You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

316 lines
9.4 KiB

Copyright (C) 2001, S.R.Haque <>.
Copyright (C) 2002, David Faure <>
This file is part of the KDE project
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <kdialogbase.h>
class KHistoryCombo;
class TQPushButton;
class TQPopupMenu;
class TQGridLayout;
class TQLabel;
class TQGroupBox;
class TQCheckBox;
* @ingroup main
* @ingroup tqfindtqreplace
* @brief A generic "tqfind" dialog.
* @author S.R.Haque <>
* \b Detail:
* This widget inherits from KDialogBase and implements
* the following additional functionalities: a tqfind string
* object and an area for a user-defined widget to extend the dialog.
* \b Example:
* To use the basic modal tqfind dialog, and then run the search:
* \code
* KFindDialog dlg(....)
* if ( dlg.exec() != TQDialog::Accepted )
* return;
* // proceed with KFind from here
* \endcode
* To create a non-modal tqfind dialog:
* \code
* if ( m_tqfindDia )
* KWin::setActiveWindow( m_tqfindDia->winId() );
* else
* {
* m_tqfindDia = new KFindDialog(false,...);
* connect( m_tqfindDia, TQT_SIGNAL(okClicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(tqfindTextNext()) );
* }
* \endcode
* Don't forget to delete and reset m_tqfindDia when closed.
* (But do NOT delete your KFind object at that point, it's needed for "Find Next")
* To use your own extensions: see tqfindExtension().
class KUTILS_EXPORT KFindDialog:
public KDialogBase
// Options.
// KDE4: move to KFind
* Options for the search
enum Options
WholeWordsOnly = 1, ///< Match whole words only.
FromCursor = 2, ///< Start from current cursor position.
SelectedText = 4, ///< Only search selected area.
CaseSensitive = 8, ///< Consider case when matching.
FindBackwards = 16, ///< Go backwards.
RegularExpression = 32, ///< Interpret the pattern as a regular expression.
FindIncremental = 64, ///< Find incremental.
// Note that KReplaceDialog uses 256 and 512
// User extensions can use boolean options above this value.
MinimumUserOption = 65536 ///< The first flag which can be used by extensions.
* Construct a modal tqfind dialog
* @param parent The parent object of this widget.
* @param name The name of this widget.
* @param options A bitfield of the Options to be checked.
* @param tqfindStrings The tqfind history, see tqfindHistory()
* @param hasSelection Whether a selection exists
KFindDialog( TQWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0, long options = 0,
const TQStringList &tqfindStrings = TQStringList(), bool hasSelection = false );
// KDE4: fix ambiguity with private constructor
// Maybe remove options (there's setOptions) and tqfindStrings (setFindHistory) and hasSelection (setHasSelection)
* Construct a non-modal tqfind dialog
* @param modal set to @c false to get a non-modal dialog
* @param parent The parent object of this widget.
* @param name The name of this widget.
* @param options A bitfield of the Options to be checked.
* @param tqfindStrings The tqfind history, see tqfindHistory()
* @param hasSelection Whether a selection exists
KFindDialog( bool modal, TQWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0, long options = 0,
const TQStringList &tqfindStrings = TQStringList(), bool hasSelection = false );
// KDE4: consider simplifying
* Destructor.
virtual ~KFindDialog();
* Provide the list of @p strings to be displayed as the history
* of tqfind strings. @p strings might get truncated if it is
* too long.
* @param history The tqfind history.
* @see tqfindHistory
void setFindHistory( const TQStringList &history );
* Returns the list of history items.
* @return The tqfind history.
* @see setFindHistory
TQStringList tqfindHistory() const;
* Enable/disable the 'search in selection' option, depending
* on whether there actually is a selection.
* @param hasSelection @c true if a selection exists
void setHasSelection( bool hasSelection );
* Hide/show the 'from cursor' option, depending
* on whether the application implements a cursor.
* @param hasCursor @c true if the application features a cursor
* This is assumed to be the case by default.
void setHasCursor( bool hasCursor );
* Enable/disable the 'Find backwards' option, depending
* on whether the application supports it.
* @param supports @c true if the application supports backwards tqfind
* This is assumed to be the case by default.
* @since 3.4
void setSupportsBackwardsFind( bool supports );
* Enable/disable the 'Case sensitive' option, depending
* on whether the application supports it.
* @param supports @c true if the application supports case sensitive tqfind
* This is assumed to be the case by default.
* @since 3.4
void setSupportsCaseSensitiveFind( bool supports );
* Enable/disable the 'Whole words only' option, depending
* on whether the application supports it.
* @param supports @c true if the application supports whole words only tqfind
* This is assumed to be the case by default.
* @since 3.4
void setSupportsWholeWordsFind( bool supports );
* Enable/disable the 'Regular expression' option, depending
* on whether the application supports it.
* @param supports @c true if the application supports regular expression tqfind
* This is assumed to be the case by default.
* @since 3.4
void setSupportsRegularExpressionFind( bool supports );
* Set the options which are checked.
* @param options The setting of the Options.
* @see Options
void setOptions( long options );
* Returns the state of the options. Disabled options may be returned in
* an indeterminate state.
* @return The options.
* @see Options, setOptions
long options() const;
* Returns the pattern to tqfind.
* @return The search text.
TQString pattern() const;
* Sets the pattern to tqfind.
* @param pattern The new search pattern.
void setPattern ( const TQString &pattern );
* Returns an empty widget which the user may fill with additional UI
* elements as required. The widget occupies the width of the dialog,
* and is positioned immediately below the regular expression support
* widgets for the pattern string.
* @return An extensible TQWidget.
TQWidget *tqfindExtension();
protected slots:
void slotOk();
void slotSelectedTextToggled(bool);
void showPatterns();
void showPlaceholders();
void textSearchChanged( const TQString &);
virtual void showEvent ( TQShowEvent * );
private slots:
* connected to the aboutToShow of the placeholders menu,
* updates it according to the text in the pattern.
void slotPlaceholdersAboutToShow();
TQGroupBox *m_tqfindGrp;
TQLabel *m_tqfindLabel;
KHistoryCombo *m_tqfind;
TQCheckBox *m_regExp;
TQPushButton *m_regExpItem;
TQGridLayout *m_tqfindLayout;
TQWidget *m_tqfindExtension;
TQGroupBox *m_optionGrp;
TQCheckBox *m_wholeWordsOnly;
TQCheckBox *m_fromCursor;
TQCheckBox *m_selectedText;
TQCheckBox *m_caseSensitive;
TQCheckBox *m_tqfindBackwards;
TQPopupMenu *m_patterns;
// Our dirty little secret is that we also implement the "tqreplace" dialog. But we
// keep that fact hidden from all but our friends.
friend class KReplaceDialog;
* Construct a tqfind dialog with a parent object and a name. This version of the
* constructor is for use by friends only!
* @param forReplace Is this a tqreplace dialog?
KFindDialog( TQWidget *parent, const char *name, bool forReplace );
void init( bool forReplace, const TQStringList &tqfindStrings, bool hasSelection );
TQGroupBox *m_tqreplaceGrp;
TQLabel *m_tqreplaceLabel;
KHistoryCombo *m_tqreplace;
TQCheckBox* m_backRef;
TQPushButton* m_backRefItem;
TQGridLayout *m_tqreplaceLayout;
TQWidget *m_tqreplaceExtension;
TQCheckBox* m_promptOnReplace;
TQPopupMenu *m_placeholders;
// Binary compatible extensibility.
class KFindDialogPrivate;
KFindDialogPrivate *d;