at by go if in is no of on or to up add ALL and ANY avg day end ESC for key let log max mdy min not put red row run set sum top blue BOLD call case cyan desc DROP else exit file form FREE from goto help HIDE HOLD HOUR into last left like line load LOCK main menu MODE name NEED next null open page PIPE quit READ rows show skip sort STEP STOP TEMP text then thru true user WAIT when with WORK WRAP year after alter ascii BEGIN blink clear close count DEFER DIRTY error every false fetch field first flush green GROUP index input label lines month order outer pause print right share sleep space start TABLE today union UNITS using where WHILE white ACCEPT before border bottom column commit create cursor define delete enable ESCAPE exists finish format HAVING header insert length locate margin MINUTE MODIFY normal option output PAGENO prompt record report return revoke SCREEN scroll SECOND select spaces status UNIQUE UNLOAD update values window yellow between clipped cluster columns command comment connect CURRENT declare display execute foreach globals infield MAGENTA matches message options prepare printer program reverse trailer upshift waiting without ABSOLUTE continue database defaults DISTINCT EXTERNAL function INT_FLAG NOTFOUND previous ROLLBACK whenever wordwrap attribute committed construct delimiter downshift exclusive INTERRUPT ISOLATION otherwise quit_flag returning attributes CONSTRAINT initialize statistics fgl_lastkey formhandler fgl_lastkey() char date array float money serial DECIMAL integer NUMERIC VARCHAR DATETIME FRACTION INTERVAL smallint