You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

138 lines
3.8 KiB

#include <qstring.h>
#include <qcstring.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kio/global.h>
#include <kio/slavebase.h>
#include "debug.h"
#include "aptcache.h"
#include "packagemanager.h"
#include <memory>
class QCString;
namespace Parsers
class Parser;
class AptProtocol : public QObject, public KIO::SlaveBase {
friend class AptCache;
AptCache m_process;
PackageManager* m_adept_batch;
typedef QMap<QString, QString> QueryOptions;
/** This this the URL that should be used if we want
* to get the same output again. It is especially
* used in the make_html_form for the command link.
* The get() method sets it to apt:/command?query
* the various methods should add the relevant options,
* that is options which modify the query itself.
* The GUI-related options (like show_filelist in the
* show command) should NOT be added
KURL m_query;
/** if m_act is false, the ioslave is in browse-only
* mode (for forbidding install, for instance) */
bool m_act, m_search, m_internal;
QString m_stylesheet;
QString m_header_background;
QString m_logo;
QString m_logo_alt;
AptProtocol( const QCString &pool_socket, const QCString &app_socket );
virtual ~AptProtocol();
virtual void mimetype( const KURL& url );
virtual void get ( const KURL& url );
/** Sends the string to the ioslave's master
* SlaveBase::data() sends a byte array as is. Since we
* definitely don't want to send \0 to the master,
* we redefine data() for strings */
void data(const QCString& string);
/** @overload */
void data(const QString& string);
/** @overload */
void data(const char* string);
void data(const QByteArray& array);
KURL buildURL(const QString& command, const QString& query) const;
KURL buildURL(const KURL& query) const;
QString stylesheet() const;
QString header_background() const;
QString logo() const;
QString logo_alt() const;
private slots:
void token_dispatch(const QString& tag, const QString& value);
std::auto_ptr<Parsers::Parser> m_parser;
/** apt-cache search
* Performs apt-cache search, with the query encoded in url.query()
* and sends the result as an HTML file */
void search( const QString& url, const QueryOptions& options );
/** apt-cache show
* Performs apt-cache search, with the package name encoded in url.query()
* and sends the result as an HTML file.
* It checks that the query contains a valid package name */
void show( const QString& url, const QueryOptions& options );
/** apt-cache policy
* Performs apt-cache policy, with the package name encoded in url.query()
* and sends the result as an HTML file.
* It checks that the query contains a valid package name */
void policy( const QString& url, const QueryOptions& options );
* Sends an application/x-adept_batch file with commands
* understandable by adept_batch */
void adept_batch( const QString& url, const QueryOptions& options );
* Shows a form where one can enter parameters for some queries
void help();
/** Offline listing of the file of a package */
bool can_listfiles(bool is_installed) const;
void listfiles( const QString& query, const QueryOptions& options);
/** Offline file search.
* Searches the package which contains the specified file */
bool can_searchfile(bool is_installed) const;
void searchfile( const QString& query, const QueryOptions& options);
bool can_online(int mode) const;
void online( const QString& query, const QueryOptions& options);
bool check_validpackage(const QString& query);
QString make_html_form() const;
QString make_html_tail(const QString& note = QString::null, bool with_form = true);
KShellProcess * p;