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// -*- c++ -*-
/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
Copyright (C) 2000 Stephan Kulow <>
David Faure <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __kio_job_h__
#define __kio_job_h__
#include <kio/jobclasses.h>
namespace KIO {
* Creates a single directory.
* @param url The URL of the directory to create.
* @param permissions The permissions to set after creating the
* directory (unix-style), -1 for default permissions.
* @return A pointer to the job handling the operation.
KIO_EXPORT SimpleJob * mkdir( const KURL& url, int permissions = -1 );
* Removes a single directory.
* The directory is assumed to be empty.
* @param url The URL of the directory to remove.
* @return A pointer to the job handling the operation.
KIO_EXPORT SimpleJob * rmdir( const KURL& url );
* Changes permissions on a file or directory.
* See the other chmod below for changing many files
* or directories.
* @param url The URL of file or directory.
* @param permissions The permissions to set.
* @return the job handling the operation.
KIO_EXPORT SimpleJob * chmod( const KURL& url, int permissions );
* Rename a file or directory.
* Warning: this operation fails if a direct renaming is not
* possible (like with files or dirs on separate partitions)
* Use move or file_move in this case.
* @param src The original URL
* @param dest The final URL
* @param overwrite whether to automatically overwrite if the dest exists
* @return the job handling the operation.
KIO_EXPORT SimpleJob * rename( const KURL& src, const KURL & dest, bool overwrite );
* Create or move a symlink.
* This is the lowlevel operation, similar to file_copy and file_move.
* It doesn't do any check (other than those the slave does)
* and it doesn't show rename and skip dialogs - use KIO::link for that.
* @param target The string that will become the "target" of the link (can be relative)
* @param dest The symlink to create.
* @param overwrite whether to automatically overwrite if the dest exists
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation.
KIO_EXPORT SimpleJob * symlink( const TQString & target, const KURL& dest, bool overwrite, bool showProgressInfo = true );
* Execute any command that is specific to one slave (protocol).
* Examples are : HTTP POST, mount and unmount (kio_file)
* @param url The URL isn't passed to the slave, but is used to know
* which slave to send it to :-)
* @param data Packed data. The meaning is completely dependent on the
* slave, but usually starts with an int for the command number.
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation.
KIO_EXPORT SimpleJob * special( const KURL& url, const TQByteArray & data, bool showProgressInfo = true );
* Mount filesystem.
* Special job for @p kio_file.
* @param ro Mount read-only if @p true.
* @param fstype File system type (e.g. "ext2", can be 0L).
* @param dev Device (e.g. /dev/sda0).
* @param point Mount point, can be @p null.
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation.
KIO_EXPORT SimpleJob *mount( bool ro, const char *fstype, const TQString& dev, const TQString& point, bool showProgressInfo = true );
* Unmount filesystem.
* Special job for @p kio_file.
* @param point Point to unmount.
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation.
KIO_EXPORT SimpleJob *unmount( const TQString & point, bool showProgressInfo = true );
* HTTP cache update
* @param url Url to update, protocol must be "http".
* @param no_cache If true, cache entry for @p url is deleted.
* @param expireDate Local machine time indicating when the entry is
* supposed to expire.
* @return the job handling the operation.
KIO_EXPORT SimpleJob *http_update_cache( const KURL& url, bool no_cache, time_t expireDate);
* Find all details for one file or directory.
* @param url the URL of the file
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation.
KIO_EXPORT StatJob * stat( const KURL& url, bool showProgressInfo = true );
* Find all details for one file or directory.
* This version of the call includes two additional booleans, @p sideIsSource and @p details.
* @param url the URL of the file
* @param sideIsSource is true when stating a source file (we will do a get on it if
* the stat works) and false when stating a destination file (target of a copy).
* The reason for this parameter is that in some cases the kioslave might not
* be able to determine a file's existence (e.g. HTTP doesn't allow it, FTP
* has issues with case-sensitivity on some systems).
* When the slave can't reliably determine the existence of a file, it will:
* @li be optimistic if sideIsSource=true, i.e. it will assume the file exists,
* and if it doesn't this will appear when actually trying to download it
* @li be pessimistic if sideIsSource=false, i.e. it will assume the file
* doesn't exist, to prevent showing "about to overwrite" errors to the user.
* If you simply want to check for existence without downloading/uploading afterwards,
* then you should use sideIsSource=false.
* @param details selects the level of details we want.
* By default this is 2 (all details wanted, including modification time, size, etc.),
* setDetails(1) is used when deleting: we don't need all the information if it takes
* too much time, no need to follow symlinks etc.
* setDetails(0) is used for very simple probing: we'll only get the answer
* "it's a file or a directory, or it doesn't exist". This is used by KRun.
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation.
KIO_EXPORT StatJob * stat( const KURL& url, bool sideIsSource, short int details, bool showProgressInfo = true );
* Get (a.k.a. read).
* The slave emits the data through data().
* @param url the URL of the file
* @param reload true to reload the file, false if it can be taken from the cache
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation.
KIO_EXPORT TransferJob *get( const KURL& url, bool reload=false, bool showProgressInfo = true );
* Put (a.k.a. write)
* @param url Where to write data.
* @param permissions May be -1. In this case no special permission mode is set.
* @param overwrite If true, any existing file will be overwritten.
* @param resume true to resume an operation. Warning, setting this to true means
* that the data will be appended to @p dest if @p dest exists.
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation.
* @see multi_get()
KIO_EXPORT TransferJob *put( const KURL& url, int permissions,
bool overwrite, bool resume, bool showProgressInfo = true );
* HTTP POST (for form data).
* Example:
* \code
* job = KIO::http_post( url, postData, false );
* job->addMetaData("content-type", contentType );
* job->addMetaData("referrer", referrerURL);
* \endcode
* @p postData is the data that you want to send and
* @p contentType is the complete HTTP header line that
* specifies the content's MIME type, for example
* "Content-Type: text/xml".
* You MUST specify content-type!
* Often @p contentType is
* "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" and
* the @p postData is then an ASCII string (without null-termination!)
* with characters like space, linefeed and percent escaped like %20,
* %0A and %25.
* @param url Where to write the data.
* @param postData Encoded data to post.
* @param showProgressInfo true to display
* @return the job handling the operation.
KIO_EXPORT TransferJob *http_post( const KURL& url, const TQByteArray &postData,
bool showProgressInfo = true );
* Get (a.k.a. read), into a single TQByteArray.
* @see StoredTransferJob
* @param url the URL of the file
* @param reload true to reload the file, false if it can be taken from the cache
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation.
* @since 3.3
KIO_EXPORT StoredTransferJob *storedGet( const KURL& url, bool reload=false, bool showProgressInfo = true );
* Put (a.k.a. write) data from a single TQByteArray.
* @see StoredTransferJob
* @param arr The data to write
* @param url Where to write data.
* @param permissions May be -1. In this case no special permission mode is set.
* @param overwrite If true, any existing file will be overwritten.
* @param resume true to resume an operation. Warning, setting this to true means
* that the data will be appended to @p dest if @p dest exists.
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation.
* @since 3.3
KIO_EXPORT StoredTransferJob *storedPut( const TQByteArray& arr, const KURL& url, int permissions,
bool overwrite, bool resume, bool showProgressInfo = true );
* Creates a new multiple get job.
* @param id the id of the get operation
* @param url the URL of the file
* @param metaData the MetaData associated with the file
* @return the job handling the operation.
* @see get()
KIO_EXPORT MultiGetJob *multi_get( long id, const KURL &url, const MetaData &metaData);
* Find mimetype for one file or directory.
* @param url the URL of the file
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation.
KIO_EXPORT MimetypeJob * mimetype( const KURL& url,
bool showProgressInfo = true );
* Copy a single file.
* Uses either SlaveBase::copy() if the slave supports that
* or get() and put() otherwise.
* @param src Where to get the file.
* @param dest Where to put the file.
* @param permissions May be -1. In this case no special permission mode is set.
* @param overwrite If true, any existing file will be overwritten.
* @param resume true to resume an operation. Warning, setting this to true means
* that @p src will be appended to @p dest if @p dest exists.
* You probably don't want that, so leave it to false :)
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation.
KIO_EXPORT FileCopyJob *file_copy( const KURL& src, const KURL& dest, int permissions=-1,
bool overwrite=false, bool resume=false,
bool showProgressInfo = true);
* Move a single file.
* Use either SlaveBase::rename() if the slave supports that,
* or copy() and del() otherwise, or eventually get() & put() & del()
* @param src Where to get the file.
* @param dest Where to put the file.
* @param permissions May be -1. In this case no special permission mode is set.
* @param overwrite If @p true, any existing file will be overwritten.
* @param resume true to resume an operation. Warning, setting this to true means
* that @p src will be appended to @p dest if @p dest exists.
* You probably don't want that, so leave it to false :)
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation.
KIO_EXPORT FileCopyJob *file_move( const KURL& src, const KURL& dest, int permissions=-1,
bool overwrite=false, bool resume=false,
bool showProgressInfo = true);
* Delete a single file.
* @param src File to delete.
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation.
KIO_EXPORT SimpleJob *file_delete( const KURL& src, bool showProgressInfo = true);
* List the contents of @p url, which is assumed to be a directory.
* "." and ".." are returned, filter them out if you don't want them.
* @param url the url of the directory
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @param includeHidden true for all files, false to cull out UNIX hidden
* files/dirs (whose names start with dot)
* @return the job handling the operation.
KIO_EXPORT ListJob *listDir( const KURL& url, bool showProgressInfo = true,
bool includeHidden = true );
* The same as the previous method, but recurses subdirectories.
* Directory links are not followed.
* "." and ".." are returned but only for the toplevel directory.
* Filter them out if you don't want them.
* @param url the url of the directory
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @param includeHidden true for all files, false to cull out UNIX hidden
* files/dirs (whose names start with dot)
* @return the job handling the operation.
KIO_EXPORT ListJob *listRecursive( const KURL& url, bool showProgressInfo = true,
bool includeHidden = true );
* Copy a file or directory @p src into the destination @p dest,
* which can be a file (including the final filename) or a directory
* (into which @p src will be copied).
* This emulates the cp command completely.
* @param src the file or directory to copy
* @param dest the destination
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation
* @see copyAs()
KIO_EXPORT CopyJob *copy( const KURL& src, const KURL& dest, bool showProgressInfo = true );
* Copy a file or directory @p src into the destination @p dest,
* which is the destination name in any case, even for a directory.
* As opposed to copy(), this doesn't emulate cp, but is the only
* way to copy a directory, giving it a new name and getting an error
* box if a directory already exists with the same name.
* @param src the file or directory to copy
* @param dest the destination
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation
KIO_EXPORT CopyJob *copyAs( const KURL& src, const KURL& dest, bool showProgressInfo = true );
* Copy a list of file/dirs @p src into a destination directory @p dest.
* @param src the list of files and/or directories
* @param dest the destination
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation
KIO_EXPORT CopyJob *copy( const KURL::List& src, const KURL& dest, bool showProgressInfo = true );
* Moves a file or directory @p src to the given destination @p dest.
* @param src the file or directory to copy
* @param dest the destination
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation
* @see copy()
* @see moveAs()
KIO_EXPORT CopyJob *move( const KURL& src, const KURL& dest, bool showProgressInfo = true );
* Moves a file or directory @p src to the given destination @p dest. Unlike move()
* this operation will fail when the directory already exists.
* @param src the file or directory to copy
* @param dest the destination
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation
* @see copyAs()
KIO_EXPORT CopyJob *moveAs( const KURL& src, const KURL& dest, bool showProgressInfo = true );
* Moves a list of files or directories @p src to the given destination @p dest.
* @param src the list of files or directories to copy
* @param dest the destination
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation
* @see copy()
KIO_EXPORT CopyJob *move( const KURL::List& src, const KURL& dest, bool showProgressInfo = true );
* Create a link.
* If the protocols and hosts are the same, a Unix symlink will be created.
* Otherwise, a .desktop file of Type Link and pointing to the src URL will be created.
* @param src The existing file or directory, 'target' of the link.
* @param destDir Destination directory where the link will be created.
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation
KIO_EXPORT CopyJob *link( const KURL& src, const KURL& destDir, bool showProgressInfo = true );
* Create several links
* If the protocols and hosts are the same, a Unix symlink will be created.
* Otherwise, a .desktop file of Type Link and pointing to the src URL will be created.
* @param src The existing files or directories, 'targets' of the link.
* @param destDir Destination directory where the links will be created.
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation
* @see link()
KIO_EXPORT CopyJob *link( const KURL::List& src, const KURL& destDir, bool showProgressInfo = true );
* Create a link. Unlike link() this operation will fail when the directory already
* exists.
* If the protocols and hosts are the same, a Unix symlink will be created.
* Otherwise, a .desktop file of Type Link and pointing to the src URL will be created.
* @param src The existing file or directory, 'target' of the link.
* @param dest Destination directory where the link will be created.
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation
* @see link ()
* @see copyAs()
KIO_EXPORT CopyJob *linkAs( const KURL& src, const KURL& dest, bool showProgressInfo = true );
* Trash a file or directory.
* This is currently only supported for local files and directories.
* Use "KURL src; src.setPath( path );" to create a URL from a path.
* @param src file to delete
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation
* @since 3.4
KIO_EXPORT CopyJob *trash( const KURL& src, bool showProgressInfo = true );
* Trash a list of files or directories.
* This is currently only supported for local files and directories.
* @param src the files to delete
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation
* @since 3.4
KIO_EXPORT CopyJob *trash( const KURL::List& src, bool showProgressInfo = true );
* Delete a file or directory.
* @param src file to delete
* @param shred obsolete (TODO remove in KDE4)
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation
KIO_EXPORT DeleteJob *del( const KURL& src, bool shred = false, bool showProgressInfo = true );
* Deletes a list of files or directories.
* @param src the files to delete
* @param shred obsolete (TODO remove in KDE4)
* @param showProgressInfo true to show progress information
* @return the job handling the operation
KIO_EXPORT DeleteJob *del( const KURL::List& src, bool shred = false, bool showProgressInfo = true );