You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
737 lines
27 KiB
737 lines
27 KiB
* This file is part of the DOM implementation for KDE.
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller (
* (C) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef _DOM_NodeImpl_h_
#define _DOM_NodeImpl_h_
#include "dom/dom_misc.h"
#include "dom/dom_string.h"
#include "dom/dom_node.h"
#include "misc/helper.h"
#include "misc/shared.h"
// The namespace used for XHTML elements
class TQPainter;
template <class type> class TQPtrList;
template <class type> class TQValueList;
class KHTMLView;
class TQRect;
class TQMouseEvent;
class TQKeyEvent;
class TQTextStream;
namespace khtml {
class RenderStyle;
class RenderObject;
class RenderArena;
namespace DOM {
class NodeListImpl;
class NamedNodeMapImpl;
class DocumentImpl;
class CSSStyleDeclarationImpl;
class RegisteredEventListener;
class EventImpl;
struct RegisteredListenerList {
RegisteredListenerList() : listeners(0)
void addEventListener(int id, EventListener *listener, const bool useCapture);
void removeEventListener(int id, EventListener *listener, bool useCapture);
void setHTMLEventListener(int id, EventListener *listener);
EventListener *getHTMLEventListener(int id);
bool hasEventListener(int id);
void clear();
//### KDE4: should disappear
bool stillContainsListener(const RegisteredEventListener& listener);
TQValueList<RegisteredEventListener>* listeners;//The actual listener list - may be 0
bool isHTMLEventListener(EventListener* listener);
// this class implements nodes, which can have a parent but no children:
#define NodeImpl_IdNSMask 0xffff0000
#define NodeImpl_IdLocalMask 0x0000ffff
const Q_UINT16 defaultNamespace = 0;
const Q_UINT16 xhtmlNamespace = 1;
const Q_UINT16 emptyNamespace = 2;
const Q_UINT16 anyNamespace = 0xffff;
const Q_UINT16 anyLocalName = 0xffff;
inline Q_UINT16 localNamePart(Q_UINT32 id) { return id & NodeImpl_IdLocalMask; }
inline Q_UINT16 namespacePart(Q_UINT32 id) { return (((unsigned int)id) & NodeImpl_IdNSMask) >> 16; }
inline Q_UINT32 makeId(Q_UINT16 n, Q_UINT16 l) { return (n << 16) | l; }
const Q_UINT32 anyQName = makeId(anyNamespace, anyLocalName);
class NodeImpl : public khtml::TreeShared<NodeImpl>
friend class DocumentImpl;
NodeImpl(DocumentImpl *doc);
virtual ~NodeImpl();
// DOM methods & attributes for Node
virtual DOMString nodeName() const;
virtual DOMString nodeValue() const;
virtual void setNodeValue( const DOMString &_nodeValue, int &exceptioncode );
virtual unsigned short nodeType() const;
NodeImpl *parentNode() const { return m_parent; }
NodeImpl *previousSibling() const { return m_previous; }
NodeImpl *nextSibling() const { return m_next; }
virtual NodeListImpl *childNodes();
virtual NodeImpl *firstChild() const;
virtual NodeImpl *lastChild() const;
// insertBefore, replaceChild and appendChild also close newChild
// unlike the speed optimized addChild (which is used by the parser)
virtual NodeImpl *insertBefore ( NodeImpl *newChild, NodeImpl *refChild, int &exceptioncode );
/* These two methods may delete the old node, so make sure to reference it if you need it */
virtual void replaceChild ( NodeImpl *newChild, NodeImpl *oldChild, int &exceptioncode );
virtual void removeChild ( NodeImpl *oldChild, int &exceptioncode );
virtual NodeImpl *appendChild ( NodeImpl *newChild, int &exceptioncode );
virtual bool hasChildNodes ( ) const;
virtual NodeImpl *cloneNode ( bool deep ) = 0;
virtual DOMString localName() const;
virtual DOMString prefix() const;
virtual DOMString namespaceURI() const;
virtual void setPrefix(const DOMString &_prefix, int &exceptioncode );
void normalize ();
// Other methods (not part of DOM)
virtual bool isElementNode() const { return false; }
virtual bool isHTMLElement() const { return false; }
virtual bool isAttributeNode() const { return false; }
virtual bool isTextNode() const { return false; }
virtual bool isDocumentNode() const { return false; }
virtual bool isXMLElementNode() const { return false; }
virtual bool isGenericFormElement() const { return false; }
virtual bool containsOnlyWhitespace() const { return false; }
virtual bool contentEditable() const;
// helper functions not being part of the DOM
// Attention: they assume that the caller did the consistency checking!
void setPreviousSibling(NodeImpl *previous) { m_previous = previous; }
void setNextSibling(NodeImpl *next) { m_next = next; }
virtual void setFirstChild(NodeImpl *child);
virtual void setLastChild(NodeImpl *child);
// used by the parser. Doesn't do as many error checkings as
// appendChild(), and returns the node into which will be parsed next.
virtual NodeImpl *addChild(NodeImpl *newChild);
typedef Q_UINT32 Id;
// id() is used to easily and exactly identify a node. It
// is optimized for quick comparison and low memory consumption.
// its value depends on the owner document of the node and is
// categorized in the following way:
// 1..ID_LAST_TAG: the node inherits HTMLElementImpl and is
// part of the HTML namespace.
// The HTML namespace is either the global
// one (no namespace) or the XHTML namespace
// depending on the owner document's doctype
// ID_LAST_TAG+1..0xffff: non-HTML elements in the global namespace
// others non-HTML elements in a namespace.
// the upper 16 bit identify the namespace
// the lower 16 bit identify the local part of the
// qualified element name.
virtual Id id() const { return 0; }
// These are the DOM 3 Core answer to innerText/setInnerText, and are used
// quite a bit since Mozilla doesn't do innerText. They do, however, behave slightly
// differently. The default implementation is for ELEMENT_NODE, ATTRIBUTE_NODE,
virtual DOMStringImpl* textContent() const;
virtual void setTextContent( const DOMString &text, int& exceptioncode ) = 0;
enum IdType {
enum MouseEventType {
struct MouseEvent
MouseEvent( int _button, MouseEventType _type,
const DOMString &_url = DOMString(), const DOMString& _target = DOMString(),
NodeImpl *_innerNode = 0, NodeImpl *_innerNonSharedNode = 0)
button = _button; type = _type;
url = _url; target = _target;
innerNode = _innerNode;
innerNonSharedNode = _innerNonSharedNode;
int button;
MouseEventType type;
DOMString url; // url under mouse or empty
DOMString target;
Node innerNode;
Node innerNonSharedNode;
// for LINK and STYLE
virtual void sheetLoaded() {}
bool hasID() const { return m_hasId; }
bool hasClass() const { return m_hasClass; }
bool active() const { return m_active; }
bool focused() const { return m_focused; }
bool hovered() const { return m_hovered; }
bool attached() const { return m_attached; }
bool closed() const { return m_closed; }
bool changed() const { return m_changed; }
bool hasChangedChild() const { return m_hasChangedChild; }
bool hasAnchor() const { return m_hasAnchor; }
bool inDocument() const { return m_inDocument; }
bool implicitNode() const { return m_implicit; }
bool htmlCompat() const { return m_htmlCompat; }
void setHasID(bool b=true) { m_hasId = b; }
void setHasClass(bool b=true) { m_hasClass = b; }
void setHasChangedChild( bool b = true ) { m_hasChangedChild = b; }
void setInDocument(bool b=true) { m_inDocument = b; }
void setHTMLCompat(bool b) { m_htmlCompat = b; }
virtual void setFocus(bool b=true) { m_focused = b; }
virtual void setActive(bool b=true) { m_active = b; }
virtual void setHovered(bool b=true) { m_hovered = b; }
virtual void setChanged(bool b=true);
// for descending restyle when ID or CLASS changes
bool changedAscendentAttribute() const { return m_changedAscendentAttribute; }
void setChangedAscendentAttribute(bool b) { m_changedAscendentAttribute = b; }
// for style selection performance: whether the element matches several CSS Classes
bool hasClassList() const { return m_hasClassList; }
void setHasClassList(bool b) { m_hasClassList = b; }
unsigned short tabIndex() const { return m_tabIndex; }
void setTabIndex(unsigned short _tabIndex) { m_tabIndex = _tabIndex; }
virtual bool isFocusable() const { return false; }
virtual bool isMouseFocusable() const { return isFocusable(); }
virtual bool isTabFocusable() const { return isFocusable(); }
virtual bool isInline() const;
virtual void getCaret(int offset, bool override, int &_x, int &_y, int &width, int &height);
virtual TQRect getRect() const;
enum StyleChange { NoChange, NoInherit, Inherit, Detach, Force };
virtual void recalcStyle( StyleChange = NoChange ) {}
static StyleChange diff( khtml::RenderStyle *s1, khtml::RenderStyle *s2 );
static bool pseudoDiff( khtml::RenderStyle *s1, khtml::RenderStyle *s2, unsigned int pid);
unsigned long nodeIndex() const;
// Returns the document that this node is associated with. This is guaranteed to always be non-null, as opposed to
// DOM's ownerDocument() which is null for Document nodes (and sometimes DocumentType nodes).
DocumentImpl* getDocument() const { return m_document.get(); }
void addEventListener(int id, EventListener *listener, const bool useCapture);
void removeEventListener(int id, EventListener *listener, bool useCapture);
void setHTMLEventListener(int id, EventListener *listener);
EventListener *getHTMLEventListener(int id);
void dispatchEvent(EventImpl *evt, int &exceptioncode, bool tempEvent = false);
void dispatchGenericEvent( EventImpl *evt, int &exceptioncode);
// return true if event not prevented
bool dispatchHTMLEvent(int _id, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg);
void dispatchWindowEvent(int _id, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg);
void dispatchMouseEvent(TQMouseEvent *e, int overrideId = 0, int overrideDetail = 0);
void dispatchUIEvent(int _id, int detail = 0);
void dispatchSubtreeModifiedEvent();
// return true if defaultPrevented (i.e. event should be swallowed)
// this matches the logic in KHTMLView.
bool dispatchKeyEvent(TQKeyEvent *key, bool keypress);
void handleLocalEvents(EventImpl *evt, bool useCapture);
* Perform the default action for an event e.g. submitting a form
virtual void defaultEventHandler(EventImpl *evt);
virtual bool isReadOnly();
virtual bool childTypeAllowed( unsigned short /*type*/ ) { return false; }
virtual unsigned long childNodeCount();
virtual NodeImpl *childNode(unsigned long index);
* Does a pre-order traversal of the tree to find the node next node after this one. This uses the same order that
* the tags appear in the source file.
* @param stayWithin If not null, the traversal will stop once the specified node is reached. This can be used to
* restrict traversal to a particular sub-tree.
* @return The next node, in document order
* see traversePreviousNode()
NodeImpl *traverseNextNode(NodeImpl *stayWithin = 0) const;
* Does a reverse pre-order traversal to find the node that comes before the current one in document order
* see traverseNextNode()
NodeImpl *traversePreviousNode() const;
DocumentImpl *docPtr() const { return m_document.get(); }
khtml::RenderObject *renderer() const { return m_render; }
khtml::RenderObject *nextRenderer();
khtml::RenderObject *previousRenderer();
void setRenderer(khtml::RenderObject* renderer) { m_render = renderer; }
void checkSetPrefix(const DOMString &_prefix, int &exceptioncode);
void checkAddChild(NodeImpl *newChild, int &exceptioncode);
bool isAncestor( NodeImpl *other );
virtual bool childAllowed( NodeImpl *newChild );
* Returns the minimum caret offset that is allowed for this node.
* This default implementation always returns 0. Textual child nodes
* may return other values.
virtual long minOffset() const;
* Returns the maximum caret offset that is allowed for this node.
* This default implementation always returns the node count.
* Textual child nodes return the character count instead.
virtual long maxOffset() const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Integration with rendering tree
* Attaches this node to the rendering tree. This calculates the style to be applied to the node and creates an
* appropriate RenderObject which will be inserted into the tree (except when the style has display: none). This
* makes the node visible in the KHTMLView.
virtual void attach();
* Detaches the node from the rendering tree, making it invisible in the rendered view. This method will remove
* the node's rendering object from the rendering tree and delete it.
virtual void detach();
* Notifies the node that no more children will be added during parsing.
* After a node has been closed all changes must go through the DOM interface.
virtual void close();
virtual void structureChanged() {};
virtual void backwardsStructureChanged() {};
void createRendererIfNeeded();
virtual khtml::RenderStyle *styleForRenderer(khtml::RenderObject *parent);
virtual bool rendererIsNeeded(khtml::RenderStyle *);
virtual khtml::RenderObject *createRenderer(khtml::RenderArena *, khtml::RenderStyle *);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for maintaining the state of the element between history navigation
* Indicates whether or not this type of node maintains its state. If so, the state of the node will be stored when
* the user goes to a different page using the state() method, and restored using the restoreState() method if the
* user returns (e.g. using the back button). This is used to ensure that user-changeable elements such as form
* controls maintain their contents when the user returns to a previous page in the history.
virtual bool maintainsState();
* Returns the state of this node represented as a string. This string will be passed to restoreState() if the user
* returns to the page.
* @return State information about the node represented as a string
virtual TQString state();
* Sets the state of the element based on a string previosuly returned by state(). This is used to initialize form
* controls with their old values when the user returns to the page in their history.
* @param state A string representation of the node's previously-stored state
virtual void restoreState(const TQString &state);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Notification of document stucture changes
* Notifies the node that it has been inserted into the document. This is called during document parsing, and also
* when a node is added through the DOM methods insertBefore(), appendChild() or replaceChild(). Note that this only
* happens when the node becomes part of the document tree, i.e. only when the document is actually an ancestor of
* the node. The call happens _after_ the node has been added to the tree.
* This is similar to the DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument DOM event, but does not require the overhead of event
* dispatching.
virtual void insertedIntoDocument();
* Notifies the node that it is no longer part of the document tree, i.e. when the document is no longer an ancestor
* node.
* This is similar to the DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument DOM event, but does not require the overhead of event
* dispatching, and is called _after_ the node is removed from the tree.
virtual void removedFromDocument();
* Notifies the node that its list of children have changed (either by adding or removing child nodes), or a child
* node that is of the type CDATA_SECTION_NODE, TEXT_NODE or COMMENT_NODE has changed its value.
virtual void childrenChanged();
virtual DOMString toString() const = 0;
* Sometimes we need to get the string between two points on the DOM graph. Use this function to do this.
* For example, when the user copies some selected text to the clipboard as html.
* @param selectionStart Where to start the selection. If selectionStart != this, it is assumed we are after the start point
* @param selectionEnd Where to end the selection. If selectionEnd != this, it is assumed we are before the end point (unless found is true)
* @param startOffset Number of characters into the text in selectionStart that the start of the selection is.
* @param endOffset Number of characters into the text in selectionEnd that the end of the selection is.
* @param found When this is set to true, don't print anymore but closing tags.
* @return An html formatted string for this node and its children between the selectionStart and selectionEnd.
virtual DOMString selectionToString(NodeImpl * selectionStart,
NodeImpl * selectionEnd,
int startOffset,
int endOffset,
bool &found) const
{ Q_UNUSED(selectionStart);
return toString();
private: // members
khtml::DocPtr<DocumentImpl> m_document;
NodeImpl *m_previous;
NodeImpl *m_next;
khtml::RenderObject *m_render;
RegisteredListenerList m_regdListeners;
unsigned short m_tabIndex : 15;
bool m_hasTabIndex : 1;
bool m_hasId : 1;
bool m_attached : 1;
bool m_closed : 1;
bool m_changed : 1;
bool m_hasChangedChild : 1;
bool m_changedAscendentAttribute : 1;
bool m_inDocument : 1;
bool m_hasAnchor : 1;
bool m_specified : 1; // used in AttrImpl. Accessor functions there
bool m_hovered : 1;
bool m_focused : 1;
bool m_active : 1;
bool m_implicit : 1; // implicitely generated by the parser
bool m_htmlCompat : 1; // true if element was created in HTML compat mode
bool m_hasClassList : 1;
bool m_hasClass : 1; // true if element has a class property, as relevant to CSS
// this is the full Node Implementation with parents and children.
class NodeBaseImpl : public NodeImpl
NodeBaseImpl(DocumentImpl *doc)
: NodeImpl(doc), _first(0), _last(0) {}
virtual ~NodeBaseImpl();
// DOM methods overridden from parent classes
virtual NodeImpl *firstChild() const;
virtual NodeImpl *lastChild() const;
virtual NodeImpl *insertBefore ( NodeImpl *newChild, NodeImpl *refChild, int &exceptioncode );
virtual void replaceChild ( NodeImpl *newChild, NodeImpl *oldChild, int &exceptioncode );
virtual void removeChild ( NodeImpl *oldChild, int &exceptioncode );
virtual NodeImpl *appendChild ( NodeImpl *newChild, int &exceptioncode );
virtual bool hasChildNodes ( ) const;
virtual void setTextContent( const DOMString &text, int& exceptioncode );
// Other methods (not part of DOM)
void removeChildren();
void cloneChildNodes(NodeImpl *clone);
virtual void setFirstChild(NodeImpl *child);
virtual void setLastChild(NodeImpl *child);
virtual NodeImpl *addChild(NodeImpl *newChild);
virtual void attach();
virtual void detach();
bool getUpperLeftCorner(int &xPos, int &yPos) const;
bool getLowerRightCorner(int &xPos, int &yPos) const;
virtual void setFocus(bool=true);
virtual void setActive(bool=true);
virtual void setHovered(bool=true);
virtual unsigned long childNodeCount();
virtual NodeImpl *childNode(unsigned long index);
NodeImpl *_first;
NodeImpl *_last;
// helper functions for inserting children:
// ### this should vanish. do it in dom/ !
// check for same source document:
bool checkSameDocument( NodeImpl *newchild, int &exceptioncode );
// check for being child:
bool checkIsChild( NodeImpl *oldchild, int &exceptioncode );
// ###
// find out if a node is allowed to be our child
void dispatchChildInsertedEvents( NodeImpl *child, int &exceptioncode );
void dispatchChildRemovalEvents( NodeImpl *child, int &exceptioncode );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Node;
class NodeImpl;
class NodeListImpl : public khtml::Shared<NodeListImpl>
//Type of the item stored in the cache.
enum Type {
UNCACHEABLE, //Too complex to be cached like this
struct CacheKey
NodeImpl* baseNode;
int type;
CacheKey(): type(UNCACHEABLE) {}
CacheKey(NodeImpl* _baseNode, int _type):
baseNode(_baseNode), type(_type)
int hash() const
return int(reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>(baseNode) >> 2) ^
(unsigned(type) << 26);
bool operator==(const CacheKey& other) const
return baseNode == other.baseNode &&
type == other.type;
struct Cache: public khtml::Shared<Cache>
static Cache* make() { return new Cache; }
CacheKey key;//### We must store this in here due to TQCache in Qt3 sucking
unsigned int version;
NodeImpl* node;
unsigned int index;
} current;
unsigned int position;
unsigned int length;
bool hasLength;
void updateNodeListInfo(DocumentImpl* doc);
virtual void clear(DocumentImpl* doc);
virtual ~Cache();
typedef Cache* CacheFactory();
NodeListImpl(NodeImpl* node, int type, CacheFactory* factory = 0);
virtual ~NodeListImpl();
// DOM methods & attributes for NodeList
virtual unsigned long length() const;
virtual NodeImpl *item ( unsigned long index ) const;
// Other methods (not part of DOM)
virtual unsigned long calcLength(NodeImpl *start) const;
// helper functions for searching all ElementImpls in a tree
NodeImpl *recursiveItem ( NodeImpl* absStart, NodeImpl *start, unsigned long &offset ) const;
NodeImpl *recursiveItemBack( NodeImpl* absStart, NodeImpl *start, unsigned long &offset ) const;
// Override this to determine what nodes to return. Set doRecurse to
// false if the children of this node do not need to be entered.
virtual bool nodeMatches( NodeImpl *testNode, bool& doRecurse ) const = 0;
NodeImpl* m_refNode;
mutable Cache* m_cache;
class ChildNodeListImpl : public NodeListImpl
ChildNodeListImpl( NodeImpl *n);
virtual bool nodeMatches( NodeImpl *testNode, bool& doRecurse ) const;
* NodeList which lists all Nodes in a document with a given tag name
class TagNodeListImpl : public NodeListImpl
TagNodeListImpl( NodeImpl *n, NodeImpl::Id id );
TagNodeListImpl( NodeImpl *n, const DOMString &namespaceURI, const DOMString &localName );
// Other methods (not part of DOM)
virtual bool nodeMatches( NodeImpl *testNode, bool& doRecurse ) const;
NodeImpl::Id m_id;
DOMString m_namespaceURI;
DOMString m_localName;
bool m_matchAllNames;
bool m_matchAllNamespaces;
bool m_namespaceAware;
* NodeList which lists all Nodes in a Element with a given "name=" tag
class NameNodeListImpl : public NodeListImpl
NameNodeListImpl( NodeImpl *doc, const DOMString &t );
// Other methods (not part of DOM)
virtual bool nodeMatches( NodeImpl *testNode, bool& doRecurse ) const;
DOMString nodeName;
// Generic NamedNodeMap interface
// Other classes implement this for more specific situations e.g. attributes
// of an element
class NamedNodeMapImpl : public khtml::Shared<NamedNodeMapImpl>
virtual ~NamedNodeMapImpl();
// DOM methods & attributes for NamedNodeMap
virtual NodeImpl *getNamedItem ( NodeImpl::Id id, bool nsAware = false, DOMStringImpl* qName = 0 ) const = 0;
virtual Node removeNamedItem ( NodeImpl::Id id, bool nsAware, DOMStringImpl* qName, int &exceptioncode ) = 0;
virtual Node setNamedItem ( NodeImpl* arg, bool nsAware, DOMStringImpl* qName, int &exceptioncode ) = 0;
virtual NodeImpl *item ( unsigned long index ) const = 0;
virtual unsigned long length( ) const = 0;
// Other methods (not part of DOM)
virtual NodeImpl::Id mapId(DOMStringImpl* namespaceURI,
DOMStringImpl* localName, bool readonly) = 0;
virtual bool isReadOnly() { return false; }
// Generic read-only NamedNodeMap implementation
// Used for e.g. entities and notations in DocumentType.
// You can add nodes using addNode
class GenericRONamedNodeMapImpl : public NamedNodeMapImpl
GenericRONamedNodeMapImpl(DocumentImpl* doc);
virtual ~GenericRONamedNodeMapImpl();
// DOM methods & attributes for NamedNodeMap
virtual NodeImpl *getNamedItem ( NodeImpl::Id id, bool nsAware = false, DOMStringImpl* qName = 0 ) const;
virtual Node removeNamedItem ( NodeImpl::Id id, bool nsAware, DOMStringImpl* qName, int &exceptioncode );
virtual Node setNamedItem ( NodeImpl* arg, bool nsAware, DOMStringImpl* qName, int &exceptioncode );
virtual NodeImpl *item ( unsigned long index ) const;
virtual unsigned long length( ) const;
// Other methods (not part of DOM)
virtual NodeImpl::Id mapId(DOMStringImpl* namespaceURI,
DOMStringImpl* localName, bool readonly);
virtual bool isReadOnly() { return true; }
void addNode(NodeImpl *n);
DocumentImpl* m_doc;
TQPtrList<NodeImpl> *m_contents;
} //namespace