/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Anders Lund <anders@alweb.dk>
Copyright (C) 2003 Clarence Dang <dang@kde.org>
Copyright (C) 2002 John Firebaugh <jfirebaugh@kde.org>
Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Christoph Cullmann <cullmann@kde.org>
Copyright (C) 2001 Joseph Wenninger <jowenn@kde.org>
Copyright (C) 1999 Jochen Wilhelmy <digisnap@cs.tu-berlin.de>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "katesearch.h"
#include "katesearch.moc"
#include "kateview.h"
#include "katedocument.h"
#include "katesupercursor.h"
#include "katearbitraryhighlight.h"
#include "kateconfig.h"
#include "katehighlight.h"
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kstdaction.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kstringhandler.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kfinddialog.h>
#include <kreplacedialog.h>
#include <kpushbutton.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
//BEGIN KateSearch
TQStringList KateSearch::s_searchList = TQStringList();
TQStringList KateSearch::s_replaceList = TQStringList();
TQString KateSearch::s_pattern = TQString();
static const bool arbitraryHLExample = false;
KateSearch::KateSearch( KateView* view )
: TQObject( view, "kate search" )
, m_view( view )
, m_doc( view->doc() )
, replacePrompt( new KateReplacePrompt( view ) )
m_arbitraryHLList = new KateSuperRangeList();
if (arbitraryHLExample) m_doc->arbitraryHL()->addHighlightToView(m_arbitraryHLList, m_view);
delete m_arbitraryHLList;
void KateSearch::createActions( KActionCollection* ac )
KStdAction::find( this, TQT_SLOT(find()), ac )->setWhatsThis(
i18n("Look up the first occurrence of a piece of text or regular expression."));
KStdAction::findNext( this, TQT_SLOT(slotFindNext()), ac )->setWhatsThis(
i18n("Look up the next occurrence of the search phrase."));
KStdAction::findPrev( this, TQT_SLOT(slotFindPrev()), ac, "edit_find_prev" )->setWhatsThis(
i18n("Look up the previous occurrence of the search phrase."));
KStdAction::replace( this, TQT_SLOT(replace()), ac )->setWhatsThis(
i18n("Look up a piece of text or regular expression and replace the result with some given text."));
void KateSearch::addToList( TQStringList& list, const TQString& s )
if( list.count() > 0 ) {
TQStringList::Iterator it = list.find( s );
if( *it != 0L )
list.remove( it );
if( list.count() >= 16 )
list.remove( list.fromLast() );
list.prepend( s );
void KateSearch::find()
// if multiline selection around, search in it
long searchf = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags();
if (m_view->hasSelection() && m_view->selStartLine() != m_view->selEndLine())
searchf |= KFindDialog::SelectedText;
KFindDialog *findDialog = new KFindDialog ( m_view, "", searchf,
s_searchList, m_view->hasSelection() );
findDialog->setPattern (getSearchText());
if( findDialog->exec() == TQDialog::Accepted ) {
s_searchList = findDialog->findHistory () ;
// Do *not* remove the TQString() wrapping, it fixes a nasty crash
find( TQString(s_searchList.first()), findDialog->options(), true, true );
delete findDialog;
m_view->repaintText ();
void KateSearch::find( const TQString &pattern, long flags, bool add, bool shownotfound )
KateViewConfig::global()->setSearchFlags( flags );
if( add )
addToList( s_searchList, pattern );
s_pattern = pattern;
SearchFlags searchFlags;
searchFlags.caseSensitive = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::CaseSensitive;
searchFlags.wholeWords = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::WholeWordsOnly;
searchFlags.fromBeginning = !(KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::FromCursor)
&& !(KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::SelectedText);
searchFlags.backward = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::FindBackwards;
searchFlags.selected = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::SelectedText;
searchFlags.prompt = false;
searchFlags.replace = false;
searchFlags.finished = false;
searchFlags.regExp = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::RegularExpression;
searchFlags.useBackRefs = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KReplaceDialog::BackReference;
if ( searchFlags.selected )
s.selBegin = KateTextCursor( m_view->selStartLine(), m_view->selStartCol() );
s.selEnd = KateTextCursor( m_view->selEndLine(), m_view->selEndCol() );
s.cursor = s.flags.backward ? s.selEnd : s.selBegin;
} else {
s.cursor = getCursor( searchFlags );
s.wrappedEnd = s.cursor;
s.wrapped = false;
s.showNotFound = shownotfound;
search( searchFlags );
void KateSearch::replace()
if (!doc()->isReadWrite()) return;
// if multiline selection around, search in it
long searchf = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags();
if (m_view->hasSelection() && m_view->selStartLine() != m_view->selEndLine())
searchf |= KFindDialog::SelectedText;
KReplaceDialog *replaceDialog = new KReplaceDialog ( m_view, "", searchf,
s_searchList, s_replaceList, m_view->hasSelection() );
replaceDialog->setPattern (getSearchText());
if( replaceDialog->exec() == TQDialog::Accepted ) {
long opts = replaceDialog->options();
m_replacement = replaceDialog->replacement();
s_searchList = replaceDialog->findHistory () ;
s_replaceList = replaceDialog->replacementHistory () ;
// Do *not* remove the TQString() wrapping, it fixes a nasty crash
replace( TQString(s_searchList.first()), m_replacement, opts );
delete replaceDialog;
m_view->update ();
void KateSearch::replace( const TQString& pattern, const TQString &replacement, long flags )
if (!doc()->isReadWrite()) return;
addToList( s_searchList, pattern );
s_pattern = pattern;
addToList( s_replaceList, replacement );
m_replacement = replacement;
KateViewConfig::global()->setSearchFlags( flags );
SearchFlags searchFlags;
searchFlags.caseSensitive = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::CaseSensitive;
searchFlags.wholeWords = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::WholeWordsOnly;
searchFlags.fromBeginning = !(KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::FromCursor)
&& !(KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::SelectedText);
searchFlags.backward = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::FindBackwards;
searchFlags.selected = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::SelectedText;
searchFlags.prompt = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KReplaceDialog::PromptOnReplace;
searchFlags.replace = true;
searchFlags.finished = false;
searchFlags.regExp = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::RegularExpression;
searchFlags.useBackRefs = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KReplaceDialog::BackReference;
if ( searchFlags.selected )
s.selBegin = KateTextCursor( m_view->selStartLine(), m_view->selStartCol() );
s.selEnd = KateTextCursor( m_view->selEndLine(), m_view->selEndCol() );
s.cursor = s.flags.backward ? s.selEnd : s.selBegin;
} else {
s.cursor = getCursor( searchFlags );
s.wrappedEnd = s.cursor;
s.wrapped = false;
search( searchFlags );
void KateSearch::findAgain( bool reverseDirection )
SearchFlags searchFlags;
searchFlags.caseSensitive = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::CaseSensitive;
searchFlags.wholeWords = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::WholeWordsOnly;
searchFlags.fromBeginning = !(KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::FromCursor)
&& !(KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::SelectedText);
searchFlags.backward = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::FindBackwards;
searchFlags.selected = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::SelectedText;
searchFlags.prompt = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KReplaceDialog::PromptOnReplace;
searchFlags.replace = false;
searchFlags.finished = false;
searchFlags.regExp = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::RegularExpression;
searchFlags.useBackRefs = KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KReplaceDialog::BackReference;
if (reverseDirection)
searchFlags.backward = !searchFlags.backward;
searchFlags.fromBeginning = false;
searchFlags.prompt = true; // ### why is the above assignment there?
s.cursor = getCursor( searchFlags );
search( searchFlags );
void KateSearch::search( SearchFlags flags )
s.flags = flags;
if( s.flags.fromBeginning ) {
if( !s.flags.backward ) {
s.cursor.setPos(0, 0);
} else {
s.cursor.setLine(doc()->numLines() - 1);
s.cursor.setCol(doc()->lineLength( s.cursor.line() ));
if((!s.flags.backward &&
s.cursor.col() == 0 &&
s.cursor.line() == 0 ) ||
( s.flags.backward &&
s.cursor.col() == doc()->lineLength( s.cursor.line() ) &&
s.cursor.line() == (((int)doc()->numLines()) - 1) ) ) {
s.flags.finished = true;
if( s.flags.replace ) {
replaces = 0;
if( s.flags.prompt )
} else {
void KateSearch::wrapSearch()
if( s.flags.selected )
KateTextCursor start (s.selBegin);
KateTextCursor end (s.selEnd);
// recalc for block sel, to have start with lowest col, end with highest
if (m_view->blockSelectionMode())
start.setCol (kMin(s.selBegin.col(), s.selEnd.col()));
end.setCol (kMax(s.selBegin.col(), s.selEnd.col()));
s.cursor = s.flags.backward ? end : start;
if( !s.flags.backward ) {
s.cursor.setPos(0, 0);
} else {
s.cursor.setLine(doc()->numLines() - 1);
s.cursor.setCol(doc()->lineLength( s.cursor.line() ) );
// oh, we wrapped around one time allready now !
// only check that on replace
s.wrapped = s.flags.replace;
replaces = 0;
s.flags.finished = true;
void KateSearch::findAgain()
if( s_pattern.isEmpty() ) {
if ( doSearch( s_pattern ) ) {
exposeFound( s.cursor, s.matchedLength );
} else if( !s.flags.finished ) {
if( askContinue() ) {
} else {
if (arbitraryHLExample) m_arbitraryHLList->clear();
} else {
if (arbitraryHLExample) m_arbitraryHLList->clear();
if ( s.showNotFound )
KMessageBox::sorry( view(),
i18n("Search string '%1' not found!")
.arg( KStringHandler::csqueeze( s_pattern ) ),
void KateSearch::replaceAll()
doc()->editStart ();
while( doSearch( s_pattern ) )
doc()->editEnd ();
if( !s.flags.finished ) {
if( askContinue() ) {
} else {
KMessageBox::information( view(),
i18n("%n replacement made.","%n replacements made.",replaces),
i18n("Replace") );
void KateSearch::promptReplace()
if ( doSearch( s_pattern ) ) {
exposeFound( s.cursor, s.matchedLength );
replacePrompt->setFocus ();
} else if( !s.flags.finished && askContinue() ) {
} else {
if (arbitraryHLExample) m_arbitraryHLList->clear();
KMessageBox::information( view(),
i18n("%n replacement made.","%n replacements made.",replaces),
i18n("Replace") );
void KateSearch::replaceOne()
TQString replaceWith = m_replacement;
if ( s.flags.regExp && s.flags.useBackRefs ) {
// Replace each "\0"..."\9" with the corresponding capture,
// "\n" and "\t" with newline and tab,
// "\\" with "\",
// and remove the "\" for any other sequence.
TQRegExp br("\\\\(.)");
int pos = br.search( replaceWith );
int ncaps = m_re.numCaptures();
while ( pos >= 0 ) {
TQString substitute;
TQChar argument = TQString(br.cap(1)).tqat(0);
if ( argument.isDigit() ) {
// the second character is a digit, this is a backreference
int ccap = argument.digitValue();
if (ccap <= ncaps ) {
substitute = m_re.cap( ccap );
} else {
kdDebug()<<"KateSearch::replaceOne(): you don't have "<<ccap<<" backreferences in regexp '"<<TQString(m_re.pattern())<<"'"<<endl;
} else if ( argument == 'n' ) {
substitute = '\n';
} else if ( argument == 't' ) {
substitute = '\t';
} else {
// handle a validly escaped backslash, or an invalid escape.
substitute = argument;
replaceWith.replace( pos, br.matchedLength(), substitute );
pos = br.search( replaceWith, pos + substitute.length() );
doc()->removeText( s.cursor.line(), s.cursor.col(),
s.cursor.line(), s.cursor.col() + s.matchedLength );
doc()->insertText( s.cursor.line(), s.cursor.col(), replaceWith );
// if we inserted newlines, we better adjust.
uint newlines = replaceWith.contains('\n');
if ( newlines )
if ( ! s.flags.backward )
s.cursor.setLine( s.cursor.line() + newlines );
s.cursor.setCol( replaceWith.length() - replaceWith.findRev('\n') );
// selection?
if ( s.flags.selected )
s.selEnd.setLine( s.selEnd.line() + newlines );
// adjust selection endcursor if needed
if( s.flags.selected && s.cursor.line() == s.selEnd.line() )
s.selEnd.setCol(s.selEnd.col() + replaceWith.length() - s.matchedLength );
// adjust wrap cursor if needed
if( s.cursor.line() == s.wrappedEnd.line() && s.cursor.col() <= s.wrappedEnd.col())
s.wrappedEnd.setCol(s.wrappedEnd.col() + replaceWith.length() - s.matchedLength );
if( !s.flags.backward ) {
s.cursor.setCol(s.cursor.col() + replaceWith.length());
} else if( s.cursor.col() > 0 ) {
s.cursor.setCol(s.cursor.col() - 1);
} else {
s.cursor.setLine(s.cursor.line() - 1);
if( s.cursor.line() >= 0 ) {
s.cursor.setCol(doc()->lineLength( s.cursor.line() ));
void KateSearch::skipOne()
if( !s.flags.backward ) {
s.cursor.setCol(s.cursor.col() + s.matchedLength);
} else if( s.cursor.col() > 0 ) {
s.cursor.setCol(s.cursor.col() - 1);
} else {
s.cursor.setLine(s.cursor.line() - 1);
if( s.cursor.line() >= 0 ) {
void KateSearch::replaceSlot() {
switch( (Dialog_results)replacePrompt->result() ) {
case srCancel: replacePrompt->hide(); break;
case srAll: replacePrompt->hide(); replaceAll(); break;
case srYes: replaceOne(); promptReplace(); break;
case srLast: replacePrompt->hide(), replaceOne(); break;
case srNo: skipOne(); promptReplace(); break;
bool KateSearch::askContinue()
TQString made =
i18n( "%n replacement made.",
"%n replacements made.",
replaces );
TQString reached = !s.flags.backward ?
i18n( "End of document reached." ) :
i18n( "Beginning of document reached." );
if (KateViewConfig::global()->searchFlags() & KFindDialog::SelectedText)
reached = !s.flags.backward ?
i18n( "End of selection reached." ) :
i18n( "Beginning of selection reached." );
TQString question = !s.flags.backward ?
i18n( "Continue from the beginning?" ) :
i18n( "Continue from the end?" );
TQString text = s.flags.replace ?
made + "\n" + reached + "\n" + question :
reached + "\n" + question;
return KMessageBox::Yes == KMessageBox::questionYesNo(
view(), text, s.flags.replace ? i18n("Replace") : i18n("Find"),
KStdGuiItem::cont(), i18n("&Stop") );
TQString KateSearch::getSearchText()
// SelectionOnly: use selection
// WordOnly: use word under cursor
// SelectionWord: use selection if available, else use word under cursor
// WordSelection: use word if available, else use selection
TQString str;
int getFrom = view()->config()->textToSearchMode();
switch (getFrom)
case KateViewConfig::SelectionOnly: // (Windows)
//kdDebug() << "getSearchText(): SelectionOnly" << endl;
if( m_view->hasSelection() )
str = m_view->selection();
case KateViewConfig::SelectionWord: // (classic Kate behavior)
//kdDebug() << "getSearchText(): SelectionWord" << endl;
if( m_view->hasSelection() )
str = m_view->selection();
str = view()->currentWord();
case KateViewConfig::WordOnly: // (weird?)
//kdDebug() << "getSearchText(): WordOnly" << endl;
str = view()->currentWord();
case KateViewConfig::WordSelection: // (persistent selection lover)
//kdDebug() << "getSearchText(): WordSelection" << endl;
str = view()->currentWord();
if (str.isEmpty() && m_view->hasSelection() )
str = m_view->selection();
default: // (nowhere)
//kdDebug() << "getSearchText(): Nowhere" << endl;
str.replace( TQRegExp("^\\n"), "" );
str.replace( TQRegExp("\\n.*"), "" );
return str;
KateTextCursor KateSearch::getCursor( SearchFlags flags )
if (flags.backward && !flags.selected && view()->hasSelection())
// We're heading backwards (and not within a selection),
// the selection might start before the cursor.
return kMin( KateTextCursor(view()->selStartLine(), view()->selStartCol()),
KateTextCursor(view()->cursorLine(), view()->cursorColumnReal()));
return KateTextCursor(view()->cursorLine(), view()->cursorColumnReal());
bool KateSearch::doSearch( const TQString& text )
rodda: Still Working on this... :)
bool result = false;
if (m_searchResults.count()) {
if (m_resultIndex < (int)m_searchResults.count()) {
s = m_searchResults[m_resultIndex];
result = true;
} else {
int temp = 0;
do {*/
#if 0
static int oldLine = -1;
static int oldCol = -1;
uint line = s.cursor.line();
uint col = s.cursor.col();// + (result ? s.matchedLength : 0);
bool backward = s.flags.backward;
bool caseSensitive = s.flags.caseSensitive;
bool regExp = s.flags.regExp;
bool wholeWords = s.flags.wholeWords;
uint foundLine, foundCol, matchLen;
bool found = false;
//kdDebug() << "Searching at " << line << ", " << col << endl;
// kdDebug()<<"KateSearch::doSearch: "<<line<<", "<<col<<", "<<backward<<endl;
if (backward)
KateDocCursor docCursor(line, col, doc());
// If we're at the top of the document, we're not gonna find anything, so bail.
if (docCursor.line() == 0 && docCursor.col() == 0)
return false;
// Move one step backward before searching, if this is a "find again", we don't
// want to find the same match.
line = docCursor.line();
col = docCursor.col();
do {
if( regExp ) {
m_re = TQRegExp( text, caseSensitive );
found = doc()->searchText( line, col, m_re,
&foundLine, &foundCol,
&matchLen, backward );
else if ( wholeWords )
bool maybefound = false;
maybefound = doc()->searchText( line, col, text,
&foundLine, &foundCol,
&matchLen, caseSensitive, backward );
if ( maybefound )
found = (
( foundCol == 0 ||
! doc()->highlight()->isInWord( doc()->textLine( foundLine ).tqat( foundCol - 1 ) ) ) &&
( foundCol + matchLen == doc()->lineLength( foundLine ) ||
! doc()->highlight()->isInWord( doc()->textLine( foundLine ).tqat( foundCol + matchLen ) ) )
if ( found )
else if ( backward && foundCol == 0 ) // we are done on this line and want to avoid endless loops like in #137312
if ( line == 0 ) // we are completely done...
line = foundLine;
col = foundCol + 1;
} while ( maybefound );
else {
found = doc()->searchText( line, col, text,
&foundLine, &foundCol,
&matchLen, caseSensitive, backward );
if ( found && s.flags.selected )
KateTextCursor start (s.selBegin);
KateTextCursor end (s.selEnd);
// recalc for block sel, to have start with lowest col, end with highest
if (m_view->blockSelectionMode())
start.setCol (kMin(s.selBegin.col(), s.selEnd.col()));
end.setCol (kMax(s.selBegin.col(), s.selEnd.col()));
if ( !s.flags.backward && KateTextCursor( foundLine, foundCol ) >= end
|| s.flags.backward && KateTextCursor( foundLine, foundCol ) < start )
found = false;
else if (m_view->blockSelectionMode())
if ((int)foundCol >= start.col() && (int)foundCol < end.col())
line = foundLine;
col = foundCol+1;
while (s.flags.selected && m_view->blockSelectionMode() && found);
// in the case we want to search in selection + blockselection we need to loop
if( !found ) return false;
// save the search result
s.cursor.setPos(foundLine, foundCol);
s.matchedLength = matchLen;
// we allready wrapped around one time
if (s.wrapped)
if (s.flags.backward)
if ( (s.cursor.line() < s.wrappedEnd.line())
|| ( (s.cursor.line() == s.wrappedEnd.line()) && ((s.cursor.col()+matchLen) <= uint(s.wrappedEnd.col())) ) )
return false;
if ( (s.cursor.line() > s.wrappedEnd.line())
|| ( (s.cursor.line() == s.wrappedEnd.line()) && (s.cursor.col() > s.wrappedEnd.col()) ) )
return false;
// kdDebug() << "Found at " << s.cursor.line() << ", " << s.cursor.col() << endl;
if (arbitraryHLExample) {
KateArbitraryHighlightRange* hl = new KateArbitraryHighlightRange(new KateSuperCursor(m_doc, true, s.cursor), new KateSuperCursor(m_doc, true, s.cursor.line(), s.cursor.col() + s.matchedLength), this);
// destroy the highlight upon change
connect(hl, TQT_SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), hl, TQT_SIGNAL(eliminated()));
return true;
/* rodda: more of my search highlighting work
} while (++temp < 100);
if (result) {
s = m_searchResults.first();
m_resultIndex = 0;
return result;*/
void KateSearch::exposeFound( KateTextCursor &cursor, int slen )
view()->setCursorPositionInternal ( cursor.line(), cursor.col() + slen, 1 );
view()->setSelection( cursor.line(), cursor.col(), cursor.line(), cursor.col() + slen );
//END KateSearch
//BEGIN KateReplacePrompt
// this dialog is not modal
KateReplacePrompt::KateReplacePrompt ( TQWidget *parent )
: KDialogBase ( parent, 0L, false, i18n( "Replace Confirmation" ),
User3 | User2 | User1 | Close | Ok , Ok, true,
i18n("Replace &All"), i18n("Re&place && Close"), i18n("&Replace") )
setButtonOK( i18n("&Find Next") );
TQWidget *page = new TQWidget(this);
TQBoxLayout *topLayout = new TQVBoxLayout( page, 0, spacingHint() );
TQLabel *label = new TQLabel(i18n("Found an occurrence of your search term. What do you want to do?"),page);
topLayout->addWidget(label );
void KateReplacePrompt::slotOk ()
{ // Search Next
void KateReplacePrompt::slotClose ()
{ // Close
void KateReplacePrompt::slotUser1 ()
{ // Replace All
void KateReplacePrompt::slotUser2 ()
{ // Replace & Close
void KateReplacePrompt::slotUser3 ()
{ // Replace
void KateReplacePrompt::done (int result)
emit clicked();
//END KateReplacePrompt
//BEGIN SearchCommand
bool SearchCommand::exec(class Kate::View *view, const TQString &cmd, TQString &msg)
TQString flags, pattern, replacement;
if ( cmd.startsWith( "find" ) )
static TQRegExp re_find("find(?::([bcersw]*))?\\s+(.+)");
if ( re_find.search( cmd ) < 0 )
msg = i18n("Usage: find[:[bcersw]] PATTERN");
return false;
flags = re_find.cap( 1 );
pattern = re_find.cap( 2 );
else if ( cmd.startsWith( "ifind" ) )
static TQRegExp re_ifind("ifind(?::([bcrs]*))?\\s+(.*)");
if ( re_ifind.search( cmd ) < 0 )
msg = i18n("Usage: ifind[:[bcrs]] PATTERN");
return false;
return true;
else if ( cmd.startsWith( "replace" ) )
// Try if the pattern and replacement is quoted, using a quote character ["']
static TQRegExp re_rep("replace(?::([bceprsw]*))?\\s+([\"'])((?:[^\\\\\\\\2]|\\\\.)*)\\2\\s+\\2((?:[^\\\\\\\\2]|\\\\.)*)\\2\\s*$");
// Or one quoted argument
TQRegExp re_rep1("replace(?::([bceprsw]*))?\\s+([\"'])((?:[^\\\\\\\\2]|\\\\.)*)\\2\\s*$");
// Else, it's just one or two (space separated) words
TQRegExp re_rep2("replace(?::([bceprsw]*))?\\s+(\\S+)(.*)");
#define unbackslash(s) p=0;\
while ( (p = pattern.find( '\\' + delim, p )) > -1 )\
if ( !p || pattern[p-1] != '\\' )\
pattern.remove( p, 1 );\
if ( re_rep.search( cmd ) >= 0 )
flags = re_rep.cap(1);
pattern = re_rep.cap( 3 );
replacement = re_rep.cap( 4 );
int p(0);
// unbackslash backslashed delimiter strings
// in pattern ..
TQString delim = re_rep.cap( 2 );
// .. and in replacement
else if ( re_rep1.search( cmd ) >= 0 )
flags = re_rep1.cap(1);
pattern = re_rep1.cap( 3 );
int p(0);
TQString delim = re_rep1.cap( 2 );
else if ( re_rep2.search( cmd ) >= 0 )
flags = re_rep2.cap( 1 );
pattern = re_rep2.cap( 2 );
replacement = TQString(re_rep2.cap( 3 )).stripWhiteSpace();
msg = i18n("Usage: replace[:[bceprsw]] PATTERN [REPLACEMENT]");
return false;
kdDebug()<<"replace '"<<pattern<<"' with '"<<replacement<<"'"<<endl;
#undef unbackslash
long f = 0;
if ( flags.contains( 'b' ) ) f |= KFindDialog::FindBackwards;
if ( flags.contains( 'c' ) ) f |= KFindDialog::FromCursor;
if ( flags.contains( 'e' ) ) f |= KFindDialog::SelectedText;
if ( flags.contains( 'r' ) ) f |= KFindDialog::RegularExpression;
if ( flags.contains( 'p' ) ) f |= KReplaceDialog::PromptOnReplace;
if ( flags.contains( 's' ) ) f |= KFindDialog::CaseSensitive;
if ( flags.contains( 'w' ) ) f |= KFindDialog::WholeWordsOnly;
if ( cmd.startsWith( "find" ) )
((KateView*)view)->find( pattern, f );
return true;
else if ( cmd.startsWith( "replace" ) )
f |= KReplaceDialog::BackReference; // mandatory here?
((KateView*)view)->replace( pattern, replacement, f );
return true;
return false;
bool SearchCommand::help(class Kate::View *, const TQString &cmd, TQString &msg)
if ( cmd == "find" )
msg = i18n("<p>Usage: <code>find[:bcersw] PATTERN</code></p>");
else if ( cmd == "ifind" )
msg = i18n("<p>Usage: <code>ifind:[:bcrs] PATTERN</code>"
"<br>ifind does incremental or 'as-you-type' search</p>");
msg = i18n("<p>Usage: <code>replace[:bceprsw] PATTERN REPLACEMENT</code></p>");
msg += i18n(
"<b>b</b> - Search backward"
"<br><b>c</b> - Search from cursor"
"<br><b>r</b> - Pattern is a regular expression"
"<br><b>s</b> - Case sensitive search"
if ( cmd == "find" )
msg += i18n(
"<br><b>e</b> - Search in selected text only"
"<br><b>w</b> - Search whole words only"
if ( cmd == "replace" )
msg += i18n(
"<br><b>p</b> - Prompt for replace</p>"
"<p>If REPLACEMENT is not present, an empty string is used.</p>"
"<p>If you want to have whitespace in your PATTERN, you need to "
"quote both PATTERN and REPLACEMENT with either single or double "
"quotes. To have the quote characters in the strings, prepend them "
"with a backslash.");
msg += "</p>";
return true;
TQStringList SearchCommand::cmds()
TQStringList l;
l << "find" << "replace" << "ifind";
return l;
bool SearchCommand::wantsToProcessText( const TQString &cmdname )
return cmdname == "ifind";
void SearchCommand::processText( Kate::View *view, const TQString &cmd )
static TQRegExp re_ifind("ifind(?::([bcrs]*))?\\s(.*)");
if ( re_ifind.search( cmd ) > -1 )
TQString flags = re_ifind.cap( 1 );
TQString pattern = re_ifind.cap( 2 );
// if there is no setup, or the text length is 0, set up the properties
if ( ! m_ifindFlags || pattern.isEmpty() )
ifindInit( flags );
// if there is no fromCursor, add it if this is not the first character
else if ( ! ( m_ifindFlags & KFindDialog::FromCursor ) && ! pattern.isEmpty() )
m_ifindFlags |= KFindDialog::FromCursor;
// search..
if ( ! pattern.isEmpty() )
KateView *v = (KateView*)view;
// If it *looks like* we are continuing, place the cursor
// at the beginning of the selection, so that the search continues.
// ### check more carefully, like is the cursor currently at the end
// of the selection.
if ( pattern.startsWith( v->selection() ) &&
v->selection().length() + 1 == pattern.length() )
v->setCursorPositionInternal( v->selStartLine(), v->selStartCol() );
v->find( pattern, m_ifindFlags, false );
void SearchCommand::ifindInit( const TQString &flags )
long f = 0;
if ( flags.contains( 'b' ) ) f |= KFindDialog::FindBackwards;
if ( flags.contains( 'c' ) ) f |= KFindDialog::FromCursor;
if ( flags.contains( 'r' ) ) f |= KFindDialog::RegularExpression;
if ( flags.contains( 's' ) ) f |= KFindDialog::CaseSensitive;
m_ifindFlags = f;
void SearchCommand::ifindClear()
m_ifindFlags = 0;
//END SearchCommand
// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;