You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

466 lines
16 KiB

Copyright (c) 2003 Malte Starostik <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstring>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kjs/object.h>
#include <kresolver.h>
#include "script.h"
using namespace KJS;
TQString UString::qstring() const
return TQString( reinterpret_cast< const TQChar* >( data() ), size() );
UString::UString( const TQString &s )
UChar* data = new UChar[ s.length() ];
std::memcpy( data, s.tqunicode(), s.length() * sizeof( UChar ) );
rep = Rep::create( data, s.length() );
class Address
struct Error {};
static Address resolve( const UString& host )
{ return Address( host.qstring(), false ); }
static Address parse( const UString& ip )
{ return Address( ip.qstring(), true ); }
operator in_addr_t() const {
const sockaddr_in* sin = m_address;
return sin->sin_addr.s_addr;
operator String() const { return String( m_address.ipAddress().toString() ); }
Address( const TQString& host, bool numeric )
int flags = 0;
if ( numeric )
flags = KNetwork::KResolver::NoResolve;
KNetwork::KResolverResults addresses =
KNetwork::KResolver::resolve( host, TQString::null, flags,
KNetwork::KResolver::IPv4Family );
if ( addresses.isEmpty() )
throw Error();
m_address = addresses.first().address().asInet();
KNetwork::KInetSocketAddress m_address;
struct Function : public ObjectImp
struct ResolveError {};
virtual bool implementsCall() const { return true; }
static int findString( const UString& s, const char* const* values )
int index = 0;
UString lower = s.toLower();
for ( const char* const* p = values; *p; ++p, ++index )
if ( lower == *p ) return index;
return -1;
static const tm* getTime( ExecState* exec, const List& args )
time_t now = std::time( 0 );
if ( args[ args.size() - 1 ].toString( exec ).toLower() == "gmt" )
return std::gmtime( &now );
else return std::localtime( &now );
Boolean checkRange( int value, int min, int max )
return ( min <= max && value >= min && value <= max ) ||
( min > max && ( value <= min || value >= max ) );
// isPlainHostName( host )
// @returns true if @p host doesn't contains a domain part
struct IsPlainHostName : public Function
virtual Value call( ExecState* exec, Object&, const List& args )
if ( args.size() != 1 ) return Undefined();
return Boolean( args[ 0 ].toString( exec ).find( "." ) == -1 );
// dnsDomainIs( host, domain )
// @returns true if the domain part of @p host matches @p domain
struct DNSDomainIs : public Function
virtual Value call( ExecState* exec, Object&, const List& args )
if ( args.size() != 2 ) return Undefined();
TQString host = args[ 0 ].toString( exec ).qstring().lower();
TQString domain = args[ 1 ].toString( exec ).qstring().lower();
return Boolean( host.endsWith( domain ) );
// localHostOrDomainIs( host, fqdn )
// @returns true if @p host is unqualified or equals @p fqdn
struct LocalHostOrDomainIs : public Function
virtual Value call( ExecState* exec, Object&, const List& args )
if ( args.size() != 2 ) return Undefined();
UString host = args[ 0 ].toString( exec ).toLower();
if ( host.find( "." ) == -1 ) return Boolean( true );
UString fqdn = args[ 1 ].toString( exec ).toLower();
return Boolean( host == fqdn );
// isResolvable( host )
// @returns true if host can be resolved via DNS
struct IsResolvable : public Function
virtual Value call( ExecState* exec, Object&, const List& args )
if ( args.size() != 1 ) return Undefined();
try { ::Address::resolve( args[ 0 ].toString( exec ) ); }
catch ( const Address::Error& ) { return Boolean( false ); }
return Boolean( true );
// isInNet( host, subnet, mask )
// @returns true if @p host is within the IP subnet
// specified via @p subnet and @p mask
struct IsInNet : public Function
virtual Value call( ExecState* exec, Object&, const List& args )
if ( args.size() != 3 ) return Undefined();
in_addr_t host = Address::resolve( args[ 0 ].toString( exec ) );
in_addr_t subnet = Address::parse( args[ 1 ].toString( exec ) );
in_addr_t mask = Address::parse( args[ 2 ].toString( exec ) );
return Boolean( ( host & mask ) == ( subnet & mask ) );
catch ( const Address::Error& )
return Undefined();
// dnsResolve( host )
// @returns the IP address of @p host in dotted quad notation
struct DNSResolve : public Function
virtual Value call( ExecState* exec, Object&, const List& args )
if ( args.size() != 1 ) return Undefined();
try { return String(Address::resolve( args[ 0 ].toString( exec ))); }
catch ( const Address::Error& ) { return Undefined(); }
// myIpAddress()
// @returns the local machine's IP address in dotted quad notation
struct MyIpAddress : public Function
virtual Value call( ExecState*, Object&, const List& args )
if ( args.size() ) return Undefined();
char hostname[ 256 ];
gethostname( hostname, 255 );
hostname[ 255 ] = 0;
try { return String(Address::resolve( hostname )); }
catch ( const Address::Error& ) { return Undefined(); }
// dnsDomainLevels( host )
// @returns the number of dots ('.') in @p host
struct DNSDomainLevels : public Function
virtual Value call( ExecState* exec, Object&, const List& args )
if ( args.size() != 1 ) return Undefined();
UString host = args[ 0 ].toString( exec );
if ( host.isNull() ) return Number( 0 );
return Number( std::count(, + host.size(), '.' ) );
// shExpMatch( str, pattern )
// @returns true if @p str matches the shell @p pattern
struct ShExpMatch : public Function
virtual Value call( ExecState* exec, Object&, const List& args )
if ( args.size() != 2 ) return Undefined();
TQRegExp pattern( args[ 1 ].toString( exec ).qstring(), true, true );
return Boolean( pattern.exactMatch(args[ 0 ].toString( exec ).qstring()) );
// weekdayRange( day [, "GMT" ] )
// weekdayRange( day1, day2 [, "GMT" ] )
// @returns true if the current day equals day or between day1 and day2 resp.
// If the last argument is "GMT", GMT timezone is used, otherwise local time
struct WeekdayRange : public Function
virtual Value call( ExecState* exec, Object&, const List& args )
if ( args.size() < 1 || args.size() > 3 ) return Undefined();
static const char* const days[] =
{ "sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat", 0 };
int d1 = findString( args[ 0 ].toString( exec ), days );
if ( d1 == -1 ) return Undefined();
int d2 = findString( args[ 1 ].toString( exec ), days );
if ( d2 == -1 ) d2 = d1;
return checkRange( getTime( exec, args )->tm_wday, d1, d2 );
// dateRange( day [, "GMT" ] )
// dateRange( day1, day2 [, "GMT" ] )
// dateRange( month [, "GMT" ] )
// dateRange( month1, month2 [, "GMT" ] )
// dateRange( year [, "GMT" ] )
// dateRange( year1, year2 [, "GMT" ] )
// dateRange( day1, month1, day2, month2 [, "GMT" ] )
// dateRange( month1, year1, month2, year2 [, "GMT" ] )
// dateRange( day1, month1, year1, day2, month2, year2 [, "GMT" ] )
// @returns true if the current date (GMT or local time according to
// presence of "GMT" as last argument) is within the given range
struct DateRange : public Function
virtual Value call( ExecState* exec, Object&, const List& args )
if ( args.size() < 1 || args.size() > 7 ) return Undefined();
static const char* const months[] =
{ "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "nov", "dec", 0 };
std::vector< int > values;
for ( int i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i )
int value = -1;
if ( args[ i ].isA( NumberType ) )
value = args[ i ].toInteger( exec );
else value = findString( args[ i ].toString( exec ), months );
if ( value >= 0 ) values.push_back( value );
else break;
const tm* now = getTime( exec, args );
// day1, month1, year1, day2, month2, year2
if ( values.size() == 6 )
return checkRange( ( now->tm_year + 1900 ) * 372 + now->tm_mon * 31 + now->tm_mday,
values[ 2 ] * 372 + values[ 1 ] * 31 + values[ 0 ],
values[ 5 ] * 372 + values[ 4 ] * 31 + values[ 3 ] );
// day1, month1, day2, month2
else if ( values.size() == 4 &&
values[ 1 ] < 12 &&
values[ 3 ] < 12 )
return checkRange( now->tm_mon * 31 + now->tm_mday,
values[ 1 ] * 31 + values[ 0 ],
values[ 3 ] * 31 + values[ 2 ] );
// month1, year1, month2, year2
else if ( values.size() == 4 )
return checkRange( ( now->tm_year + 1900 ) * 12 + now->tm_mon,
values[ 1 ] * 12 + values[ 0 ],
values[ 3 ] * 12 + values[ 2 ] );
// year1, year2
else if ( values.size() == 2 &&
values[ 0 ] >= 1000 &&
values[ 1 ] >= 1000 )
return checkRange( now->tm_year + 1900, values[ 0 ], values[ 1 ] );
// day1, day2
else if ( values.size() == 2 &&
args[ 0 ].isA( NumberType ) &&
args[ 1 ].isA( NumberType ) )
return checkRange( now->tm_mday, values[ 0 ], values[ 1 ] );
// month1, month2
else if ( values.size() == 2 )
return checkRange( now->tm_mon, values[ 0 ], values[ 1 ] );
// year
else if ( values.size() == 1 && values[ 0 ] >= 1000 )
return checkRange( now->tm_year + 1900, values[ 0 ], values[ 0 ] );
// day
else if ( values.size() == 1 && args[ 0 ].isA( NumberType ) )
return checkRange( now->tm_mday, values[ 0 ], values[ 0 ] );
// month
else if ( values.size() == 1 )
return checkRange( now->tm_mon, values[ 0 ], values[ 0 ] );
else return Undefined();
// timeRange( hour [, "GMT" ] )
// timeRange( hour1, hour2 [, "GMT" ] )
// timeRange( hour1, min1, hour2, min2 [, "GMT" ] )
// timeRange( hour1, min1, sec1, hour2, min2, sec2 [, "GMT" ] )
// @returns true if the current time (GMT or local based on presence
// of "GMT" argument) is within the given range
struct TimeRange : public Function
virtual Value call( ExecState* exec, Object&, const List& args )
if ( args.size() < 1 || args.size() > 7 ) return Undefined();
std::vector< int > values;
for ( int i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i )
if ( args[ i ].isA( NumberType ) )
values.push_back( args[ i ].toInteger( exec ) );
else break;
const tm* now = getTime( exec, args );
// hour1, min1, sec1, hour2, min2, sec2
if ( values.size() == 6 )
return checkRange( now->tm_hour * 3600 + now->tm_min * 60 + now->tm_sec,
values[ 0 ] * 3600 + values[ 1 ] * 60 + values[ 2 ],
values[ 3 ] * 3600 + values[ 4 ] * 60 + values[ 5 ] );
// hour1, min1, hour2, min2
else if ( values.size() == 4 )
return checkRange( now->tm_hour * 60 + now->tm_min,
values[ 0 ] * 60 + values[ 1 ],
values[ 2 ] * 60 + values[ 3 ] );
// hour1, hour2
else if ( values.size() == 2 )
return checkRange( now->tm_hour, values[ 0 ], values[ 1 ] );
// hour
else if ( values.size() == 1 )
return checkRange( now->tm_hour, values[ 0 ], values[ 0 ] );
else return Undefined();
void registerFunctions( ExecState* exec, Object& global )
global.put( exec, "isPlainHostName",
Object( new IsPlainHostName ) );
global.put( exec, "dnsDomainIs",
Object( new DNSDomainIs ) );
global.put( exec, "localHostOrDomainIs",
Object( new LocalHostOrDomainIs ) );
global.put( exec, "isResolvable",
Object( new IsResolvable ) );
global.put( exec, "isInNet",
Object( new IsInNet ) );
global.put( exec, "dnsResolve",
Object( new DNSResolve ) );
global.put( exec, "myIpAddress",
Object( new MyIpAddress ) );
global.put( exec, "dnsDomainLevels",
Object( new DNSDomainLevels ) );
global.put( exec, "shExpMatch",
Object( new ShExpMatch ) );
global.put( exec, "weekdayRange",
Object( new WeekdayRange ) );
global.put( exec, "dateRange",
Object( new DateRange ) );
global.put( exec, "timeRange",
Object( new TimeRange ) );
namespace KPAC
Script::Script( const TQString& code )
ExecState* exec = m_interpreter.globalExec();
Object global = m_interpreter.globalObject();
registerFunctions( exec, global );
Completion result = m_interpreter.evaluate( code );
if ( result.complType() == Throw )
throw Error( result.value().toString( exec ).qstring() );
TQString Script::evaluate( const KURL& url )
ExecState *exec = m_interpreter.globalExec();
Value findFunc = m_interpreter.globalObject().get( exec, "FindProxyForURL" );
Object findObj = Object::dynamicCast( findFunc );
if (!findObj.isValid() || !findObj.implementsCall())
throw Error( "No such function FindProxyForURL" );
Object thisObj;
List args;
Value retval = exec, thisObj, args );
if ( exec->hadException() ) {
Value ex = exec->exception();
throw Error( ex.toString( exec ).qstring() );
return retval.toString( exec ).qstring();
// vim: ts=4 sw=4 et