You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
246 lines
7.8 KiB
246 lines
7.8 KiB
If you make a new plugin, please add the list of returned items to this list.
pdf plugin:
Date Created
Date Modiified
Int Pages
Bool Encrypted
and everything else pdfinfo returns as string
png plugin:
type key W/A details
Size Dimensions -/-
Int BitDepth -/-
String ColorMode -/-
String Compression -/- Compression type. Right now always "deflate"
Other keys corresponding to the png comment keys are returned as non-editable
Common keys that are recommended in the png spec:
Title, Author, Description, Copyright, Creation Time, Software, Disclaimer,
Warning, Source, Comment
PostScript plugin:
String Title
String Creator
String CreationDate
String For
Int Pages
Jpeg plugin:
Note: number.number means precision of converted number
type key Comment
String Camera make
String Camera model
String Date/time
Size Dimensions Width x Height in pixels
int Orientation 1 - "The 0th row is at the visual top of the image,
and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side."
2 - "The 0th row is at the visual top of the image,
and the 0th column is the visual right-hand side."
3 - "The 0th row is at the visual bottom of the image,
and the 0th column is the visual right-hand side."
4 - "The 0th row is at the visual bottom of the image,
and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side."
5 - "The 0th row is the visual left-hand side of of the image,
and the 0th column is the visual top."
6 - "The 0th row is the visual right-hand side of of the image,
and the 0th column is the visual top."
7 - "The 0th row is the visual right-hand side of of the image,
and the 0th column is the visual bottom."
8 - "The 0th row is the visual left-hand side of of the image,
and the 0th column is the visual bottom."
String ColorMode "Grayscale" "Color"
String Flash used "Yes" "No"
String Focal length 4.1 mm, 35mm equivalent
String Exposure time 6.3 (if < 0.5 also in 1/xx) sec
String Aperture "f/3.1"
String Focus dist. "Infinite" or 5.2 m
String CCD width 4.2 Postfix mm
String Exposure bias 4.2
String Whitebalance 0 = unknown
1 = Daylight
2 = Fluorescent
3 = Tungsten
17 = Standard light A
18 = Standard light B
19 = Standard light C
20 = D55
21 = D65
22 = D75
23 to 254 = reserved
255 = other
String Metering mode 0 = unknown
1 = Average
2 = CenterWeightedAverage
3 = Spot
4 = MultiSpot
5 = Pattern
6 = Partial
7 to 254 = reserved
255 = other
String Exposure 0 = Not defined
1 = Manual
2 = Normal program
3 = Aperture priority
4 = Shutter priority
5 = Creative program (biased toward depth of field)
6 = Action program
(biased toward fast shutter speed)
7 = Portrait mode
(for closeup photos with the background out of focus)
8 = Landscape mode
(for landscape photos with the background in focus)
9 to 255 = reserved
String ISO equiv. 2digits ???
String JPG quality 1 - "basic"
2 - "normal"
4 - "fine"
default: unknown
String User comment
String Comment
TQImage Thumbnail
gif plugin:
type key Comment
Size Dimensions Width x Height in pixels.
String Comment gif comment blocks, which we permit to be utf-8 encoded
in clear violation/extension of the specification which
calls for 7 bit ASCII. See:
TIFF plugin:
:: Group: General ::
type key Comment
------ -------------- -----------------------------------------------------
String ColorMode Color Mode (Monochrome, RGB, RGBA etc)
Size Dimensions Width & height as a QSize object
Size Resolution x & y resolution in dpi as a QSize object
Int BitDepth No. of bits per pixel (e.g. 24 for 8-bit RGB)
String Compression Compression used (None, Deflate, LZW, JPEG etc.)
Int FaxPages No. of pages if this is fax
String Software Software used to produce this image
String Description Image description
String Copyright Copyright information
String DateTime Date and time of image creation
String Artist Name of the person who created this image
:: Group: Scanner ::
type key Comment
------ -------------- -----------------------------------------------------
String Make Make of the scanner used
String Model Model of the scanner used
xbm plugin:
type key W/A details
QSize Dimensions -/- Dimensions in pixels
xpm plugin:
type key W/A details
QSize Dimensions -/- Dimensions in pixels
Int BitDepth -/- Bits per pixel
bmp plugin:
type key W/A details
String Type -/- Bitmap type (Windows / OS/2)
QSize Dimensions -/- Dimensions in pixels
Int BitDepth -/- Bits per pixel
String Compression -/- Compression type
tga plugin:
type key W/A details
QSize Dimensions -/- Dimensions in pixels
Int BitDepth -/- Bits per pixel
String ColorMode -/- Color mode (e.g. RGB)
String Compression -/- Compression type, if any
ico plugin:
type key W/A details
Int Number -/- Number of icons in file
QSize Dimensions -/- Dimensions
QSize DimensionsM -/- Dimensions [of 1st icon]
Int Colors -/- Number of colors [in 1st icon]
pcx plugin:
type key W/A details
QSize Dimensions -/- Dimensions in pixels
Int BitDepth -/- Bits per pixel
QSize Resolution -/- Resolution in DPI
String Compression -/- Compression type, if any
rgb plugin:
type key details
String ImageName Image name (or comment)
QSize Dimensions Dimensions in pixels
Int BitDepth Bits per pixel
String ColorMode Color Mode (Monochrome, RGB, RGBA etc)
String Compression Compression type
String SharedRows Percentage of shared rows
(amount of "aggression" -> see GIMP)
dds plugin:
type key details
QSize Dimensions Dimensions in pixels
Int Depth Depth in pixels
Int BitDepth Bits per pixel
String ColorMode Color Mode (RGB, RGBA)
String Type 2D, volume or cube map
String Compression Compression type