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jabbercapabilitiesmanager.h - Manage entity capabilities(JEP-0115) pool.
Copyright (c) 2006 by Michaël Larouche <>
Kopete (c) 2001-2006 by the Kopete developers <>
Imported from caps.cpp from Psi:
Copyright (C) 2005 Remko Troncon
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <im.h>
#include <xmpp.h>
using namespace XMPP;
class JabberAccount;
* @brief Manage Jabber entity capabilities (JEP-0115)
* @author Michaël Larouche <>
* @author Remko Troncon
class JabberCapabilitiesManager : public TQObject
* Construct
* Load cached information from local file.
void loadCachedInformation();
* Check if the jid support Entity capabitilies.
* @param jid JID to check.
* @return true if the jid support entity capabitilies.
bool capabilitiesEnabled(const Jid& jid) const;
* Remove account from manager.
void removeAccount(JabberAccount *account);
* Return the features supported for the JID.
XMPP::Features features(const Jid& jid) const;
* Return the client name for the current JID.
TQString clientName(const Jid& jid) const;
* Return the client version for the current JID.
TQString clientVersion(const Jid& jid) const;
void capabilitiesChanged(const XMPP::Jid &jid);
public slots:
* Update if necessary the capabities for the JID passed in args.
* Caps are received in Presence messages so that's why we are
* passing a XMPP::Status object.
* @param jid JID that capabilities was updated.
* @param status The XMPP::Status that contain the caps.
void updateCapabilities(JabberAccount *account, const XMPP::Jid &jid, const XMPP::Status &status);
private slots:
* @brief Called when a reply to disco#info request was received.
* If the result was succesful, the resulting features are recorded in the
* features database for the requested node, and all the affected jids are
* put in the queue for update notification.
* If the result was unsuccesful, another jid with the same capabilities is
* selected and sent a disco#info query.
void discoRequestFinished();
* @brief Sends a disco#info request to a given node of a jid through an account.
* When the request is finished, the discoRequestFinished() slot is called.
* @param account The account through which to send the disco request.
* @param jid The target entity's JID
* @param node The target disco#info node
void requestDiscoInfo(JabberAccount *account, const Jid& jid, const TQString& node);
* Save capabilities information to disk.
void saveInformation();
class Capabilities;
typedef TQValueList<Capabilities> CapabilitiesList;
* @brief A class representing an entity capability specification.
* An entity capability is a combination of a node, a version, and a set of
* extensions.
class Capabilities
* Default constructor.
* Define capabilities.
* @param node the node
* @param version the version
* @param extensions the list of extensions (separated by spaces)
Capabilities(const TQString &node, const TQString &version, const TQString &extensions);
* Returns the node of the capabilities specification.
const TQString& node() const;
* @brief Returns the version of the capabilities specification.
const TQString& version() const;
* @brief Returns the extensions of the capabilities specification.
const TQString& extensions() const;
* \brief Flattens the caps specification into the set of 'simple' specifications.
* A 'simple' specification is a specification with exactly one extension,
* or with the version number as the extension.
* Example: A caps specification with node=, version=0.10,
* and ext='achat vchat' would be expanded into the following list of specs:
* node=, ver=0.10, ext=0.10
* node=, ver=0.10, ext=achat
* node=, ver=0.10, ext=vchat
CapabilitiesList flatten() const;
bool operator==(const Capabilities&) const;
bool operator!=(const Capabilities&) const;
bool operator<(const Capabilities&) const;
TQString m_node, m_version, m_extensions;
class CapabilitiesInformation
const TQStringList& features() const;
const DiscoItem::Identities& identities() const;
TQStringList jids() const;
bool discovered() const;
int pendingRequests() const;
void reset();
void removeAccount(JabberAccount* acc);
void removeJid(const Jid&);
void addJid(const Jid&, JabberAccount*);
TQPair<Jid,JabberAccount*> nextJid(const Jid&, const Task*);
void setDiscovered(bool);
void setPendingRequests(int);
void setIdentities(const DiscoItem::Identities&);
void setFeatures(const TQStringList&);
TQDomElement toXml(TQDomDocument *) const;
void fromXml(const TQDomElement&);
void updateLastSeen();
bool m_discovered;
int m_pendingRequests;
TQStringList m_features;
DiscoItem::Identities m_identities;
TQValueList<TQPair<TQString,JabberAccount*> > m_jids;
TQDate m_lastSeen;
class Private;
Private *d;