<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE language SYSTEM "language.dtd">
<!-- Kate 2.5 (KDE 3.5) highlighting module for R
based on an earlier version by E.L. Willighagen. Code folding code by Ben Goodrich
version 2.0: (c) 2006 Thomas Friedrichsmeier, Arne Henningsen, and the RKWard Team
license: GPL v2
Kate : http://kate.kde.org/
R : http://www.r-project.org/
RKWard : http://rkward.sourceforge.net/
<language version= "2.02" kateversion= "2.5" name= "R Script" section= "Scripts" extensions= "*.R;*.r;*.S;*.s;*.q" mimetype= "" license= "GPL" >
<highlighting >
<list name= "controls" >
<item > for </item>
<item > in </item>
<item > next </item>
<item > break </item>
<item > while </item>
<item > repeat </item>
<item > if </item>
<item > else </item>
<item > switch </item>
<item > function </item>
<list name= "words" >
<item > TRUE </item>
<item > FALSE </item>
<item > NULL </item>
<item > NA </item>
<item > NA_integer_ </item>
<item > NA_real_ </item>
<item > NA_complex_ </item>
<item > NA_character_ </item>
<item > Inf </item>
<item > NaN </item>
<contexts >
<!-- This context is really only good for detecting unexpected closing braces '}'. Since opening braces go to ctx0 (and nesting in there), this context is only active on the base level -->
<context attribute= "Normal Text" lineEndContext= "#stay" name= "level0" >
<IncludeRules context= "CommonRules" />
<DetectChar attribute= "Error" context= "#stay" char= "}" />
<DetectChar attribute= "Error" context= "#stay" char= ")" />
<context attribute= "Normal Text" lineEndContext= "#stay" name= "ctx0" >
<IncludeRules context= "CommonRules" />
<DetectChar attribute= "Symbol" context= "#pop" char= "}" endRegion= "Brace1" />
<DetectChar attribute= "Error" context= "#stay" char= ")" />
<context attribute= "In Parenthesis" lineEndContext= "#stay" name= "parenthesis" >
<LineContinue attribute= "Boolean" context= "#stay" />
<DetectChar attribute= "Symbol" context= "#pop" char= ")" />
<RegExpr attribute= "Identifier" context= "#stay" String= "[a-zA-Z_\.][0-9a-zA-Z_\.]*[\s]*=(?=([^=]|$))" />
<IncludeRules context= "CommonRules" />
<DetectChar attribute= "Error" context= "#stay" char= "}" />
<context attribute= "String" lineEndContext= "#stay" name= "string" >
<DetectChar attribute= "String" context= "#pop" char= """ />
<HlCStringChar attribute= "String Char" context= "#stay" />
<context attribute= "String" lineEndContext= "#stay" name= "string2" >
<DetectChar attribute= "String" context= "#pop" char= "'" />
<HlCStringChar attribute= "String Char" context= "#stay" />
<context attribute= "Identifier" lineEndContext= "#stay" name= "backquotedsymbol" >
<DetectChar attribute= "String" context= "#pop" char= "`" />
<HlCStringChar attribute= "String Char" context= "#stay" />
<context attribute= "Headline" lineEndContext= "#pop" name= "Headline" />
<context attribute= "Comment" lineEndContext= "#pop" name= "Comment" />
<!-- This context is not really used, but tqcontains the common rules -->
<context name= "CommonRules" lineEndContext= "#stay" attribute= "Normal Text" >
<DetectChar attribute= "String" context= "string" char= """ />
<DetectChar attribute= "String" context= "string2" char= "'" />
<DetectChar attribute= "String" context= "backquotedsymbol" char= "`" />
<keyword attribute= "Control Structure" context= "#stay" String= "controls" />
<keyword attribute= "Reserved Words" context= "#stay" String= "words" />
<Float attribute= "Float" context= "#stay" />
<Int attribute= "Int" context= "#stay" />
<RegExpr attribute= "Keyword" context= "#stay" String= "[a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z_\.0-9]*(?=[\s]*[(])" />
<RegExpr attribute= "Keyword" context= "#stay" String= "\.[a-zA-Z_\.]+[a-zA-Z_\.0-9]*(?=[\s]*[(])" />
<RegExpr attribute= "Symbol" context= "parenthesis" String= "\(" />
<StringDetect attribute= "Headline" context= "Headline" String= "##" />
<DetectChar attribute= "Comment" context= "Comment" char= "#" />
<!-- The following three lines look worse than they are: If there are any other operators directly before or after - > and < - , this is a syntax error (expections: - >> and << - ) -->
<RegExpr attribute= "Error" context= "#stay" String= "([\+\-\*/\^\:\$~!&\|=>@^])([<]{1,2}\-|\-[>]{1,2})" />
<RegExpr attribute= "Error" context= "#stay" String= "([<]{1,2}\-|\-[>]{1,2})([\+\-\*/\^\:\$~!&\|=<@])" />
<RegExpr attribute= "Error" context= "#stay" String= "([<]{3}|[>]{3})" />
<RegExpr attribute= "Assign" context= "#stay" String= "[<]{1,2}\-" />
<RegExpr attribute= "Assign" context= "#stay" String= "\-[>]{1,2}" />
<!-- Much like above: Most other operators are forbidden around = -->
<RegExpr attribute= "Error" context= "#stay" String= "([\+\-\*/\^\:\$~&\|@^])=" />
<RegExpr attribute= "Error" context= "#stay" String= "=([\+\-\*/\^\:\$~!<>&\|@^])" />
<RegExpr attribute= "Assign" context= "#stay" String= "=(?!=)" />
<!-- These operators are fine as long as they're followed by something else or end of line. Error otherwise -->
<RegExpr attribute= "Operator" context= "#stay" String= "(\+|\-|\*|/|<=|>=|={1,2}|\!=|\|{1,2}|&{1,2}|:{1,3}|\^|@|\$|~)((?!(\+|\-|\*|/|<=|>=|=|\!=|\||&|:|\^|@|\$|~))|$)" />
<RegExpr attribute= "Error" context= "#stay" String= "(\+|\-|\*|/|<=|>=|={1,2}|\!=|\|{1,2}|&{1,2}|:{1,3}|\^|@|\$|~){2,}" />
<RegExpr attribute= "Operator" context= "#stay" String= "%[^%]*%" />
<DetectChar attribute= "Symbol" context= "ctx0" char= "{" beginRegion= "Brace1" />
<!-- This is needed only to assist variable based indentation -->
<DetectChar attribute= "Symbol" context= "#stay" char= "[" />
<DetectChar attribute= "Symbol" context= "#stay" char= "]" />
<itemDatas >
<!-- KDE default colors: http://accessibility.kde.org/oxygen.php?color=white -->
<itemData name= "Normal Text" defStyleNum= "dsNormal" />
<itemData name= "Symbol" defStyleNum= "dsNormal" />
<itemData name= "Keyword" defStyleNum= "dsKeyword" />
<itemData name= "Identifier" defStyleNum= "dsDataType" />
<itemData name= "String" defStyleNum= "dsString" />
<itemData name= "Headline" defStyleNum= "dsNormal" color= "#b00000" selColor= "#b00000" bold= "1" italic= "0" /> <!-- KDE default color: text 5 -->
<itemData name= "Comment" defStyleNum= "dsComment" />
<itemData name= "Assign" defStyleNum= "dsNormal" color= "#336366" selColor= "#ccc099" bold= "1" italic= "0" /> <!-- KDE default color: text 7 -->
<itemData name= "Control Structure" defStyleNum= "dsNormal" color= "#0000bf" selColor= "#bfbf00" /> <!-- KDE default color: text 2 -->
<itemData name= "Reserved Words" defStyleNum= "dsOthers" />
<itemData name= "Error" defStyleNum= "dsError" />
<itemData name= "Operator" defStyleNum= "dsNormal" color= "#803f00" selColor= "#000077" bold= "0" italic= "0" /> <!-- KDE default color: focussed text -->
<itemData name= "String Char" defStyleNum= "dsChar" />
<itemData name= "Float" defStyleNum= "dsFloat" />
<itemData name= "Int" defStyleNum= "dsDecVal" />
<general >
<comments >
<comment name= "singleLine" start= "#" end= "" />
<keywords casesensitive= "1" />