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Just a few functions needed in several Kjofol-classes
Maintainer: Charles Samuels <>
static int grayRgb(QRgb r)
return qGray(qRed(r), qGreen(r), qBlue(r));
static int isGray(QRgb r)
// this is more tolerant than the old version
// i.e. RGB 162 163 162 is treated as gray too
// too many broken skins around having such colors
// cerr << "r("<<qRed(r)<<","<<qGreen(r)<<","<<qBlue(r)<<")"<<endl;
if ( (qRed(r)==qGreen(r)) || (qRed(r)+1==qGreen(r)) || (qRed(r)-1==qGreen(r)))
if ( (qRed(r)==qBlue(r)) || (qRed(r)+1==qBlue(r)) || (qRed(r)-1==qBlue(r)))
// looks a bit like gray, so return true
return (1);
// well, it's not gray
// mETz: wrong braces in the code below ??
return (qRed(r)==qGreen(r)) && (qRed(r) == qBlue(r));
// only works little endian
// UPDATE: should work on both little and big endian now (haven't tested that!)
// this code is taken from the QT-docu and I hope that this example
// is one of the working ones ;)
inline void setPixel1BPP(QImage &image, int x, int y, bool value)
if ( image.bitOrder() == QImage::LittleEndian )
if (value)
*(image.scanLine(y) + (x >> 3)) |= 1 << (x & 7);
*(image.scanLine(y) + (x >> 3)) &= ~(1 << (x & 7));
if (value)
*(image.scanLine(y) + (x >> 3)) |= 1 << (7-(x & 7));
*(image.scanLine(y) + (x >> 3)) &= ~(1 << (7-(x & 7)));