You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

272 lines
7.9 KiB

This file is part of the KDE libraries
Copyright (c) 2003 Waldo Bastian <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef _VFOLDER_MENU_H_
#define _VFOLDER_MENU_H_
#include <qobject.h>
#include <qdom.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qptrdict.h>
#include <qptrlist.h>
#include <qvaluestack.h>
#include <kservice.h>
class VFolderMenu : public QObject
class appsInfo;
class SubMenu {
SubMenu() : items(43),isDeleted(false),apps_info(0) { }
~SubMenu() { subMenus.setAutoDelete(true); }
QString name;
QString directoryFile;
QPtrList<SubMenu> subMenus;
QDict<KService> items;
QDict<KService> excludeItems; // Needed when merging due to Move.
QDomElement defaultLayoutNode;
QDomElement layoutNode;
bool isDeleted;
QStringList layoutList;
appsInfo *apps_info;
* Parses VFolder menu defintion and generates a menu layout.
* The newService signals is used as callback to load
* a specific service description.
* @param file Menu file to load
* @param forceLegacyLoad flag indicating whether the KDE "applnk"
* directory should be processed at least once.
SubMenu *parseMenu(const QString &file, bool forceLegacyLoad=false);
* Returns a list of all directories involved in the last call to
* parseMenu(), excluding the KDE Legacy directories.
* A change in any of these directories or in any of their child-
* directories can result in changes to the menu.
QStringList allDirectories();
* Debug function to enable tracking of what happens with a specific
* menu item id
void setTrackId(const QString &id);
void newService(const QString &path, KService **entry);
struct MenuItem
enum Type { MI_Service, MI_SubMenu, MI_Separator };
Type type;
union {
KService *service;
SubMenu *submenu;
} data;
QStringList m_allDirectories; // A list of all the directories that we touch
QStringList m_defaultDataDirs;
QStringList m_defaultAppDirs;
QStringList m_defaultDirectoryDirs;
QStringList m_defaultMergeDirs;
QStringList m_defaultLegacyDirs;
QStringList m_directoryDirs; // Current set of applicable <DirectoryDir> dirs
QDict<SubMenu> m_legacyNodes; // Dictionary that stores Menu nodes
// associated with legacy tree.
class docInfo {
QString baseDir; // Relative base dir of current menu file
QString baseName; // Filename of current menu file without ".menu"
QString path; // Full path of current menu file including ".menu"
docInfo m_docInfo; // docInfo for current doc
QValueStack<VFolderMenu::docInfo> m_docInfoStack;
class appsInfo {
appsInfo() : dictCategories(53), applications(997), appRelPaths(997)
QDict<KService::List> dictCategories; // category -> apps
QDict<KService> applications; // rel path -> service
QPtrDict<QString> appRelPaths; // service -> rel path
appsInfo *m_appsInfo; // appsInfo for current menu
QPtrList<appsInfo> m_appsInfoStack; // All applicable appsInfo for current menu
QPtrList<appsInfo> m_appsInfoList; // List of all appsInfo objects.
QDict<KService> m_usedAppsDict; // all applications that have been allocated
QDomDocument m_doc;
SubMenu *m_rootMenu;
SubMenu *m_currentMenu;
bool m_forcedLegacyLoad;
bool m_legacyLoaded;
bool m_track;
QString m_trackId;
* Lookup application by relative path
KService *findApplication(const QString &relPath);
* Lookup applications by category
QPtrList<KService::List> findCategory(const QString &category);
* Add new application
void addApplication(const QString &id, KService *service);
* Build application indices
void buildApplicationIndex(bool unusedOnly);
* Create a appsInfo frame for current menu
void createAppsInfo();
* Load additional appsInfo frame for current menu
void loadAppsInfo();
* Unload additional appsInfo frame for current menu
void unloadAppsInfo();
QDomDocument loadDoc();
void mergeMenus(QDomElement &docElem, QString &name);
void mergeFile(QDomElement &docElem, const QDomNode &mergeHere);
void loadMenu(const QString &filename);
* Merge the items2 set into the items1 set
void includeItems(QDict<KService> *items1, QDict<KService> *items2);
* Remove all items from the items1 set that aren't also in the items2 set
void matchItems(QDict<KService> *items1, QDict<KService> *items2);
* Remove all items in the items2 set from the items1 set
void excludeItems(QDict<KService> *items1, QDict<KService> *items2);
* Search the parentMenu tree for the menu menuName and takes it
* out.
* This function returns a pointer to the menu if it was found
* or 0 if it was not found.
SubMenu* takeSubMenu(SubMenu *parentMenu, const QString &menuName);
* Insert the menu newMenu with name menuName into the parentMenu.
* If such menu already exist the result is merged, if any additional
* submenus are required they are created.
* If reversePriority is false, newMenu has priority over the existing
* menu during merging.
* If reversePriority is true, the existing menu has priority over newMenu
* during merging.
void insertSubMenu(VFolderMenu::SubMenu *parentMenu, const QString &menuName, VFolderMenu::SubMenu *newMenu, bool reversePriority=false);
* Merge menu2 and it's submenus into menu1 and it's submenus
* If reversePriority is false, menu2 has priority over menu1
* If reversePriority is true, menu1 has priority over menu2
void mergeMenu(SubMenu *menu1, SubMenu *menu2, bool reversePriority=false);
* Inserts service into the menu using name relative to parentMenu
* Any missing sub-menus are created.
void insertService(SubMenu *parentMenu, const QString &name, KService *newService);
* Register the directory that @p file is in.
* @see allDirectories()
void registerFile(const QString &file);
* Fill m_usedAppsDict with all applications from @p items
void markUsedApplications(QDict<KService> *items);
* Register @p directory
* @see allDirectories()
void registerDirectory(const QString &directory);
void processKDELegacyDirs();
void processLegacyDir(const QString &dir, const QString &relDir, const QString &prefix);
void processMenu(QDomElement &docElem, int pass);
void layoutMenu(VFolderMenu::SubMenu *menu, QStringList defaultLayout);
void processCondition(QDomElement &docElem, QDict<KService> *items);
void initDirs();
void pushDocInfo(const QString &fileName, const QString &baseDir = QString::null);
void pushDocInfoParent(const QString &basePath, const QString &baseDir);
void popDocInfo();
QString absoluteDir(const QString &_dir, const QString &baseDir, bool keepRelativeToCfg=false);
QString locateMenuFile(const QString &fileName);
QString locateDirectoryFile(const QString &fileName);
void loadApplications(const QString&, const QString&);