You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1345 lines
46 KiB

* This file is part of the KDE project
* Copyright (C) 2001,2003 Peter Kelly (
* Copyright (C) 2003,2004 Stephan Kulow (
* Copyright (C) 2004 Dirk Mueller ( )
* Copyright 2006 Leo Savernik (
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <tqimage.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include "test_regression.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kcmdlineargs.h>
#include "katefactory.h"
#include <kio/job.h>
#include <kmainwindow.h>
#include <ksimpleconfig.h>
#include <kglobalsettings.h>
#include <tqcolor.h>
#include <tqcursor.h>
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqevent.h>
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqpushbutton.h>
#include <tqscrollview.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <tqtextstream.h>
#include <tqvaluelist.h>
#include <tqwidget.h>
#include <tqfileinfo.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <kstatusbar.h>
#include <tqfileinfo.h>
#include "katedocument.h"
#include "kateview.h"
#include <kparts/browserextension.h>
#include "katejscript.h"
#include "katedocumenthelpers.h"
#include "kateconfig.h"
#include "../interfaces/katecmd.h"
using namespace KJS;
#define BASE_DIR_CONFIG "/.testkateregression-3.5"
//BEGIN TestJScriptEnv
TestJScriptEnv::TestJScriptEnv(KateDocument *part) {
ExecState *exec = m_interpreter->globalExec();
KJS::ObjectImp *wd = wrapDocument(m_interpreter->globalExec(), part);
KateView *v = static_cast<KateView *>(part->widget());
KJS::ObjectImp *wv = new KateViewObject(exec, v, wrapView(m_interpreter->globalExec(), v));
*m_view = KJS::Object(wv);
*m_document = KJS::Object(wd);
m_output = new OutputObject(exec, part, v);
// recreate properties
m_interpreter->globalObject().put(exec, "document", *m_document);
m_interpreter->globalObject().put(exec, "view", *m_view);
// create new properties
m_interpreter->globalObject().put(exec, "output", KJS::Object(m_output));
// add convenience shortcuts
m_interpreter->globalObject().put(exec, "d", *m_document);
m_interpreter->globalObject().put(exec, "v", *m_view);
m_interpreter->globalObject().put(exec, "out", KJS::Object(m_output));
m_interpreter->globalObject().put(exec, "o", KJS::Object(m_output));
TestJScriptEnv::~TestJScriptEnv() {
//END TestJScriptEnv
//BEGIN KateViewObject
KateViewObject::KateViewObject(ExecState *exec, KateView *v, ObjectImp *fallback)
: view(v), fallback(fallback)
// put a function
#define PUT_FUNC(name, enumval) \
putDirect(#name, new KateViewFunction(exec,v,KateViewFunction::enumval,1), DontEnum)
PUT_FUNC(keyReturn, KeyReturn);
PUT_FUNC(enter, KeyReturn);
PUT_FUNC(type, Type);
PUT_FUNC(keyDelete, KeyDelete);
PUT_FUNC(deleteWordRight, DeleteWordRight);
PUT_FUNC(transpose, Transpose);
PUT_FUNC(cursorLeft, CursorLeft);
PUT_FUNC(cursorPrev, CursorLeft);
PUT_FUNC(left, CursorLeft);
PUT_FUNC(prev, CursorLeft);
PUT_FUNC(shiftCursorLeft, ShiftCursorLeft);
PUT_FUNC(shiftCursorPrev, ShiftCursorLeft);
PUT_FUNC(shiftLeft, ShiftCursorLeft);
PUT_FUNC(shiftPrev, ShiftCursorLeft);
PUT_FUNC(cursorRight, CursorRight);
PUT_FUNC(cursorNext, CursorRight);
PUT_FUNC(right, CursorRight);
PUT_FUNC(next, CursorRight);
PUT_FUNC(shiftCursorRight, ShiftCursorRight);
PUT_FUNC(shiftCursorNext, ShiftCursorRight);
PUT_FUNC(shiftRight, ShiftCursorRight);
PUT_FUNC(shiftNext, ShiftCursorRight);
PUT_FUNC(wordLeft, WordLeft);
PUT_FUNC(wordPrev, WordLeft);
PUT_FUNC(shiftWordLeft, ShiftWordLeft);
PUT_FUNC(shiftWordPrev, ShiftWordLeft);
PUT_FUNC(wordRight, WordRight);
PUT_FUNC(wordNext, WordRight);
PUT_FUNC(shiftWordRight, ShiftWordRight);
PUT_FUNC(shiftWordNext, ShiftWordRight);
PUT_FUNC(home, Home);
PUT_FUNC(shiftHome, ShiftHome);
PUT_FUNC(end, End);
PUT_FUNC(shiftEnd, ShiftEnd);
PUT_FUNC(up, Up);
PUT_FUNC(shiftUp, ShiftUp);
PUT_FUNC(down, Down);
PUT_FUNC(shiftDown, ShiftDown);
PUT_FUNC(scrollUp, ScrollUp);
PUT_FUNC(scrollDown, ScrollDown);
PUT_FUNC(topOfView, TopOfView);
PUT_FUNC(shiftTopOfView, ShiftTopOfView);
PUT_FUNC(bottomOfView, BottomOfView);
PUT_FUNC(shiftBottomOfView, ShiftBottomOfView);
PUT_FUNC(pageUp, PageUp);
PUT_FUNC(shiftPageUp, ShiftPageUp);
PUT_FUNC(pageDown, PageDown);
PUT_FUNC(shiftPageDown, ShiftPageDown);
PUT_FUNC(top, Top);
PUT_FUNC(shiftTop, ShiftTop);
PUT_FUNC(bottom, Bottom);
PUT_FUNC(shiftBottom, ShiftBottom);
PUT_FUNC(toMatchingBracket, ToMatchingBracket);
PUT_FUNC(shiftToMatchingBracket, ShiftToMatchingBracket);
#undef PUT_FUNC
const ClassInfo *KateViewObject::classInfo() const {
// evil hack II: disguise as fallback, otherwise we can't fall back
return fallback->classInfo();
Value KateViewObject::get(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName) const
ValueImp *val = getDirect(propertyName);
if (val)
return Value(val);
return fallback->get(exec, propertyName);
//END KateViewObject
//BEGIN KateViewFunction
KateViewFunction::KateViewFunction(ExecState */*exec*/, KateView *v, int _id, int length)
m_view = v;
id = _id;
bool KateViewFunction::implementsCall() const
return true;
Value KateViewFunction::call(ExecState *exec, Object &/*thisObj*/, const List &args)
// calls a function repeatedly as specified by its first parameter (once
// if not specified).
#define REP_CALL(enumval, func) \
case enumval: {\
int cnt = 1;\
if (args.size() > 0) cnt = args[0].toInt32(exec);\
while (cnt-- > 0) { m_view->func(); }\
return Undefined();\
switch (id) {
REP_CALL(KeyReturn, keyReturn);
REP_CALL(KeyDelete, keyDelete);
REP_CALL(DeleteWordRight, deleteWordRight);
REP_CALL(Transpose, transpose);
REP_CALL(CursorLeft, cursorLeft);
REP_CALL(ShiftCursorLeft, shiftCursorLeft);
REP_CALL(CursorRight, cursorRight);
REP_CALL(ShiftCursorRight, shiftCursorRight);
REP_CALL(WordLeft, wordLeft);
REP_CALL(ShiftWordLeft, shiftWordLeft);
REP_CALL(WordRight, wordRight);
REP_CALL(ShiftWordRight, shiftWordRight);
REP_CALL(Home, home);
REP_CALL(ShiftHome, shiftHome);
REP_CALL(End, end);
REP_CALL(ShiftEnd, shiftEnd);
REP_CALL(Up, up);
REP_CALL(ShiftUp, shiftUp);
REP_CALL(Down, down);
REP_CALL(ShiftDown, shiftDown);
REP_CALL(ScrollUp, scrollUp);
REP_CALL(ScrollDown, scrollDown);
REP_CALL(TopOfView, topOfView);
REP_CALL(ShiftTopOfView, shiftTopOfView);
REP_CALL(BottomOfView, bottomOfView);
REP_CALL(ShiftBottomOfView, shiftBottomOfView);
REP_CALL(PageUp, pageUp);
REP_CALL(ShiftPageUp, shiftPageUp);
REP_CALL(PageDown, pageDown);
REP_CALL(ShiftPageDown, shiftPageDown);
REP_CALL(Top, top);
REP_CALL(ShiftTop, shiftTop);
REP_CALL(Bottom, bottom);
REP_CALL(ShiftBottom, shiftBottom);
REP_CALL(ToMatchingBracket, toMatchingBracket);
REP_CALL(ShiftToMatchingBracket, shiftToMatchingBracket);
case Type: {
UString str = args[0].toString(exec);
TQString res = str.qstring();
return Boolean(m_view->doc()->typeChars(m_view, res));
return Undefined();
#undef REP_CALL
//END KateViewFunction
//BEGIN OutputObject
OutputObject::OutputObject(KJS::ExecState *exec, KateDocument *d, KateView *v) : doc(d), view(v), changed(0), outstr(0) {
putDirect("write", new OutputFunction(exec,this,OutputFunction::Write,-1), DontEnum);
putDirect("print", new OutputFunction(exec,this,OutputFunction::Write,-1), DontEnum);
putDirect("writeln", new OutputFunction(exec,this,OutputFunction::Writeln,-1), DontEnum);
putDirect("println", new OutputFunction(exec,this,OutputFunction::Writeln,-1), DontEnum);
putDirect("writeLn", new OutputFunction(exec,this,OutputFunction::Writeln,-1), DontEnum);
putDirect("printLn", new OutputFunction(exec,this,OutputFunction::Writeln,-1), DontEnum);
putDirect("writeCursorPosition", new OutputFunction(exec,this,OutputFunction::WriteCursorPosition,-1), DontEnum);
putDirect("cursorPosition", new OutputFunction(exec,this,OutputFunction::WriteCursorPosition,-1), DontEnum);
putDirect("pos", new OutputFunction(exec,this,OutputFunction::WriteCursorPosition,-1), DontEnum);
putDirect("writeCursorPositionln", new OutputFunction(exec,this,OutputFunction::WriteCursorPositionln,-1), DontEnum);
putDirect("cursorPositionln", new OutputFunction(exec,this,OutputFunction::WriteCursorPositionln,-1), DontEnum);
putDirect("posln", new OutputFunction(exec,this,OutputFunction::WriteCursorPositionln,-1), DontEnum);
OutputObject::~OutputObject() {
KJS::UString OutputObject::className() const {
return UString("OutputObject");
//END OutputObject
//BEGIN OutputFunction
OutputFunction::OutputFunction(KJS::ExecState *exec, OutputObject *output, int _id, int length)
: o(output)
id = _id;
if (length >= 0)
bool OutputFunction::implementsCall() const
return true;
KJS::Value OutputFunction::call(KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &thisObj, const KJS::List &args)
if (!*o->changed) *o->outstr = TQString();
switch (id) {
case Write:
case Writeln: {
// Gather all parameters and concatenate to string
TQString res;
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
res += args[i].toString(exec).qstring();
if (id == Writeln)
res += "\n";
*o->outstr += res;
case WriteCursorPositionln:
case WriteCursorPosition: {
// Gather all parameters and concatenate to string
TQString res;
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
res += args[i].toString(exec).qstring();
// Append cursor position
uint l, c;
o->view->cursorPosition(&l, &c);
res += "(" + TQString::number(l) + "," + TQString::number(c) + ")";
if (id == WriteCursorPositionln)
res += "\n";
*o->outstr += res;
*o->changed = true;
return Undefined();
//END OutputFunction
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
const char failureSnapshotPrefix[] = "testkateregressionrc-FS.";
static TQString findMostRecentFailureSnapshot() {
TQDir dir(kapp->dirs()->saveLocation("config"),
TQDir::Time, TQDir::Files);
return dir[0].mid(sizeof failureSnapshotPrefix - 1);
static KCmdLineOptions options[] =
{ "b", 0, 0 },
{ "base <base_dir>", "Directory containing tests, basedir and output directories.", 0},
{ "cmp-failures <snapshot>", "Compare failures of this testrun against snapshot <snapshot>. Defaults to the most recently captured failure snapshot or none if none exists.", 0 },
{ "d", 0, 0 },
{ "debug", "Do not supress debug output", 0},
{ "g", 0, 0 } ,
{ "genoutput", "Regenerate baseline (instead of checking)", 0 } ,
{ "keep-output", "Keep output files even on success", 0 },
{ "save-failures <snapshot>", "Save failures of this testrun as failure snapshot <snapshot>", 0 },
{ "s", 0, 0 } ,
{ "show", "Show the window while running tests", 0 } ,
{ "t", 0, 0 } ,
{ "test <filename>", "Only run a single test. Multiple options allowed.", 0 } ,
{ "o", 0, 0 },
{ "output <directory>", "Put output in <directory> instead of <base_dir>/output", 0 } ,
{ "+[base_dir]", "Directory containing tests,basedir and output directories. Only regarded if -b is not specified.", 0 } ,
{ "+[testcases]", "Relative path to testcase, or directory of testcases to be run (equivalent to -t).", 0 } ,
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// forget about any settings
passwd* pw = getpwuid( getuid() );
if (!pw) {
fprintf(stderr, "dang, I don't even know who I am.\n");
TQString kh("/var/tmp/%1_kate_non_existent");
kh = kh.arg( pw->pw_name );
setenv( "KDEHOME", kh.latin1(), 1 );
setenv( "LC_ALL", "C", 1 );
setenv( "LANG", "C", 1 );
// signal( SIGALRM, signal_handler );
KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, "testregression", "TestRegression",
"Regression tester for kate", "1.0");
KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs( );
TQCString baseDir = args->getOption("base");
TQCString baseDirConfigFile(::getenv("HOME") + TQCString(BASE_DIR_CONFIG));
TQFile baseDirConfig(baseDirConfigFile);
if ( {
TQTextStream bds(&baseDirConfig);
baseDir = bds.readLine().latin1();
if ( args->count() < 1 && baseDir.isEmpty() ) {
printf("For regression testing, make sure to have checked out the kate regression\n"
"testsuite from svn:\n"
"\tsvn co \"https://<user>\"\n"
"Remember the root path into which you checked out the testsuite.\n"
printf("%s needs the root path of the kate regression\n"
"testsuite to function properly\n"
"By default, the root path is looked up in the file\n"
"If it doesn't exist yet, create it by invoking\n"
"\techo \"<root-path>\" > %s\n"
"You may override the location by specifying the root explicitly on the\n"
"command line with option -b\n"
"", KCmdLineArgs::appName(),
(const char *)baseDirConfigFile,
(const char *)baseDirConfigFile);
::exit( 1 );
int testcase_index = 0;
if (baseDir.isEmpty()) baseDir = args->arg(testcase_index++);
TQFileInfo bdInfo(baseDir);
baseDir = TQFile::encodeName(bdInfo.absFilePath());
const char *subdirs[] = {"tests", "baseline", "output", "resources"};
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
TQFileInfo sourceDir(TQFile::encodeName( baseDir ) + "/" + subdirs[i]);
if ( !sourceDir.exists() || !sourceDir.isDir() ) {
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Source directory \"%s/%s\": no such directory.\n", (const char *)baseDir, subdirs[i]);
KApplication a;
KSimpleConfig cfg( "testkateregressionrc" );
cfg.setGroup("Kate Document Defaults");
cfg.writeEntry("Basic Config Flags",
// | KateDocumentConfig::cfWordWrap
// | KateDocumentConfig::cfRemoveSpaces
| KateDocumentConfig::cfWrapCursor
// | KateDocumentConfig::cfAutoBrackets
// | KateDocumentConfig::cfTabIndentsMode
// | KateDocumentConfig::cfOvr
| KateDocumentConfig::cfKeepIndentProfile
| KateDocumentConfig::cfKeepExtraSpaces
| KateDocumentConfig::cfTabIndents
| KateDocumentConfig::cfShowTabs
| KateDocumentConfig::cfSpaceIndent
| KateDocumentConfig::cfSmartHome
| KateDocumentConfig::cfTabInsertsTab
// | KateDocumentConfig::cfReplaceTabsDyn
// | KateDocumentConfig::cfRemoveTrailingDyn
| KateDocumentConfig::cfDoxygenAutoTyping
// | KateDocumentConfig::cfMixedIndent
| KateDocumentConfig::cfIndentPastedText
int rv = 1;
KSimpleConfig dc( "kdebugrc" );
// FIXME adapt to kate
static int areas[] = { 1000, 13000, 13001, 13002, 13010,
13020, 13025, 13030, 13033, 13035,
13040, 13050, 13051, 7000, 7006, 170,
171, 7101, 7002, 7019, 7027, 7014,
7001, 7011, 6070, 6080, 6090, 0};
int channel = args->isSet( "debug" ) ? 2 : 4;
for ( int i = 0; areas[i]; ++i ) {
dc.setGroup( TQString::number( areas[i] ) );
dc.writeEntry( "InfoOutput", channel );
// create widgets
KateFactory *fac = KateFactory::self();
KMainWindow *toplevel = new KMainWindow();
KateDocument *part = new KateDocument(/*bSingleViewMode*/true,
toplevel->setCentralWidget( part->widget() );
Q_ASSERT(part->config()->configFlags() & KateDocumentConfig::cfDoxygenAutoTyping);
bool visual = false;
if (args->isSet("show"))
visual = true;
a.setMainWidget( toplevel );
if ( visual )
// we're not interested
if (!getenv("KDE_DEBUG")) {
// set ulimits
rlimit vmem_limit = { 256*1024*1024, RLIM_INFINITY }; // 256Mb Memory should suffice
setrlimit(RLIMIT_AS, &vmem_limit);
rlimit stack_limit = { 8*1024*1024, RLIM_INFINITY }; // 8Mb Memory should suffice
setrlimit(RLIMIT_STACK, &stack_limit);
// run the tests
RegressionTest *regressionTest = new RegressionTest(part,
TQObject::connect(part->browserExtension(), TQT_SIGNAL(openURLRequest(const KURL &, const KParts::URLArgs &)),
regressionTest, TQT_SLOT(slotOpenURL(const KURL&, const KParts::URLArgs &)));
TQObject::connect(part->browserExtension(), TQT_SIGNAL(resizeTopLevelWidget( int, int )),
regressionTest, TQT_SLOT(resizeTopLevelWidget( int, int )));
regressionTest->m_keepOutput = args->isSet("keep-output");
regressionTest->m_showGui = args->isSet("show");
TQString failureSnapshot = args->getOption("cmp-failures");
if (failureSnapshot.isEmpty())
failureSnapshot = findMostRecentFailureSnapshot();
if (!failureSnapshot.isEmpty())
new KSimpleConfig(failureSnapshotPrefix + failureSnapshot, true),
if (args->isSet("save-failures")) {
TQString failureSaver = args->getOption("save-failures");
new KSimpleConfig(failureSnapshotPrefix + failureSaver, false),
bool result = false;
QCStringList tests = args->getOptionList("test");
// merge testcases specified on command line
for (; testcase_index < args->count(); testcase_index++)
tests << args->arg(testcase_index);
if (tests.count() > 0)
for (TQValueListConstIterator<TQCString> it = tests.begin(); it != tests.end(); ++it) {
result = regressionTest->runTests(*it,true);
if (!result) break;
result = regressionTest->runTests();
if (result) {
if (args->isSet("genoutput")) {
printf("\nOutput generation completed.\n");
else {
printf("\nTests completed.\n");
printf("Total: %d\n",
printf("Passes: %d",regressionTest->m_passes_work);
if ( regressionTest->m_passes_fail )
printf( " (%d unexpected passes)", regressionTest->m_passes_fail );
if (regressionTest->m_passes_new)
printf(" (%d new since %s)", regressionTest->m_passes_new, regressionTest->m_failureComp->group().latin1());
printf( "\n" );
printf("Failures: %d",regressionTest->m_failures_work);
if ( regressionTest->m_failures_fail )
printf( " (%d expected failures)", regressionTest->m_failures_fail );
if ( regressionTest->m_failures_new )
printf(" (%d new since %s)", regressionTest->m_failures_new, regressionTest->m_failureComp->group().latin1());
printf( "\n" );
if ( regressionTest->m_errors )
printf("Errors: %d\n",regressionTest->m_errors);
TQFile list( regressionTest->m_outputDir + "/links.html" ); IO_WriteOnly|IO_Append );
TQString link, cl;
link = TQString( "<hr>%1 failures. (%2 expected failures)" )
.arg(regressionTest->m_failures_work )
.arg( regressionTest->m_failures_fail );
if (regressionTest->m_failures_new)
link += TQString(" <span style=\"color:red;font-weight:bold\">(%1 new failures since %2)</span>")
if (regressionTest->m_passes_new)
link += TQString(" <p style=\"color:green;font-weight:bold\">%1 new passes since %2</p>")
list.tqwriteBlock( link.latin1(), link.length() );
// Only return a 0 exit code if all tests were successful
if (regressionTest->m_failures_work == 0 && regressionTest->m_errors == 0)
rv = 0;
// cleanup
delete regressionTest;
delete part;
delete toplevel;
// delete fac;
return rv;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
RegressionTest *RegressionTest::curr = 0;
RegressionTest::RegressionTest(KateDocument *part, KConfig *baseConfig,
const TQString &baseDir,
const TQString &outputDir, bool _genOutput)
: TQObject(part)
m_part = part;
m_view = static_cast<KateView *>(m_part->widget());
m_baseConfig = baseConfig;
m_baseDir = baseDir;
m_baseDir = m_baseDir.replace( "//", "/" );
if ( m_baseDir.endsWith( "/" ) )
m_baseDir = m_baseDir.left( m_baseDir.length() - 1 );
if (outputDir.isEmpty())
m_outputDir = m_baseDir + "/output";
m_outputDir = outputDir;
createMissingDirs(m_outputDir + "/");
m_keepOutput = false;
m_genOutput = _genOutput;
m_failureComp = 0;
m_failureSave = 0;
m_showGui = false;
m_passes_work = m_passes_fail = m_passes_new = 0;
m_failures_work = m_failures_fail = m_failures_new = 0;
m_errors = 0;
::unlink( TQFile::encodeName( m_outputDir + "/links.html" ) );
TQFile f( m_outputDir + "/empty.html" );
TQString s; IO_WriteOnly | IO_Truncate );
s = "<html><body>Follow the white rabbit";
f.tqwriteBlock( s.latin1(), s.length() );
f.setName( m_outputDir + "/index.html" ); IO_WriteOnly | IO_Truncate );
s = "<html><frameset cols=150,*><frame src=links.html><frame name=content src=empty.html>";
f.tqwriteBlock( s.latin1(), s.length() );
curr = this;
#include <tqobjectlist.h>
static TQStringList readListFile( const TQString &filename )
// Read ignore file for this directory
TQString ignoreFilename = filename;
TQFileInfo ignoreInfo(ignoreFilename);
TQStringList ignoreFiles;
if (ignoreInfo.exists()) {
TQFile ignoreFile(ignoreFilename);
if (! {
fprintf(stderr,"Can't open %s\n",ignoreFilename.latin1());
TQTextStream ignoreStream(&ignoreFile);
TQString line;
while (!(line = ignoreStream.readLine()).isNull())
return ignoreFiles;
// Important! Delete comparison config *first* as saver config
// might point to the same physical file.
delete m_failureComp;
delete m_failureSave;
void RegressionTest::setFailureSnapshotConfig(KConfig *cfg, const TQString &sname)
m_failureComp = cfg;
void RegressionTest::setFailureSnapshotSaver(KConfig *cfg, const TQString &sname)
m_failureSave = cfg;
TQStringList RegressionTest::concatListFiles(const TQString &relPath, const TQString &filename)
TQStringList cmds;
int pos = relPath.findRev('/');
if (pos >= 0)
cmds += concatListFiles(relPath.left(pos), filename);
cmds += readListFile(m_baseDir + "/tests/" + relPath + "/" + filename);
return cmds;
bool RegressionTest::runTests(TQString relPath, bool mustExist, int known_failure)
m_currentOutput = TQString::null;
if (!TQFile(m_baseDir + "/tests/"+relPath).exists()) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: No such file or directory\n",relPath.latin1());
return false;
TQString fullPath = m_baseDir + "/tests/"+relPath;
TQFileInfo info(fullPath);
if (!info.exists() && mustExist) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: No such file or directory\n",relPath.latin1());
return false;
if (!info.isReadable() && mustExist) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: Access denied\n",relPath.latin1());
return false;
if (info.isDir()) {
TQStringList ignoreFiles = readListFile( m_baseDir + "/tests/"+relPath+"/ignore" );
TQStringList failureFiles = readListFile( m_baseDir + "/tests/"+relPath+"/KNOWN_FAILURES" );
// Run each test in this directory, recusively
TQDir sourceDir(m_baseDir + "/tests/"+relPath);
for (uint fileno = 0; fileno < sourceDir.count(); fileno++) {
TQString filename = sourceDir[fileno];
TQString relFilename = relPath.isEmpty() ? filename : relPath+"/"+filename;
if (filename.startsWith(".") || ignoreFiles.contains(filename) )
int failure_type = NoFailure;
if ( failureFiles.contains( filename ) )
failure_type |= AllFailure;
if ( failureFiles.contains ( filename + "-result" ) )
failure_type |= ResultFailure;
runTests(relFilename, false, failure_type);
else if (info.isFile()) {
TQString relativeDir = TQFileInfo(relPath).dirPath();
TQString filename = info.fileName();
m_currentBase = m_baseDir + "/tests/"+relativeDir;
m_currentCategory = relativeDir;
m_currentTest = filename;
m_known_failures = known_failure;
m_outputCustomised = false;
// gather commands
// directory-specific commands
TQStringList commands = concatListFiles(relPath, ".kateconfig-commands");
// testcase-specific commands
commands += readListFile(m_currentBase + "/" + filename + "-commands");
rereadConfig(); // reset options to default
if ( filename.endsWith(".txt") ) {
#if 0
if ( relPath.startsWith( "domts/" ) && !m_runJS )
return true;
if ( relPath.startsWith( "ecma/" ) && !m_runJS )
return true;
// if ( m_runHTML )
testStaticFile(relPath, commands);
else if (mustExist) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: Not a valid test file (must be .txt)\n",relPath.latin1());
return false;
} else if (mustExist) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: Not a regular file\n",relPath.latin1());
return false;
return true;
void RegressionTest::createLink( const TQString& test, int failures )
createMissingDirs( m_outputDir + "/" + test + "-compare.html" );
TQFile list( m_outputDir + "/links.html" ); IO_WriteOnly|IO_Append );
TQString link;
link = TQString( "<a href=\"%1\" target=\"content\" title=\"%2\">" )
.arg( test + "-compare.html" )
.arg( test );
link += m_currentTest;
link += "</a> ";
if (failures & NewFailure)
link += "<span style=\"font-weight:bold;color:red\">";
link += "[";
if ( failures & ResultFailure )
link += "R";
link += "]";
if (failures & NewFailure)
link += "</span>";
link += "<br>\n";
list.tqwriteBlock( link.latin1(), link.length() );
/** returns the path in a way that is relatively reachable from base.
* @param base base directory (must not include trailing slash)
* @param path directory/file to be relatively reached by base
* @return path with all elements replaced by .. and concerning path elements
* to be relatively reachable from base.
static TQString makeRelativePath(const TQString &base, const TQString &path)
TQString absBase = TQFileInfo(base).absFilePath();
TQString absPath = TQFileInfo(path).absFilePath();
// kdDebug() << "absPath: \"" << absPath << "\"" << endl;
// kdDebug() << "absBase: \"" << absBase << "\"" << endl;
// walk up to common ancestor directory
int pos = 0;
do {
int newpos = absBase.find('/', pos);
if (newpos == -1) newpos = absBase.length();
TQConstString cmpPathComp(absPath.tqunicode() + pos, newpos - pos);
TQConstString cmpBaseComp(absBase.tqunicode() + pos, newpos - pos);
// kdDebug() << "cmpPathComp: \"" << cmpPathComp.string() << "\"" << endl;
// kdDebug() << "cmpBaseComp: \"" << cmpBaseComp.string() << "\"" << endl;
// kdDebug() << "pos: " << pos << " newpos: " << newpos << endl;
if (cmpPathComp.string() != cmpBaseComp.string()) { pos--; break; }
pos = newpos;
} while (pos < (int)absBase.length() && pos < (int)absPath.length());
int basepos = pos < (int)absBase.length() ? pos + 1 : pos;
int pathpos = pos < (int)absPath.length() ? pos + 1 : pos;
// kdDebug() << "basepos " << basepos << " pathpos " << pathpos << endl;
TQString rel;
TQConstString relBase(absBase.tqunicode() + basepos, absBase.length() - basepos);
TQConstString relPath(absPath.tqunicode() + pathpos, absPath.length() - pathpos);
// generate as many .. as there are path elements in relBase
if (relBase.string().length() > 0) {
for (int i = relBase.string().contains('/'); i > 0; --i)
rel += "../";
rel += "..";
if (relPath.string().length() > 0) rel += "/";
rel += relPath.string();
return rel;
/** processes events for at least \c msec milliseconds */
static void pause(int msec)
TQTime t;
do {
} while (t.elapsed() < msec);
void RegressionTest::doFailureReport( const TQString& test, int failures )
if ( failures == NoFailure ) {
::unlink( TQFile::encodeName( m_outputDir + "/" + test + "-compare.html" ) );
createLink( test, failures );
TQFile compare( m_outputDir + "/" + test + "-compare.html" );
TQString testFile = TQFileInfo(test).fileName();
TQString renderDiff;
TQString domDiff;
TQString relOutputDir = makeRelativePath(m_baseDir, m_outputDir);
// are blocking reads possible with KProcess?
char pwd[PATH_MAX];
(void) getcwd( pwd, PATH_MAX );
chdir( TQFile::encodeName( m_baseDir ) );
if ( failures & ResultFailure ) {
domDiff += "<pre>";
FILE *pipe = popen( TQString::tqfromLatin1( "diff -u baseline/%1-result %3/%2-result" )
.arg ( test, test, relOutputDir ).latin1(), "r" );
TQTextIStream *is = new TQTextIStream( pipe );
for ( int line = 0; line < 100 && !is->eof(); ++line ) {
TQString line = is->readLine();
line = line.replace( '<', "&lt;" );
line = line.replace( '>', "&gt;" );
domDiff += line + "\n";
delete is;
pclose( pipe );
domDiff += "</pre>";
chdir( pwd );
// create a relative path so that it works via web as well. ugly
TQString relpath = makeRelativePath(m_outputDir + "/"
+ TQFileInfo(test).dirPath(), m_baseDir); IO_WriteOnly|IO_Truncate );
TQString cl;
cl = TQString( "<html><head><title>%1</title>" ).arg( test );
cl += TQString( "<script>\n"
"var pics = new Array();\n"
"pics[0]=new Image();\n"
"pics[0].src = '%1';\n"
"pics[1]=new Image();\n"
"pics[1].src = '%2';\n"
"var doflicker = 1;\n"
"var t = 1;\n"
"var lastb=0;\n" )
.arg( relpath+"/baseline/"+test+"-dump.png" )
.arg( testFile+"-dump.png" );
cl += TQString( "function toggleVisible(visible) {\n"
" document.getElementById('render').style.visibility= visible == 'render' ? 'visible' : 'hidden';\n"
" document.getElementById('image').style.visibility= visible == 'image' ? 'visible' : 'hidden';\n"
" document.getElementById('dom').style.visibility= visible == 'dom' ? 'visible' : 'hidden';\n"
"function show() { document.getElementById('image').src = pics[t].src; "
"document.getElementById('image').style.borderColor = t && !doflicker ? 'red' : 'gray';\n"
"}" );
cl += TQString ( "function runSlideShow(){\n"
" document.getElementById('image').src = pics[t].src;\n"
" if (doflicker)\n"
" t = 1 - t;\n"
" setTimeout('runSlideShow()', 200);\n"
"function m(b) { if (b == lastb) return; document.getElementById('b'+b).className='buttondown';\n"
" var e = document.getElementById('b'+lastb);\n"
" if(e) e.className='button';\n"
" lastb = b;\n"
"function showRender() { doflicker=0;toggleVisible('render')\n"
"function showDom() { doflicker=0;toggleVisible('dom')\n"
cl += TQString ("<style>\n"
".buttondown { cursor: pointer; padding: 0px 20px; color: white; background-color: blue; border: inset blue 2px;}\n"
".button { cursor: pointer; padding: 0px 20px; color: black; background-color: white; border: outset blue 2px;}\n"
".diff { position: absolute; left: 10px; top: 100px; visibility: hidden; border: 1px black solid; background-color: white; color: black; /* width: 800; height: 600; overflow: scroll; */ }\n"
"</style>\n" );
cl += TQString( "<body onload=\"m(5); toggleVisible('dom');\"" );
cl += TQString(" text=black bgcolor=gray>\n<h1>%3</h1>\n" ).arg( test );
if ( renderDiff.length() )
cl += "<span id='b4' class='button' onclick='showRender();m(4)'>R-DIFF</span>&nbsp;\n";
if ( domDiff.length() )
cl += "<span id='b5' class='button' onclick='showDom();m(5);'>D-DIFF</span>&nbsp;\n";
// The test file always exists - except for checkOutput called from *.js files
if ( TQFile::exists( m_baseDir + "/tests/"+ test ) )
cl += TQString( "<a class=button href=\"%1\">HTML</a>&nbsp;" )
.arg( relpath+"/tests/"+test );
cl += TQString( "<hr>"
"<img style='border: solid 5px gray' src=\"%1\" id='image'>" )
.arg( relpath+"/baseline/"+test+"-dump.png" );
cl += "<div id='render' class='diff'>" + renderDiff + "</div>";
cl += "<div id='dom' class='diff'>" + domDiff + "</div>";
cl += "</body></html>";
compare.tqwriteBlock( cl.latin1(), cl.length() );
void RegressionTest::testStaticFile(const TQString & filename, const TQStringList &commands)
tqApp->mainWidget()->resize( 800, 600); // restore size
// Set arguments
KParts::URLArgs args;
if (filename.endsWith(".txt")) args.serviceType = "text/plain";
// load page
KURL url;
url.setPath(TQFileInfo(m_baseDir + "/tests/"+filename).absFilePath());
// inject commands
for (TQStringList::ConstIterator cit = commands.begin(); cit != commands.end(); ++cit) {
TQString str = (*cit).stripWhiteSpace();
if (str.isEmpty() || str.startsWith("#")) continue;
Kate::Command *cmd = KateCmd::self()->queryCommand(str);
if (cmd) {
TQString msg;
if (!cmd->exec(m_view, str, msg))
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR executing command '%s': %s\n", str.latin1(), msg.latin1());
Q_ASSERT(m_part->config()->configFlags() & KateDocumentConfig::cfDoxygenAutoTyping);
bool script_error = false;
// Execute script
TestJScriptEnv jsenv(m_part);
script_error = evalJS(jsenv.interpreter(), m_baseDir + "/tests/"+TQFileInfo(filename).dirPath()+"/.kateconfig-script", true)
&& evalJS(jsenv.interpreter(), m_baseDir + "/tests/"+filename+"-script");
int back_known_failures = m_known_failures;
if (!script_error) goto bail_out;
if (m_showGui) kapp->processEvents();
if ( m_genOutput ) {
reportResult(checkOutput(filename+"-result"), "result");
} else {
int failures = NoFailure;
// compare with output file
if ( m_known_failures & ResultFailure)
m_known_failures = AllFailure;
bool newfail;
if ( !reportResult( checkOutput(filename+"-result"), "result", &newfail ) )
failures |= ResultFailure;
if (newfail)
failures |= NewFailure;
doFailureReport(filename, failures );
m_known_failures = back_known_failures;
bool RegressionTest::evalJS(Interpreter &interp, const TQString &filename, bool ignore_nonexistent)
TQString fullSourceName = filename;
TQFile sourceFile(fullSourceName);
if (! {
if (!ignore_nonexistent) {
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR reading file %s\n",fullSourceName.latin1());
return ignore_nonexistent;
TQTextStream stream ( &sourceFile );
stream.setEncoding( TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
TQString code =;
saw_failure = false;
ignore_errors = false;
Completion c = interp.evaluate(UString( code ) );
if ( /*report_result &&*/ !ignore_errors) {
if (c.complType() == Throw) {
TQString errmsg = c.value().toString(interp.globalExec()).qstring();
printf( "ERROR: %s (%s)\n",filename.latin1(), errmsg.latin1());
return false;
return true;
class GlobalImp : public ObjectImp {
virtual UString className() const { return "global"; }
RegressionTest::CheckResult RegressionTest::checkOutput(const TQString &againstFilename)
TQString absFilename = TQFileInfo(m_baseDir + "/baseline/" + againstFilename).absFilePath();
if ( svnIgnored( absFilename ) ) {
m_known_failures = NoFailure;
return Ignored;
CheckResult result = Success;
// compare result to existing file
TQString outputFilename = TQFileInfo(m_outputDir + "/" + againstFilename).absFilePath();
bool kf = false;
if ( m_known_failures & AllFailure )
kf = true;
if ( kf )
outputFilename += "-KF";
if ( m_genOutput )
outputFilename = absFilename;
// get existing content
TQString data;
if (m_outputCustomised) {
data = m_outputString;
} else {
data = m_part->text();
TQFile file(absFilename);
if ( {
TQTextStream stream ( &file );
stream.setEncoding( TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
TQString fileData =;
result = ( fileData == data ) ? Success : Failure;
if ( !m_genOutput && result == Success && !m_keepOutput ) {
::unlink( TQFile::encodeName( outputFilename ) );
return Success;
} else if (!m_genOutput) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error reading file %s\n", absFilename.latin1());
result = Failure;
// generate result file
createMissingDirs( outputFilename );
TQFile file2(outputFilename);
if (! {
fprintf(stderr,"Error writing to file %s\n",outputFilename.latin1());
TQTextStream stream2(&file2);
stream2.setEncoding( TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
stream2 << data;
if ( m_genOutput )
printf("Generated %s\n", outputFilename.latin1());
return result;
void RegressionTest::rereadConfig()
m_baseConfig->setGroup("Kate Document Defaults");
m_baseConfig->setGroup("Kate View Defaults");
bool RegressionTest::reportResult(CheckResult result, const TQString & description, bool *newfail)
if ( result == Ignored ) {
//printf("IGNORED: ");
//printDescription( description );
return true; // no error
} else
return reportResult( result == Success, description, newfail );
bool RegressionTest::reportResult(bool passed, const TQString & description, bool *newfail)
if (newfail) *newfail = false;
if (m_genOutput)
return true;
TQString filename(m_currentTest + "-" + description);
if (!m_currentCategory.isEmpty())
filename = m_currentCategory + "/" + filename;
const bool oldfailed = m_failureComp && m_failureComp->readNumEntry(filename);
if (passed) {
if ( m_known_failures & AllFailure ) {
printf("PASS (unexpected!)");
} else {
if (oldfailed) {
printf(" (new)");
if (m_failureSave)
else {
if ( m_known_failures & AllFailure ) {
printf("FAIL (known)");
passed = true; // we knew about it
} else {
if (!oldfailed && m_failureComp) {
printf(" (new)");
if (newfail) *newfail = true;
if (m_failureSave)
m_failureSave->writeEntry(filename, 1);
printf(": ");
printDescription( description );
return passed;
void RegressionTest::printDescription(const TQString& description)
if (!m_currentCategory.isEmpty())
printf("%s/", m_currentCategory.latin1());
printf("%s", m_currentTest.latin1());
if (!description.isEmpty()) {
TQString desc = description;
desc.replace( '\n', ' ' );
printf(" [%s]", desc.latin1());
void RegressionTest::createMissingDirs(const TQString & filename)
TQFileInfo dif(filename);
TQFileInfo dirInfo( dif.dirPath() );
if (dirInfo.exists())
TQStringList pathComponents;
TQFileInfo parentDir = dirInfo;
while (!parentDir.exists()) {
TQString parentPath = parentDir.absFilePath();
int slashPos = parentPath.findRev('/');
if (slashPos < 0)
parentPath = parentPath.left(slashPos);
parentDir = TQFileInfo(parentPath);
for (uint pathno = 1; pathno < pathComponents.count(); pathno++) {
if (!TQFileInfo(pathComponents[pathno]).exists() &&
!TQDir(pathComponents[pathno-1]).mkdir(pathComponents[pathno])) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error creating directory %s\n",pathComponents[pathno].latin1());
void RegressionTest::slotOpenURL(const KURL &url, const KParts::URLArgs &args)
m_part->browserExtension()->setURLArgs( args );
bool RegressionTest::svnIgnored( const TQString &filename )
TQFileInfo fi( filename );
TQString ignoreFilename = fi.dirPath() + "/svnignore";
TQFile ignoreFile(ignoreFilename);
if (!
return false;
TQTextStream ignoreStream(&ignoreFile);
TQString line;
while (!(line = ignoreStream.readLine()).isNull()) {
if ( line == fi.fileName() )
return true;
return false;
void RegressionTest::resizeTopLevelWidget( int w, int h )
tqApp->mainWidget()->resize( w, h );
// Since we're not visible, this doesn't have an immediate effect, TQWidget posts the event
TQApplication::sendPostedEvents( 0, TQEvent::Resize );
#include "test_regression.moc"
// kate: indent-width 4