/* ************************************************************************** description -------------------- copyright : (C) 2002 by Luis Carvalho email : lpassos@mail.telepac.pt ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * **************************************************************************/ #include "pmlibrarybrowser.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pmlineedits.h" #include "pmdialogeditbase.h" #include "pmlibrarymanager.h" #include "pmlibraryhandle.h" #include "pmlibraryobject.h" #include "pmlibraryiconview.h" #include "pmlibraryentrypreview.h" // ************** PMLibraryBrowser ************************** PMLibraryBrowserView::PMLibraryBrowserView( PMPart* /*part*/, QWidget* parent /*= 0*/, const char* name /*=0*/ ) : PMViewBase( parent, name ) { QHBoxLayout* hl = new QHBoxLayout( this ); PMLibraryBrowserViewWidget* tv = new PMLibraryBrowserViewWidget( this ); hl->addWidget( tv ); } QString PMLibraryBrowserView::description( ) const { return i18n( "Library View" ); } PMLibraryBrowserViewWidget::PMLibraryBrowserViewWidget( QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : QWidget( parent, name ) { setCaption( i18n( "Library Objects" ) ); QVBoxLayout* vl = new QVBoxLayout( this, KDialog::spacingHint( ) ); QHBoxLayout* hl = new QHBoxLayout( vl ); m_pUpButton = new QPushButton( this ); m_pUpButton->setPixmap( SmallIcon( "up" ) ); m_pNewSubLibraryButton = new QPushButton( this ); m_pNewSubLibraryButton->setPixmap( SmallIcon( "folder_new" ) ); m_pNewObjectButton = new QPushButton( this ); m_pNewObjectButton->setPixmap( SmallIcon( "filenew" ) ); m_pDeleteObjectButton = new QPushButton( this ); m_pDeleteObjectButton->setPixmap( SmallIcon( "editdelete" ) ); QLabel* lbl = new QLabel( i18n( "Library: " ), this ); m_pLibraryComboBox = new QComboBox( this ); m_pLibraryComboBox->insertStringList( PMLibraryManager::theManager( )->availableLibraries( ) ); m_pLibraryComboBox->setDuplicatesEnabled( false ); m_pLibraryComboBox->setCurrentItem( 0 ); hl->addWidget( m_pUpButton ); hl->addWidget( m_pNewSubLibraryButton ); hl->addWidget( m_pNewObjectButton ); hl->addWidget( m_pDeleteObjectButton ); hl->addWidget( lbl ); hl->addWidget( m_pLibraryComboBox ); hl->addStretch( 1 ); QSplitter *splitv = new QSplitter( this ); m_pLibraryIconView = new PMLibraryIconView( splitv ); m_pLibraryIconView->setMinimumSize( PMDialogEditBase::previewSize( )+20, PMDialogEditBase::previewSize( ) ); m_pLibraryEntryPreview = new PMLibraryEntryPreview( splitv ); vl->addWidget( splitv, 99 ); // Connect all the objects connect( m_pUpButton, SIGNAL( clicked( ) ), SLOT( slotUpButtonClicked( ) ) ); connect( m_pNewSubLibraryButton, SIGNAL( clicked( ) ), SLOT( slotNewSubLibraryClicked( ) ) ); connect( m_pNewObjectButton, SIGNAL( clicked( ) ), SLOT( slotNewObjectClicked( ) ) ); connect( m_pDeleteObjectButton, SIGNAL( clicked( ) ), SLOT( slotDeleteClicked( ) ) ); connect( m_pLibraryComboBox, SIGNAL( highlighted( const QString& ) ), SLOT( slotPathSelected( const QString& ) ) ); connect( m_pLibraryIconView, SIGNAL( selectionChanged( QIconViewItem* ) ), SLOT( slotSelectionChanged( QIconViewItem* ) ) ); connect( m_pLibraryIconView, SIGNAL( executed( QIconViewItem* ) ), SLOT( slotSelectionExecuted( QIconViewItem* ) ) ); connect( m_pLibraryEntryPreview, SIGNAL( objectChanged( ) ), SLOT( slotIconViewRefresh( ) ) ); // Set the selected library slotPathSelected( m_pLibraryComboBox->currentText( ) ); } void PMLibraryBrowserViewWidget::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* /*ev*/ ) { } void PMLibraryBrowserViewWidget::slotPathSelected( const QString& str ) { PMLibraryHandle* h = PMLibraryManager::theManager( )->getLibraryHandle( str ); if( h ) { m_pLibraryIconView->setLibrary( h ); m_pCurrentLibrary = h; // This can never be a sub library m_pUpButton->setEnabled( false ); // If the top library is read-only so is everthing below it m_topLibraryReadOnly = m_pCurrentLibrary->isReadOnly( ); m_pNewSubLibraryButton->setEnabled( !m_topLibraryReadOnly ); m_pNewObjectButton->setEnabled( !m_topLibraryReadOnly ); m_pDeleteObjectButton->setEnabled( !m_topLibraryReadOnly ); } else { m_pUpButton->setEnabled( false ); m_pNewSubLibraryButton->setEnabled( false ); m_pNewObjectButton->setEnabled( false ); m_pDeleteObjectButton->setEnabled( false ); } } void PMLibraryBrowserViewWidget::slotIconViewRefresh( ) { m_pLibraryIconView->refresh( ); } void PMLibraryBrowserViewWidget::slotIconViewSetLibrary( ) { m_pLibraryIconView->setLibrary( m_pFutureLibrary ); m_pCurrentLibrary = m_pFutureLibrary; m_pFutureLibrary = NULL; } void PMLibraryBrowserViewWidget::slotSelectionChanged( QIconViewItem* item ) { PMLibraryIconViewItem* sel = static_cast( item ); m_pLibraryIconView->setCurrentItem( sel ); if( sel->isSubLibrary( ) ) { if( m_pLibraryEntryPreview->saveIfNeeded( ) ) QTimer::singleShot( 100, this, SLOT( slotIconViewRefresh( ) ) ); else m_pLibraryEntryPreview->showPreview( sel->path( ), m_topLibraryReadOnly, true ); } else { if( m_pLibraryEntryPreview->saveIfNeeded( ) ) QTimer::singleShot( 100, this, SLOT( slotIconViewRefresh( ) ) ); else m_pLibraryEntryPreview->showPreview( sel->path( ), m_topLibraryReadOnly, false ); } m_pLibraryIconView->setFocus(); } void PMLibraryBrowserViewWidget::slotSelectionExecuted( QIconViewItem* item ) { PMLibraryIconViewItem* sel = static_cast( item ); m_pLibraryIconView->setCurrentItem( sel ); if( sel->isSubLibrary( ) ) { // It's a sub library m_pFutureLibrary = new PMLibraryHandle( sel->path( ) ); m_pLibraryEntryPreview->clearPreview( ); QTimer::singleShot( 100, this, SLOT( slotIconViewSetLibrary( ) ) ); m_pUpButton->setEnabled( true ); } else { // It's an object if( m_pLibraryEntryPreview->saveIfNeeded( ) ) QTimer::singleShot( 100, this, SLOT( slotIconViewRefresh( ) ) ); else m_pLibraryEntryPreview->showPreview( sel->path( ), m_topLibraryReadOnly, false ); } m_pLibraryIconView->setFocus(); } void PMLibraryBrowserViewWidget::slotUpButtonClicked( ) { QDir pathManipulator( m_pCurrentLibrary->path( ) ); pathManipulator.cdUp( ); m_pFutureLibrary = new PMLibraryHandle( pathManipulator.path( ) ); if( !m_pFutureLibrary->isSubLibrary( ) ) m_pUpButton->setEnabled( false ); QTimer::singleShot( 100, this, SLOT( slotIconViewSetLibrary( ) ) ); // Release the current Library delete m_pCurrentLibrary; } void PMLibraryBrowserViewWidget::slotDeleteClicked( ) { PMLibraryIconViewItem* sel = static_cast( m_pLibraryIconView->currentItem( ) ); PMLibraryHandle::PMResult rst; if( !sel ) return; else if( sel->isSubLibrary( ) ) rst = m_pCurrentLibrary->deleteSubLibrary( sel->path( ) ); else rst = m_pCurrentLibrary->deleteObject( sel->path( ) ); switch( rst ) { case PMLibraryHandle::Ok: { KIO::Job *job = KIO::del( sel->path() ); connect( job, SIGNAL( result( KIO::Job * ) ), SLOT( slotJobResult( KIO::Job * ) ) ); } break; case PMLibraryHandle::ReadOnlyLib: KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "This library is read only." ), i18n( "Error" ) ); break; case PMLibraryHandle::NotInLib: KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "The current library does not contain that item." ), i18n( "Error" ) ); break; default: KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "Could not remove item." ), i18n( "Error" ) ); break; } } void PMLibraryBrowserViewWidget::slotNewObjectClicked( ) { m_pLibraryEntryPreview->saveIfNeeded( ); switch( m_pCurrentLibrary->createNewObject( ) ) { case PMLibraryHandle::Ok: QTimer::singleShot( 100, this, SLOT( slotIconViewRefresh( ) ) ); break; case PMLibraryHandle::ReadOnlyLib: KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "This library is read only." ), i18n( "Error" ) ); break; default: KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "Could not create a new object." ), i18n( "Error" ) ); } } void PMLibraryBrowserViewWidget::slotNewSubLibraryClicked( ) { bool result = false; m_pLibraryEntryPreview->saveIfNeeded( ); QString subLibraryName = KInputDialog::getText( i18n( "Create Sub-Library" ), i18n( "Enter the sub-library name: " ), i18n( "Unknown" ), &result ); if( result ) { switch( m_pCurrentLibrary->createNewSubLibrary( subLibraryName ) ) { case PMLibraryHandle::Ok: m_pLibraryIconView->refresh( ); break; case PMLibraryHandle::ExistingDir: KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "That library already exists." ), i18n( "Error" ) ); break; case PMLibraryHandle::ReadOnlyLib: KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "This library is read only." ), i18n( "Error" ) ); break; default: KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "Could not create a new sub library." ), i18n( "Error" ) ); } } } void PMLibraryBrowserViewWidget::slotJobResult( KIO::Job * job ) { if( job->error( ) ) job->showErrorDialog( this ); QTimer::singleShot( 100, this, SLOT( slotIconViewRefresh( ) ) ); } QString PMLibraryBrowserViewFactory::description( ) const { return i18n( "Library View" ); } #include "pmlibrarybrowser.moc"