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//C- -*- C++ -*-
//C- -------------------------------------------------------------------
//C- DjVuLibre-3.5
//C- Copyright (c) 2002 Leon Bottou and Yann Le Cun.
//C- Copyright (c) 2001 AT&T
//C- This software is subject to, and may be distributed under, the
//C- GNU General Public License, Version 2. The license should have
//C- accompanied the software or you may obtain a copy of the license
//C- from the Free Software Foundation at .
//C- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//C- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//C- GNU General Public License for more details.
//C- DjVuLibre-3.5 is derived from the DjVu(r) Reference Library
//C- distributed by Lizardtech Software. On July 19th 2002, Lizardtech
//C- Software authorized us to replace the original DjVu(r) Reference
//C- Library notice by the following text (see doc/lizard2002.djvu):
//C- ------------------------------------------------------------------
//C- | DjVu (r) Reference Library (v. 3.5)
//C- | Copyright (c) 1999-2001 LizardTech, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
//C- | The DjVu Reference Library is protected by U.S. Pat. No.
//C- | 6,058,214 and patents pending.
//C- |
//C- | This software is subject to, and may be distributed under, the
//C- | GNU General Public License, Version 2. The license should have
//C- | accompanied the software or you may obtain a copy of the license
//C- | from the Free Software Foundation at .
//C- |
//C- | The computer code originally released by LizardTech under this
//C- | license and unmodified by other parties is deemed "the LIZARDTECH
//C- | ORIGINAL CODE." Subject to any third party intellectual property
//C- | claims, LizardTech grants recipient a worldwide, royalty-free,
//C- | non-exclusive license to make, use, sell, or otherwise dispose of
//C- | the LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE or of programs derived from the
//C- | LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE in compliance with the terms of the GNU
//C- | General Public License. This grant only confers the right to
//C- | infringe patent claims underlying the LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE to
//C- | the extent such infringement is reasonably necessary to enable
//C- | recipient to make, have made, practice, sell, or otherwise dispose
//C- | of the LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE (or portions thereof) and not to
//C- | any greater extent that may be necessary to utilize further
//C- | modifications or combinations.
//C- |
//C- +------------------------------------------------------------------
// $Id: GString.h,v 1.19 2004/08/06 15:11:29 leonb Exp $
// $Name: release_3_5_15 $
#ifndef _GSTRING_H_
#define _GSTRING_H_
#include "config.h"
# pragma interface
/** @name GString.h
Files #"GString.h"# and #"GString.cpp"# implement a general
purpose string class \Ref{GBaseString}, with dirived types
\Ref{GUTF8String} and \Ref{GNativeString} for UTF8 MBS encoding
and the current Native MBS encoding respectively. This
implementation relies on smart pointers (see
{\bf Historical Comments} --- At some point during the DjVu
research era, it became clear that C++ compilers rarely provided
portable libraries. We then decided to avoid fancy classes (like
#iostream# or #string#) and to rely only on the good old C
library. A good string class however is very useful. We had
already randomly picked letter 'G' to prefix class names and we
logically derived the new class name. Native English speakers
kept laughing in hiding. This is ironic because we completely
forgot this letter 'G' when creating more challenging things
like the ZP Coder or the IW44 wavelets.
{\bf Later Changes}
When converting to I18N, we (Lizardtech) decided that two string classes
where needing, replacing the original GString with \Ref{GUTF8String} and
General purpose string class.
L\'eon Bottou <> -- initial implementation.\\
// From: Leon Bottou, 1/31/2002
// This file has very little to do with my initial implementation.
// It has been practically rewritten by Lizardtech for i18n changes.
// My original implementation was very small in comparison
// <>.
// In my opinion, the duplication of the string classes is a failed
// attempt to use the type system to enforce coding policies.
// This could be fixed. But there are better things to do in djvulibre.
#$Id: GString.h,v 1.19 2004/08/06 15:11:29 leonb Exp $# */
#include "DjVuGlobal.h"
#include "GContainer.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#ifdef WIN32
# include <windows.h>
# define HAS_WCHAR 1
# define HAS_MBSTATE 1
# if !defined(AUTOCONF) || HAVE_WCHAR_H
# include <wchar.h>
# endif
namespace DJVU {
# ifdef NOT_DEFINED // Just to fool emacs c++ mode
typedef int mbstate_t;
# endif
class GBaseString;
// Internal string representation.
class GStringRep : public GPEnabled
enum EncodeType { XUCS4, XUCS4BE, XUCS4LE, XUCS4_2143, XUCS4_3412,
class UTF8;
friend class UTF8;
class Unicode;
friend class Unicode;
class ChangeLocale;
class Native;
friend class Native;
#endif // HAS_WCHAR
friend class GBaseString;
friend class GUTF8String;
friend class GNativeString;
friend unsigned int hash(const GBaseString &ref);
// default constructor
// virtual destructor
virtual ~GStringRep();
// Other virtual methods.
// Create an empty string.
virtual GP<GStringRep> blank(const unsigned int sz) const = 0;
// Create a duplicate at the given size.
GP<GStringRep> getbuf(int n) const;
// Change the value of one of the bytes.
GP<GStringRep> setat(int n, char ch) const;
// Append a string.
virtual GP<GStringRep> append(const GP<GStringRep> &s2) const = 0;
// Test if isUTF8.
virtual bool isUTF8(void) const { return false; }
// Test if Native.
virtual bool isNative(void) const { return false; }
// Convert to Native.
virtual GP<GStringRep> toNative(
const EscapeMode escape=UNKNOWN_ESCAPED ) const = 0;
// Convert to UTF8.
virtual GP<GStringRep> toUTF8(const bool nothrow=false) const = 0;
// Convert to same as current class.
virtual GP<GStringRep> toThis(
const GP<GStringRep> &rep,const GP<GStringRep> &locale=0) const = 0;
// Compare with #s2#.
virtual int cmp(const GP<GStringRep> &s2,const int len=(-1)) const = 0;
// Convert strings to numbers.
virtual int toInt(void) const = 0;
virtual long int toLong(
const int pos, int &endpos, const int base=10) const = 0;
virtual unsigned long toULong(
const int pos, int &endpos, const int base=10) const = 0;
virtual double toDouble(const int pos, int &endpos) const = 0;
// return the position of the next character
int nextChar( const int from=0 ) const;
// return next non space position
int nextNonSpace( const int from=0, const int len=(-1) ) const;
// return next white space position
int nextSpace( const int from=0, const int len=(-1) ) const;
// return the position after the last non-whitespace character.
int firstEndSpace( int from=0, const int len=(-1) ) const;
// Create an empty string.
template <class TYPE> static GP<GStringRep> create(
const unsigned int sz,TYPE *);
// Creates with a strdup string.
GP<GStringRep> strdup(const char *s) const;
// Creates by appending to the current string
GP<GStringRep> append(const char *s2) const;
// Creates with a concat operation.
GP<GStringRep> concat(const GP<GStringRep> &s1,const GP<GStringRep> &s2) const;
GP<GStringRep> concat(const char *s1,const GP<GStringRep> &s2) const;
GP<GStringRep> concat(const GP<GStringRep> &s1,const char *s2) const;
GP<GStringRep> concat(const char *s1,const char *s2) const;
/* Creates with a strdup and substr. Negative values have strlen(s)+1
added to them.
GP<GStringRep> substr(
const char *s,const int start,const int length=(-1)) const;
GP<GStringRep> substr(
const unsigned short *s,const int start,const int length=(-1)) const;
GP<GStringRep> substr(
const unsigned long *s,const int start,const int length=(-1)) const;
/** Initializes a string with a formatted string (as in #vprintf#). The
string is re-initialized with the characters generated according to the
specified format #fmt# and using the optional arguments. See the ANSI-C
function #vprintf()# for more information. The current implementation
will cause a segmentation violation if the resulting string is longer
than 32768 characters. */
GP<GStringRep> vformat(va_list args) const;
static GP<GStringRep> UTF8ToNative( const char *s,
const EscapeMode escape=UNKNOWN_ESCAPED );
static GP<GStringRep> NativeToUTF8( const char *s );
// Creates an uppercase version of the current string.
GP<GStringRep> upcase(void) const;
// Creates a lowercase version of the current string.
GP<GStringRep> downcase(void) const;
/** Returns the next UCS4 character, and updates the pointer s. */
static unsigned long UTF8toUCS4(
unsigned char const *&s, void const * const endptr );
/** Returns the number of bytes in next UCS4 character,
and sets #w# to the next UCS4 chacter. */
static int UTF8toUCS4(
unsigned long &w, unsigned char const s[], void const * const endptr )
{ unsigned char const *r=s;w=UTF8toUCS4(r,endptr);return (int)((size_t)r-(size_t)s); }
/** Returns the next UCS4 word from the UTF16 string. */
static int UTF16toUCS4(
unsigned long &w, unsigned short const * const s,void const * const eptr);
static int UCS4toUTF16(
unsigned long w, unsigned short &w1, unsigned short &w2);
int cmp(const char *s2, const int len=(-1)) const;
static int cmp(
const GP<GStringRep> &s1, const GP<GStringRep> &s2, const int len=(-1)) ;
static int cmp(
const GP<GStringRep> &s1, const char *s2, const int len=(-1));
static int cmp(
const char *s1, const GP<GStringRep> &s2, const int len=(-1));
static int cmp(
const char *s1, const char *s2, const int len=(-1));
// Lookup the next character, and return the position of the next character.
int getUCS4(unsigned long &w, const int from) const;
virtual unsigned char *UCS4toString(
const unsigned long w, unsigned char *ptr, mbstate_t *ps=0) const = 0;
static unsigned char *UCS4toUTF8(
const unsigned long w,unsigned char *ptr);
static unsigned char *UCS4toNative(
const unsigned long w,unsigned char *ptr, mbstate_t *ps);
int search(char c, int from=0) const;
int search(char const *str, int from=0) const;
int rsearch(char c, int from=0) const;
int rsearch(char const *str, int from=0) const;
int contains(char const accept[], int from=0) const;
int rcontains(char const accept[], int from=0) const;
// Return the next character and increment the source pointer.
virtual unsigned long getValidUCS4(const char *&source) const = 0;
GP<GStringRep> tocase(
bool (*xiswcase)(const unsigned long wc),
unsigned long (*xtowcase)(const unsigned long wc)) const;
// Tests if the specified character passes the xiswtest. If so, the
// return pointer is incremented to the next character, otherwise the
// specified #ptr# is returned.
const char * isCharType( bool (*xiswtest)(const unsigned long wc), const char *ptr,
const bool reverse=false) const;
// Find the next character position that passes the isCharType test.
int nextCharType(
bool (*xiswtest)(const unsigned long wc),const int from,const int len,
const bool reverse=false) const;
static bool giswspace(const unsigned long w);
static bool giswupper(const unsigned long w);
static bool giswlower(const unsigned long w);
static unsigned long gtowupper(const unsigned long w);
static unsigned long gtowlower(const unsigned long w);
virtual void set_remainder( void const * const buf, const unsigned int size,
const EncodeType encodetype);
virtual void set_remainder( void const * const buf, const unsigned int size,
const GP<GStringRep> &encoding );
virtual void set_remainder ( const GP<Unicode> &remainder );
virtual GP<Unicode> get_remainder( void ) const;
/* Returns a copy of this string with characters used in XML with
'<' to "<", '>' to ">", '&' to "&" '\'' to
"'", and '\"' to """. Characters 0x01 through
0x1f are also escaped. */
GP<GStringRep> toEscaped( const bool tosevenbit ) const;
// Tests if a string is legally encoded in the current character set.
virtual bool is_valid(void) const = 0;
virtual int ncopy(wchar_t * const buf, const int buflen) const = 0;
// Actual string data.
int size;
char *data;
class GStringRep::UTF8 : public GStringRep
// default constructor
// virtual destructor
virtual ~UTF8();
// Other virtual methods.
virtual GP<GStringRep> blank(const unsigned int sz = 0) const;
virtual GP<GStringRep> append(const GP<GStringRep> &s2) const;
// Test if Native.
virtual bool isUTF8(void) const;
// Convert to Native.
virtual GP<GStringRep> toNative(
const EscapeMode escape=UNKNOWN_ESCAPED) const;
// Convert to UTF8.
virtual GP<GStringRep> toUTF8(const bool nothrow=false) const;
// Convert to same as current class.
virtual GP<GStringRep> toThis(
const GP<GStringRep> &rep,const GP<GStringRep> &) const;
// Compare with #s2#.
virtual int cmp(const GP<GStringRep> &s2,const int len=(-1)) const;
static GP<GStringRep> create(const unsigned int sz = 0);
// Convert strings to numbers.
virtual int toInt(void) const;
virtual long int toLong(
const int pos, int &endpos, const int base=10) const;
virtual unsigned long toULong(
const int pos, int &endpos, const int base=10) const;
virtual double toDouble(
const int pos, int &endpos) const;
// Create a strdup string.
static GP<GStringRep> create(const char *s);
// Creates with a concat operation.
static GP<GStringRep> create(
const GP<GStringRep> &s1,const GP<GStringRep> &s2);
static GP<GStringRep> create( const GP<GStringRep> &s1,const char *s2);
static GP<GStringRep> create( const char *s1, const GP<GStringRep> &s2);
static GP<GStringRep> create( const char *s1,const char *s2);
// Create with a strdup and substr operation.
static GP<GStringRep> create(
const char *s,const int start,const int length=(-1));
static GP<GStringRep> create(
const unsigned short *s,const int start,const int length=(-1));
static GP<GStringRep> create(
const unsigned long *s,const int start,const int length=(-1));
static GP<GStringRep> create_format(const char fmt[],...);
static GP<GStringRep> create(const char fmt[],va_list& args);
virtual unsigned char *UCS4toString(
const unsigned long w,unsigned char *ptr, mbstate_t *ps=0) const;
// Tests if a string is legally encoded in the current character set.
virtual bool is_valid(void) const;
virtual int ncopy(wchar_t * const buf, const int buflen) const;
friend class GBaseString;
// Return the next character and increment the source pointer.
virtual unsigned long getValidUCS4(const char *&source) const;
class GUTF8String;
class GNativeString;
/** General purpose character string.
Each dirivied instance of class #GBaseString# represents a
character string. Overloaded operators provide a value semantic
to #GBaseString# objects. Conversion operators and constructors
transparently convert between #GBaseString# objects and
#const char*# pointers. The #GBaseString# class has no public
constructors, since a dirived type should always be used
to specify the desired multibyte character encoding.
Functions taking strings as arguments should declare their
arguments as "#const char*#". Such functions will work equally
well with dirived #GBaseString# objects since there is a fast
conversion operator from the dirivied #GBaseString# objects
to "#const char*#". Functions returning strings should return
#GUTF8String# or #GNativeString# objects because the class will
automatically manage the necessary memory.
Characters in the string can be identified by their position. The
first character of a string is numbered zero. Negative positions
represent characters relative to the end of the string (i.e.
position #-1# accesses the last character of the string,
position #-2# represents the second last character, etc.) */
class GBaseString : protected GP<GStringRep>
enum EscapeMode {
friend class GUTF8String;
friend class GNativeString;
// Sets the gstr pointer;
void init(void);
GBaseString &init(const GP<GStringRep> &rep);
/** Null constructor. Constructs an empty string. */
GBaseString( void );
// -- ACCESS
/** Converts a string into a constant null terminated character
array. This conversion operator is very efficient because
it simply returns a pointer to the internal string data. The
returned pointer remains valid as long as the string is
unmodified. */
operator const char* ( void ) const ;
/// Returns the string length.
unsigned int length( void ) const;
/** Returns true if and only if the string contains zero characters.
This operator is useful for conditional expression in control
if (! str) { ... }
while (!! str) { ... } -- Note the double operator!
Class #GBaseString# does not to support syntax
"#if# #(str)# #{}#" because the required conversion operator
introduces dangerous ambiguities with certain compilers. */
bool operator! ( void ) const;
/** Returns the character at position #n#. An exception
\Ref{GException} is thrown if number #n# is not in range #-len#
to #len-1#, where #len# is the length of the string. The first
character of a string is numbered zero. Negative positions
represent characters relative to the end of the string. */
char operator[] (int n) const;
/// Returns #TRUE# if the string contains an integer number.
bool is_int(void) const;
/// Returns #TRUE# if the string contains a float number.
bool is_float(void) const;
/** Converts strings between native & UTF8 **/
GNativeString getUTF82Native( EscapeMode escape=UNKNOWN_ESCAPED ) const;
GUTF8String getNative2UTF8( void ) const;
/// Reinitializes a string with the null string.
void empty( void );
/** Searches character #c# in the string, starting at position
#from# and scanning forward until reaching the end of the
string. This function returns the position of the matching
character. It returns #-1# if character #c# cannot be found. */
int search(char c, int from=0) const;
/** Searches sub-string #str# in the string, starting at position
#from# and scanning forward until reaching the end of the
string. This function returns the position of the first
matching character of the sub-string. It returns #-1# if
string #str# cannot be found. */
int search(const char *str, int from=0) const;
/** Searches character #c# in the string, starting at position
#from# and scanning backwards until reaching the beginning of
the string. This function returns the position of the matching
character. It returns #-1# if character #c# cannot be found. */
int rsearch(char c, const int from=0) const;
/** Searches sub-string #str# in the string, starting at position
#from# and scanning backwards until reaching the beginning of
the string. This function returns the position of the first
matching character of the sub-string. It returns #-1# if
string #str# cannot be found. */
int rsearch(const char *str, const int from=0) const;
/** Searches for any of the specified characters in the accept
string. It returns #-1# if the none of the characters and
be found, otherwise the position of the first match. */
int contains(const char accept[], const int from=0) const;
/** Searches for any of the specified characters in the accept
string. It returns #-1# if the none of the characters and be
found, otherwise the position of the last match. */
int rcontains(const char accept[], const int from=0) const;
/** Concatenates strings. Returns a string composed by concatenating
the characters of strings #s1# and #s2#. */
GUTF8String operator+(const GUTF8String &s2) const;
GNativeString operator+(const GNativeString &s2) const;
/** Returns an integer. Implements i18n atoi. */
int toInt(void) const;
/** Returns a long intenger. Implments i18n strtol. */
long toLong(const int pos, int &endpos, const int base=10) const;
/** Returns a unsigned long integer. Implements i18n strtoul. */
unsigned long toULong(
const int pos, int &endpos, const int base=10) const;
/** Returns a double. Implements the i18n strtod. */
double toDouble(
const int pos, int &endpos ) const;
/** Returns a long intenger. Implments i18n strtol. */
static long toLong(
const GUTF8String& src, const int pos, int &endpos, const int base=10);
static unsigned long toULong(
const GUTF8String& src, const int pos, int &endpos, const int base=10);
static double toDouble(
const GUTF8String& src, const int pos, int &endpos);
/** Returns a long intenger. Implments i18n strtol. */
static long toLong(
const GNativeString& src, const int pos, int &endpos, const int base=10);
static unsigned long toULong(
const GNativeString& src, const int pos, int &endpos, const int base=10);
static double toDouble(
const GNativeString& src, const int pos, int &endpos);
/** Returns an #int#. Compares string with #s2# and returns
sorting order. */
int cmp(const GBaseString &s2, const int len=(-1)) const;
/** Returns an #int#. Compares string with #s2# and returns
sorting order. */
int cmp(const char *s2, const int len=(-1)) const;
/** Returns an #int#. Compares string with #s2# and returns
sorting order. */
int cmp(const char s2) const;
/** Returns an #int#. Compares #s2# with #s2# and returns
sorting order. */
static int cmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, const int len=(-1));
/** Returns a boolean. The Standard C strncmp takes two string and
compares the first N characters. static bool GBaseString::ncmp
will compare #s1# with #s2# with the #len# characters starting
from the beginning of the string. */
/** String comparison. Returns true if and only if character
strings #s1# and #s2# are equal (as with #strcmp#.)
bool operator==(const GBaseString &s2) const;
bool operator==(const char *s2) const;
friend bool operator==(const char *s1, const GBaseString &s2);
/** String comparison. Returns true if and only if character
strings #s1# and #s2# are not equal (as with #strcmp#.)
bool operator!=(const GBaseString &s2) const;
bool operator!=(const char *s2) const;
friend bool operator!=(const char *s1, const GBaseString &s2);
/** String comparison. Returns true if and only if character
strings #s1# is lexicographically greater than or equal to
string #s2# (as with #strcmp#.) */
bool operator>=(const GBaseString &s2) const;
bool operator>=(const char *s2) const;
bool operator>=(const char s2) const;
friend bool operator>=(const char *s1, const GBaseString &s2);
friend bool operator>=(const char s1, const GBaseString &s2);
/** String comparison. Returns true if and only if character
strings #s1# is lexicographically less than string #s2#
(as with #strcmp#.)
bool operator<(const GBaseString &s2) const;
bool operator<(const char *s2) const;
bool operator<(const char s2) const;
friend bool operator<(const char *s1, const GBaseString &s2);
friend bool operator<(const char s1, const GBaseString &s2);
/** String comparison. Returns true if and only if character
strings #s1# is lexicographically greater than string #s2#
(as with #strcmp#.)
bool operator> (const GBaseString &s2) const;
bool operator> (const char *s2) const;
bool operator> (const char s2) const;
friend bool operator> (const char *s1, const GBaseString &s2);
friend bool operator> (const char s1, const GBaseString &s2);
/** String comparison. Returns true if and only if character
strings #s1# is lexicographically less than or equal to string
#s2# (as with #strcmp#.)
bool operator<=(const GBaseString &s2) const;
bool operator<=(const char *s2) const;
bool operator<=(const char s2) const;
friend bool operator<=(const char *s1, const GBaseString &s2);
friend bool operator<=(const char s1, const GBaseString &s2);
/** Returns an integer. Implements a functional i18n atoi. Note
that if you pass a GBaseString that is not in Native format
the results may be disparaging. */
/** Returns a hash code for the string. This hashing function
helps when creating associative maps with string keys (see
\Ref{GMap}). This hash code may be reduced to an arbitrary
range by computing its remainder modulo the upper bound of
the range. */
friend unsigned int hash(const GBaseString &ref);
friend class GStringRep;
/// Returns next non space position.
int nextNonSpace( const int from=0, const int len=(-1) ) const;
/// Returns next character position.
int nextChar( const int from=0 ) const;
/// Returns next non space position.
int nextSpace( const int from=0, const int len=(-1) ) const;
/// return the position after the last non-whitespace character.
int firstEndSpace( const int from=0,const int len=(-1) ) const;
/// Tests if the string is legally encoded in the current codepage.
bool is_valid(void) const;
/// copy to a wchar_t buffer
int ncopy(wchar_t * const buf, const int buflen) const;
const char *gstr;
static void throw_illegal_subscript() no_return;
static const char *nullstr;
GNativeString UTF8ToNative(
const bool currentlocale=false,
const EscapeMode escape=UNKNOWN_ESCAPED) const;
GUTF8String NativeToUTF8(void) const;
int CheckSubscript(int n) const;
/** General purpose character string.
Each instance of class #GUTF8String# represents a character
string. Overloaded operators provide a value semantic to
#GUTF8String# objects. Conversion operators and constructors
transparently convert between #GUTF8String# objects and
#const char*# pointers.
Functions taking strings as arguments should declare their
arguments as "#const char*#". Such functions will work equally
well with #GUTF8String# objects since there is a fast conversion
operator from #GUTF8String# to "#const char*#". Functions
returning strings should return #GUTF8String# or #GNativeString#
objects because the class will automatically manage the necessary
Characters in the string can be identified by their position. The
first character of a string is numbered zero. Negative positions
represent characters relative to the end of the string (i.e.
position #-1# accesses the last character of the string,
position #-2# represents the second last character, etc.) */
class GUTF8String : public GBaseString
void init(void);
GUTF8String &init(const GP<GStringRep> &rep);
/** Null constructor. Constructs an empty string. */
/// Constructs a string from a character.
GUTF8String(const char dat);
/// Constructs a string from a null terminated character array.
GUTF8String(const char *str);
/// Constructs a string from a null terminated character array.
GUTF8String(const unsigned char *str);
GUTF8String(const unsigned short *dat);
GUTF8String(const unsigned long *dat);
/** Constructs a string from a character array. Elements of the
character array #dat# are added into the string until the
string length reaches #len# or until encountering a null
character (whichever comes first). */
GUTF8String(const char *dat, unsigned int len);
GUTF8String(const unsigned short *dat, unsigned int len);
GUTF8String(const unsigned long *dat, unsigned int len);
/// Construct from base class.
GUTF8String(const GP<GStringRep> &str);
GUTF8String(const GBaseString &str);
GUTF8String(const GUTF8String &str);
GUTF8String(const GNativeString &str);
/** Constructs a string from a character array. Elements of the
character array #dat# are added into the string until the
string length reaches #len# or until encountering a null
character (whichever comes first). */
GUTF8String(const GBaseString &gs, int from, int len);
/** Copy a null terminated character array. Resets this string
with the character string contained in the null terminated
character array #str#. */
GUTF8String& operator= (const char str);
GUTF8String& operator= (const char *str);
GUTF8String& operator= (const GP<GStringRep> &str);
GUTF8String& operator= (const GBaseString &str);
GUTF8String& operator= (const GUTF8String &str);
GUTF8String& operator= (const GNativeString &str);
/** Constructs a string with a formatted string (as in #vprintf#).
The string is re-initialized with the characters generated
according to the specified format #fmt# and using the optional
arguments. See the ANSI-C function #vprintf()# for more
information. The current implementation will cause a
segmentation violation if the resulting string is longer
than 32768 characters. */
GUTF8String(const GUTF8String &fmt, va_list &args);
/// Constructs a string from a character.
/** Constructs a string with a human-readable representation of
integer #number#. The format is similar to format #"%d"# in
function #printf#. */
GUTF8String(const int number);
/** Constructs a string with a human-readable representation of
floating point number #number#. The format is similar to
format #"%f"# in function #printf#. */
GUTF8String(const double number);
/** Initializes a string with a formatted string (as in #printf#).
The string is re-initialized with the characters generated
according to the specified format #fmt# and using the optional
arguments. See the ANSI-C function #printf()# for more
information. The current implementation will cause a
segmentation violation if the resulting string is longer
than 32768 characters. */
GUTF8String &format(const char *fmt, ... );
/** Initializes a string with a formatted string (as in #vprintf#).
The string is re-initialized with the characters generated
according to the specified format #fmt# and using the optional
arguments. See the ANSI-C function #vprintf()# for more
information. The current implementation will cause a
segmentation violation if the resulting string is longer
than 32768 characters. */
GUTF8String &vformat(const GUTF8String &fmt, va_list &args);
/** Returns a copy of this string with characters used in XML with
'<' to "<", '>' to ">", '&' to "&" '\'' to
"'", and '\"' to """. Characters 0x01 through
0x1f are also escaped. */
GUTF8String toEscaped( const bool tosevenbit=false ) const;
/** Converts strings containing HTML/XML escaped characters into
their unescaped forms. Numeric representations of characters
(e.g., "&" or "&" for "*") are the only forms
converted by this function. */
GUTF8String fromEscaped( void ) const;
/** Converts strings containing HTML/XML escaped characters
(e.g., "<" for "<") into their unescaped forms. The
conversion is partially defined by the ConvMap argument which
specifies the conversion strings to be recognized. Numeric
representations of characters (e.g., "&" or "&"
for "*") are always converted. */
GUTF8String fromEscaped(
const GMap<GUTF8String,GUTF8String> ConvMap ) const;
/// Appends character #ch# to the string.
GUTF8String& operator+= (char ch);
/// Appends the null terminated character array #str# to the string.
GUTF8String& operator+= (const char *str);
/// Appends the specified GBaseString to the string.
GUTF8String& operator+= (const GBaseString &str);
/** Returns a sub-string. The sub-string is composed by copying
#len# characters starting at position #from# in this string.
The length of the resulting string may be smaller than #len#
if the specified range is too large. */
GUTF8String substr(int from, int len/*=(-1)*/) const;
/** Returns an upper case copy of this string. The returned string
contains a copy of the current string with all letters turned
into upper case letters. */
GUTF8String upcase( void ) const;
/** Returns an lower case copy of this string. The returned string
contains a copy of the current string with all letters turned
into lower case letters. */
GUTF8String downcase( void ) const;
/** Concatenates strings. Returns a string composed by concatenating
the characters of strings #s1# and #s2#.
GUTF8String operator+(const GBaseString &s2) const;
GUTF8String operator+(const GUTF8String &s2) const;
GUTF8String operator+(const GNativeString &s2) const;
GUTF8String operator+(const char *s2) const;
friend GUTF8String operator+(const char *s1, const GUTF8String &s2);
/** Provides a direct access to the string buffer. Returns a
pointer for directly accessing the string buffer. This pointer
valid remains valid as long as the string is not modified by
other means. Positive values for argument #n# represent the
length of the returned buffer. The returned string buffer will
be large enough to hold at least #n# characters plus a null
character. If #n# is positive but smaller than the string
length, the string will be truncated to #n# characters. */
char *getbuf(int n = -1);
/** Set the character at position #n# to value #ch#. An exception
\Ref{GException} is thrown if number #n# is not in range #-len#
to #len#, where #len# is the length of the string. If character
#ch# is zero, the string is truncated at position #n#. The
first character of a string is numbered zero. Negative
positions represent characters relative to the end of the
string. If position #n# is equal to the length of the string,
this function appends character #ch# to the end of the string. */
void setat(const int n, const char ch);
typedef enum GStringRep::EncodeType EncodeType;
static GUTF8String create(void const * const buf,
const unsigned int size,
const EncodeType encodetype, const GUTF8String &encoding);
static GUTF8String create( void const * const buf,
unsigned int size, const EncodeType encodetype );
static GUTF8String create( void const * const buf,
const unsigned int size, const GUTF8String &encoding );
static GUTF8String create( void const * const buf,
const unsigned int size, const GP<GStringRep::Unicode> &remainder);
GP<GStringRep::Unicode> get_remainder(void) const;
static GUTF8String create( const char *buf, const unsigned int bufsize );
static GUTF8String create( const unsigned short *buf, const unsigned int bufsize );
static GUTF8String create( const unsigned long *buf, const unsigned int bufsize );
#define GBaseString GUTF8String
/** General purpose character string.
Each instance of class #GNativeString# represents a character
string. Overloaded operators provide a value semantic to
#GNativeString# objects. Conversion operators and constructors
transparently convert between #GNativeString# objects and
#const char*# pointers.
Functions taking strings as arguments should declare their
arguments as "#const char*#". Such functions will work equally
well with #GNativeString# objects since there is a fast conversion
operator from #GNativeString# to "#const char*#". Functions
returning strings should return #GUTF8String# or #GNativeString#
objects because the class will automatically manage the necessary
Characters in the string can be identified by their position. The
first character of a string is numbered zero. Negative positions
represent characters relative to the end of the string (i.e.
position #-1# accesses the last character of the string,
position #-2# represents the second last character, etc.) */
class GNativeString : public GBaseString
/** Null constructor. Constructs an empty string. */
/// Constructs a string from a character.
GNativeString(const char dat);
/// Constructs a string from a null terminated character array.
GNativeString(const char *str);
/// Constructs a string from a null terminated character array.
GNativeString(const unsigned char *str);
GNativeString(const unsigned short *str);
GNativeString(const unsigned long *str);
/** Constructs a string from a character array. Elements of the
character array #dat# are added into the string until the
string length reaches #len# or until encountering a null
character (whichever comes first). */
GNativeString(const char *dat, unsigned int len);
GNativeString(const unsigned short *dat, unsigned int len);
GNativeString(const unsigned long *dat, unsigned int len);
/// Construct from base class.
GNativeString(const GP<GStringRep> &str);
GNativeString(const GBaseString &str);
GNativeString(const GUTF8String &str);
GNativeString(const GNativeString &str);
/** Constructs a string from a character array. Elements of the
character array #dat# are added into the string until the
string length reaches #len# or until encountering a null
character (whichever comes first). */
GNativeString(const GBaseString &gs, int from, int len);
/** Constructs a string with a formatted string (as in #vprintf#).
The string is re-initialized with the characters generated
according to the specified format #fmt# and using the optional
arguments. See the ANSI-C function #vprintf()# for more
information. The current implementation will cause a
segmentation violation if the resulting string is longer than
32768 characters. */
GNativeString(const GNativeString &fmt, va_list &args);
/** Constructs a string with a human-readable representation of
integer #number#. The format is similar to format #"%d"# in
function #printf#. */
GNativeString(const int number);
/** Constructs a string with a human-readable representation of
floating point number #number#. The format is similar to
format #"%f"# in function #printf#. */
GNativeString(const double number);
#undef GBaseString
/// Initialize this string class
void init(void);
/// Initialize this string class
GNativeString &init(const GP<GStringRep> &rep);
/** Copy a null terminated character array. Resets this string with
the character string contained in the null terminated character
array #str#. */
GNativeString& operator= (const char str);
GNativeString& operator= (const char *str);
GNativeString& operator= (const GP<GStringRep> &str);
GNativeString& operator= (const GBaseString &str);
GNativeString& operator= (const GUTF8String &str);
GNativeString& operator= (const GNativeString &str);
/// Appends character #ch# to the string.
GNativeString& operator+= (char ch);
/// Appends the null terminated character array #str# to the string.
GNativeString& operator+= (const char *str);
/// Appends the specified GBaseString to the string.
GNativeString& operator+= (const GBaseString &str);
/** Returns a sub-string. The sub-string is composed by copying
#len# characters starting at position #from# in this string.
The length of the resulting string may be smaller than #len#
if the specified range is too large. */
GNativeString substr(int from, int len/*=(-1)*/) const;
/** Returns an upper case copy of this string. The returned
string contains a copy of the current string with all letters
turned into upper case letters. */
GNativeString upcase( void ) const;
/** Returns an lower case copy of this string. The returned
string contains a copy of the current string with all letters
turned into lower case letters. */
GNativeString downcase( void ) const;
GNativeString operator+(const GBaseString &s2) const;
GNativeString operator+(const GNativeString &s2) const;
GUTF8String operator+(const GUTF8String &s2) const;
GNativeString operator+(const char *s2) const;
friend GNativeString operator+(const char *s1, const GNativeString &s2);
/** Initializes a string with a formatted string (as in #printf#).
The string is re-initialized with the characters generated
according to the specified format #fmt# and using the optional
arguments. See the ANSI-C function #printf()# for more
information. The current implementation will cause a
segmentation violation if the resulting string is longer than
32768 characters. */
GNativeString &format(const char *fmt, ... );
/** Initializes a string with a formatted string (as in #vprintf#).
The string is re-initialized with the characters generated
according to the specified format #fmt# and using the optional
arguments. See the ANSI-C function #vprintf()# for more
information. The current implementation will cause a
segmentation violation if the resulting string is longer than
32768 characters. */
GNativeString &vformat(const GNativeString &fmt, va_list &args);
/** Returns a copy of this string with characters used in XML with
'<' to "<", '>' to ">", '&' to "&" '\'' to
"'", and '\"' to """. Characters 0x01 through
0x1f are also escaped. */
GNativeString toEscaped( const bool tosevenbit=false ) const;
/** Provides a direct access to the string buffer. Returns a
pointer for directly accessing the string buffer. This
pointer valid remains valid as long as the string is not
modified by other means. Positive values for argument #n#
represent the length of the returned buffer. The returned
string buffer will be large enough to hold at least #n#
characters plus a null character. If #n# is positive but
smaller than the string length, the string will be truncated
to #n# characters. */
char *getbuf(int n = -1);
/** Set the character at position #n# to value #ch#. An exception
\Ref{GException} is thrown if number #n# is not in range #-len#
to #len#, where #len# is the length of the string. If
character #ch# is zero, the string is truncated at position
#n#. The first character of a string is numbered zero.
Negative positions represent characters relative to the end of
the string. If position #n# is equal to the length of the
string, this function appends character #ch# to the end of the
string. */
void setat(const int n, const char ch);
static GNativeString create( const char *buf, const unsigned int bufsize );
static GNativeString create( const unsigned short *buf, const unsigned int bufsize );
static GNativeString create( const unsigned long *buf, const unsigned int bufsize );
#endif // WinCE
GBaseString::operator const char* ( void ) const
return ptr?(*this)->data:nullstr;
inline unsigned int
GBaseString::length( void ) const
return ptr ? (*this)->size : 0;
inline bool
GBaseString::operator! ( void ) const
return !ptr;
inline GUTF8String
GUTF8String::upcase( void ) const
if (ptr) return (*this)->upcase();
return *this;
inline GUTF8String
GUTF8String::downcase( void ) const
if (ptr) return (*this)->downcase();
return *this;
inline void
{ GBaseString::init(); }
inline GUTF8String &
GUTF8String::init(const GP<GStringRep> &rep)
{ GP<GStringRep>::operator=(rep?rep->toUTF8(true):rep); init(); return *this; }
inline GUTF8String &
GUTF8String::vformat(const GUTF8String &fmt, va_list &args)
{ return (*this = (fmt.ptr?GUTF8String(fmt,args):fmt)); }
inline GUTF8String
GUTF8String::toEscaped( const bool tosevenbit ) const
{ return ptr?GUTF8String((*this)->toEscaped(tosevenbit)):(*this); }
inline GP<GStringRep::Unicode>
GUTF8String::get_remainder(void) const
GP<GStringRep::Unicode> retval;
return retval;
GUTF8String::GUTF8String(const GNativeString &str)
{ init(str.length()?(str->toUTF8(true)):(GP<GStringRep>)str); }
GUTF8String::GUTF8String(const GP<GStringRep> &str)
{ init(str?(str->toUTF8(true)):str); }
GUTF8String::GUTF8String(const GBaseString &str)
{ init(str.length()?(str->toUTF8(true)):(GP<GStringRep>)str); }
inline void
/** Returns an integer. Implements i18n atoi. */
inline int
GBaseString::toInt(void) const
{ return ptr?(*this)->toInt():0; }
/** Returns a long intenger. Implments i18n strtol. */
inline long
GBaseString::toLong(const int pos, int &endpos, const int base) const
long int retval=0;
retval=(*this)->toLong(pos, endpos, base);
return retval;
inline long
const GUTF8String& src, const int pos, int &endpos, const int base)
return src.toLong(pos,endpos,base);
inline long
const GNativeString& src, const int pos, int &endpos, const int base)
return src.toLong(pos,endpos,base);
/** Returns a unsigned long integer. Implements i18n strtoul. */
inline unsigned long
GBaseString::toULong(const int pos, int &endpos, const int base) const
unsigned long retval=0;
retval=(*this)->toULong(pos, endpos, base);
return retval;
inline unsigned long
const GUTF8String& src, const int pos, int &endpos, const int base)
return src.toULong(pos,endpos,base);
inline unsigned long
const GNativeString& src, const int pos, int &endpos, const int base)
return src.toULong(pos,endpos,base);
/** Returns a double. Implements the i18n strtod. */
inline double
const int pos, int &endpos ) const
double retval=(double)0;
retval=(*this)->toDouble(pos, endpos);
return retval;
inline double
const GUTF8String& src, const int pos, int &endpos)
return src.toDouble(pos,endpos);
inline double
const GNativeString& src, const int pos, int &endpos)
return src.toDouble(pos,endpos);
inline GBaseString &
GBaseString::init(const GP<GStringRep> &rep)
{ GP<GStringRep>::operator=(rep); init(); return *this;}
inline char
GBaseString::operator[] (int n) const
{ return ((n||ptr)?((*this)->data[CheckSubscript(n)]):0); }
inline int
GBaseString::search(char c, int from) const
{ return ptr?((*this)->search(c,from)):(-1); }
inline int
GBaseString::search(const char *str, int from) const
{ return ptr?((*this)->search(str,from)):(-1); }
inline int
GBaseString::rsearch(char c, const int from) const
{ return ptr?((*this)->rsearch(c,from)):(-1); }
inline int
GBaseString::rsearch(const char *str, const int from) const
{ return ptr?((*this)->rsearch(str,from)):(-1); }
inline int
GBaseString::contains(const char accept[], const int from) const
{ return ptr?((*this)->contains(accept,from)):(-1); }
inline int
GBaseString::rcontains(const char accept[], const int from) const
{ return ptr?((*this)->rcontains(accept,from)):(-1); }
inline int
GBaseString::cmp(const GBaseString &s2, const int len) const
{ return GStringRep::cmp(*this,s2,len); }
inline int
GBaseString::cmp(const char *s2, const int len) const
{ return GStringRep::cmp(*this,s2,len); }
inline int
GBaseString::cmp(const char s2) const
{ return GStringRep::cmp(*this,&s2,1); }
inline int
GBaseString::cmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, const int len)
{ return GStringRep::cmp(s1,s2,len); }
inline bool
GBaseString::operator==(const GBaseString &s2) const
{ return !cmp(s2); }
inline bool
GBaseString::operator==(const char *s2) const
{ return !cmp(s2); }
inline bool
GBaseString::operator!=(const GBaseString &s2) const
{ return !!cmp(s2); }
inline bool
GBaseString::operator!=(const char *s2) const
{ return !!cmp(s2); }
inline bool
GBaseString::operator>=(const GBaseString &s2) const
{ return (cmp(s2)>=0); }
inline bool
GBaseString::operator>=(const char *s2) const
{ return (cmp(s2)>=0); }
inline bool
GBaseString::operator>=(const char s2) const
{ return (cmp(s2)>=0); }
inline bool
GBaseString::operator<(const GBaseString &s2) const
{ return (cmp(s2)<0); }
inline bool
GBaseString::operator<(const char *s2) const
{ return (cmp(s2)<0); }
inline bool
GBaseString::operator<(const char s2) const
{ return (cmp(s2)<0); }
inline bool
GBaseString::operator> (const GBaseString &s2) const
{ return (cmp(s2)>0); }
inline bool
GBaseString::operator> (const char *s2) const
{ return (cmp(s2)>0); }
inline bool
GBaseString::operator> (const char s2) const
{ return (cmp(s2)>0); }
inline bool
GBaseString::operator<=(const GBaseString &s2) const
{ return (cmp(s2)<=0); }
inline bool
GBaseString::operator<=(const char *s2) const
{ return (cmp(s2)<=0); }
inline bool
GBaseString::operator<=(const char s2) const
{ return (cmp(s2)<=0); }
inline int
GBaseString::nextNonSpace( const int from, const int len ) const
{ return ptr?(*this)->nextNonSpace(from,len):0; }
inline int
GBaseString::nextChar( const int from ) const
{ return ptr?(*this)->nextChar(from):0; }
inline int
GBaseString::nextSpace( const int from, const int len ) const
{ return ptr?(*this)->nextSpace(from,len):0; }
inline int
GBaseString::firstEndSpace( const int from,const int len ) const
{ return ptr?(*this)->firstEndSpace(from,len):0; }
inline bool
GBaseString::is_valid(void) const
{ return ptr?((*this)->is_valid()):true; }
inline int
GBaseString::ncopy(wchar_t * const buf, const int buflen) const
{if(buf&&buflen)buf[0]=0;return ptr?((*this)->ncopy(buf,buflen)):0;}
inline int
GBaseString::CheckSubscript(int n) const
if (n<0 && ptr)
n += (*this)->size;
if (n<0 || !ptr || n > (int)(*this)->size)
return n;
inline GBaseString::GBaseString(void) { init(); }
inline GUTF8String::GUTF8String(void) { }
inline GUTF8String::GUTF8String(const GUTF8String &str) : GBaseString(str)
{ init(str); }
inline GUTF8String& GUTF8String::operator= (const GP<GStringRep> &str)
{ return init(str); }
inline GUTF8String& GUTF8String::operator= (const GBaseString &str)
{ return init(str); }
inline GUTF8String& GUTF8String::operator= (const GUTF8String &str)
{ return init(str); }
inline GUTF8String& GUTF8String::operator= (const GNativeString &str)
{ return init(str); }
inline GUTF8String
GUTF8String::create( const char *buf, const unsigned int bufsize )
return GNativeString(buf,bufsize);
return GUTF8String(buf,bufsize);
inline GUTF8String
GUTF8String::create( const unsigned short *buf, const unsigned int bufsize )
return GUTF8String(buf,bufsize);
inline GUTF8String
GUTF8String::create( const unsigned long *buf, const unsigned int bufsize )
return GUTF8String(buf,bufsize);
inline GNativeString::GNativeString(void) {}
// For Windows CE, GNativeString is essentially GUTF8String
GNativeString::GNativeString(const GUTF8String &str)
: GUTF8String(str) {}
GNativeString::GNativeString(const GP<GStringRep> &str)
: GUTF8String(str) {}
GNativeString::GNativeString(const char dat)
: GUTF8String(dat) {}
GNativeString::GNativeString(const char *str)
: GUTF8String(str) {}
GNativeString::GNativeString(const unsigned char *str)
: GUTF8String(str) {}
GNativeString::GNativeString(const unsigned short *str)
: GUTF8String(str) {}
GNativeString::GNativeString(const unsigned long *str)
: GUTF8String(str) {}
GNativeString::GNativeString(const char *dat, unsigned int len)
: GUTF8String(dat,len) {}
GNativeString::GNativeString(const unsigned short *dat, unsigned int len)
: GUTF8String(dat,len) {}
GNativeString::GNativeString(const unsigned long *dat, unsigned int len)
: GUTF8String(dat,len) {}
GNativeString::GNativeString(const GNativeString &str)
: GUTF8String(str) {}
GNativeString::GNativeString(const int number)
: GUTF8String(number) {}
GNativeString::GNativeString(const double number)
: GUTF8String(number) {}
GNativeString::GNativeString(const GNativeString &fmt, va_list &args)
: GUTF8String(fmt,args) {}
#else // HAS_WCHAR
/// Initialize this string class
inline void
{ GBaseString::init(); }
/// Initialize this string class
inline GNativeString &
GNativeString::init(const GP<GStringRep> &rep)
return *this;
inline GNativeString
GNativeString::substr(int from, int len) const
{ return GNativeString(*this, from, len); }
inline GNativeString &
GNativeString::vformat(const GNativeString &fmt, va_list &args)
{ return (*this = (fmt.ptr?GNativeString(fmt,args):fmt)); }
inline GNativeString
GNativeString::toEscaped( const bool tosevenbit ) const
{ return ptr?GNativeString((*this)->toEscaped(tosevenbit)):(*this); }
GNativeString::GNativeString(const GUTF8String &str)
if (str.length())
GNativeString::GNativeString(const GP<GStringRep> &str)
if (str)
GNativeString::GNativeString(const GBaseString &str)
if (str.length())
GNativeString::GNativeString(const GNativeString &fmt, va_list &args)
if (fmt.ptr)
inline GNativeString
GNativeString::create( const char *buf, const unsigned int bufsize )
return GNativeString(buf,bufsize);
inline GNativeString
GNativeString::create( const unsigned short *buf, const unsigned int bufsize )
return GNativeString(buf,bufsize);
inline GNativeString
GNativeString::create( const unsigned long *buf, const unsigned int bufsize )
return GNativeString(buf,bufsize);
inline GNativeString&
GNativeString::operator= (const GP<GStringRep> &str)
{ return init(str); }
inline GNativeString&
GNativeString::operator= (const GBaseString &str)
{ return init(str); }
inline GNativeString&
GNativeString::operator= (const GUTF8String &str)
{ return init(str); }
inline GNativeString&
GNativeString::operator= (const GNativeString &str)
{ return init(str); }
inline GNativeString
GNativeString::upcase( void ) const
if (ptr) return (*this)->upcase();
return *this;
inline GNativeString
GNativeString::downcase( void ) const
if (ptr) return (*this)->downcase();
return *this;
#endif // HAS_WCHAR
inline bool
operator==(const char *s1, const GBaseString &s2)
{ return !s2.cmp(s1); }
inline bool
operator!=(const char *s1, const GBaseString &s2)
{ return !!s2.cmp(s1); }
inline bool
operator>=(const char *s1, const GBaseString &s2)
{ return (s2.cmp(s1)<=0); }
inline bool
operator>=(const char s1, const GBaseString &s2)
{ return (s2.cmp(s1)<=0); }
inline bool
operator<(const char *s1, const GBaseString &s2)
{ return (s2.cmp(s1)>0); }
inline bool
operator<(const char s1, const GBaseString &s2)
{ return (s2.cmp(s1)>0); }
inline bool
operator> (const char *s1, const GBaseString &s2)
{ return (s2.cmp(s1)<0); }
inline bool
operator> (const char s1, const GBaseString &s2)
{ return (s2.cmp(s1)<0); }
inline bool
operator<=(const char *s1, const GBaseString &s2)
{ return !(s1>s2); }
inline bool
operator<=(const char s1, const GBaseString &s2)
{ return !(s1>s2); }
// ------------------- The end
using namespace DJVU;
# endif