You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

440 lines
20 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE language SYSTEM "language.dtd"
<!ENTITY qname "[A-Za-z_:][\w.:_-]*">
<!ENTITY entref "&amp;(#[0-9]+|#[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+|&qname;);">
<!ENTITY axisname "ancestor|ancestor-or-self|attribute|child|descendant|descendant-or-self|following|following-sibling|namespace|parent|preceding|preceding-sibling|self">
Kate syntax highlighting for XSLT
2004 by Peter Lammich (
Published under the LGPL
- Is qname - entity correct ??
- Integrate latest XML highlighting, that supports ...
This version is mainly based on kate 2.1 XML highlighting file
- highlight functions only if they are followed by a '('. (How to do that ??)
- use <IncludeRules> to make things a bit more modular and cleaner
- I'd like to properly comment this file, but kate 2.1 (I have to work with it) behaves strange whith comments.
It seems to immediately stop processing a tag's content when encountering a comment
- Define own highlighting rules for patterns (Currently a pattern is highlighted as XPath)
- Highlight also XPath keywords, such as 'cast as'
DONE: !DOCTYPE, ![CDATA[, Processing Instructions support copied from latest XML-highlighting
DONE: Added XSLT 2.0 tag- and XPath2.0 and XSLT2.0 function keywords
FIXED: axis highlighting does not work, if identifier continues directly behind axis: (self::someWord)
DONE: highlight entity references
Do not replace the <RegExpr> by <IncludeEntities>, this is a kate 2.1 workaround !
FIXED axis-names are even highlighted if there are characters in front of them, i.e. in "xxxself::", "self::" would
be highlighted.
Now matching any qnames in XPath by own matcher
&varname; entity, what exactly is allowed by xslt ?
&varname; entity not used any more, variable names can be qnames.
CHANGED: Use the Alert style for the highlighting of todo and fixme, etc.
Comments are foldable, two dashes inside comment hl as error,
use the dsError style for Invalid data (Wilbert Berendsen,
<language version="1.03" kateversion="2.1" name="xslt" section="Markup" extensions="*.xsl;*.xslt" license="LGPL" author="Peter Lammich (">
<list name="keytags">
<item> xsl:value-of </item>
<item> xsl:output </item>
<item> xsl:decimal-format </item>
<item> xsl:apply-templates </item>
<item> xsl:param </item>
<item> xsl:transform </item>
<item> xsl:namespace-alias </item>
<item> xsl:comment </item>
<item> xsl:element </item>
<item> xsl:attribute </item>
<item> xsl:apply-imports </item>
<item> xsl:text </item>
<item> xsl:when </item>
<item> xsl:template </item>
<item> xsl:processing-instruction </item>
<item> xsl:include </item>
<item> xsl:copy-of </item>
<item> xsl:copy </item>
<item> xsl:with-param </item>
<item> xsl:stylesheet </item>
<item> xsl:for-each </item>
<item> xsl:choose </item>
<item> xsl:sort </item>
<item> xsl:otherwise </item>
<item> xsl:key </item>
<item> xsl:variable </item>
<item> xsl:number </item>
<item> xsl:message </item>
<item> xsl:fallback </item>
<item> xsl:strip-space </item>
<item> xsl:import </item>
<item> xsl:preserve-space </item>
<item> xsl:if </item>
<item> xsl:call-template </item>
<item> xsl:attribute-set </item>
<list name="keytags_2.0">
<item> xsl:perform-sort </item>
<item> xsl:import-schema </item>
<item> xsl:for-each-group </item>
<item> xsl:sequence </item>
<item> xsl:non-matching-substring </item>
<item> xsl:namespace </item>
<item> xsl:next-match </item>
<item> xsl:function </item>
<item> xsl:analyze-string </item>
<item> xsl:output-character </item>
<item> xsl:matching-substring </item>
<item> xsl:result-document </item>
<item> xsl:character-map </item>
<item> xsl:document </item>
<list name="functions">
<item> format-number </item>
<item> position </item>
<item> lang </item>
<item> substring-before </item>
<item> substring </item>
<item> normalize-space </item>
<item> round </item>
<item> translate </item>
<item> starts-with </item>
<item> concat </item>
<item> local-name </item>
<item> key </item>
<item> count </item>
<item> document </item>
<item> system-property </item>
<item> current </item>
<item> boolean </item>
<item> number </item>
<item> contains </item>
<item> name </item>
<item> last </item>
<item> unparsed-entity-uri </item>
<item> sum </item>
<item> generate-id </item>
<item> function-available </item>
<item> element-available </item>
<item> false </item>
<item> substring-after </item>
<item> not </item>
<item> string-length </item>
<item> id </item>
<item> floor </item>
<item> ceiling </item>
<item> namespace-uri </item>
<item> true </item>
<item> string </item>
<item> text </item>
<list name="functions_2.0">
<item> zero-or-one </item>
<item> replace </item>
<item> namespace-uri-for-prefix </item>
<item> current-grouping-key </item>
<item> seconds-from-duration </item>
<item> resolve-uri </item>
<item> node-kind </item>
<item> minutes-from-dateTime </item>
<item> implicit-timezone </item>
<item> exactly-one </item>
<item> current-time </item>
<item> current-dateTime </item>
<item> unordered </item>
<item> subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration </item>
<item> string-join </item>
<item> static-base-uri </item>
<item> months-from-duration </item>
<item> input </item>
<item> exists </item>
<item> default-collation </item>
<item> dateTime </item>
<item> current-group </item>
<item> current-date </item>
<item> collection </item>
<item> timezone-from-time </item>
<item> matches </item>
<item> local-name-from-QName </item>
<item> day-from-date </item>
<item> timezone-from-date </item>
<item> round-half-to-even </item>
<item> month-from-dateTime </item>
<item> month-from-date </item>
<item> hours-from-duration </item>
<item> escape-uri </item>
<item> distinct-values </item>
<item> avg </item>
<item> years-from-duration </item>
<item> unparsed-text </item>
<item> unparsed-entity-public-id </item>
<item> subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration </item>
<item> subtract-dates-yielding-yearMonthDuration </item>
<item> string-to-codepoints </item>
<item> sequence-node-identical </item>
<item> hours-from-time </item>
<item> hours-from-dateTime </item>
<item> format-time </item>
<item> codepoints-to-string </item>
<item> trace </item>
<item> tokenize </item>
<item> subtract-dateTimes-yielding-yearMonthDuration </item>
<item> subsequence </item>
<item> seconds-from-dateTime </item>
<item> regex-group </item>
<item> one-or-more </item>
<item> node-name </item>
<item> namespace-uri-from-QName </item>
<item> min </item>
<item> idref </item>
<item> format-dateTime </item>
<item> format-date </item>
<item> days-from-duration </item>
<item> compare </item>
<item> base-uri </item>
<item> seconds-from-time </item>
<item> in-scope-prefixes </item>
<item> expanded-QName </item>
<item> adjust-date-to-timezone </item>
<item> year-from-date </item>
<item> resolve-QName </item>
<item> remove </item>
<item> QName </item>
<item> minutes-from-time </item>
<item> max </item>
<item> lower-case </item>
<item> index-of </item>
<item> doc </item>
<item> deep-equal </item>
<item> data </item>
<item> minutes-from-duration </item>
<item> adjust-dateTime-to-timezone </item>
<item> abs </item>
<item> timezone-from-dateTime </item>
<item> reverse </item>
<item> error </item>
<item> ends-with </item>
<item> day-from-dateTime </item>
<item> year-from-dateTime </item>
<item> upper-case </item>
<item> root </item>
<item> normalize-unicode </item>
<item> empty </item>
<item> insert-before </item>
<item> document-uri </item>
<item> adjust-time-to-timezone </item>
<context name="normalText" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay">
<StringDetect attribute="Comment" context="comment" String="&lt;!--" beginRegion="comment"/>
<StringDetect attribute="CDATA" context="CDATA" String="&lt;![CDATA[" beginRegion="cdata" />
<RegExpr attribute="Doctype" context="Doctype" String="&lt;!DOCTYPE\s+" beginRegion="doctype" />
<RegExpr attribute="Processing Instruction" context="PI" String="&lt;\?[\w:_-]*" beginRegion="pi" />
<DetectChar attribute="Tag" context="tagname" char="&lt;" />
<RegExpr attribute="Entity Reference" context="#stay" String="&entref;" />
<context name="CDATA" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay">
<DetectSpaces />
<DetectIdentifier />
<StringDetect attribute="CDATA" context="#pop" String="]]&gt;" endRegion="cdata" />
<StringDetect attribute="Entity Reference" context="#stay" String="]]&amp;gt;" />
<context name="PI" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay">
<Detect2Chars attribute="Processing Instruction" context="#pop" char="?" char1="&gt;" endRegion="pi" />
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<context name="Doctype Internal Subset" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay">
<DetectChar attribute="Doctype" context="#pop" char="]" endRegion="int_subset" />
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<StringDetect attribute="Comment" context="comment" String="&lt;!--" beginRegion="comment" />
<RegExpr attribute="Processing Instruction" context="PI" String="&lt;\?[\w:_-]*" beginRegion="pi" />
<IncludeRules context="FindPEntityRefs" />
<context name="Doctype Markupdecl" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay">
<DetectChar attribute="Doctype" context="#pop" char="&gt;" />
<DetectChar attribute="Value" context="Doctype Markupdecl DQ" char="&quot;" />
<DetectChar attribute="Value" context="Doctype Markupdecl SQ" char="&apos;" />
<context name="Doctype Markupdecl DQ" attribute="Value" lineEndContext="#stay">
<DetectChar attribute="Value" context="#pop" char="&quot;" />
<IncludeRules context="FindPEntityRefs" />
<context name="Doctype Markupdecl SQ" attribute="Value" lineEndContext="#stay">
<DetectChar attribute="Value" context="#pop" char="&apos;" />
<IncludeRules context="FindPEntityRefs" />
<context name="detectEntRef" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay">
<RegExpr attribute="Entity Reference" context="#stay" String="&entref;" />
<context name="FindPEntityRefs" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay">
<RegExpr attribute="Entity Reference" context="#stay" String="&entref;" />
<RegExpr attribute="PEntity Reference" context="#stay" String="%&qname;;" />
<AnyChar attribute="Error" context="#stay" String="&amp;%" />
<context name="tagname" attribute="Tag" lineEndContext="#stay">
<keyword attribute="XSLT Tag" context="xattributes" String="keytags" />
<keyword attribute="XSLT 2.0 Tag" context="xattributes" String="keytags_2.0" />
<RegExpr attribute="Attribute" context="attributes" String="\s*" />
<DetectChar attribute="Tag" context="#pop" char="&gt;" />
<context name="attributes" attribute="Attribute" lineEndContext="#stay">
<Detect2Chars attribute="Tag" context="#pop#pop" char="/" char1="&gt;" />
<DetectChar attribute="Tag" context="#pop#pop" char="&gt;" />
<RegExpr attribute="Normal Text" context="attrValue" String="\s*=\s*" />
<context name="attrValue" attribute="Invalid" lineEndContext="#stay">
<Detect2Chars attribute="Invalid" context="#pop#pop#pop" char="/" char1="&gt;" />
<DetectChar attribute="Invalid" context="#pop#pop#pop" char="&gt;" />
<DetectChar attribute="Attribute Value" context="string" char="&quot;" />
<DetectChar attribute="Attribute Value" context="sqstring" char="'" />
<context name="xattributes" attribute="Attribute" lineEndContext="#stay">
<Detect2Chars attribute="Tag" context="#pop#pop" char="/" char1="&gt;" />
<DetectChar attribute="Tag" context="#pop#pop" char="&gt;" />
<RegExpr attribute="Attribute" context="xattrValue" String="select\s*=\s*" />
<RegExpr attribute="Attribute" context="xattrValue" String="test\s*=\s*" />
<RegExpr attribute="Attribute" context="xattrValue" String="match\s*=\s*" />
<RegExpr attribute="Attribute" context="attrValue" String="\s*=\s*" />
<context name="xattrValue" attribute="Invalid" lineEndContext="#stay">
<Detect2Chars attribute="Invalid" context="#pop#pop#pop" char="/" char1="&gt;" />
<DetectChar attribute="Invalid" context="#pop#pop#pop" char="&gt;" />
<DetectChar attribute="XPath" context="xpath" char="&quot;" />
<DetectChar attribute="XPath" context="sqxpath" char="'" />
<context name="string" attribute="Attribute Value" lineEndContext="#stay">
<DetectChar attribute="XPath" context="xpath" char="{" />
<DetectChar attribute="Attribute Value" context="#pop#pop" char="&quot;" />
<IncludeRules context="detectEntRef" />
<context name="sqstring" attribute="Attribute Value" lineEndContext="#stay">
<DetectChar attribute="XPath" context="sqxpath" char="{" />
<DetectChar attribute="Attribute Value" context="#pop#pop" char="'" />
<IncludeRules context="detectEntRef" />
<context name="comment" attribute="Comment" lineEndContext="#stay">
<StringDetect attribute="Comment" context="#pop" String="--&gt;" endRegion="comment" />
<RegExpr attribute="Invalid" context="#stay" String="-(-(?!-&gt;))+" />
<RegExpr attribute="Alert" context="#stay" String="(FIXME|TODO|HACK)" />
<context name="xpath" attribute="XPath" lineEndContext="#stay">
<keyword attribute="XPath/ XSLT Function" context="#stay" String="functions" />
<keyword attribute="XPath 2.0/ XSLT 2.0 Function" context="#stay" String="functions_2.0" />
<RegExpr attribute="XPath Axis" context="#stay" String="(&axisname;)::" />
<DetectChar attribute="XPath" context="#pop" char="}" />
<DetectChar attribute="XPath String" context="sqxpathstring" char="'" />
<DetectChar attribute="XPath" context="#pop#pop" char="&quot;" />
<RegExpr attribute="XPath Attribute" context="#stay" String="@&qname;" />
<RegExpr attribute="Variable" context="#stay" String="\$&qname;" />
<RegExpr attribute="XPath" context="#stay" String="&qname;" />
<DetectChar attribute="Invalid" context="#stay" char="$" />
<IncludeRules context="detectEntRef" />
<context name="sqxpath" attribute="XPath" lineEndContext="#stay">
<keyword attribute="XPath/ XSLT Function" context="#stay" String="functions" />
<keyword attribute="XPath 2.0/ XSLT 2.0 Function" context="#stay" String="functions_2.0" />
<RegExpr attribute="XPath Axis" context="#stay" String="(&axisname;)::" />
<DetectChar attribute="XPath" context="#pop" char="}" />
<DetectChar attribute="XPath String" context="xpathstring" char="&quot;" />
<DetectChar attribute="XPath" context="#pop#pop" char="'" />
<RegExpr attribute="XPath Attribute" context="#stay" String="@&qname;" />
<RegExpr attribute="Variable" context="#stay" String="\$&qname;" />
<RegExpr attribute="XPath" context="#stay" String="&qname;" />
<DetectChar attribute="Invalid" context="#stay" char="$" />
<IncludeRules context="detectEntRef" />
<context name="sqxpathstring" attribute="XPath String" lineEndContext="#stay">
<DetectChar attribute="XPath String" context="#pop" char="'" />
<IncludeRules context="detectEntRef" />
<context name="xpathstring" attribute="XPath String" lineEndContext="#stay">
<DetectChar attribute="XPath String" context="#pop" char="&quot;" />
<IncludeRules context="detectEntRef" />
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<itemData name="Attribute" defStyleNum="dsOthers"/>
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<itemData name="Attribute Value" defStyleNum="dsString" color="#800000" selColor="#ffffff" bold="0" italic="0"/>
<itemData name="XPath" defStyleNum="dsOthers" color="#008080" selColor="#ffffff" bold="0" italic="0"/>
<itemData name="XPath String" defStyleNum="dsString" color="#800000" selColor="#ffffff" bold="0" italic="0"/>
<itemData name="XPath Axis" defStyleNum="dsKeyword" color="#008080" selColor="#ffffff" bold="0" italic="1"/>
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<itemData name="XPath 2.0/ XSLT 2.0 Function" defStyleNum="dsKeyword" color="#008080" selColor="#ffffff" bold="1" italic="0"/>
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<itemData name="Variable" defStyleNum="dsNormal" color="#008080" selColor="#ffffff" bold="0" italic="1" />
<itemData name="Comment" defStyleNum="dsComment"/>
<itemData name="XSLT Tag" defStyleNum="dsKeyword" color="#000080" selColor="#ffffff" bold="1" italic="0" />
<itemData name="XSLT 2.0 Tag" defStyleNum="dsKeyword" color="#000080" selColor="#ffffff" bold="1" italic="0" />
<itemData name="Entity Reference" defStyleNum="dsDecVal" />
<itemData name="CDATA" defStyleNum="dsBaseN" bold="1" />
<itemData name="Processing Instruction" defStyleNum="dsKeyword" />
<itemData name="Doctype" defStyleNum="dsDataType" bold="1" />
<itemData name="PEntity Reference" defStyleNum="dsDecVal" />
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