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212 lines
4.6 KiB
212 lines
4.6 KiB
function printg( a )
printf a >> FILENAME ".cc"
function doFunc( a )
gsub("attribute", "", $0)
nr = split($0, b, " ")
# do method
i = 1
nrparams = 0
rettype = b[1]
while ( i < nr && b[i + 1] != "(" )
printg( b[i++] )
printg( " " )
printg( clas "::" )
method = b[i]
while ( i < nr && b[i + 1] != ");" )
if( b[i] == "in" )
if( b[i + 1] != "float" && match( b[i + 1], "unsigned") == 0)
float = "ok"
printg( "const " )
float = "bad"
while ( i + 1 < nr && b[i + 1] != "in" && b[i + 1] != ");" )
printg( b[i++] " " )
param[nrparams++] = b[i]
if( float == "ok" )
printg( "&" b[i++] )
printg( b[i++] )
if( i < nr ) printg( " " )
printg( b[i++] )
printg( ")\n{\n" );
if( rettype != "void" )
printg( "\tif(!impl) return ; // FIXME\n" )
printg( "\treturn impl->" method "(" )
printg( "\tif(impl)\n\t\timpl->" method "(" )
k = 0
while( k < nrparams )
printg( param[k++] )
if( k < nrparams ) printg( " " )
printg( ");\n" )
printg( "}\n\n" );
function doAttr( a, class )
sub( ";", "", a)
sub( "\r", "", a)
gsub("attribute", "", a)
nr = split(a, b, " ")
# do put method
printg( "void " clas "::set" )
printg( toupper( substr( b[nr], 1, 1) ) )
printg( substr( b[nr], 2) "(" )
i = 1
if( b[i] != "float" && match( b[i], "unsigned") == 0)
float = "ok"
printg( "const " )
float = "bad"
while ( i < nr )
printg( b[i++] )
if( i < nr ) printg( " " )
if( float == "ok" )
printg( " &" b[nr] ")\n{\n" )
printg( " " b[nr] ")\n{\n" )
printg( "\tif(impl)\n\t\timpl->set")
printg( toupper( substr( b[nr], 1, 1) ) )
printg( substr( b[nr], 2) "(" )
printg( b[nr] ");\n}\n\n" )
# do get method
i = 1
while ( i < nr )
printg( b[i++] " " )
$temp = b[nr]
printg( clas "::" $temp "() const\n{\n" )
printg( "\tif(!impl) return ; // FIXME\n\treturn impl->" )
printg( substr( b[nr], 1) "(" )
printg( ");\n}\n\n" )
function doReadonlyAttr( a, class )
gsub("readonly attribute", "", $0)
nr = split($0, b, " ")
# do get method
i = 1
while ( i < nr )
printg( b[i++] " " )
sub( ";", "", b[nr])
sub( "\r", "", b[nr])
$temp = b[nr]
printg( clas "::" $temp "() const\n{\n" )
printg( "\tif(!impl) return ; // FIXME\n\treturn impl->" )
printg( substr( b[nr], 1) "(" )
printg( ");\n}\n\n" )
sub("boolean", "bool", $0)
if(/interface /)
gsub(" interface ", "", $0)
gsub(": ", ": public ", $0)
gsub(",", ", public", $0)
gsub("{", "\n{", $0)
sub( ";", "", $0 )
sub( "\r", "", $0 )
nr = split($0, b, " ")
clas = b[1]
#printg( "// " clas " specification\n\n\n" )
printg( clas "::" clas "()" )
if( nr > 2 )
i = 2
sub( ":", " : ", b[i] )
while ( i < nr )
sub( "public", "", b[i] )
sub( ",", "(), ", b[i] )
printg( b[i++] )
printg( "()" )
printg( "\n{\n\timpl = new " clas "Impl();\n\timpl->ref();\n}\n\n" )
printg( clas "::" clas "(const " clas " &other)" )
if( nr > 2 )
i = 2
while ( i < nr )
printg( b[i++] )
printg( "(), impl(0)" )
printg( " : impl(0)" )
printg( "\n{\n\t(*this) = other;\n}\n\n" )
printg( clas " &" clas "::operator =(const " clas " &other)\n{\n\tif(impl == other.impl)\n\t\treturn *this;\n\n\tif(impl)\n\t\timpl->deref();\n\n\timpl = other.impl;\n\n\tif(impl)\n\t\timpl->ref();\n\n\treturn *this;\n}\n\n" )
printg( clas "::" clas "(" clas "Impl *other)" )
if( nr > 2 )
i = 2
while ( i < nr )
printg( b[i++] )
printg( "()" )
printg( "\n{\n\timpl = other;\n\tif(impl)\n\t\timpl->ref();\n}\n\n" )
printg( clas "::~" clas "()\n{\n\tif(impl)\n\t\timpl->deref();\n}\n\n" )
else if(/readonly attribute/)
doReadonlyAttr( $0, $class )
else if(/attribute /)
doAttr( $0, $class )
else if(/raises/)
else if(/\)/)
doFunc( $0 );
else if(/};/)
else if(/ = /)
#else if(//)
# # end of class
# printf $0;
# {
# print "};";
# }