* im.h - XMPP "IM" library API
* Copyright (C) 2003 Justin Karneges
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef XMPP_IM_H
#define XMPP_IM_H
namespace XMPP
class Url
Url(const QString &url="", const QString &desc="");
Url(const Url &);
Url & operator=(const Url &);
QString url() const;
QString desc() const;
void setUrl(const QString &);
void setDesc(const QString &);
class Private;
Private *d;
typedef QValueList<Url> UrlList;
typedef QMap<QString, QString> StringMap;
typedef enum { OfflineEvent, DeliveredEvent, DisplayedEvent,
ComposingEvent, CancelEvent, InactiveEvent, GoneEvent } MsgEvent;
class Message
Message(const Jid &to="");
Message(const Message &from);
Message & operator=(const Message &from);
Jid to() const;
Jid from() const;
QString id() const;
QString type() const;
QString lang() const;
QString subject(const QString &lang="") const;
QString body(const QString &lang="") const;
QString xHTMLBody(const QString &lang="") const;
QString thread() const;
Stanza::Error error() const;
void setTo(const Jid &j);
void setFrom(const Jid &j);
void setId(const QString &s);
void setType(const QString &s);
void setLang(const QString &s);
void setSubject(const QString &s, const QString &lang="");
void setBody(const QString &s, const QString &lang="");
void setXHTMLBody(const QString &s, const QString &lang="", const QString &attr = "");
void setThread(const QString &s);
void setError(const Stanza::Error &err);
// JEP-0091
QDateTime timeStamp() const;
void setTimeStamp(const QDateTime &ts);
// JEP-0066
UrlList urlList() const;
void urlAdd(const Url &u);
void urlsClear();
void setUrlList(const UrlList &list);
// JEP-0022
QString eventId() const;
void setEventId(const QString& id);
bool containsEvents() const;
bool containsEvent(MsgEvent e) const;
void addEvent(MsgEvent e);
// JEP-0027
QString xencrypted() const;
void setXEncrypted(const QString &s);
// Obsolete invitation
QString invite() const;
void setInvite(const QString &s);
// for compatibility. delete me later
bool spooled() const;
void setSpooled(bool);
bool wasEncrypted() const;
void setWasEncrypted(bool);
Stanza toStanza(Stream *stream) const;
bool fromStanza(const Stanza &s, int tzoffset);
class Private;
Private *d;
class Subscription
enum SubType { None, To, From, Both, Remove };
Subscription(SubType type=None);
int type() const;
QString toString() const;
bool fromString(const QString &);
SubType value;
class Status
Status(const QString &show="", const QString &status="", int priority=0, bool available=true);
int priority() const;
const QString & show() const;
const QString & status() const;
QDateTime timeStamp() const;
const QString & keyID() const;
bool isAvailable() const;
bool isAway() const;
bool isInvisible() const;
bool hasError() const;
int errorCode() const;
const QString & errorString() const;
const QString & xsigned() const;
const QString & songTitle() const;
const QString & capsNode() const;
const QString & capsVersion() const;
const QString & capsExt() const;
void setPriority(int);
void setShow(const QString &);
void setStatus(const QString &);
void setTimeStamp(const QDateTime &);
void setKeyID(const QString &);
void setIsAvailable(bool);
void setIsInvisible(bool);
void setError(int, const QString &);
void setCapsNode(const QString&);
void setCapsVersion(const QString&);
void setCapsExt(const QString&);
void setXSigned(const QString &);
void setSongTitle(const QString &);
int v_priority;
QString v_show, v_status, v_key;
QDateTime v_timeStamp;
bool v_isAvailable;
bool v_isInvisible;
QString v_xsigned;
// gabber song extension
QString v_songTitle;
QString v_capsNode, v_capsVersion, v_capsExt;
int ecode;
QString estr;
class Private;
Private *d;
class Resource
Resource(const QString &name="", const Status &s=Status());
const QString & name() const;
int priority() const;
const Status & status() const;
void setName(const QString &);
void setStatus(const Status &);
QString v_name;
Status v_status;
class ResourcePrivate *d;
class ResourceList : public QValueList<Resource>
ResourceList::Iterator find(const QString &);
ResourceList::Iterator priority();
ResourceList::ConstIterator find(const QString &) const;
ResourceList::ConstIterator priority() const;
class ResourceListPrivate *d;
class RosterItem
RosterItem(const Jid &jid="");
virtual ~RosterItem();
const Jid & jid() const;
const QString & name() const;
const QStringList & groups() const;
const Subscription & subscription() const;
const QString & ask() const;
bool isPush() const;
bool inGroup(const QString &) const;
virtual void setJid(const Jid &);
void setName(const QString &);
void setGroups(const QStringList &);
void setSubscription(const Subscription &);
void setAsk(const QString &);
void setIsPush(bool);
bool addGroup(const QString &);
bool removeGroup(const QString &);
QDomElement toXml(QDomDocument *) const;
bool fromXml(const QDomElement &);
Jid v_jid;
QString v_name;
QStringList v_groups;
Subscription v_subscription;
QString v_ask;
bool v_push;
class RosterItemPrivate *d;
class Roster : public QValueList<RosterItem>
Roster::Iterator find(const Jid &);
Roster::ConstIterator find(const Jid &) const;
class RosterPrivate *d;
class Features
Features(const QStringList &);
Features(const QString &);
QStringList list() const; // actual featurelist
void setList(const QStringList &);
// features
bool canRegister() const;
bool canSearch() const;
bool canGroupchat() const;
bool canVoice() const;
bool canDisco() const;
bool canXHTML() const;
bool isGateway() const;
bool haveVCard() const;
enum FeatureID {
FID_Invalid = -1,
// private Psi actions
// useful functions
bool test(const QStringList &) const;
QString name() const;
static QString name(long id);
static QString name(const QString &feature);
long id() const;
static long id(const QString &feature);
static QString feature(long id);
class FeatureName;
QStringList _list;
class AgentItem
AgentItem() { }
const Jid & jid() const { return v_jid; }
const QString & name() const { return v_name; }
const QString & category() const { return v_category; }
const QString & type() const { return v_type; }
const Features & features() const { return v_features; }
void setJid(const Jid &j) { v_jid = j; }
void setName(const QString &n) { v_name = n; }
void setCategory(const QString &c) { v_category = c; }
void setType(const QString &t) { v_type = t; }
void setFeatures(const Features &f) { v_features = f; }
Jid v_jid;
QString v_name, v_category, v_type;
Features v_features;
typedef QValueList<AgentItem> AgentList;
class DiscoItem
const Jid &jid() const;
const QString &node() const;
const QString &name() const;
void setJid(const Jid &);
void setName(const QString &);
void setNode(const QString &);
enum Action {
None = 0,
Action action() const;
void setAction(Action);
const Features &features() const;
void setFeatures(const Features &);
struct Identity
QString category;
QString name;
QString type;
typedef QValueList<Identity> Identities;
const Identities &identities() const;
void setIdentities(const Identities &);
// some useful helper functions
static Action string2action(QString s);
static QString action2string(Action a);
DiscoItem & operator= (const DiscoItem &);
DiscoItem(const DiscoItem &);
operator AgentItem() const { return toAgentItem(); }
AgentItem toAgentItem() const;
void fromAgentItem(const AgentItem &);
class Private;
Private *d;
typedef QValueList<DiscoItem> DiscoList;
class FormField
enum { username, nick, password, name, first, last, email, address, city, state, zip, phone, url, date, misc };
FormField(const QString &type="", const QString &value="");
int type() const;
QString fieldName() const;
QString realName() const;
bool isSecret() const;
const QString & value() const;
void setType(int);
bool setType(const QString &);
void setValue(const QString &);
int tagNameToType(const QString &) const;
QString typeToTagName(int) const;
int v_type;
QString v_value;
class Private;
Private *d;
class Form : public QValueList<FormField>
Form(const Jid &j="");
Jid jid() const;
QString instructions() const;
QString key() const;
void setJid(const Jid &);
void setInstructions(const QString &);
void setKey(const QString &);
Jid v_jid;
QString v_instructions, v_key;
class Private;
Private *d;
class SearchResult
SearchResult(const Jid &jid="");
const Jid & jid() const;
const QString & nick() const;
const QString & first() const;
const QString & last() const;
const QString & email() const;
void setJid(const Jid &);
void setNick(const QString &);
void setFirst(const QString &);
void setLast(const QString &);
void setEmail(const QString &);
Jid v_jid;
QString v_nick, v_first, v_last, v_email;
class Client;
class LiveRosterItem;
class LiveRoster;
class S5BManager;
class IBBManager;
class JidLinkManager;
class FileTransferManager;
class Task : public QObject
enum { ErrDisc };
Task(Task *parent);
Task(Client *, bool isRoot);
virtual ~Task();
Task *parent() const;
Client *client() const;
QDomDocument *doc() const;
QString id() const;
bool success() const;
int statusCode() const;
const QString & statusString() const;
void go(bool autoDelete=false);
virtual bool take(const QDomElement &);
void safeDelete();
void finished();
virtual void onGo();
virtual void onDisconnect();
void send(const QDomElement &);
void setSuccess(int code=0, const QString &str="");
void setError(const QDomElement &);
void setError(int code=0, const QString &str="");
void debug(const char *, ...);
void debug(const QString &);
bool iqVerify(const QDomElement &x, const Jid &to, const QString &id, const QString &xmlns="");
private slots:
void clientDisconnected();
void done();
void init();
class TaskPrivate;
TaskPrivate *d;
class Client : public QObject
Client(QObject *parent=0);
bool isActive() const;
void connectToServer(ClientStream *s, const Jid &j, bool auth=true);
void start(const QString &host, const QString &user, const QString &pass, const QString &resource);
void close(bool fast=false);
Stream & stream();
const LiveRoster & roster() const;
const ResourceList & resourceList() const;
void send(const QDomElement &);
void send(const QString &);
QString host() const;
QString user() const;
QString pass() const;
QString resource() const;
Jid jid() const;
void rosterRequest();
void sendMessage(const Message &);
void sendSubscription(const Jid &, const QString &);
void setPresence(const Status &);
void debug(const QString &);
QString genUniqueId();
Task *rootTask();
QDomDocument *doc() const;
QString OSName() const;
QString timeZone() const;
int timeZoneOffset() const;
QString clientName() const;
QString clientVersion() const;
QString capsNode() const;
QString capsVersion() const;
QString capsExt() const;
void setOSName(const QString &);
void setTimeZone(const QString &, int);
void setClientName(const QString &);
void setClientVersion(const QString &);
void setCapsNode(const QString &);
void setCapsVersion(const QString &);
void setIdentity(DiscoItem::Identity);
DiscoItem::Identity identity();
void addExtension(const QString& ext, const Features& f);
void removeExtension(const QString& ext);
const Features& extension(const QString& ext) const;
QStringList extensions() const;
S5BManager *s5bManager() const;
IBBManager *ibbManager() const;
JidLinkManager *jidLinkManager() const;
void setFileTransferEnabled(bool b);
FileTransferManager *fileTransferManager() const;
bool groupChatJoin(const QString &host, const QString &room, const QString &nick);
bool groupChatJoin(const QString &host, const QString &room, const QString &nick, const QString &password);
void groupChatSetStatus(const QString &host, const QString &room, const Status &);
void groupChatChangeNick(const QString &host, const QString &room, const QString &nick, const Status &);
void groupChatLeave(const QString &host, const QString &room);
void activated();
void disconnected();
//void authFinished(bool, int, const QString &);
void rosterRequestFinished(bool, int, const QString &);
void rosterItemAdded(const RosterItem &);
void rosterItemUpdated(const RosterItem &);
void rosterItemRemoved(const RosterItem &);
void resourceAvailable(const Jid &, const Resource &);
void resourceUnavailable(const Jid &, const Resource &);
void presenceError(const Jid &, int, const QString &);
void subscription(const Jid &, const QString &);
void messageReceived(const Message &);
void debugText(const QString &);
void xmlIncoming(const QString &);
void xmlOutgoing(const QString &);
void groupChatJoined(const Jid &);
void groupChatLeft(const Jid &);
void groupChatPresence(const Jid &, const Status &);
void groupChatError(const Jid &, int, const QString &);
void incomingJidLink();
private slots:
//void streamConnected();
//void streamHandshaken();
//void streamError(const StreamError &);
//void streamSSLCertificateReady(const QSSLCert &);
//void streamCloseFinished();
void streamError(int);
void streamReadyRead();
void streamIncomingXml(const QString &);
void streamOutgoingXml(const QString &);
void slotRosterRequestFinished();
// basic daemons
void ppSubscription(const Jid &, const QString &);
void ppPresence(const Jid &, const Status &);
void pmMessage(const Message &);
void prRoster(const Roster &);
void s5b_incomingReady();
void ibb_incomingReady();
class GroupChat;
void cleanup();
void distribute(const QDomElement &);
void importRoster(const Roster &);
void importRosterItem(const RosterItem &);
void updateSelfPresence(const Jid &, const Status &);
void updatePresence(LiveRosterItem *, const Jid &, const Status &);
class ClientPrivate;
ClientPrivate *d;
class LiveRosterItem : public RosterItem
LiveRosterItem(const Jid &j="");
LiveRosterItem(const RosterItem &);
void setRosterItem(const RosterItem &);
ResourceList & resourceList();
ResourceList::Iterator priority();
const ResourceList & resourceList() const;
ResourceList::ConstIterator priority() const;
bool isAvailable() const;
const Status & lastUnavailableStatus() const;
bool flagForDelete() const;
void setLastUnavailableStatus(const Status &);
void setFlagForDelete(bool);
ResourceList v_resourceList;
Status v_lastUnavailableStatus;
bool v_flagForDelete;
class LiveRosterItemPrivate;
LiveRosterItemPrivate *d;
class LiveRoster : public QValueList<LiveRosterItem>
void flagAllForDelete();
LiveRoster::Iterator find(const Jid &, bool compareRes=true);
LiveRoster::ConstIterator find(const Jid &, bool compareRes=true) const;
class LiveRosterPrivate;
LiveRosterPrivate *d;