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copyright : (C) 2002 by Andreas Zehender
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <config.h>
#include "pmdetailobject.h"
#include "pmvector.h"
#include "pmviewstructure.h"
* Class for povray blob cylinder
class PMBlobCylinder : public PMDetailObject
typedef PMDetailObject Base;
* Creates a cylinder
PMBlobCylinder( PMPart* part );
* Copy constructor
PMBlobCylinder( const PMBlobCylinder& c );
* Deletes the cylinder
virtual ~PMBlobCylinder( );
/** */
virtual PMObject* copy( ) const { return new PMBlobCylinder( *this ); }
/** */
virtual TQString description( ) const;
/** */
virtual PMMetaObject* metaObject( ) const;
/** */
virtual void serialize( TQDomElement& e, TQDomDocument& doc ) const;
/** */
virtual void readAttributes( const PMXMLHelper& h );
* Returns a new @ref PMBlobCylinderEdit
virtual PMDialogEditBase* editWidget( TQWidget* parent ) const;
* Returns the name of the pixmap that is displayed in the tree view and dialog view
virtual TQString pixmap( ) const { return TQString( "pmblobcylinder" ); }
* Return the end_1
PMVector end1( ) const { return m_end1; }
* Sets end_1
void setEnd1( const PMVector& p );
* Return the end_2
PMVector end2( ) const { return m_end2; }
* Sets end_2
void setEnd2( const PMVector& p );
* return the radius of the cylinder
double radius( ) const { return m_radius; }
* Sets the radius of the cylinder
void setRadius( double radius );
* Returns the strength
double strength( ) const { return m_strength; }
* Sets the strength
void setStrength( double s );
* Sets the number of latitutes
static void setUSteps( int u );
* Sets the number of longitudes
static void setVSteps( int v );
* Returns the number or latitutes
static int uSteps( ) { return s_uStep; }
* Returns the number or longitudes
static int vSteps( ) { return s_vStep; }
/** */
virtual void restoreMemento( PMMemento* s );
/** */
virtual void controlPoints( PMControlPointList& list );
/** */
virtual void controlPointsChanged( PMControlPointList& list );
/** */
virtual bool hasDisplayDetail( ) const { return true; }
/** */
virtual void cleanUp( ) const;
/** */
virtual bool isDefault( );
/** */
virtual void createViewStructure( );
/** */
virtual PMViewStructure *defaultViewStructure( ) const;
/** */
virtual int viewStructureParameterKey( ) const { return s_parameterKey + globalDetailKey(); }
* Creates the lines for the view structure
static void createLines( PMLineArray& lines, int uStep, int vStep );
* Creates the points for the view structure
static void createPoints( PMPointArray& points, const PMVector& end1,
const PMVector& end2, double radius, int uStep, int vStep );
* IDs for @ref PMMementoData
enum PMBlobCylinderMementoID { PMEnd1ID, PMEnd2ID, PMRadiusID, PMStrengthID };
* ends of cylinder
PMVector m_end1, m_end2;
* radius of cylinder
double m_radius;
double m_strength;
* The default view structure. It can be shared between cylinders
static PMViewStructure* s_pDefaultViewStructure;
static int s_vStep;
static int s_uStep;
static int s_parameterKey;
static PMMetaObject* s_pMetaObject;