Copyright (c) 2006 by Olivier Goffart <ogoffart at kde.org>
Kopete (c) 2006 by the Kopete developers <kopete-devel@kde.org>
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "jabbertransport.h"
#include "jabbercontact.h"
#include "jabberaccount.h"
#include "jabberprotocol.h"
#include "jabbercontactpool.h"
#include "jabberchatsession.h"
#include <kopeteaccountmanager.h>
#include <kopetecontact.h>
#include <kopetecontactlist.h>
#include <kopeteversion.h>
#include <tqpixmap.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tdeaction.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include "xmpp_tasks.h"
JabberTransport::JabberTransport (JabberAccount * parentAccount, const XMPP::RosterItem & item, const TQString& gateway_type)
: Kopete::Account ( parentAccount->protocol(), parentAccount->accountId()+"/"+ item.jid().bare() )
m_account = parentAccount;
m_account->addTransport( this,item.jid().bare() );
JabberContact *myContact = m_account->contactPool()->addContact ( item , Kopete::ContactList::self()->myself(), false );
setMyself( myContact );
kdDebug(JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL) << k_funcinfo << accountId() <<" transport created: myself: " << myContact << endl;
setColor( account()->color() );
#if KOPETE_IS_VERSION(0,11,51) //setCustomIcon is new in kopete 0.12
TQString cIcon;
else if(gateway_type=="icq")
else if(gateway_type=="aim")
else if(gateway_type=="yahoo")
else if(gateway_type=="sms")
else if(gateway_type=="gadu-gadu")
else if(gateway_type=="smtp")
else if(gateway_type=="http-ws")
else if(gateway_type=="qq")
else if(gateway_type=="tlen")
else if(gateway_type=="irc") //NOTE: this is not official
if( !cIcon.isEmpty() )
setCustomIcon( cIcon );
configGroup()->writeEntry("GatewayJID" , item.jid().full() );
TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT(eatContacts()));
JabberTransport::JabberTransport( JabberAccount * parentAccount, const TQString & _accountId )
: Kopete::Account ( parentAccount->protocol(), _accountId )
m_account = parentAccount;
const TQString contactJID_s = configGroup()->readEntry("GatewayJID");
kdError(JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL) << k_funcinfo << _accountId <<": GatewayJID is empty: MISCONFIGURATION (have you used Kopete 0.12 beta ?)" << endl;
XMPP::Jid contactJID= XMPP::Jid( contactJID_s );
m_account->addTransport( this, contactJID.bare() );
JabberContact *myContact = m_account->contactPool()->addContact ( contactJID , Kopete::ContactList::self()->myself(), false );
setMyself( myContact );
kdDebug(JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL) << k_funcinfo << accountId() <<" transport created: myself: " << myContact << endl;
JabberTransport::~JabberTransport ()
m_account->removeTransport( myself()->contactId() );
TDEActionMenu *JabberTransport::actionMenu ()
TDEActionMenu *menu = new TDEActionMenu( accountId(), myself()->onlineStatus().iconFor( this ), this );
TQString nick = myself()->property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName()).value().toString();
menu->popupMenu()->insertTitle( myself()->onlineStatus().iconFor( myself() ),
nick.isNull() ? accountLabel() : i18n( "%2 <%1>" ).arg( accountLabel(), nick )
TQPtrList<TDEAction> *customActions = myself()->customContextMenuActions( );
if( customActions && !customActions->isEmpty() )
for( TDEAction *a = customActions->first(); a; a = customActions->next() )
a->plug( menu->popupMenu() );
delete customActions;
return menu;
/* TDEActionMenu *m_actionMenu = Kopete::Account::actionMenu();
m_actionMenu->insert(new TDEAction (i18n ("Join Groupchat..."), "jabber_group", 0,
this, TQT_SLOT (slotJoinNewChat ()), this, "actionJoinChat"));
m_actionMenu->insert ( new TDEAction ( i18n ("Services..."), "jabber_serv_on", 0,
this, TQT_SLOT ( slotGetServices () ), this, "actionJabberServices") );
Bring mail_forward, mail_new, mail_replyall, mail_reply, mail_send, player_pause, player_play, player_stop, player_rew, player_fwd, player_start, player_end, rotate_ccw, rotate_cw, window_fullscreen, window_nofullscreen, window_new, viewmagfit, viewmag+, viewmag1, and viewmag- icons into XDG compliance
11 years ago
m_actionMenu->insert ( new TDEAction ( i18n ("Send Raw Packet to Server..."), "mail-message-new", 0,
this, TQT_SLOT ( slotSendRaw () ), this, "actionJabberSendRaw") );
m_actionMenu->insert ( new TDEAction ( i18n ("Edit User Info..."), "identity", 0,
this, TQT_SLOT ( slotEditVCard () ), this, "actionEditVCard") );
return m_actionMenu;*/
bool JabberTransport::createContact (const TQString & contactId, Kopete::MetaContact * metaContact)
#if 0 //TODO
// collect all group names
TQStringList groupNames;
Kopete::GroupList groupList = metaContact->groups();
for(Kopete::Group *group = groupList.first(); group; group = groupList.next())
groupNames += group->displayName();
XMPP::Jid jid ( contactId );
XMPP::RosterItem item ( jid );
item.setName ( metaContact->displayName () );
item.setGroups ( groupNames );
// this contact will be created with the "dirty" flag set
// (it will get reset if the contact appears in the roster during connect)
JabberContact *contact = contactPool()->addContact ( item, metaContact, true );
return ( contact != 0 );
return false;
void JabberTransport::setOnlineStatus( const Kopete::OnlineStatus& status , const TQString &reason)
#if 0
if( status.status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Offline )
disconnect( Kopete::Account::Manual );
if( isConnecting () )
errorConnectionInProgress ();
XMPP::Status xmppStatus ( "", reason );
switch ( status.internalStatus () )
case JabberProtocol::JabberFreeForChat:
xmppStatus.setShow ( "chat" );
case JabberProtocol::JabberOnline:
xmppStatus.setShow ( "" );
case JabberProtocol::JabberAway:
xmppStatus.setShow ( "away" );
case JabberProtocol::JabberXA:
xmppStatus.setShow ( "xa" );
case JabberProtocol::JabberDND:
xmppStatus.setShow ( "dnd" );
case JabberProtocol::JabberInvisible:
xmppStatus.setIsInvisible ( true );
if ( !isConnected () )
// we are not connected yet, so connect now
m_initialPresence = xmppStatus;
connect ();
setPresence ( xmppStatus );
JabberProtocol * JabberTransport::protocol( ) const
return m_account->protocol();
bool JabberTransport::removeAccount( )
if(m_status == Removing || m_status == AccountRemoved)
return true; //so it can be deleted
if (!account()->isConnected())
account()->errorConnectFirst ();
return false;
m_status = Removing;
XMPP::JT_Register *task = new XMPP::JT_Register ( m_account->client()->rootTask () );
TQObject::connect ( task, TQT_SIGNAL ( finished () ), this, TQT_SLOT ( removeAllContacts() ) );
//JabberContact *my=static_cast<JabberContact*>(myself());
task->unreg ( myself()->contactId() );
task->go ( true );
return false; //delay the removal
void JabberTransport::removeAllContacts( )
// XMPP::JT_Register * task = (XMPP::JT_Register *) sender ();
/* if ( ! task->success ())
KMessageBox::queuedMessageBox ( 0L, KMessageBox::Error,
i18n ("An error occured when trying to remove the transport:\n%1").arg(task->statusString()),
i18n ("Jabber Service Unregistration"));
*/ //we don't really care, we remove everithing anyway.
kdDebug(JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL) << k_funcinfo << "delete all contacts of the transport"<< endl;
TQDictIterator<Kopete::Contact> it( contacts() );
for( ; it.current(); ++it )
XMPP::JT_Roster * rosterTask = new XMPP::JT_Roster ( account()->client()->rootTask () );
rosterTask->remove ( static_cast<JabberBaseContact*>(it.current())->rosterItem().jid() );
rosterTask->go ( true );
m_status = Removing; //in theory that's already our status
Kopete::AccountManager::self()->removeAccount( this ); //this will delete this
TQString JabberTransport::legacyId( const XMPP::Jid & jid )
return TQString();
TQString node = jid.node();
return node.replace("%","@");
void JabberTransport::jabberAccountRemoved( )
m_status = AccountRemoved;
Kopete::AccountManager::self()->removeAccount( this ); //this will delete this
void JabberTransport::eatContacts( )
* "Gateway Contact Eating" (c)(r)(tm)(g)(o)(f)
* this comes directly from my mind into the kopete code.
* principle: - the transport is hungry
* - it will eat contacts which belong to him
* - the contact will die
* - a new contact will born, with the same characteristics, but owned by the transport
* - Olivier 2006-01-17 -
kdDebug(JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL) << k_funcinfo << endl;
TQDict<Kopete::Contact> cts=account()->contacts();
TQDictIterator<Kopete::Contact> it( cts );
for( ; it.current(); ++it )
JabberContact *contact=dynamic_cast<JabberContact*>(it.current());
if( contact && !contact->transport() && contact->rosterItem().jid().domain() == myself()->contactId() && contact != account()->myself())
XMPP::RosterItem item=contact->rosterItem();
Kopete::MetaContact *mc=contact->metaContact();
Kopete::OnlineStatus status = contact->onlineStatus();
kdDebug(JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL) << k_funcinfo << item.jid().full() << " will be soon eat - " << contact << endl;
delete contact;
Kopete::Contact *c2=account()->contactPool()->addContact( item , mc , false ); //not sure this is false;
c2->setOnlineStatus( status ); //put back the old status
#include "jabbertransport.moc"
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