/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 2000 David Faure Copyright (C) 2000 Rik Hemsley Copyright (C) 2002 Carsten Pfeiffer This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef __kmimetyperesolver_h #define __kmimetyperesolver_h #include #include #include #include /** * @internal * A baseclass for KMimeTypeResolver, with the interface, * KMimeTypeResolverHelper uses. */ class KIO_EXPORT KMimeTypeResolverBase { public: virtual void slotViewportAdjusted() = 0; virtual void slotProcessMimeIcons() = 0; protected: virtual void virtual_hook( int, void* ) {} }; /** * @internal * This class is used by KMimeTypeResolver, because it can't be a QObject * itself. So an object of this class is used to handle signals, slots etc. * and forwards them to the KMimeTypeResolver instance. */ class KIO_EXPORT KMimeTypeResolverHelper : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: KMimeTypeResolverHelper( KMimeTypeResolverBase *resolver, TQScrollView *view ) : m_resolver( resolver ), m_timer( new TQTimer( this ) ) { connect( m_timer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), TQT_SLOT( slotProcessMimeIcons() )); connect( view->horizontalScrollBar(), TQT_SIGNAL( sliderMoved(int) ), TQT_SLOT( slotAdjust() ) ); connect( view->verticalScrollBar(), TQT_SIGNAL( sliderMoved(int) ), TQT_SLOT( slotAdjust() ) ); view->viewport()->installEventFilter( this ); } void start( int delay, bool singleShot ) { m_timer->start( delay, singleShot ); } protected: virtual bool eventFilter( TQObject *o, TQEvent *e ) { bool ret = TQObject::eventFilter( o, e ); if ( e->type() == TQEvent::Resize ) m_resolver->slotViewportAdjusted(); return ret; } private slots: void slotProcessMimeIcons() { m_resolver->slotProcessMimeIcons(); } void slotAdjust() { m_resolver->slotViewportAdjusted(); } private: KMimeTypeResolverBase *m_resolver; TQTimer *m_timer; }; /** * This class implements the "delayed-mimetype-determination" feature, * for konqueror's directory views (and KFileDialog's :). * * It determines the mimetypes of the icons in the background, but giving * preferrence to the visible icons. * * It is implemented as a template, so that it can work with both QPtrListViewItem * and TQIconViewItem, without requiring hacks such as void * or TQPtrDict lookups. * * Here's what the parent must implement : * @li void mimeTypeDeterminationFinished(); * @li TQScrollView * scrollWidget(); * @li void determineIcon( IconItem * item ), which should call * @li KFileItem::determineMimeType on the fileItem, and update the icon, etc. */ template class KMimeTypeResolver : public KMimeTypeResolverBase // if only this could be a TQObject.... { public: /** * Creates a new KMimeTypeResolver with the given parent. * @param parent the parent's resolver */ KMimeTypeResolver( Parent * parent ) : m_parent(parent), m_helper( new KMimeTypeResolverHelper(this, parent->scrollWidget())), m_delayNonVisibleIcons(10) {} virtual ~KMimeTypeResolver() { delete m_helper; } /** * Start the mimetype-determination. Call this when the listing is completed. * @param delayNonVisibleIcons the delay to use between icons not on screen. * Usually 10, but should be set to 0 when the image preview feature is * activated, because image preview can only start once we know the mimetypes */ void start( uint delayNonVisibleIcons = 10 ) { m_helper->start( 0, true /* single shot */ ); m_delayNonVisibleIcons = delayNonVisibleIcons; } /** * The list of items to process. The view is free to * clear it, insert new items into it, remove items, etc. * @return the list of items to process */ TQPtrList m_lstPendingMimeIconItems; /** * "Connected" to the viewportAdjusted signal of the scrollview */ virtual void slotViewportAdjusted(); /** * "Connected" to the timer */ virtual void slotProcessMimeIcons(); private: /** * Find a visible icon and determine its mimetype. * KonqDirPart will call this method repeatedly until it returns 0L * (no more visible icon to process). * @return the file item that was just processed. */ IconItem * findVisibleIcon(); Parent * m_parent; KMimeTypeResolverHelper *m_helper; uint m_delayNonVisibleIcons; }; // The main slot template inline void KMimeTypeResolver::slotProcessMimeIcons() { //kdDebug(1203) << "KMimeTypeResolver::slotProcessMimeIcons() " // << m_lstPendingMimeIconItems.count() << endl; IconItem * item = 0L; int nextDelay = 0; if ( m_lstPendingMimeIconItems.count() > 0 ) { // We only find mimetypes for icons that are visible. When more // of our viewport is exposed, we'll get a signal and then get // the mimetypes for the newly visible icons. (Rikkus) item = findVisibleIcon(); } // No more visible items. if (0 == item) { // Do the unvisible ones, then, but with a bigger delay, if so configured if ( m_lstPendingMimeIconItems.count() > 0 ) { item = m_lstPendingMimeIconItems.first(); nextDelay = m_delayNonVisibleIcons; } else { m_parent->mimeTypeDeterminationFinished(); return; } } m_parent->determineIcon(item); m_lstPendingMimeIconItems.remove(item); m_helper->start( nextDelay, true /* single shot */ ); } template inline void KMimeTypeResolver::slotViewportAdjusted() { if (m_lstPendingMimeIconItems.isEmpty()) return; IconItem * item = findVisibleIcon(); if (item) { m_parent->determineIcon( item ); m_lstPendingMimeIconItems.remove(item); m_helper->start( 0, true /* single shot */ ); } } template inline IconItem * KMimeTypeResolver::findVisibleIcon() { // Find an icon that's visible and whose mimetype we don't know. TQPtrListIterator it(m_lstPendingMimeIconItems); if ( m_lstPendingMimeIconItems.count()<20) // for few items, it's faster to not bother return m_lstPendingMimeIconItems.first(); TQScrollView * view = m_parent->scrollWidget(); TQRect visibleContentsRect ( view->viewportToContents(TQPoint(0, 0)), view->viewportToContents ( TQPoint(view->visibleWidth(), view->visibleHeight()) ) ); for (; it.current(); ++it) if (visibleContentsRect.intersects(it.current()->rect())) return it.current(); return 0L; } #endif