You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

51 lines
823 B

# tcl syntax highlighting sample script for Kate
# author: JM. Philippe 15/03/04
# escaped characters
set String \{
set String \{
set String \"
set String " \" "
set String " \{ "
#comments and not comments
# is comments
;#is comments
# is comments
# <h1> is html comment </h1>
puts ok; # is comments
set String [string map {</a> {<span>&#187;is not comments</span></a>}} $String]
set String \#not_a_comment
# blocks
proc test {arg1 {arg2 {}} {arg3 {fr fq r}}} {
if {1} {; #comments
set String \{; # not a block start
proc test args {
set String \}; # not a block end
# BEGIN - collapsable comments
# blablabla
# strings
set String "feqr feqr $gqer gqe"
set String "feqr
feqr \" $gqer \
set String {feqr
feqr \{ $gqer \
# variables
set b+1 [incr b]
set {incr-b} ${b+1}
puts ${incr-b}