You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

629 lines
12 KiB

* This file is part of the KDE libraries
* Copyright (C) 2002 Harri Porten (
* Copyright (C) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "nodes.h"
namespace KJS {
* A simple text streaming class that helps with code indentation.
class SourceStream {
enum Format {
Endl, Indent, Unindent
UString toString() const { return str; }
SourceStream& operator<<(const Identifier &);
SourceStream& operator<<(const KJS::UString &);
SourceStream& operator<<(const char *);
SourceStream& operator<<(char);
SourceStream& operator<<(Format f);
SourceStream& operator<<(const Node *);
UString str; /* TODO: buffer */
UString ind;
using namespace KJS;
SourceStream& SourceStream::operator<<(char c)
str += UString(c);
return *this;
SourceStream& SourceStream::operator<<(const char *s)
str += UString(s);
return *this;
SourceStream& SourceStream::operator<<(const UString &s)
str += s;
return *this;
SourceStream& SourceStream::operator<<(const Identifier &s)
str += s.ustring();
return *this;
SourceStream& SourceStream::operator<<(const Node *n)
if (n)
return *this;
SourceStream& SourceStream::operator<<(Format f)
switch (f) {
case Endl:
str += "\n" + ind;
case Indent:
ind += " ";
case Unindent:
ind = ind.substr(0, ind.size() - 2);
return *this;
UString unescapeStr(UString str)
UString unescaped = "";
int i = 0;
int copied = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= str.size(); i++) {
if (str[i] == '"') {
if (copied < i)
unescaped += str.substr(copied,i-copied);
copied = i+1;
unescaped += "\\\"";
if (copied < i)
unescaped += str.substr(copied,i-copied);
return unescaped;
UString Node::toCode() const
SourceStream str;
return str.toString();
void NullNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const { s << "null"; }
void BooleanNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << (val ? "true" : "false");
void NumberNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const { s << UString::from(val); }
void StringNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << '"' << unescapeStr(val) << '"';
void RegExpNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const { s << "/" << pattern << "/" << flags; }
void ThisNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const { s << "this"; }
void ResolveNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const { s << ident; }
void GroupNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << "(" << group << ")";
void ElementNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
for (const ElementNode *n = this; n; n = n->list) {
for (int i = 0; i < n->elision; i++)
s << ",";
s << n->node;
if ( n->list )
s << ",";
void ArrayNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << "[" << element;
for (int i = 0; i < elision; i++)
s << ",";
s << "]";
void ObjectLiteralNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
if (list)
s << "{ " << list << " }";
s << "{ }";
void PropertyValueNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
for (const PropertyValueNode *n = this; n; n = n->list)
s << n->name << ": " << n->assign;
void PropertyNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
if (str.isNull())
s << UString::from(numeric);
s << str;
void AccessorNode1::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << expr1 << "[" << expr2 << "]";
void AccessorNode2::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << expr << "." << ident;
void ArgumentListNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << expr;
for (ArgumentListNode *n = list; n; n = n->list)
s << ", " << n->expr;
void ArgumentsNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << "(" << list << ")";
void NewExprNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << "new " << expr << args;
void FunctionCallNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << expr << args;
void PostfixNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << expr;
if (oper == OpPlusPlus)
s << "++";
s << "--";
void DeleteNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << "delete " << expr;
void VoidNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << "void " << expr;
void TypeOfNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << "typeof " << expr;
void PrefixNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << (oper == OpPlusPlus ? "++" : "--") << expr;
void UnaryPlusNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << "+" << expr;
void NegateNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << "-" << expr;
void BitwiseNotNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << "~" << expr;
void LogicalNotNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << "!" << expr;
void MultNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << term1 << oper << term2;
void AddNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << term1 << oper << term2;
void AppendStringNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << term << "+" << '"' << unescapeStr(str) << '"';
void ShiftNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << term1;
if (oper == OpLShift)
s << "<<";
else if (oper == OpRShift)
s << ">>";
s << ">>>";
s << term2;
void RelationalNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << expr1;
switch (oper) {
case OpLess:
s << " < ";
case OpGreater:
s << " > ";
case OpLessEq:
s << " <= ";
case OpGreaterEq:
s << " >= ";
case OpInstanceOf:
s << " instanceof ";
case OpIn:
s << " in ";
s << expr2;
void EqualNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << expr1;
switch (oper) {
case OpEqEq:
s << " == ";
case OpNotEq:
s << " != ";
case OpStrEq:
s << " === ";
case OpStrNEq:
s << " !== ";
s << expr2;
void BitOperNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << expr1;
if (oper == OpBitAnd)
s << " & ";
else if (oper == OpBitXOr)
s << " ^ ";
s << " | ";
s << expr2;
void BinaryLogicalNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << expr1 << (oper == OpAnd ? " && " : " || ") << expr2;
void ConditionalNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << logical << " ? " << expr1 << " : " << expr2;
void AssignNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << left;
const char *opStr;
switch (oper) {
case OpEqual:
opStr = " = ";
case OpMultEq:
opStr = " *= ";
case OpDivEq:
opStr = " /= ";
case OpPlusEq:
opStr = " += ";
case OpMinusEq:
opStr = " -= ";
case OpLShift:
opStr = " <<= ";
case OpRShift:
opStr = " >>= ";
case OpURShift:
opStr = " >>= ";
case OpAndEq:
opStr = " &= ";
case OpXOrEq:
opStr = " ^= ";
case OpOrEq:
opStr = " |= ";
case OpModEq:
opStr = " %= ";
opStr = " ?= ";
s << opStr << expr;
void CommaNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << expr1 << ", " << expr2;
void StatListNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
for (const StatListNode *n = this; n; n = n->list)
s << n->statement;
void AssignExprNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << " = " << expr;
void VarDeclNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << ident << init;
void VarDeclListNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << var;
for (VarDeclListNode *n = list; n; n = n->list)
s << ", " << n->var;
void VarStatementNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << SourceStream::Endl << "var " << list << ";";
void BlockNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << SourceStream::Endl << "{" << SourceStream::Indent
<< source << SourceStream::Unindent << SourceStream::Endl << "}";
void EmptyStatementNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << SourceStream::Endl << ";";
void ExprStatementNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << SourceStream::Endl << expr << ";";
void IfNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << SourceStream::Endl << "if (" << expr << ")" << SourceStream::Indent
<< statement1 << SourceStream::Unindent;
if (statement2)
s << SourceStream::Endl << "else" << SourceStream::Indent
<< statement2 << SourceStream::Unindent;
void DoWhileNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << SourceStream::Endl << "do " << SourceStream::Indent
<< statement << SourceStream::Unindent << SourceStream::Endl
<< "while (" << expr << ");";
void WhileNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << SourceStream::Endl << "while (" << expr << ")" << SourceStream::Indent
<< statement << SourceStream::Unindent;
void ForNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << SourceStream::Endl << "for ("
<< expr1 // TODO: doesn't properly do "var i = 0"
<< "; " << expr2
<< "; " << expr3
<< ")" << SourceStream::Indent << statement << SourceStream::Unindent;
void ForInNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << SourceStream::Endl << "for (";
if (varDecl)
s << "var " << varDecl;
if (init)
s << " = " << init;
s << " in " << expr << ")" << SourceStream::Indent
<< statement << SourceStream::Unindent;
void ContinueNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << SourceStream::Endl << "continue";
if (!ident.isNull())
s << " " << ident;
s << ";";
void BreakNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << SourceStream::Endl << "break";
if (!ident.isNull())
s << " " << ident;
s << ";";
void ReturnNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << SourceStream::Endl << "return";
if (value)
s << " " << value;
s << ";";
void WithNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << SourceStream::Endl << "with (" << expr << ") "
<< statement;
void CaseClauseNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << SourceStream::Endl;
if (expr)
s << "case " << expr;
s << "default";
s << ":" << SourceStream::Indent;
if (list)
s << list;
s << SourceStream::Unindent;
void ClauseListNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
for (const ClauseListNode *n = this; n; n = n->next())
s << n->clause();
void CaseBlockNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
for (const ClauseListNode *n = list1; n; n = n->next())
s << n->clause();
if (def)
s << def;
for (const ClauseListNode *n = list2; n; n = n->next())
s << n->clause();
void SwitchNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << SourceStream::Endl << "switch (" << expr << ") {"
<< SourceStream::Indent << block << SourceStream::Unindent
<< SourceStream::Endl << "}";
void LabelNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << SourceStream::Endl << label << ":" << SourceStream::Indent
<< statement << SourceStream::Unindent;
void ThrowNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << SourceStream::Endl << "throw " << expr << ";";
void CatchNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << SourceStream::Endl << "catch (" << ident << ")" << block;
void FinallyNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << SourceStream::Endl << "finally " << block;
void TryNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << SourceStream::Endl << "try " << block
<< _catch
<< _final;
void ParameterNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << id;
for (ParameterNode *n = next; n; n = n->next)
s << ", " << n->id;
void FuncDeclNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const {
s << SourceStream::Endl << "function " << ident << "(";
if (param)
s << param;
s << ")" << body;
void FuncExprNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
s << "function " << "("
<< param
<< ")" << body;
void SourceElementsNode::streamTo(SourceStream &s) const
for (const SourceElementsNode *n = this; n; n = n->elements)
s << n->element;