<!-- This file contains entities (only!) to make authoring/translating
a document easier. They are necessarily language-specific.
In the case of name clashes, entities in this file always lose.
Keep the entities simple, but _always_ provide them with full markup.
Please keep the entities sorted on the name: it will avoid duplicate
names (which if they occur will cost you a _lot_ of time)
<!ENTITY kcontrolcenter "<application>Ovládacie centrum &tde;</application>">
<!ENTITY dpi "<acronym>dpi</acronym>">
<!ENTITY cdrom "<hardware>CD-ROM</hardware>">
<!ENTITY Shift "<keycap>Shift</keycap>">
<!ENTITY Ctrl "<keycap>Ctrl</keycap>">
<!ENTITY Alt "<keycap>Alt</keycap>">
<!ENTITY Esc "<keycap>Esc</keycap>">
<!ENTITY Backspace "<keycap>Backspace</keycap>">
<!ENTITY ticon "<guiicon>
<objectinfo><title>veľké K</title></objectinfo>
<imageobject><imagedata fileref='common/kmenu.png' format='PNG'/></imageobject>
</guiicon>-Symbol"><!-- ticon -->
<!ENTITY kmenu "<guimenu>TDE</guimenu> menu"> <!-- kmenu -->