You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Copyright (C) 2000 Stefan Westerfeld
2001, 2002 Matthias Kretz <>
2003 Arnold Krille <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* DISCLAIMER: The interfaces in artsgui.idl (and the derived .cc/.h files)
* They are intended for developers. You shouldn't expect that applications in
* binary form will be fully compatibile with further releases of these
* interfaces.
module Arts {
// MayGrow = 1,
// ExpMask = 2,
// MayShrink = 4
enum SizePolicy {
spFixed = 0,
spMinimum = 1,
spMaximum = 4,
spPreferred = 5,
spMinimumExpanding = 3,
spExpanding = 7,
spIgnored = 2
interface Widget {
readonly attribute long widgetID;
attribute Widget parent;
attribute long x,y,width,height;
attribute boolean visible;
attribute SizePolicy hSizePolicy;
attribute SizePolicy vSizePolicy;
void show();
void hide();
enum Shape {
NoFrame = 0,
Box = 0x0001,
Panel = 0x0002,
WinPanel = 0x0003,
HLine = 0x0004,
VLine = 0x0005,
StyledPanel = 0x0006,
PopupPanel = 0x0007,
MenuBarPanel = 0x0008,
ToolBarPanel = 0x0009,
LineEditPanel = 0x000a,
TabWidgetPanel = 0x000b,
MShape = 0x000f
enum Shadow {
Plain = 0x0010,
Raised = 0x0020,
Sunken = 0x0030,
MShadow = 0x00f0
interface Frame : Widget {
void constructor( Widget parent );
attribute long margin;
attribute long linewidth;
attribute long midlinewidth;
attribute long framestyle;
attribute Shape frameshape;
attribute Shadow frameshadow;
Some alignmentflags used by various widgets.
Taken from Qt. (akrille)
enum Align {
Directions. From Qt. (akrille)
enum Direction { LeftToRight, RightToLeft, TopToBottom, BottomToTop };
/** The LayoutBox. - Arrange your widgets vertical or horizontal.
Usage is quite simple: Add the widgets you have in the right order
to the layoutbox by calling addWidget().
Thats it, no ._addChild or .parent with this widget.
For more information see QBoxLayout.
interface LayoutBox : Frame {
/// Sets the direction of the widgets. Can be changed on-the-fly.
attribute Direction direction;
/// Adds a widget with the stretch-factor and the alignment.
void addWidget( Widget widget, long stretch, long align );
void addWidget( Widget widget, long stretch );
void addWidget( Widget widget );
/// Inserts the Widget at the given position
void insertWidget( long position, Widget widget, long stretch, long align );
void insertWidget( long position, Widget widget, long stretch );
void insertWidget( long position, Widget widget );
/// Adds a stretch with stretch-factor.
void addStretch( long stretch );
void addStretch();
/// Adds a Spacer the given width or height according your direction.
void addSpace( long space );
/** [From QBoxLayout]
Limits the perpendicular dimension of the box (e.g. height if the
box is LeftToRight) to a minimum of size. Other constraints may
increase the limit.
void addStrut( long size );
/// Adds a separator (a horizontal/vertical line)
void addSeparator(long stretch, long align);
void addSeparator(long stretch);
void addSeparator();
/// Adds a line with width and space left/right (top/bottom)
void addLine(long width, long space, long stretch, long align);
void addLine(long width, long space, long stretch);
void addLine(long width, long space);
/// The spacing between all widgets.
attribute long spacing;
/// The margin at the outsideborder.
attribute long layoutmargin;
/** IMHO (akrille) this should be removed and everywhere replaced with the LayoutBox... */
interface HBox : Frame {
attribute long spacing;
interface VBox : Frame {
attribute long spacing;
/** The PopupBox. - It can hide the widgets inside or show them as an own window.
Usage is quite simple: Create the Widget you want to be hidable inside
a container like LayoutBox or a normal widget. Then create the PopupBox
and call <Name_of_PopupBox>.widget( <Name_of_your_Container> ).
Thats it, no ._addChild or .parent with this widget.
interface PopupBox : Frame {
/// The direction of the PopupBox.
attribute Direction direction;
/// The name of the box, this gets shown inside the titlebar if its not inside but an own toplevel-widget.
attribute string name;
/// Sets the widget that is shown/hidden.
attribute Widget widget;
interface Button : Widget {
void constructor( Widget parent );
void constructor( string text, Widget parent );
attribute string text;
attribute boolean toggle;
readonly attribute boolean pressed;
readonly attribute boolean clicked; //clicked( true ) is emitted whenever the button
//is pressed an released with the mouse cursor
//still above the button
interface Poti : Frame {
attribute string caption, color;
attribute float min, max, value;
attribute float logarithmic;
attribute long range;
interface Fader : Widget {
void constructor( Widget parent );
attribute string caption, color;
attribute float min, max, value;
attribute float logarithmic;
interface LineEdit : Widget {
void constructor( Widget parent );
attribute string caption;
attribute string text;
interface SpinBox : Widget {
void constructor( Widget parent );
attribute string caption;
attribute long min, max, value;
interface ComboBox : Widget {
void constructor( Widget parent );
attribute string caption;
attribute sequence<string> choices;
attribute string value;
interface Graph : Widget {
void constructor( Widget parent );
attribute string caption;
attribute float minx, maxx, miny, maxy;
struct GraphPoint {
float x, y;
interface GraphLine {
attribute Graph graph;
attribute boolean editable;
attribute string color;
attribute sequence<GraphPoint> points;
enum TextBottom { South, North, West, East };
interface Label : Frame {
/// The text to show.
attribute string text;
/// The alignment of the text. See enum Align
attribute long align;
/// Fontsize [pixel]
/*writeonly*/ attribute long fontsize;
/// Fontfamily
/*writeonly*/ attribute string fontfamily;
/// Direction of the text in normal L-R-mode. Is used to rotate the text accordingly.
attribute TextBottom bottom;
/// Some Notes:
// - The calculation of the peak is very easy, but it can be changed without changing all styles..
/** * Styles for the LevelMeter. *
In Detail:
- lmNormalBars: <count> colored Bars.
- lmFireBars: One Bar moving up and down.
- lmLineBars: One Bar moving up and down, color depends on the invalue.
- 0: various colors
- 1: one color (blue) with clipping (red). The old aRtsControl style.
- lmLEDs: <count> but not more than [height|width]/15 LEDs. (not yet implemented)
So minimum size of the LED's is 15 pixel.
substyle (first tree belong together others are to be or'ed):
- 1: Flat
- 2: Raised
- 3: Sunken
- 4: Circular (otherwise Rectangular)
- 8: SingleColor (otherwise in colors green/yellow/red)
- lmAnalog: An old-style analog VU-Meter. (not yet implemented)
- lmSmall: One Bar with the color depending on the invalue.
enum LevelMeterStyle { lmNormalBars, lmFireBars, lmLineBars, lmLEDs, lmAnalog, lmSmall };
One LevelMeter
interface LevelMeter : Frame {
The Style of the LevelMeter.
attribute LevelMeterStyle style;
A substyle. Is different on every style;-)
attribute long substyle;
How many Bars/LEDs it should have. If the size is smaller than
this count it will have only that many Bars. So set Count to something
very high for smooth vu-meters.
Note: not every Style will honor this.
Note2: Perhaps this could be integrated into substyle.
attribute long count;
Sets the peakfalloff. Set to 0 to deactivate peaks.
Is used for weighting the average.
Peak is evaluated: ( peakfalloff * oldpeak + invalue ) / ( peakfalloff + 1 )
attribute long peakfalloff;
Minimum and minimum dB for the LevelMeter.
Maximum should always be 0dB.
attribute float mindB, maxdB;
The incomming signal...
This attribute always returns 0.0, altough it processes all its input.
/*writeonly*/ attribute float invalue;
The Direction of the levelmeter from null-value to highest value.
attribute Direction direction;
/// Some positions.
enum Position { posLeft=0x0001, posRight=0x0002, posTop=0x0004, posBottom=0x0008 };
/// Tickmarks for LevelMeter / Fader / etc.
interface Tickmarks : Frame {
void constructor( float min, float max, Direction dir, long pos );
/// Minimum/Maximum shown value.
attribute float min, max;
/// The minimal stepsize for numbers, and substep for smaller marks.
attribute float minstep, substep;
/// Direction from min to max.
attribute Direction direction;
* The position of the levelmeter/fader/etc which gets the marks.
* Only Left/Right are needed. As if direction is Up/Down...
* For stereotickmarks set this to posLeft|posRight.
attribute long position;
/// A Fader specially for volumes
// Maybe something can be ported to the normal Fader.
interface VolumeFader : Frame {
void constructor( float dbmin, float dbmax, Direction dir );
/// Minimum/Maximum values in dB
attribute float dbmin, dbmax;
/// Direction from min to max
attribute Direction direction;
*The actual volume (calling this value only changes the gui and not the
* underlying/connected objects ie. doesn't send a change notification.)
attribute float volume;
/// The actual volume in dB (no change notification)
attribute float dbvolume;
* A gui factory is an object that can create a Widget which provides a
* user interface for a running object (for instance, you might have an
* effect running somewhere, and a gui factory
* TODO: do we need another argument (or other arguments) to specify
* style or other parameters?
interface GuiFactory {
Widget createGui(object runningObject);
* Convenience gui factory, which knows how and whether to
* - build a gui out of hints?
* - create an artsbuilder built gui?
* - create a gui composed of other widgets?
* - create a completely custom gui?
interface GenericGuiFactory : GuiFactory {
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