You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

359 lines
11 KiB

File: ks_osishtml.cpp
Project: Kio-Sword -- An ioslave for SWORD and KDE
Copyright: Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Luke Plant
and CrossWire Bible Society 2003
(file based on osishtmlhref.cpp and osiscgi.cpp)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
#include "ks_osishtml.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include <utilxml.h>
#include <versekey.h>
#include <swmodule.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace sword;
namespace KioSword {
OSISHTML::MyUserData::MyUserData(const SWModule *module, const SWKey *key) : BasicFilterUserData(module, key) {
osisQToTick = ((!module->getConfigEntry("OSISqToTick")) || (strcmp(module->getConfigEntry("OSISqToTick"), "false")));
addEscapeStringSubstitute("amp", "&");
addEscapeStringSubstitute("apos", "'");
addEscapeStringSubstitute("lt", "<");
addEscapeStringSubstitute("gt", ">");
addEscapeStringSubstitute("quot", "\"");
addTokenSubstitute("lg", "<br />");
addTokenSubstitute("/lg", "<br />");
bool OSISHTML::handleToken(SWBuf &buf, const char *token, BasicFilterUserData *userData) {
// manually process if it wasn't a simple substitution
if (!substituteToken(buf, token)) {
MyUserData *u = (MyUserData *)userData;
XMLTag tag(token);
// <w> tag
if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "w")) {
if ((!tag.isEmpty()) && (!tag.isEndTag())) {
// start <w> tag
u->w = token;
} else {
// end <w> tag
const char *attrib;
const char *val;
if (tag.isEndTag())
tag = u->w.c_str();
if ((attrib = tag.getAttribute("xlit"))) {
val = strchr(attrib, ':');
val = (val) ? (val + 1) : attrib;
buf.appendFormatted(" %s", val);
if ((attrib = tag.getAttribute("gloss"))) {
val = strchr(attrib, ':');
val = (val) ? (val + 1) : attrib;
buf.appendFormatted(" %s", val);
if ((attrib = tag.getAttribute("lemma"))) {
int count = tag.getAttributePartCount("lemma");
int i = (count > 1) ? 0 : -1; // -1 for whole value cuz it's faster, but does the same thing as 0
do {
attrib = tag.getAttribute("lemma", i);
if (i < 0) i = 0; // to handle our -1 condition
val = strchr(attrib, ':');
val = (val) ? (val + 1) : attrib;
if (*val == 'G') {
buf.append(TQString(" <span class='strongs'>&lt;<a href=\"%2\">%1</a>&gt;</span> ")
.arg(swordUrlForSearch(GREEKSTRONGS, val+1, m_swordoptions))
} else if (*val == 'H') {
buf.append(TQString(" <span class='strongs'>&lt;<a href=\"%2\">%1</a>&gt;</span> ")
.arg(swordUrlForSearch(HEBREWSTRONGS, val+1, m_swordoptions))
} while (++i < count);
if ((attrib = tag.getAttribute("morph"))) {
int count = tag.getAttributePartCount("morph");
int i = (count > 1) ? 0 : -1; // -1 for whole value cuz it's faster, but does the same thing as 0
do {
attrib = tag.getAttribute("morph", i);
if (i < 0) i = 0; // to handle our -1 condition
val = strchr(attrib, ':');
val = (val) ? (val + 1) : attrib;
if (!strncmp(attrib, "x-Robinson",10)) { //robinson codes
buf.append(TQString(" <span class='morph'>(<a href=\"%2\">%1</a>)</span> ")
.arg(swordUrlForSearch(GREEKMORPH, val, m_swordoptions))
} else if ((*val == 'T')) {
if (val[1] == 'G') {
buf.append(TQString(" <span class='morph'>(<a href=\"%2\">%1</a>)</span> ")
.arg(swordUrlForSearch(GREEKMORPH, val+1, m_swordoptions))
} else if (val[1] == 'H') {
buf.append(TQString(" <span class='morph'>(<a href=\"%2\">%1</a>)</span> ")
.arg(swordUrlForSearch(HEBREWMORPH, val+1, m_swordoptions))
} while (++i < count);
if ((attrib = tag.getAttribute("POS"))) {
val = strchr(attrib, ':');
val = (val) ? (val + 1) : attrib;
buf.appendFormatted(" %s", val);
// <note> tag
// FIXME - needs to be modified for Kio-Sword
else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "note")) {
if (!tag.isEndTag()) {
if (!tag.isEmpty()) {
SWBuf type = tag.getAttribute("type");
if (type != "strongsMarkup") { // leave strong's markup notes out, in the future we'll probably have different option filters to turn different note types on or off
SWBuf footnoteNumber = tag.getAttribute("swordFootnote");
const VerseKey *vkey;
// see if we have a VerseKey * or descendant
try {
vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(const VerseKey, u->key);
catch ( ... ) { }
if (vkey) {
char ch = ((tag.getAttribute("type") && ((!strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "crossReference")) || (!strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "x-cross-ref")))) ? 'x':'n');
buf.appendFormatted("<a href=\"noteID=%s.%c.%s\"><small><sup>*%c</sup></small></a> ", vkey->getText(), ch, footnoteNumber.c_str(), ch);
u->suspendTextPassThru = true;
if (tag.isEndTag()) {
u->suspendTextPassThru = false;
// <p> paragraph tag
else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "p")) {
if ((!tag.isEndTag()) && (!tag.isEmpty())) { // non-empty start tag
buf += "<p>";
else if (tag.isEndTag()) { // end tag
buf += "</P>";
userData->supressAdjacentWhitespace = true;
else { // empty paragraph break marker
buf += "<br />";
userData->supressAdjacentWhitespace = true;
// FIXME - needs to be modified for Kio-Sword
// <reference> tag
else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "reference")) {
if ((!tag.isEndTag()) && (!tag.isEmpty())) {
buf += "<a href=\"\">";
else if (tag.isEndTag()) {
buf += "</a>";
// <l> poetry, etc
else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "l")) {
if (tag.isEmpty()) {
buf += "<br />";
else if (tag.isEndTag()) {
buf += "<br />";
else if (tag.getAttribute("sID")) { // empty line marker
buf += "<br />";
// <milestone type="line"/>
else if ((!strcmp(tag.getName(), "milestone")) && (tag.getAttribute("type")) && (!strcmp(tag.getAttribute("type"), "line"))) {
buf += "<br />";
userData->supressAdjacentWhitespace = true;
// <title>
else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "title")) {
if ((!tag.isEndTag()) && (!tag.isEmpty())) {
buf += "<div class='title'>";
else if (tag.isEndTag()) {
buf += "</div>";
// <hi> hi? hi contrast?
else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "hi")) {
SWBuf type = tag.getAttribute("type");
if ((!tag.isEndTag()) && (!tag.isEmpty())) {
if (type == "b" || type == "x-b") {
buf += "<b>";
u->inBold = true;
else { // all other types
buf += "<i>";
u->inBold = false;
else if (tag.isEndTag()) {
if(u->inBold) {
buf += "</b>";
u->inBold = false;
buf += "</i>";
else { // empty hi marker
// what to do? is this even valid?
// <q> quote
else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "q")) {
SWBuf type = tag.getAttribute("type");
SWBuf who = tag.getAttribute("who");
const char *lev = tag.getAttribute("level");
int level = (lev) ? atoi(lev) : 1;
if ((!tag.isEndTag()) && (!tag.isEmpty())) {
/*buf += "{";*/
//alternate " and '
if (u->osisQToTick)
buf += (level % 2) ? '\"' : '\'';
if (who == "Jesus")
buf += "<span class='jesusquote'>";
buf += "<span class='quote'>";
else if (tag.isEndTag()) {
buf += "</span>";
//alternate " and '
if (u->osisQToTick)
buf += (level % 2) ? '\"' : '\'';
else { // empty quote marker
//alternate " and '
if (u->osisQToTick)
buf += (level % 2) ? '\"' : '\'';
// <transChange>
else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "transChange")) {
SWBuf type = tag.getAttribute("type");
if ((!tag.isEndTag()) && (!tag.isEmpty())) {
// just do all transChange tags this way for now
// if (type == "supplied")
buf += "<i>";
else if (tag.isEndTag()) {
buf += "</i>";
else { // empty transChange marker?
// FIXME - remove for Kio-Sword?
// image
else if (!strcmp(tag.getName(), "figure")) {
const char *src = tag.getAttribute("src");
if (!src) // assert we have a src attribute
return false;
char* filepath = new char[strlen(u->module->getConfigEntry("AbsoluteDataPath")) + strlen(token)];
*filepath = 0;
strcpy(filepath, userData->module->getConfigEntry("AbsoluteDataPath"));
strcat(filepath, src);
// we do this because BibleCS looks for this EXACT format for an image tag
buf+="<image src=\"";
buf+="\" />";
char imgc;
for (c = filepath + strlen(filepath); c > filepath && *c != '.'; c--);
FILE* imgfile;
if (strcasecmp(c, "jpg") || stricmp(c, "jpeg")) {
imgfile = fopen(filepath, "r");
if (imgfile != NULL) {
buf += "{\\nonshppict {\\pict\\jpegblip ";
while (feof(imgfile) != EOF) {
buf.appendFormatted("%2x", fgetc(imgfile));
buf += "}}";
else if (strcasecmp(c, "png")) {
buf += "{\\*\\shppict {\\pict\\pngblip ";
buf += "}}";
delete [] filepath;
else {
return false; // we still didn't handle token
return true;