp ;
break ;
if ( ! found )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " - not found locally, creating Kopete::Group " < < endl ;
Kopete : : Group * grp = new Kopete : : Group ( folder . name ) ;
grp - > setPluginData ( protocol ( ) , accountId ( ) + " serverDisplayName " , folder . name ) ;
grp - > setPluginData ( protocol ( ) , accountId ( ) + " objectId " , TQString : : number ( folder . id ) ) ;
Kopete : : ContactList : : self ( ) - > addGroup ( grp ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : receiveContact ( const ContactItem & contact )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo
< < " objectId: " < < contact . id
< < " , sequence: " < < contact . sequence
< < " , tqparentId: " < < contact . tqparentId
< < " , dn: " < < contact . dn
< < " , displayName: " < < contact . displayName < < endl ;
//kdDebug( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) << "\n dotted notation is '" << protocol()->dnToDotted( contact.dn ) << "'\n" <<endl;
// add to new style contact list
GWContactInstance * gwInst = m_serverListModel - > addContactInstance ( contact . id , contact . tqparentId , contact . sequence , contact . displayName , contact . dn ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( gwInst ) ;
GroupWiseContact * c = contactForDN ( contact . dn ) ;
// this contact is new to us, create him on the server
if ( ! c )
Kopete : : MetaContact * metaContact = new Kopete : : MetaContact ( ) ;
metaContact - > setDisplayName ( contact . displayName ) ;
c = new GroupWiseContact ( this , contact . dn , metaContact , contact . id , contact . tqparentId , contact . sequence ) ;
Kopete : : ContactList : : self ( ) - > addMetaContact ( metaContact ) ;
// add the metacontact to the ContactItem's group, if not there aleady
if ( contact . tqparentId = = 0 )
c - > metaContact ( ) - > addToGroup ( Kopete : : Group : : topLevel ( ) ) ;
// check the metacontact is in the group this listing-of-the-contact is in...
GWFolder * folder = m_serverListModel - > findFolderById ( contact . tqparentId ) ;
if ( ! folder ) // inconsistent
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " - ERROR - contact's folder doesn't exist on server " < < endl ;
DeleteItemTask * dit = new DeleteItemTask ( client ( ) - > rootTask ( ) ) ;
dit - > item ( contact . tqparentId , contact . id ) ;
// TQObject::connect( dit, TQT_SIGNAL( gotContactDeleted( const ContactItem & ) ), TQT_SLOT( receiveContactDeleted( const ContactItem & ) ) );
dit - > go ( true ) ;
return ;
Kopete : : Group * grp = Kopete : : ContactList : : self ( ) - > findGroup ( folder - > displayName ) ;
// grp should exist, because we receive the folders from the server before the contacts
if ( grp )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " - making sure MC is in group " < < grp - > displayName ( ) < < endl ;
m_dontSync = true ;
c - > metaContact ( ) - > addToGroup ( grp ) ; //addToGroup() is safe to call if already a member
m_dontSync = false ;
c - > setNickName ( contact . displayName ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : receiveAccountDetails ( const ContactDetails & details )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo
< < " Auth attribute: " < < details . authAttribute
< < " , Away message: " < < details . awayMessage
< < " , CN " < < details . cn
< < " , DN " < < details . dn
< < " , fullName " < < details . fullName
< < " , surname " < < details . surname
< < " , givenname " < < details . givenName
< < " , status " < < details . status
< < endl ;
if ( details . cn . lower ( ) = = accountId ( ) . lower ( ) . section ( ' @ ' , 0 , 0 ) ) // incase user set account ID foo@novell.com
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " - got our details in contact list, updating them " < < endl ;
GroupWiseContact * detailsOwner = static_cast < GroupWiseContact * > ( myself ( ) ) ;
detailsOwner - > updateDetails ( details ) ;
//detailsOwner->setProperty( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName(), details.fullName );
// Very important, without knowing our DN we can't do much else
Q_ASSERT ( ! details . dn . isEmpty ( ) ) ;
m_client - > setUserDN ( details . dn ) ;
return ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " - passed someone else's details in contact list! " < < endl ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : receiveContactUserDetails ( const ContactDetails & details )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo
< < " Auth attribute: " < < details . authAttribute
< < " , Away message: " < < details . awayMessage
< < " , CN " < < details . cn
< < " , DN " < < details . dn
< < " , fullName " < < details . fullName
< < " , surname " < < details . surname
< < " , givenname " < < details . givenName
< < " , status " < < details . status
< < endl ;
// HACK: lowercased DN
if ( ! details . dn . isNull ( ) )
// are the details for someone in our contact list?
GroupWiseContact * detailsOwner = contactForDN ( details . dn ) ;
if ( detailsOwner )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " - updating details for " < < details . dn < < endl ;
detailsOwner - > updateDetails ( details ) ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " - got details for " < < details . dn < < " , but they aren't in our contact list! " < < endl ;
GroupWiseContact * GroupWiseAccount : : createTemporaryContact ( const TQString & dn )
ContactDetails details = client ( ) - > userDetailsManager ( ) - > details ( dn ) ;
GroupWiseContact * c = static_cast < GroupWiseContact * > ( contacts ( ) [ details . dn . lower ( ) ] ) ;
if ( ! c & & details . dn ! = accountId ( ) )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " Got a temporary contact DN: " < < details . dn < < endl ;
// the client is telling us about a temporary contact we need to know about so add them
Kopete : : MetaContact * metaContact = new Kopete : : MetaContact ( ) ;
metaContact - > setTemporary ( true ) ;
TQString displayName = details . fullName ;
if ( displayName . isEmpty ( ) )
displayName = details . givenName + " " + details . surname ;
metaContact - > setDisplayName ( displayName ) ;
c = new GroupWiseContact ( this , details . dn , metaContact , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
c - > updateDetails ( details ) ;
c - > setProperty ( Kopete : : Global : : Properties : : self ( ) - > nickName ( ) , protocol ( ) - > dnToDotted ( details . dn ) ) ;
Kopete : : ContactList : : self ( ) - > addMetaContact ( metaContact ) ;
// the contact details probably don't contain status - but we can ask for it
if ( details . status = = GroupWise : : Invalid & & isConnected ( ) )
m_client - > requesttqStatus ( details . dn ) ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " Notified of existing temporary contact DN: " < < details . dn < < endl ;
return c ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : receivetqStatus ( const TQString & contactId , TQ_UINT16 status , const TQString & awayMessage )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " got status for: " < < contactId < < " , status: " < < status < < " , away message: " < < awayMessage < < endl ;
GroupWiseContact * c = contactForDN ( contactId ) ;
if ( c )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " - their KOS is: " < < protocol ( ) - > gwStatusToKOS ( status ) . description ( ) < < endl ;
Kopete : : OnlineStatus kos = protocol ( ) - > gwStatusToKOS ( status ) ;
c - > setOnlineStatus ( kos ) ;
c - > setProperty ( protocol ( ) - > propAwayMessage , awayMessage ) ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " couldn't tqfind " < < contactId < < endl ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : changeOurtqStatus ( GroupWise : : tqStatus status , const TQString & awayMessage , const TQString & autoReply )
if ( status = = GroupWise : : Offline )
myself ( ) - > setOnlineStatus ( protocol ( ) - > groupwiseAppearOffline ) ;
myself ( ) - > setOnlineStatus ( protocol ( ) - > gwStatusToKOS ( status ) ) ;
myself ( ) - > setProperty ( protocol ( ) - > propAwayMessage , awayMessage ) ;
myself ( ) - > setProperty ( protocol ( ) - > propAutoReply , autoReply ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : sendMessage ( const GroupWise : : ConferenceGuid & guid , const Kopete : : Message & message )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < endl ;
// make an outgoing message
if ( isConnected ( ) )
GroupWise : : OutgoingMessage outMsg ;
outMsg . guid = guid ;
outMsg . message = message . plainBody ( ) ;
outMsg . rtfMessage = protocol ( ) - > rtfizeText ( message . plainBody ( ) ) ;
// make a list of DNs to send to
TQStringList addresseeDNs ;
Kopete : : ContactPtrList addressees = message . to ( ) ;
for ( Kopete : : Contact * contact = addressees . first ( ) ; contact ; contact = addressees . next ( ) )
addresseeDNs . append ( static_cast < GroupWiseContact * > ( contact ) - > dn ( ) ) ;
// send the message
m_client - > sendMessage ( addresseeDNs , outMsg ) ;
bool GroupWiseAccount : : createContact ( const TQString & contactId , Kopete : : MetaContact * tqparentContact )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " contactId: " < < contactId < < endl ;
// first find all the groups that this contact is a member of
// record, in a folderitem, their display names and groupwise object id
// Set object id to 0 if not found - they do not exist on the server
bool topLevel = false ;
TQValueList < FolderItem > folders ;
Kopete : : GroupList groupList = tqparentContact - > groups ( ) ;
for ( Kopete : : Group * group = groupList . first ( ) ; group ; group = groupList . next ( ) )
if ( group - > type ( ) = = Kopete : : Group : : TopLevel ) // no need to create it on the server
topLevel = true ;
continue ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " looking up: " < < group - > displayName ( ) < < endl ;
GWFolder * fld = m_serverListModel - > findFolderByName ( group - > displayName ( ) ) ;
FolderItem fi ;
if ( fld )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < fld - > displayName < < endl ;
//FIXME - get rid of FolderItem & co
fi . tqparentId = : : tqqt_cast < GWFolder * > ( fld - > tqparent ( ) ) - > id ;
fi . id = fld - > id ;
fi . name = fld - > displayName ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " folder: " < < group - > displayName ( ) < <
" not found in server list model. " < < endl ;
fi . tqparentId = 0 ;
fi . id = 0 ;
fi . name = group - > displayName ( ) ;
folders . append ( fi ) ;
// find out the sequence number to use for any new folders
int highestFreeSequence = m_serverListModel - > maxSequenceNumber ( ) + 1 ;
// send this list along with the contact details to the server
// CreateContactTask will create the missing folders on the server
// and then add the contact to each one
// finally it will signal finished(), and we can query it for the details
// we gave it earlier and make sure the contact was successfully created.
// Since ToMetaContact expects synchronous contact creation
// we have to create the contact optimistically.
GroupWiseContact * gc = new GroupWiseContact ( this , contactId , tqparentContact , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
ContactDetails dt = client ( ) - > userDetailsManager ( ) - > details ( contactId ) ;
TQString displayAs ;
if ( dt . fullName . isEmpty ( ) )
displayAs = dt . givenName + " " + dt . surname ;
displayAs = dt . fullName ;
gc - > setNickName ( displayAs ) ;
// If the CreateContactTask finishes with an error, we have to
// delete the contact we just created, in receiveContactCreated :/
if ( folders . isEmpty ( ) & & ! topLevel )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " aborting because we didn't find any groups to add them to " < < endl ;
return false ;
// get the contact's full name to use as the display name of the created contact
CreateContactTask * cct = new CreateContactTask ( client ( ) - > rootTask ( ) ) ;
cct - > contactFromUserId ( contactId , tqparentContact - > displayName ( ) , highestFreeSequence , folders , topLevel ) ;
TQObject : : connect ( cct , TQT_SIGNAL ( finished ( ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( receiveContactCreated ( ) ) ) ;
cct - > go ( true ) ;
return true ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : receiveContactCreated ( )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < endl ;
m_serverListModel - > dump ( ) ;
CreateContactTask * cct = ( CreateContactTask * ) sender ( ) ;
if ( cct - > success ( ) )
if ( client ( ) - > userDetailsManager ( ) - > known ( cct - > dn ( ) ) )
ContactDetails dt = client ( ) - > userDetailsManager ( ) - > details ( cct - > dn ( ) ) ;
GroupWiseContact * c = contactForDN ( cct - > dn ( ) ) ;
c - > setOnlineStatus ( protocol ( ) - > gwStatusToKOS ( dt . status ) ) ;
c - > setNickName ( dt . fullName ) ;
c - > updateDetails ( dt ) ;
client ( ) - > requestDetails ( TQStringList ( cct - > dn ( ) ) ) ;
client ( ) - > requesttqStatus ( cct - > dn ( ) ) ;
// delete the contact created optimistically using the supplied userid;
Kopete : : Contact * c = contacts ( ) [ protocol ( ) - > dnToDotted ( cct - > userId ( ) ) ] ;
if ( c )
// if the contact creation failed because it already exists on the server, don't delete it
if ( ! cct - > statusCode ( ) = = NMERR_DUPLICATE_CONTACT )
if ( c - > metaContact ( ) - > contacts ( ) . count ( ) = = 1 )
Kopete : : ContactList : : self ( ) - > removeMetaContact ( c - > metaContact ( ) ) ;
delete c ;
KMessageBox : : queuedMessageBox ( Kopete : : UI : : Global : : mainWidget ( ) , KMessageBox : : Error ,
i18n ( " The contact %1 could not be added to the contact list, with error message: %2 " ) .
tqarg ( cct - > userId ( ) ) . tqarg ( cct - > statusString ( ) ) ,
i18n ( " Error Adding Contact " ) ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : deleteContact ( GroupWiseContact * contact )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < endl ;
contact - > setDeleting ( true ) ;
if ( isConnected ( ) )
// remove all the instances of this contact from the server's contact list
GWContactInstanceList instances = m_serverListModel - > instancesWithDn ( contact - > dn ( ) ) ;
GWContactInstanceList : : iterator it = instances . begin ( ) ;
for ( ; it ! = instances . end ( ) ; + + it )
DeleteItemTask * dit = new DeleteItemTask ( client ( ) - > rootTask ( ) ) ;
dit - > item ( : : tqqt_cast < GWFolder * > ( ( * it ) - > tqparent ( ) ) - > id , ( * it ) - > id ) ;
TQObject : : connect ( dit , TQT_SIGNAL ( gotContactDeleted ( const ContactItem & ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( receiveContactDeleted ( const ContactItem & ) ) ) ;
dit - > go ( true ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : receiveContactDeleted ( const ContactItem & instance )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < endl ;
// an instance of this contact was deleted on the server.
// Remove it from the model of the server side list,
// and if there are no other instances of this contact, delete the contact
m_serverListModel - > removeInstanceById ( instance . id ) ;
m_serverListModel - > dump ( ) ;
GWContactInstanceList instances = m_serverListModel - > instancesWithDn ( instance . dn ) ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " - " < < instance . dn < < " now has " < < instances . count ( ) < < " instances remaining. " < < endl ;
GroupWiseContact * c = contactForDN ( instance . dn ) ;
if ( c & & instances . count ( ) = = 0 & & c - > deleting ( ) )
c - > deleteLater ( ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : slotConnectedElsewhere ( )
KPassivePopup : : message ( i18n ( " Signed in as %1 Elsewhere " ) . tqarg ( accountId ( ) ) ,
i18n ( " The parameter is the user's own account id for this protocol " , " You have been disconnected from GroupWise Messenger because you signed in as %1 elsewhere " ) . tqarg ( accountId ( ) ) , Kopete : : UI : : Global : : mainWidget ( ) ) ;
disconnect ( ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : receiveInvitation ( const ConferenceEvent & event )
// ask the user if they want to accept the invitation or not
GroupWiseContact * contactFrom = contactForDN ( event . user ) ;
if ( ! contactFrom )
contactFrom = createTemporaryContact ( event . user ) ;
if ( configGroup ( ) - > readEntry ( " AlwaysAcceptInvitations " ) = = " true " )
client ( ) - > joinConference ( event . guid ) ;
ReceiveInvitationDialog * dlg = new ReceiveInvitationDialog ( this , event ,
Kopete : : UI : : Global : : mainWidget ( ) , " invitedialog " ) ;
dlg - > show ( ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : receiveConferenceJoin ( const GroupWise : : ConferenceGuid & guid , const TQStringList & participants , const TQStringList & invitees )
// get a new GWMM
Kopete : : ContactPtrList others ;
GroupWiseChatSession * sess = chatSession ( others , guid , Kopete : : Contact : : CanCreate ) ;
// find each contact and add them to the GWMM, and tell them they are in the conference
for ( TQValueList < TQString > : : ConstIterator it = participants . begin ( ) ; it ! = participants . end ( ) ; + + it )
//kdDebug( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) << k_funcinfo << " adding participant " << *it << endl;
GroupWiseContact * c = contactForDN ( * it ) ;
if ( ! c )
c = createTemporaryContact ( * it ) ;
sess - > joined ( c ) ;
// add each invitee too
for ( TQValueList < TQString > : : ConstIterator it = invitees . begin ( ) ; it ! = invitees . end ( ) ; + + it )
//kdDebug( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) << k_funcinfo << " adding invitee " << *it << endl;
GroupWiseContact * c = contactForDN ( * it ) ;
if ( ! c )
c = createTemporaryContact ( * it ) ;
sess - > addInvitee ( c ) ;
sess - > view ( true ) - > raise ( false ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : receiveConferenceJoinNotify ( const ConferenceEvent & event )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < endl ;
GroupWiseChatSession * sess = findChatSessionByGuid ( event . guid ) ;
if ( sess )
GroupWiseContact * c = contactForDN ( event . user ) ;
if ( ! c )
c = createTemporaryContact ( event . user ) ;
sess - > joined ( c ) ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " couldn't find a GWCS for conference: " < < event . guid < < endl ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : receiveConferenceLeft ( const ConferenceEvent & event )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < endl ;
GroupWiseChatSession * sess = findChatSessionByGuid ( event . guid ) ;
if ( sess )
GroupWiseContact * c = contactForDN ( event . user ) ;
if ( c )
sess - > left ( c ) ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " couldn't find a contact for DN: " < < event . user < < endl ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " couldn't find a GWCS for conference: " < < event . guid < < endl ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : receiveInviteDeclined ( const ConferenceEvent & event )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < endl ;
GroupWiseChatSession * sess = findChatSessionByGuid ( event . guid ) ;
if ( sess )
GroupWiseContact * c = contactForDN ( event . user ) ;
if ( c )
sess - > inviteDeclined ( c ) ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " couldn't find a GWCS for conference: " < < event . guid < < endl ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : receiveInviteNotify ( const ConferenceEvent & event )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < endl ;
GroupWiseChatSession * sess = findChatSessionByGuid ( event . guid ) ;
if ( sess )
GroupWiseContact * c = contactForDN ( event . user ) ;
if ( ! c )
c = createTemporaryContact ( event . user ) ;
sess - > addInvitee ( c ) ;
Kopete : : Message declined = Kopete : : Message ( myself ( ) , sess - > members ( ) , i18n ( " %1 has been invited to join this conversation. " ) . tqarg ( c - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) ) , Kopete : : Message : : Internal , Kopete : : Message : : PlainText ) ;
sess - > appendMessage ( declined ) ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " couldn't find a GWCS for conference: " < < event . guid < < endl ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : slotLeavingConference ( GroupWiseChatSession * sess )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " unregistering message manager: " < < sess - > guid ( ) < < endl ;
if ( isConnected ( ) )
m_client - > leaveConference ( sess - > guid ( ) ) ;
m_chatSessions . remove ( sess ) ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " m_chatSessions now tqcontains: " < < m_chatSessions . count ( ) < < " managers " < < endl ;
Kopete : : ContactPtrList members = sess - > members ( ) ;
for ( Kopete : : Contact * contact = members . first ( ) ; contact ; contact = members . next ( ) )
static_cast < GroupWiseContact * > ( contact ) - > setMessageReceivedOffline ( false ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : slotSetAutoReply ( )
bool ok ;
TQRegExp rx ( " .* " ) ;
TQRegExpValidator validator ( rx , this ) ;
TQString newAutoReply = KInputDialog : : getText ( i18n ( " Enter Auto-Reply Message " ) ,
i18n ( " Please enter an Auto-Reply message that will be shown to users who message you while Away or Busy " ) , configGroup ( ) - > readEntry ( " AutoReply " ) ,
& ok , Kopete : : UI : : Global : : mainWidget ( ) , " autoreplymessagedlg " , & validator ) ;
if ( ok )
configGroup ( ) - > writeEntry ( " AutoReply " , newAutoReply ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : slotTestRTFize ( )
/* bool ok;
const TQString query = TQString : : tqfromLatin1 ( " Enter a string to rtfize: " ) ;
TQString testText = KLineEditDlg : : getText ( query , TQString ( ) , & ok , Kopete : : UI : : Global : : mainWidget ( ) ) ;
if ( ok )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " Converted text is: ' " < < protocol ( ) - > rtfizeText ( testText ) < < " ' " < < endl ; */
// bool ok;
// const TQString query = i18n("Enter a contactId:");
// TQString testText = KInputDialog::getText( query, i18n("This is a test dialog and will not be in the final product!" ), TQString(), &ok, Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget() );
// if ( !ok )
// return;
// kdDebug( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) << "Trying to add contact: '" << protocol()->rtfizeText( testText ) << "'" << endl;
// Kopete::MetaContact *metaContact = new Kopete::MetaContact ();
// metaContact->setDisplayName( "Test Add MC" );
// metaContact->setTemporary (true);
// createContact( testText, "Test Add Contact", metaContact );
void GroupWiseAccount : : slotPrivacy ( )
new GroupWisePrivacyDialog ( this , Kopete : : UI : : Global : : mainWidget ( ) , " gwprivacydialog " ) ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : slotJoinChatRoom ( )
new GroupWiseChatSearchDialog ( this , Kopete : : UI : : Global : : mainWidget ( ) , " gwjoinchatdialog " ) ;
bool GroupWiseAccount : : isContactBlocked ( const TQString & dn )
if ( isConnected ( ) )
return client ( ) - > privacyManager ( ) - > isBlocked ( dn ) ;
return false ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : dumpManagers ( )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < " for: " < < accountId ( )
< < " containing: " < < m_chatSessions . count ( ) < < " managers " < < endl ;
TQValueList < GroupWiseChatSession * > : : ConstIterator it ;
for ( it = m_chatSessions . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_chatSessions . end ( ) ; + + it )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " guid: " < < ( * it ) - > guid ( ) < < endl ;
bool GroupWiseAccount : : dontSync ( )
return m_dontSync ;
void GroupWiseAccount : : syncContact ( GroupWiseContact * contact )
if ( dontSync ( ) )
return ;
if ( contact ! = myself ( ) )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < k_funcinfo < < endl ;
if ( ! isConnected ( ) )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " not connected, can't sync display name or group membership " < < endl ;
return ;
// if this is a temporary contact, don't bother
if ( contact - > metaContact ( ) - > isTemporary ( ) )
return ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " = CONTACT ' " < < contact - > nickName ( ) < < " ' IS IN " < < contact - > metaContact ( ) - > groups ( ) . count ( ) < < " MC GROUPS, AND HAS " < < m_serverListModel - > instancesWithDn ( contact - > dn ( ) ) . count ( ) < < " CONTACT LIST INSTANCES. " < < endl ;
// 1) Seek matches between CLIs and MCGs and remove from the lists without taking any action. match on objectid, tqparentid
// 2) Each remaining unmatched pair is a move, initiate and remove - need to take care to always use greatest unused sequence number - if we have to set the sequence number to the following sequence number within the folder, we may have a problem where after the first move, we have to wait for the state of the CLIs to be updated pending the completion of the first move - this would be difficult to cope with, because our current lists would be out of date, or we'd have to restart the sync - assuming the first move created a new matched CLI-MCG pair, we could do that with little cost.
// 3) Any remaining entries in MCG list are adds, carry out
// 4) Any remaining entries in CLI list are removes, carry out
// start by discovering the next free group sequence number in case we have to add any groups
int nextFreeSequence = m_serverListModel - > maxSequenceNumber ( ) + 1 ;
// 1)
// make a list of all the groups the metacontact is in
TQPtrList < Kopete : : Group > groupList = contact - > metaContact ( ) - > groups ( ) ;
// make a list of all the groups this contact is in, according to the server model
GWContactInstanceList instances = m_serverListModel - > instancesWithDn ( contact - > dn ( ) ) ;
// seek corresponding pairs in both lists and remove
// ( for each group )
TQPtrListIterator < Kopete : : Group > grpIt ( groupList ) ;
while ( * grpIt )
TQPtrListIterator < Kopete : : Group > candidateGrp ( groupList ) ;
candidateGrp = grpIt ;
+ + grpIt ;
GWContactInstanceList : : Iterator instIt = instances . begin ( ) ;
const GWContactInstanceList : : Iterator instEnd = instances . end ( ) ;
// ( see if a contactlist instance matches the group)
while ( instIt ! = instEnd )
GWContactInstanceList : : Iterator candidateInst = instIt ;
+ + instIt ;
GWFolder * folder = : : tqqt_cast < GWFolder * > ( ( * candidateInst ) - > tqparent ( ) ) ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " - Looking for a match, MC grp ' "
< < ( * candidateGrp ) - > displayName ( )
< < " ', GWFolder ' " < < folder - > displayName < < " ', objectId is " < < folder - > id < < endl ;
if ( ( folder - > id = = 0 & & ( ( * candidateGrp ) = = Kopete : : Group : : topLevel ( ) ) )
| | ( ( * candidateGrp ) - > displayName ( ) = = folder - > displayName ) )
//this pair matches, we can remove its members from both lists )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " - match! removing both entries " < < endl ;
instances . remove ( candidateInst ) ;
groupList . remove ( * candidateGrp ) ;
break ;
grpIt . toFirst ( ) ;
// ( take the first pair and carry out a move )
while ( * grpIt & & ! instances . isEmpty ( ) )
TQPtrListIterator < Kopete : : Group > candidateGrp ( groupList ) ;
candidateGrp = grpIt ;
+ + grpIt ;
GWContactInstanceList : : Iterator instIt = instances . begin ( ) ;
GWFolder * sourceFolder = : : tqqt_cast < GWFolder * > ( ( * instIt ) - > tqparent ( ) ) ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " - moving contact instance from group ' " < < sourceFolder - > displayName < < " ' to group ' " < < ( * candidateGrp ) - > displayName ( ) < < " ' " < < endl ;
// create contactItem parameter
ContactItem instance ;
instance . id = ( * instIt ) - > id ;
instance . tqparentId = sourceFolder - > id ;
instance . sequence = ( * instIt ) - > sequence ;
instance . dn = ( * instIt ) - > dn ;
instance . displayName = contact - > nickName ( ) ;
// identify the destination folder
GWFolder * destinationFolder = m_serverListModel - > findFolderByName ( ( ( * candidateGrp ) - > displayName ( ) ) ) ;
if ( destinationFolder ) // folder already exists on the server
MoveContactTask * mit = new MoveContactTask ( client ( ) - > rootTask ( ) ) ;
mit - > moveContact ( instance , destinationFolder - > id ) ;
TQObject : : connect ( mit , TQT_SIGNAL ( gotContactDeleted ( const ContactItem & ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( receiveContactDeleted ( const ContactItem & ) ) ) ;
mit - > go ( ) ;
else if ( * candidateGrp = = Kopete : : Group : : topLevel ( ) )
MoveContactTask * mit = new MoveContactTask ( client ( ) - > rootTask ( ) ) ;
mit - > moveContact ( instance , 0 ) ;
TQObject : : connect ( mit , TQT_SIGNAL ( gotContactDeleted ( const ContactItem & ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( receiveContactDeleted ( const ContactItem & ) ) ) ;
mit - > go ( ) ;
MoveContactTask * mit = new MoveContactTask ( client ( ) - > rootTask ( ) ) ;
TQObject : : connect ( mit , TQT_SIGNAL ( gotContactDeleted ( const ContactItem & ) ) ,
TQT_SLOT ( receiveContactDeleted ( const ContactItem & ) ) ) ;
// discover the next free sequence number and add the group using that
mit - > moveContactToNewFolder ( instance , nextFreeSequence + + ,
( * candidateGrp ) - > displayName ( ) ) ;
mit - > go ( true ) ;
groupList . remove ( candidateGrp ) ;
instances . remove ( instIt ) ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " = LOOKING FOR ADDS " < < endl ;
grpIt . toFirst ( ) ;
while ( * grpIt )
TQPtrListIterator < Kopete : : Group > candidateGrp ( groupList ) ;
candidateGrp = grpIt ;
+ + grpIt ;
GWFolder * destinationFolder = m_serverListModel - > findFolderByName ( ( ( * candidateGrp ) - > displayName ( ) ) ) ;
CreateContactInstanceTask * ccit = new CreateContactInstanceTask ( client ( ) - > rootTask ( ) ) ;
contact - > setNickName ( contact - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) ) ;
// does this group exist on the server? Create the contact appropriately
if ( destinationFolder )
int tqparentId = destinationFolder - > id ;
ccit - > contactFromUserId ( contact - > dn ( ) , contact - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) , tqparentId ) ;
if ( ( * candidateGrp ) = = Kopete : : Group : : topLevel ( ) )
ccit - > contactFromUserId ( contact - > dn ( ) , contact - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) ,
m_serverListModel - > rootFolder - > id ) ;
// discover the next free sequence number and add the group using that
ccit - > contactFromUserIdAndFolder ( contact - > dn ( ) , contact - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) ,
nextFreeSequence + + , ( * candidateGrp ) - > displayName ( ) ) ;
ccit - > go ( true ) ;
groupList . remove ( candidateGrp ) ;
GWContactInstanceList : : Iterator instIt = instances . begin ( ) ;
const GWContactInstanceList : : Iterator instEnd = instances . end ( ) ;
// ( remove each remaining contactlist instance, because it doesn't exist locally any more )
while ( instIt ! = instEnd )
GWContactInstanceList : : Iterator candidateInst = instIt ;
+ + instIt ;
GWFolder * folder = : : tqqt_cast < GWFolder * > ( ( * candidateInst ) - > tqparent ( ) ) ;
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " - remove contact instance ' " < < ( * candidateInst ) - > id < < " ' in group ' " < < folder - > displayName < < " ' " < < endl ;
DeleteItemTask * dit = new DeleteItemTask ( client ( ) - > rootTask ( ) ) ;
dit - > item ( folder - > id , ( * candidateInst ) - > id ) ;
TQObject : : connect ( dit , TQT_SIGNAL ( gotContactDeleted ( const ContactItem & ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( receiveContactDeleted ( const ContactItem & ) ) ) ;
dit - > go ( true ) ;
instances . remove ( candidateInst ) ;
// start an UpdateItem
if ( contact - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) ! = contact - > nickName ( ) )
kdDebug ( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) < < " updating the contact's display name to the metacontact's: " < < contact - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) < < endl ;
// form a list of the contact's groups
GWContactInstanceList instances = m_serverListModel - > instancesWithDn ( contact - > dn ( ) ) ;
GWContactInstanceList : : Iterator it = instances . begin ( ) ;
const GWContactInstanceList : : Iterator end = instances . end ( ) ;
for ( ; it ! = end ; + + it )
TQValueList < ContactItem > instancesToChange ;
ContactItem instance ;
instance . id = ( * it ) - > id ;
instance . tqparentId = : : tqqt_cast < GWFolder * > ( ( * it ) - > tqparent ( ) ) - > id ;
instance . sequence = ( * it ) - > sequence ;
instance . dn = contact - > dn ( ) ;
instance . displayName = contact - > nickName ( ) ;
instancesToChange . append ( instance ) ;
UpdateContactTask * uct = new UpdateContactTask ( client ( ) - > rootTask ( ) ) ;
uct - > renameContact ( contact - > metaContact ( ) - > displayName ( ) , instancesToChange ) ;
TQObject : : connect ( uct , TQT_SIGNAL ( finished ( ) ) , contact , TQT_SLOT ( renamedOnServer ( ) ) ) ;
uct - > go ( true ) ;
# include "gwaccount.moc"