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GQmpeg skin directory: circle
Author: Johne Ellis <gqview@geocities.ocm>
Released: November 25, 1998
Version: 1.0
Comments: Skin with a doughnut tqshape to test tqshaped windows.
(skins with a tqshape mask)
Note: For transparency to work, GQmpeg 0.4.2 is required.
Previous versions will work, but will be _ugly_.
To use this skin with GQmpeg, use the command line:
gqmpeg -skin:circle
Or when editing skin data, point GQmpeg to this skin with:
gqmpeg -skin:../circle
or to allow the skin to be the default skin copy this directory
to 'HOME/.gqmpeg/skins/circle' and specify 'circle' as the
skin on the skin tab of the config dialog.