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TODO/Wishlist for kpovmodeler
Tree View
- Leave insert errors at their original position
- Add an option to the configuration whether transformations and maybe
a simple pigment should be added to new graphical objects
Object Properties View
Graphical View
- Zoom to object short cut
- Invert mouse wheel option
- Remove GLUT dependency
- Do hidden views use CPU time?
- Heightfield wire frame
Povray Render Window
- Finish the library
* Maintain the object index in PMLibraryHandle and library_index.html
* Eliminate crashes when modifying a library object
* Implement delete in the library object preview tree
- Build an example objects library
Povray Export
- All not implemented objects
- New POV-Ray 3.5 objects and textures
- BREP modeling with the patch object (triangles and polygons, extrusion etc.)
- Umlauts in the truetype text object
- Scene templates
- Add some basic render modes to a new scenes
- Sync the recent files list between multiple windows
- Multiplication of objects with simple transformations
Long Term
- Support for animations
- Shaded views, csg results
- The whole povray syntax (macros, includes, ...)
- Support for povray variants (megapov, pvmpov)
- Support for more renderers