/* This file is part of the KDE libraries * Copyright (C) 1999 Waldo Bastian * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation; * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ #include "kservicetypefactory.h" #include "ksycoca.h" #include "ksycocatype.h" #include "ksycocadict.h" #include "kservicetype.h" #include "kmimetype.h" #include "kuserprofile.h" #include #include #include #include #include KServiceTypeFactory::KServiceTypeFactory() : KSycocaFactory( KST_KServiceTypeFactory ) { _self = this; m_fastPatternOffset = 0; m_otherPatternOffset = 0; if (m_str) { // Read Header TQ_INT32 i,n; (*m_str) >> i; m_fastPatternOffset = i; (*m_str) >> i; m_otherPatternOffset = i; (*m_str) >> n; if (n > 1024) { KSycoca::flagError(); } else { TQString str; for(;n;n--) { KSycocaEntry::read(*m_str, str); (*m_str) >> i; m_propertyTypeDict.insert(str, i); } } } } KServiceTypeFactory::~KServiceTypeFactory() { _self = 0L; KServiceTypeProfile::clear(); } KServiceTypeFactory * KServiceTypeFactory::self() { if (!_self) _self = new KServiceTypeFactory(); return _self; } KServiceType * KServiceTypeFactory::findServiceTypeByName(const TQString &_name) { if (!m_sycocaDict) return 0L; // Error! assert (!KSycoca::self()->isBuilding()); int offset = m_sycocaDict->find_string( _name ); if (!offset) return 0; // Not found KServiceType * newServiceType = createEntry(offset); // Check whether the dictionary was right. if (newServiceType && (newServiceType->name() != _name)) { // No it wasn't... delete newServiceType; newServiceType = 0; // Not found } return newServiceType; } TQVariant::Type KServiceTypeFactory::findPropertyTypeByName(const TQString &_name) { if (!m_sycocaDict) return TQVariant::Invalid; // Error! assert (!KSycoca::self()->isBuilding()); TQMapConstIterator it = m_propertyTypeDict.find(_name); if (it != m_propertyTypeDict.end()) { return (TQVariant::Type)it.data(); } return TQVariant::Invalid; } KMimeType * KServiceTypeFactory::findFromPattern(const TQString &_filename, TQString *match) { // Assume we're NOT building a database if (!m_str) return 0; // Get stream to the header TQDataStream *str = m_str; str->tqdevice()->tqat( m_fastPatternOffset ); TQ_INT32 nrOfEntries; (*str) >> nrOfEntries; TQ_INT32 entrySize; (*str) >> entrySize; TQ_INT32 fastOffset = str->tqdevice()->tqat( ); TQ_INT32 matchingOffset = 0; // Let's go for a binary search in the "fast" pattern index TQ_INT32 left = 0; TQ_INT32 right = nrOfEntries - 1; TQ_INT32 middle; // Extract extension int lastDot = _filename.findRev('.'); int ext_len = _filename.length() - lastDot - 1; if (lastDot != -1 && ext_len <= 4) // if no '.', skip the extension lookup { TQString extension = _filename.right( ext_len ); extension = extension.leftJustify(4); TQString pattern; while (left <= right) { middle = (left + right) / 2; // read pattern at position "middle" str->tqdevice()->tqat( middle * entrySize + fastOffset ); KSycocaEntry::read(*str, pattern); int cmp = pattern.compare( extension ); if (cmp < 0) left = middle + 1; else if (cmp == 0) // found { (*str) >> matchingOffset; // don't return newServiceType - there may be an "other" pattern that // matches best this file, like *.tar.bz if (match) *match = "*."+pattern.stripWhiteSpace(); break; // but get out of the fast patterns } else right = middle - 1; } } // Now try the "other" Pattern table if ( m_patterns.isEmpty() ) { str->tqdevice()->tqat( m_otherPatternOffset ); TQString pattern; TQ_INT32 mimetypeOffset; while (true) { KSycocaEntry::read(*str, pattern); if (pattern.isEmpty()) // end of list break; (*str) >> mimetypeOffset; m_patterns.push_back( pattern ); m_pattern_offsets.push_back( mimetypeOffset ); } } assert( m_patterns.size() == m_pattern_offsets.size() ); TQStringList::const_iterator it = m_patterns.begin(); TQStringList::const_iterator end = m_patterns.end(); TQValueVector::const_iterator it_offset = m_pattern_offsets.begin(); for ( ; it != end; ++it, ++it_offset ) { if ( KStringHandler::matchFileName( _filename, *it ) ) { if ( !matchingOffset || !(*it).endsWith( "*" ) ) // *.html wins over Makefile.* { matchingOffset = *it_offset; if (match) *match = *it; break; } } } if ( matchingOffset ) { KServiceType *newServiceType = createEntry( matchingOffset ); assert (newServiceType && newServiceType->isType( KST_KMimeType )); return (KMimeType *) newServiceType; } else return 0; } KMimeType::List KServiceTypeFactory::allMimeTypes() { KMimeType::List result; KSycocaEntry::List list = allEntries(); for( KSycocaEntry::List::Iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { KMimeType *newMimeType = dynamic_cast((*it).data()); if (newMimeType) result.append( KMimeType::Ptr( newMimeType ) ); } return result; } KServiceType::List KServiceTypeFactory::allServiceTypes() { KServiceType::List result; KSycocaEntry::List list = allEntries(); for( KSycocaEntry::List::Iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { #ifndef Q_WS_QWS KServiceType *newServiceType = dynamic_cast((*it).data()); #else //FIXME KServiceType *newServiceType = (KServiceType*)(*it).data(); #endif if (newServiceType) result.append( KServiceType::Ptr( newServiceType ) ); } return result; } bool KServiceTypeFactory::checkMimeTypes() { TQDataStream *str = KSycoca::self()->findFactory( factoryId() ); if (!str) return false; // check if there are mimetypes/servicetypes return (m_beginEntryOffset != m_endEntryOffset); } KServiceType * KServiceTypeFactory::createEntry(int offset) { KServiceType *newEntry = 0; KSycocaType type; TQDataStream *str = KSycoca::self()->findEntry(offset, type); if (!str) return 0; switch(type) { case KST_KServiceType: newEntry = new KServiceType(*str, offset); break; case KST_KMimeType: newEntry = new KMimeType(*str, offset); break; case KST_KFolderType: newEntry = new KFolderType(*str, offset); break; case KST_KDEDesktopMimeType: newEntry = new KDEDesktopMimeType(*str, offset); break; case KST_KExecMimeType: newEntry = new KExecMimeType(*str, offset); break; default: kdError(7011) << TQString(TQString("KServiceTypeFactory: unexpected object entry in KSycoca database (type = %1)").arg((int)type)) << endl; break; } if (newEntry && !newEntry->isValid()) { kdError(7011) << "KServiceTypeFactory: corrupt object in KSycoca database!\n" << endl; delete newEntry; newEntry = 0; } return newEntry; } KServiceTypeFactory *KServiceTypeFactory::_self = 0; void KServiceTypeFactory::virtual_hook( int id, void* data ) { KSycocaFactory::virtual_hook( id, data ); } // vim: ts=3 sw=3 et