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package org.kde.kjas.server;
import java.applet.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.kde.javascript.JSObject;
final class KJASAuthenticator extends Authenticator {
private Hashtable authentication;
KJASAuthenticator() {
authentication = new Hashtable();
final void addURL(URL url, String user, String password, String authname) {
String key = new String(url.getProtocol() + ":" + url.getHost() + ":" +
url.getPort() + "_" + authname);
String [] auths = { user, password };
authentication.put(key, auths);
final protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
URL url;
String key = new String(getRequestingProtocol() + ":" + getRequestingHost() + ":" + getRequestingPort() + "_" + getRequestingPrompt());
String [] auths = (String []) authentication.get(key);
if (auths != null) {
char [] pw = new char[auths[1].length()];
auths[1].getChars(0, auths[1].length(), pw, 0);
return new PasswordAuthentication(auths[0], pw);
return null;
* The context in which applets live.
public class KJASAppletContext implements AppletContext
private Hashtable stubs;
private Hashtable images;
private Vector pendingImages;
private Hashtable streams;
private Stack jsobjects;
private String myID;
private KJASAppletClassLoader loader;
private boolean active;
private final static KJASAuthenticator authenticator = new KJASAuthenticator();
* Create a KJASAppletContext
public KJASAppletContext( String _contextID )
stubs = new Hashtable();
images = new Hashtable();
pendingImages = new Vector();
streams = new Hashtable();
jsobjects = new Stack();
myID = _contextID;
active = true;
public String getID()
return myID;
public String getAppletID(Applet applet)
Enumeration e = stubs.keys();
while ( e.hasMoreElements() )
String appletID = (String) e.nextElement();
KJASAppletStub stub = (KJASAppletStub) stubs.get(appletID);
if (stub.getApplet() == applet)
return appletID;
return null;
public Applet getAppletById(String appletId) {
return ((KJASAppletStub) stubs.get( appletId )).getApplet();
public String getAppletName(String appletID) {
KJASAppletStub stub = (KJASAppletStub) stubs.get(appletID);
if (stub == null)
return null;
return stub.getAppletName();
public void createApplet( String appletID, String name,
String className, String docBase,
String username, String password, String authname,
String codeBase, String archives,
String width, String height,
String windowName, Hashtable params )
//do kludges to support mess with parameter table and
//the applet variables
String key = new String( "ARCHIVE" );
if (params.containsKey(key)) {
String param_archive = (String)params.get(key);
if (archives == null) {
// There is no 'archive' attribute
// but a 'archive' param. fix archive list
// from param value
archives = param_archive;
} else {
// there is already an archive attribute.
// just add the value of the param to the list.
// But ignore bill$ personal archive format called
// .cab because java doesn't understand it.
if (!param_archive.toLowerCase().endsWith(".cab")) {
archives = param_archive + "," + archives;
} else if (archives != null) {
// add param if it is not present
params.put( key, archives);
if( codeBase == null )
key = new String( "CODEBASE" );
if( params.containsKey( key ) )
codeBase = (String) params.get( key );
if (username != null && !username.equals("")) {
try {
URL url = new URL(docBase);
int port = url.getPort();
if (port < 0)
port = url.getDefaultPort();
authenticator.addURL(new URL(url.getProtocol(), url.getHost(), port, ""), username, password, authname);
} catch (MalformedURLException muex) {
String sorted_archives = "";
TreeSet archive_set = new TreeSet();
if( archives != null )
StringTokenizer parser = new StringTokenizer( archives, ",", false );
while( parser.hasMoreTokens() )
archive_set.add ( parser.nextToken().trim() );
Iterator it = archive_set.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
sorted_archives += (String);
KJASAppletClassLoader loader =
KJASAppletClassLoader.getLoader( docBase, codeBase, sorted_archives );
it = archive_set.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
loader.addArchiveName( (String) );
KJASAppletStub stub = new KJASAppletStub
this, appletID, loader.getCodeBase(),
loader.getDocBase(), name, className,
new Dimension( Integer.parseInt(width), Integer.parseInt(height) ),
params, windowName, loader
stubs.put( appletID, stub );
catch ( Exception e )
Main.kjas_err( "Something bad happened in createApplet: " + e, e );
public void initApplet( String appletID )
KJASAppletStub stub = (KJASAppletStub) stubs.get( appletID );
if( stub == null )
Main.debug( "could not init and show applet: " + appletID );
public void destroyApplet( String appletID )
KJASAppletStub stub = (KJASAppletStub) stubs.get( appletID );
if( stub == null )
Main.debug( "could not destroy applet: " + appletID );
//Main.debug( "stopping applet: " + appletID );
stubs.remove( appletID );
public void startApplet( String appletID )
KJASAppletStub stub = (KJASAppletStub) stubs.get( appletID );
if( stub == null )
Main.debug( "could not start applet: " + appletID );
public void stopApplet( String appletID )
KJASAppletStub stub = (KJASAppletStub) stubs.get( appletID );
if( stub == null )
Main.debug( "could not stop applet: " + appletID );
public void destroy()
Enumeration e = stubs.elements();
while ( e.hasMoreElements() )
KJASAppletStub stub = (KJASAppletStub) e.nextElement();
active = false;
**** AppletContext interface
public Applet getApplet( String appletName )
if( active )
Enumeration e = stubs.elements();
while( e.hasMoreElements() )
KJASAppletStub stub = (KJASAppletStub) e.nextElement();
if( stub.getAppletName().equals( appletName ) )
return stub.getApplet();
return null;
public Enumeration getApplets()
if( active )
Vector v = new Vector();
Enumeration e = stubs.elements();
while( e.hasMoreElements() )
KJASAppletStub stub = (KJASAppletStub) e.nextElement();
v.add( stub.getApplet() );
return v.elements();
return null;
public AudioClip getAudioClip( URL url )
Main.debug( "getAudioClip, url = " + url );
//AudioClip clip = java.applet.Applet.newAudioClip(url);
AudioClip clip = new KJASAudioClip(url);
Main.debug( "got AudioClip " + clip);
return clip;
// return new KJASSoundPlayer( myID, url );
public void addImage( String url, byte[] data )
Main.debug( "addImage for url = " + url );
images.put( url, data );
if (Main.cacheImages) {
public Image getImage( URL url )
if( active && url != null )
// directly load images using JVM
if (true) {
//"Getting image using ClassLoader:" + url);
if (loader != null) {
url = loader.findResource(url.toString());
//Main.debug("Resulting URL:" + url);
Toolkit kit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
Image img = kit.createImage(url);
return img;
//check with the Web Server
String str_url = url.toString();
Main.debug( "getImage, url = " + str_url );
if (Main.cacheImages && images.containsKey(str_url)) {
Main.debug("Cached: url=" + str_url);
if (Main.cacheImages) {
if (!pendingImages.contains(str_url)) {
Main.protocol.sendGetURLDataCmd( myID, str_url );
} else {
Main.protocol.sendGetURLDataCmd( myID, str_url );
while( !images.containsKey( str_url ) && active )
try { Thread.sleep( 200 ); }
catch( InterruptedException e ){}
if( images.containsKey( str_url ) )
byte[] data = (byte[]) images.get( str_url );
if( data.length > 0 )
Toolkit kit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
return kit.createImage( data );
} else return null;
return null;
public void showDocument( URL url )
//Main.debug( "showDocument, url = " + url );
if( active && (url != null) )
Main.protocol.sendShowDocumentCmd( myID, url.toString() );
public void showDocument( URL url, String targetFrame )
//Main.debug( "showDocument, url = " + url + " targetFrame = " + targetFrame );
if( active && (url != null) && (targetFrame != null) )
Main.protocol.sendShowDocumentCmd( myID, url.toString(), targetFrame );
public void showStatus( String message )
if( active && (message != null) )
Main.protocol.sendShowStatusCmd( myID, message );
public boolean evaluateJavaScript(String script, String appletID, JSObject jso) {
KJASAppletStub stub = (KJASAppletStub) stubs.get( appletID );
if( active && stub != null && stub.isLoaded ()) {
if( jso != null ) {
synchronized (jsobjects) {
int [] types = { KJASAppletStub.JString };
String [] arglist = { script };
Main.protocol.sendJavaScriptEventCmd(myID, appletID, 0, "eval", types, arglist);
return true;
Main.debug( "evaluateJavaScript failure, context active:" + active + " stub:" + stub);
return false;
public boolean getMember(String appletID, int callid, int objid, String name)
KJASAppletStub stub = (KJASAppletStub) stubs.get( appletID );
if (stub == null || !stub.isLoaded())
return false;
return stub.getMember(callid, objid, name);
public boolean putMember(String appletID, int callid, int objid, String name, String value)
if (name.equals("__lc_ret")) {
// special case; return value of JS script evaluation
Main.debug("putValue: applet " + name + "=" + value);
JSObject jso = null;
synchronized (jsobjects) {
if (!jsobjects.empty())
jso = (JSObject) jsobjects.pop();
if (jso == null)
return false;
jso.returnvalue = value;
try {
} catch (SecurityException ex) {}
Main.protocol.sendPutMember( myID, callid, true );
KJASAppletStub stub = (KJASAppletStub) stubs.get( appletID );
if (stub == null || !stub.isLoaded())
return false;
return stub.putMember(callid, objid, name, value);
public Object getJSReferencedObject(Applet applet, int objid)
return ((KJASAppletClassLoader)(applet.getClass().getClassLoader())).getJSReferencedObjects().get(new Integer(objid));
boolean callMember(String appletID, int cid, int oid, String n, java.util.List args)
KJASAppletStub stub = (KJASAppletStub) stubs.get( appletID );
if (stub == null || !stub.isLoaded())
return false;
return stub.callMember( cid, oid, n, args);
public void derefObject(String appletID, int objid) {
if (objid == 0)
return; // that's an applet
KJASAppletStub stub = (KJASAppletStub) stubs.get( appletID );
if (stub == null)
Hashtable jsRefs = stub.loader.getJSReferencedObjects();
if (jsRefs.remove(new Integer(objid)) == null)
Main.debug("couldn't remove referenced object");
public void setStream(String key, InputStream stream) throws IOException {
Main.debug("setStream, key = " + key);
streams.put(key, stream);
public InputStream getStream(String key){
Main.debug("getStream, key = " + key);
return (InputStream) streams.get(key);
public Iterator getStreamKeys() {
return streams.keySet().iterator();