You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

582 lines
18 KiB

/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
Copyright (C) 2003 Jesse Yurkovich <>
Copyright (C) 2004 >Anders Lund <> (KateVarIndent class)
Copyright (C) 2005 Dominik Haumann <> (basic support for config page)
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __KATE_AUTO_INDENT_H__
#define __KATE_AUTO_INDENT_H__
#include <qobject.h>
#include "katecursor.h"
#include "kateconfig.h"
#include "katejscript.h"
class KateDocument;
* This widget will be embedded into a modal dialog when clicking
* the "Configure..." button in the indentation config page.
* To add a config page for an indenter there are several todos:
* - Derive a class from this class. This widget will be embedded into
* the config dialog.
* - Override the slot @p apply(), which is called when the configuration
* needs to be saved.
* - Override @p KateAutoIndent::configPage() to return an instance of
* this dialog.
* - Return @p true in @p KateAutoIndent::hasConfigPage() for the
* corresponding indenter id.
class IndenterConfigPage : public QWidget
* Standard constructor
* @param parent parent widget
* @param name name
IndenterConfigPage ( QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0 ) : QWidget(parent, name) {}
virtual ~IndenterConfigPage () {}
public slots:
* Apply the changes. Save options here, use @p kapp->config() and
* group [Kate Indenter MyIndenter].
virtual void apply () = 0;
* Provides Auto-Indent functionality for katepart.
* This baseclass is a real dummy, does nothing beside remembering the document it belongs too,
* only to have the object around
class KateAutoIndent : public QObject
* Static methods to create and list indention modes
* Create an indenter
* @param doc document for the indenter
* @param mode indention mode wanted
* @return created autoindention object
static KateAutoIndent *createIndenter (KateDocument *doc, uint mode);
* List all possible modes by name
* @return list of modes
static QStringList listModes ();
* Return the mode name given the mode
* @param mode mode index
* @return name for this mode index
static QString modeName (uint mode);
* Return the mode description
* @param mode mode index
* @return mode index
static QString modeDescription (uint mode);
* Maps name -> index
* @param name mode name
* @return mode index
static uint modeNumber (const QString &name);
* Config page support
* @param mode mode index
* @return true, if the indenter @p mode has a configuration page
static bool hasConfigPage (uint mode);
* Support for a config page.
* @return config page or 0 if not available.
static IndenterConfigPage* configPage(QWidget *parent, uint mode);
* Constructor
* @param doc parent document
KateAutoIndent (KateDocument *doc);
* Virtual Destructor for the baseclass
virtual ~KateAutoIndent ();
public slots:
* Update indenter's configuration (indention width, attributes etc.)
virtual void updateConfig () {};
* does this indenter support processNewLine
* @return can you do it?
virtual bool canProcessNewLine () const { return false; }
* Called every time a newline character is inserted in the document.
* @param cur The position to start processing. Contains the new cursor position after the indention.
* @param needContinue Used to determine whether to calculate a continue indent or not.
virtual void processNewline (KateDocCursor &cur, bool needContinue) { Q_UNUSED(cur); Q_UNUSED(needContinue); }
* Called every time a character is inserted into the document.
* @param c character inserted
virtual void processChar (QChar c) { Q_UNUSED(c); }
* Aligns/indents the given line to the proper indent position.
virtual void processLine (KateDocCursor &/*line*/) { }
* Processes a section of text, indenting each line in between.
virtual void processSection (const KateDocCursor &/*begin*/, const KateDocCursor &/*end*/) { }
* Set to true if an actual implementation of 'processLine' is present.
* This is used to prevent a needless Undo action from being created.
virtual bool canProcessLine() const { return false; }
* Mode index of this mode
* @return modeNumber
virtual uint modeNumber () const { return KateDocumentConfig::imNone; };
KateDocument *doc;
* This action provides a list of available indenters and gets plugged
* into the KateView's KActionCollection.
class KateViewIndentationAction : public KActionMenu
KateViewIndentationAction(KateDocument *_doc, const QString& text, QObject* parent = 0, const char* name = 0);
KateDocument* doc;
public slots:
void slotAboutToShow();
private slots:
void setMode (int mode);
* Provides Auto-Indent functionality for katepart.
class KateNormalIndent : public KateAutoIndent
* Constructor
* @param doc parent document
KateNormalIndent (KateDocument *doc);
* Virtual Destructor for the baseclass
virtual ~KateNormalIndent ();
public slots:
* Update indenter's configuration (indention width, attributes etc.)
virtual void updateConfig ();
* does this indenter support processNewLine
* @return can you do it?
virtual bool canProcessNewLine () const { return true; }
* Called every time a newline character is inserted in the document.
* @param cur The position to start processing. Contains the new cursor position after the indention.
* @param needContinue Used to determine whether to calculate a continue indent or not.
virtual void processNewline (KateDocCursor &cur, bool needContinue);
* Called every time a character is inserted into the document.
* @param c character inserted
virtual void processChar (QChar c) { Q_UNUSED(c); }
* Aligns/indents the given line to the proper indent position.
virtual void processLine (KateDocCursor &/*line*/) { }
* Processes a section of text, indenting each line in between.
virtual void processSection (const KateDocCursor &/*begin*/, const KateDocCursor &/*end*/) { }
* Set to true if an actual implementation of 'processLine' is present.
* This is used to prevent a needless Undo action from being created.
virtual bool canProcessLine() const { return false; }
* Mode index of this mode
* @return modeNumber
virtual uint modeNumber () const { return KateDocumentConfig::imNormal; };
* Determines if the characters open and close are balanced between @p begin and @p end
* Fills in @p pos with the column position of first opened character if found.
* @param begin Beginning cursor position.
* @param end Ending cursor position where the processing will stop.
* @param open The open character.
* @param close The closing character which should be matched against @p open.
* @param pos Contains the position of the first @p open character in the line.
* @return True if @p open and @p close have an equal number of occurances between @p begin and @p end. False otherwise.
bool isBalanced (KateDocCursor &begin, const KateDocCursor &end, QChar open, QChar close, uint &pos) const;
* Skip all whitespace starting at @p cur and ending at @p max. Spans lines if @p newline is set.
* @p cur is set to the current position afterwards.
* @param cur The current cursor position to start from.
* @param max The furthest cursor position that will be used for processing
* @param newline Whether we are allowed to span multiple lines when skipping blanks
* @return True if @p cur < @p max after processing. False otherwise.
bool skipBlanks (KateDocCursor &cur, KateDocCursor &max, bool newline) const;
* Measures the indention of the current textline marked by cur
* @param cur The cursor position to measure the indent to.
* @return The length of the indention in characters.
uint measureIndent (KateDocCursor &cur) const;
* Produces a string with the proper indentation characters for its length.
* @param length The length of the indention in characters.
* @return A QString representing @p length characters (factoring in tabs and spaces)
QString tabString(uint length) const;
uint tabWidth; //!< The number of characters simulated for a tab
uint indentWidth; //!< The number of characters used when tabs are replaced by spaces
// Attributes that we should skip over or otherwise know about
uchar commentAttrib;
uchar doxyCommentAttrib;
uchar regionAttrib;
uchar symbolAttrib;
uchar alertAttrib;
uchar tagAttrib;
uchar wordAttrib;
uchar keywordAttrib;
uchar normalAttrib;
uchar extensionAttrib;
uchar preprocessorAttrib;
uchar stringAttrib;
uchar charAttrib;
bool useSpaces; //!< Should we use spaces or tabs to indent
bool mixedIndent; //!< Optimize indent by mixing spaces and tabs, ala emacs
bool keepProfile; //!< Always try to honor the leading whitespace of lines already in the file
class KateCSmartIndent : public KateNormalIndent
KateCSmartIndent (KateDocument *doc);
~KateCSmartIndent ();
virtual void processNewline (KateDocCursor &cur, bool needContinue);
virtual void processChar (QChar c);
virtual void processLine (KateDocCursor &line);
virtual void processSection (const KateDocCursor &begin, const KateDocCursor &end);
virtual bool canProcessLine() const { return true; }
virtual uint modeNumber () const { return KateDocumentConfig::imCStyle; };
uint calcIndent (KateDocCursor &begin, bool needContinue);
uint calcContinue (KateDocCursor &begin, KateDocCursor &end);
uint findOpeningBrace (KateDocCursor &start);
uint findOpeningParen (KateDocCursor &start);
uint findOpeningComment (KateDocCursor &start);
bool firstOpeningBrace (KateDocCursor &start);
bool handleDoxygen (KateDocCursor &begin);
bool allowSemi;
bool processingBlock;
class KatePythonIndent : public KateNormalIndent
KatePythonIndent (KateDocument *doc);
~KatePythonIndent ();
virtual void processNewline (KateDocCursor &cur, bool needContinue);
virtual uint modeNumber () const { return KateDocumentConfig::imPythonStyle; };
int calcExtra (int &prevBlock, int &pos, KateDocCursor &end);
void traverseString( const QChar &stringChar, KateDocCursor &cur, KateDocCursor &end );
static QRegExp endWithColon;
static QRegExp stopStmt;
static QRegExp blockBegin;
class KateXmlIndent : public KateNormalIndent
KateXmlIndent (KateDocument *doc);
~KateXmlIndent ();
virtual uint modeNumber () const { return KateDocumentConfig::imXmlStyle; }
virtual void processNewline (KateDocCursor &cur, bool needContinue);
virtual void processChar (QChar c);
virtual void processLine (KateDocCursor &line);
virtual bool canProcessLine() const { return true; }
virtual void processSection (const KateDocCursor &begin, const KateDocCursor &end);
// sets the indentation of a single line based on previous line
// (returns indentation width)
uint processLine (uint line);
// gets information about a line
void getLineInfo (uint line, uint &prevIndent, int &numTags,
uint &attrCol, bool &unclosedTag);
// useful regular expressions
static const QRegExp startsWithCloseTag;
static const QRegExp unclosedDoctype;
class KateCSAndSIndent : public KateNormalIndent
KateCSAndSIndent (KateDocument *doc);
~KateCSAndSIndent ();
virtual void processNewline (KateDocCursor &begin, bool needContinue);
virtual void processChar (QChar c);
virtual void processLine (KateDocCursor &line);
virtual void processSection (const KateDocCursor &begin, const KateDocCursor &end);
virtual bool canProcessLine() const { return true; }
virtual uint modeNumber () const { return KateDocumentConfig::imCSAndS; };
void updateIndentString();
bool inForStatement( int line );
int lastNonCommentChar( const KateDocCursor &line );
bool startsWithLabel( int line );
bool inStatement( const KateDocCursor &begin );
QString continuationIndent( const KateDocCursor &begin );
QString calcIndent (const KateDocCursor &begin);
QString calcIndentAfterKeyword(const KateDocCursor &indentCursor, const KateDocCursor &keywordCursor, int keywordPos, bool blockKeyword);
QString calcIndentInBracket(const KateDocCursor &indentCursor, const KateDocCursor &bracketCursor, int bracketPos);
QString calcIndentInBrace(const KateDocCursor &indentCursor, const KateDocCursor &braceCursor, int bracePos);
bool handleDoxygen (KateDocCursor &begin);
QString findOpeningCommentIndentation (const KateDocCursor &start);
QString indentString;
* This indenter uses document variables to determine when to add/remove indents.
* It attempts to get the following variables from the document:
* - var-indent-indent-after: A rerular expression which will cause a line to
* be indented by one unit, if the first non-whitespace-only line above matches.
* - var-indent-indent: A regular expression, which will cause a matching line
* to be indented by one unit.
* - var-indent-unindent: A regular expression which will cause the line to be
* unindented by one unit if matching.
* - var-indent-triggerchars: a list of characters that should cause the
* indentiou to be recalculated immediately when typed.
* - var-indent-handle-couples: a list of paren sets to handle. Any combination
* of 'parens' 'braces' and 'brackets'. Each set type is handled
* the following way: If there are unmatched opening instances on the above line,
* one indent unit is added, if there are unmatched closing instances on the
* current line, one indent unit is removed.
* - var-indent-couple-attribute: When looking for unmatched couple openings/closings,
* only characters with this attribute is considered. The value must be the
* attribute name from the syntax xml file, for example "Symbol". If it's not
* specified, attribute 0 is used (usually 'Normal Text').
* The idea is to provide a somewhat intelligent indentation for perl, php,
* bash, scheme and in general formats with humble indentation needs.
class KateVarIndent : public KateNormalIndent
* Purely for readability, couples we know and love
enum pairs {
KateVarIndent( KateDocument *doc );
virtual ~KateVarIndent();
virtual void processNewline (KateDocCursor &cur, bool needContinue);
virtual void processChar (QChar c);
virtual void processLine (KateDocCursor &line);
virtual void processSection (const KateDocCursor &begin, const KateDocCursor &end);
virtual bool canProcessLine() const { return true; }
virtual uint modeNumber () const { return KateDocumentConfig::imVarIndent; };
private slots:
void slotVariableChanged(const QString&, const QString&);
* Check if coupled characters are in balance within one line.
* @param line the line to check
* @param open the opening character
* @param close the closing character
* @param attrib the attribute the characters must have, defaults to
* KateAutoIndent::symbolAttrib
int coupleBalance( int line, const QChar &open, const QChar &close ) const;
* @return true if there is a matching opening with the correct attribute
* @param end a cursor pointing to the closing character
bool hasRelevantOpening( const KateDocCursor &end ) const;
class KateVarIndentPrivate *d;
class KateScriptIndent : public KateNormalIndent
KateScriptIndent( KateDocument *doc );
virtual void processNewline( KateDocCursor &cur, bool needContinue );
virtual void processChar( QChar c );
virtual void processLine (KateDocCursor &line);
// virtual void processSection (const KateDocCursor &begin, const KateDocCursor &end);
virtual bool canProcessLine() const { return true; }
virtual uint modeNumber () const { return KateDocumentConfig::imScriptIndent; };
KateIndentScript m_script;
class ScriptIndentConfigPage : public IndenterConfigPage
ScriptIndentConfigPage ( QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0 );
virtual ~ScriptIndentConfigPage ();
public slots:
* Apply changes.
virtual void apply ();
// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;