//C- ------------------------------------------------------------------- //C- DjVuLibre-3.5 //C- Copyright (c) 2002 Leon Bottou and Yann Le Cun. //C- Copyright (c) 2001 AT&T //C- //C- This software is subject to, and may be distributed under, the //C- GNU General Public License, Version 2. The license should have //C- accompanied the software or you may obtain a copy of the license //C- from the Free Software Foundation at http://www.fsf.org . //C- //C- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //C- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //C- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //C- GNU General Public License for more details. //C- //C- DjVuLibre-3.5 is derived from the DjVu(r) Reference Library //C- distributed by Lizardtech Software. On July 19th 2002, Lizardtech //C- Software authorized us to replace the original DjVu(r) Reference //C- Library notice by the following text (see doc/lizard2002.djvu): //C- //C- ------------------------------------------------------------------ //C- | DjVu (r) Reference Library (v. 3.5) //C- | Copyright (c) 1999-2001 LizardTech, Inc. All Rights Reserved. //C- | The DjVu Reference Library is protected by U.S. Pat. No. //C- | 6,058,214 and patents pending. //C- | //C- | This software is subject to, and may be distributed under, the //C- | GNU General Public License, Version 2. The license should have //C- | accompanied the software or you may obtain a copy of the license //C- | from the Free Software Foundation at http://www.fsf.org . //C- | //C- | The computer code originally released by LizardTech under this //C- | license and unmodified by other parties is deemed "the LIZARDTECH //C- | ORIGINAL CODE." Subject to any third party intellectual property //C- | claims, LizardTech grants recipient a worldwide, royalty-free, //C- | non-exclusive license to make, use, sell, or otherwise dispose of //C- | the LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE or of programs derived from the //C- | LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE in compliance with the terms of the GNU //C- | General Public License. This grant only confers the right to //C- | infringe patent claims underlying the LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE to //C- | the extent such infringement is reasonably necessary to enable //C- | recipient to make, have made, practice, sell, or otherwise dispose //C- | of the LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE (or portions thereof) and not to //C- | any greater extent that may be necessary to utilize further //C- | modifications or combinations. //C- | //C- | The LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE is provided "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY //C- | OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED //C- | TO ANY WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF //C- | MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. //C- +------------------------------------------------------------------ // // $Id: GIFFManager.cpp,v 1.8 2003/11/07 22:08:21 leonb Exp $ // $Name: release_3_5_15 $ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #if NEED_GNUG_PRAGMAS # pragma implementation #endif #include "GIFFManager.h" #include "GException.h" #include "debug.h" #ifdef HAVE_NAMESPACES namespace DJVU { # ifdef NOT_DEFINED // Just to fool emacs c++ mode } #endif #endif GIFFChunk::~GIFFChunk(void) {} GIFFManager::~GIFFManager(void) {} GP GIFFManager::create(void) { GIFFManager *iff=new GIFFManager(); GP retval=iff; iff->init(); return retval; } GP GIFFManager::create(const GUTF8String &name) { GIFFManager *iff=new GIFFManager(); GP retval=iff; iff->init(name); return retval; } void GIFFChunk::set_name(GUTF8String name) { DEBUG_MSG("GIFFChunk::set_name(): name='" << name << "'\n"); DEBUG_MAKE_INDENT(3); const int colon=name.search(':'); if(colon>=0) { type=name.substr(0,colon); name=name.substr(colon+1,(unsigned int)-1); if(name.search(':')>=0) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("GIFFManager.one_colon") ); } DEBUG_MSG("auto-setting type to '" << type << "'\n"); if (name.contains(".[]")>=0) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("GIFFManager.bad_char") ); strncpy(GIFFChunk::name, (const char *)name, 4); GIFFChunk::name[4]=0; for(int i=strlen(GIFFChunk::name);i<4;i++) GIFFChunk::name[i]=' '; } bool GIFFChunk::check_name(GUTF8String name) { GUTF8String type; const int colon=name.search(':'); if(colon>=0) { type=name.substr(0,colon); name=name.substr(colon+1,(unsigned int)-1); } const GUTF8String sname=(name.substr(0,4)+" ").substr(0,4); DEBUG_MSG("GIFFChunk::check_name(): type='" << type << "' name='" << sname << "'\n"); return (type==GIFFChunk::type || !type.length() && GIFFChunk::type=="FORM") && sname==GIFFChunk::name; } void GIFFChunk::save(IFFByteStream & istr, bool use_trick) { DEBUG_MSG("GIFFChunk::save(): saving chunk '" << get_full_name() << "'\n"); DEBUG_MAKE_INDENT(3); if (is_container()) { istr.put_chunk(get_full_name(), use_trick); if (chunks.size()) { GPosition pos; for(pos=chunks;pos;++pos) if (chunks[pos]->get_type()=="PROP") chunks[pos]->save(istr); for(pos=chunks;pos;++pos) if (chunks[pos]->get_type()!="PROP") chunks[pos]->save(istr); } else { DEBUG_MSG("but it's empty => saving empty container.\n"); } istr.close_chunk(); } else { istr.put_chunk(get_name(), use_trick); istr.get_bytestream()->writall((const char *) data, data.size()); istr.close_chunk(); } } void GIFFChunk::add_chunk(const GP & chunk, int position) { DEBUG_MSG("GIFFChunk::add_chunk(): Adding chunk to '" << get_name() << "' @ position=" << position << "\n"); DEBUG_MAKE_INDENT(3); if (!type.length()) { DEBUG_MSG("Converting the parent to FORM\n"); type="FORM"; } if (chunk->get_type()=="PROP") { DEBUG_MSG("Converting the parent to LIST\n"); type="LIST"; } GPosition pos; if (position>=0 && chunks.nth(position, pos)) { chunks.insert_before(pos, chunk); }else { chunks.append(chunk); } } GUTF8String GIFFChunk::decode_name(const GUTF8String &name, int &number) { DEBUG_MSG("GIFFChunk::decode_name(): Checking brackets in name '" << name << "'\n"); DEBUG_MAKE_INDENT(3); if (name.search('.')>=0) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("GIFFManager.no_dots") ); number=0; const int obracket=name.search('['); GUTF8String short_name; if (obracket >= 0) { const int cbracket=name.search(']',obracket+1); if (cbracket < 0) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("GIFFManager.unmatched") ); if (name.length() > (unsigned int)(cbracket+1)) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("GIFFManager.garbage") ); // number =atoi((const char *)name.substr(obracket+1,cbracket-obracket-1)); number= name.substr(obracket+1,cbracket-obracket-1).toInt(); short_name=name.substr(0,obracket); }else { short_name=name; } const int colon=short_name.search(':'); if (colon>=0) short_name=short_name.substr(colon+1,(unsigned int)-1); for(int i=short_name.length();i<4;i++) short_name.setat(i, ' '); DEBUG_MSG("short_name='" << short_name << "'\n"); DEBUG_MSG("number=" << number << "\n"); return short_name; } void GIFFChunk::del_chunk(const GUTF8String &name) // The name may contain brackets to specify the chunk number { DEBUG_MSG("GIFFChunk::del_chunk(): Deleting chunk '" << name << "' from '" << get_name() << "'\n"); DEBUG_MAKE_INDENT(3); int number; const GUTF8String short_name=decode_name(name,number); GPosition pos=chunks; for(int num=0;pos;++pos) { if ((chunks[pos]->get_name()==short_name)&&(num++ == number)) { chunks.del(pos); break; } } if(! pos) { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("GIFFManager.no_chunk") "\t"+short_name+"\t"+GUTF8String(number)+"\t"+get_name()); } } GP GIFFChunk::get_chunk(const GUTF8String &name, int * pos_ptr) // The name may contain brackets to specify the chunk number { DEBUG_MSG("GIFFChunk::get_chunk(): Returning chunk '" << name << "' from '" << get_name() << "'\n"); DEBUG_MAKE_INDENT(3); int number; const GUTF8String short_name=decode_name(name,number); int num=0; int pos_num; GP retval; GPosition pos; for(pos=chunks, pos_num=0;pos;++pos, pos_num++) { if (chunks[pos]->get_name()==short_name && num++==number) { if (pos_ptr) *pos_ptr=pos_num; retval=chunks[pos]; break; } } return retval; } int GIFFChunk::get_chunks_number(void) { DEBUG_MSG("GIFFChunk::get_chunks_number(): Returning number of chunks '" << name << "' in '" << get_name() << "'\n"); DEBUG_MAKE_INDENT(3); return chunks.size(); } int GIFFChunk::get_chunks_number(const GUTF8String &name) { DEBUG_MSG("GIFFChunk::get_chunks_number(): Returning number of chunks '" << name << "' in '" << get_name() << "'\n"); DEBUG_MAKE_INDENT(3); if (name.contains("[]")>=0) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("GIFFManager.no_brackets") ); int number; GUTF8String short_name=decode_name(name,number); int num=0; for(GPosition pos=chunks;pos;++pos) num+=(chunks[pos]->get_name()==short_name); return num; } //************************************************************************ void GIFFManager::add_chunk(GUTF8String parent_name, const GP & chunk, int pos) // parent_name is the fully qualified name of the PARENT // IT MAY BE EMPTY // All the required chunks will be created // pos=-1 means to append the chunk { DEBUG_MSG("GIFFManager::add_chunk(): Adding chunk to name='" << parent_name << "'\n"); DEBUG_MAKE_INDENT(3); if (!top_level->get_name().length()) { if ((!parent_name.length())||(parent_name[0]!='.')) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("GIFFManager.no_top_name") ); if (parent_name.length() < 2) { // 'chunk' is actually the new top-level chunk DEBUG_MSG("since parent_name=='.', making the chunk top-level\n"); if (!chunk->is_container()) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("GIFFManager.no_top_cont") ); top_level=chunk; return; } DEBUG_MSG("Setting the name of the top-level chunk\n"); const int next_dot=parent_name.search('.',1); if(next_dot>=0) { top_level->set_name(parent_name.substr(1,next_dot-1)); }else { top_level->set_name(parent_name.substr(1,(unsigned int)-1)); } } DEBUG_MSG("top level chunk name='" << top_level->get_name() << "'\n"); if (parent_name.length() && parent_name[0] == '.') { int next_dot=parent_name.search('.',1); if(next_dot<0) { next_dot=parent_name.length(); } GUTF8String top_name=parent_name.substr(1,next_dot-1); if (!top_level->check_name(top_name)) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("GIFFManager.wrong_name") "\t"+top_name); parent_name=parent_name.substr(next_dot,(unsigned int)-1); } GP cur_sec=top_level; const char * start, * end=(const char *)parent_name-1; do { for(start=++end;*end&&(*end!='.');end++) EMPTY_LOOP; if (end>start) { GUTF8String name(start,end-start); GUTF8String short_name; int number=0; const int obracket=name.search('['); if (obracket >= 0) { const int cbracket=name.search(']',obracket+1); if (cbracket < 0) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("GIFFManager.unmatched") ); // number=atoi((const char *)name.substr(obracket+1,cbracket-obracket-1)); number = name.substr(obracket+1,cbracket-obracket-1).toInt(); short_name=name.substr(0,obracket); }else { short_name=name; } for(int i=cur_sec->get_chunks_number(short_name);iadd_chunk(GIFFChunk::create(short_name)); cur_sec=cur_sec->get_chunk(name); if (!cur_sec) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("GIFFManager.unknown") "\t"+name); } } while(*end); cur_sec->add_chunk(chunk, pos); } void GIFFManager::add_chunk(GUTF8String name, const TArray & data) // name is fully qualified name of the chunk TO BE INSERTED. // it may contain brackets at the end to set the position // All the required chunks will be created { DEBUG_MSG("GIFFManager::add_chunk(): adding plain chunk with name='" << name << "'\n"); DEBUG_MAKE_INDENT(3); GUTF8String chunk_name; const int lastdot=name.rsearch('.'); if(lastdot < 0) { chunk_name=name; name=name.substr(0,lastdot); }else { chunk_name=name.substr(lastdot+1,(unsigned int)-1); } int pos=-1; const int obracket=chunk_name.search('['); if (obracket >= 0) { const int cbracket=chunk_name.search(']',obracket+1); if (cbracket < 0) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("GIFFManager.unmatched") ); if (name.length() > (unsigned int)(cbracket+1)) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("GIFFManager.garbage") ); // pos=atoi((const char *)chunk_name.substr(obracket+1,cbracket-obracket-1)); pos = chunk_name.substr(obracket+1,cbracket-obracket-1).toInt(); chunk_name=chunk_name.substr(0,obracket); } DEBUG_MSG("Creating new chunk with name " << chunk_name << "\n"); GP chunk; chunk=GIFFChunk::create(chunk_name, data); add_chunk(name, chunk, pos); } void GIFFManager::del_chunk(void) { DEBUG_MSG("GIFFManager::del_chunk(): Deleting chunk\n"); DEBUG_MAKE_INDENT(3); G_THROW( ERR_MSG("GIFFManager.del_empty") ); } void GIFFManager::del_chunk(GUTF8String name) // "name" should be fully qualified, that is contain dots. // It may also end with [] to set the chunk order number { DEBUG_MSG("GIFFManager::del_chunk(): Deleting chunk '" << name << "'\n"); DEBUG_MAKE_INDENT(3); if (!name.length()) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("GIFFManager.del_empty") ); if (name[0]=='.') { const int next_dot=name.search('.',1); if (next_dot < 0) { if (top_level->check_name(name.substr(1,(unsigned int)-1))) { DEBUG_MSG("Removing top level chunk..\n"); top_level=GIFFChunk::create(); return; } G_THROW( ERR_MSG("GIFFManager.wrong_name2") "\t"+name.substr(1,(unsigned int)-1)); } const GUTF8String top_name=name.substr(1,next_dot-1); if (!top_level->check_name(top_name)) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("GIFFManager.wrong_name2") "\t"+top_name); name=name.substr(next_dot+1,(unsigned int)-1); } GP cur_sec=top_level; const char * start, * end=(const char *)name-1; do { for(start=++end;*end&&(*end!='.');end++) EMPTY_LOOP; if (end>start && *end=='.') cur_sec=cur_sec->get_chunk(GUTF8String(start, end-start)); if (!cur_sec) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("GIFFManager.cant_find") "\t"+GUTF8String(name)); } while(*end); if (!start[0]) { G_THROW(GUTF8String( ERR_MSG("GIFFManager.malformed") "\t")+name); } cur_sec->del_chunk(start); } GP GIFFManager::get_chunk(GUTF8String name, int * pos_num) // "name" should be fully qualified, that is contain dots. // It may also end with [] to set the chunk order number { DEBUG_MSG("GIFFManager::get_chunk(): Returning chunk '" << name << "'\n"); DEBUG_MAKE_INDENT(3); if (!name.length()) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("GIFFManager.get_empty") ); if (name[0]=='.') { const int next_dot=name.search('.',1); if (next_dot < 0) { if (top_level->check_name(name.substr(1,(unsigned int)-1))) { DEBUG_MSG("Removing top level chunk..\n"); return top_level; } G_THROW( ERR_MSG("GIFFManager.wrong_name2") "\t"+name.substr(1,(unsigned int)-1)); } const GUTF8String top_name=name.substr(1,next_dot-1); if (!top_level->check_name(top_name)) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("GIFFManager.wrong_name2") "\t"+top_name); name=name.substr(next_dot+1,(unsigned int)-1); } GP cur_sec=top_level; const char * start, * end=(const char *) name-1; do { for(start=++end;*end&&(*end!='.');end++) EMPTY_LOOP; if (end>start) cur_sec=cur_sec->get_chunk(GUTF8String(start, end-start), pos_num); if (!cur_sec) break; } while(*end); return cur_sec; } int GIFFManager::get_chunks_number(void) { DEBUG_MSG("GIFFManager::get_chunks_number()\n"); DEBUG_MAKE_INDENT(3); return top_level->get_chunks_number(); } int GIFFManager::get_chunks_number(const GUTF8String &name) // Returns the number of chunks with given fully qualified name { DEBUG_MSG("GIFFManager::get_chunks_number(): name='" << name << "'\n"); DEBUG_MAKE_INDENT(3); int retval; const int last_dot=name.rsearch('.'); if (last_dot<0) { retval=top_level->get_chunks_number(name); }else if(!last_dot) { retval=(top_level->get_name()==name.substr(1,(unsigned int)-1))?1:0; }else { GP chunk=get_chunk(name.substr(0,last_dot)); retval=( chunk ?(chunk->get_chunks_number(name.substr(last_dot+1,(unsigned int)-1))) :0 ); } return retval; } void GIFFManager::load_chunk(IFFByteStream & istr, GP chunk) { DEBUG_MSG("GIFFManager::load_chunk(): loading contents of chunk '" << chunk->get_name() << "'\n"); DEBUG_MAKE_INDENT(3); int chunk_size; GUTF8String chunk_id; while ((chunk_size=istr.get_chunk(chunk_id))) { if (istr.check_id(chunk_id)) { GP ch=GIFFChunk::create(chunk_id); load_chunk(istr, ch); chunk->add_chunk(ch); } else { TArray data(chunk_size-1); istr.get_bytestream()->readall( (char*)data, data.size()); GP ch=GIFFChunk::create(chunk_id, data); chunk->add_chunk(ch); } istr.close_chunk(); } } void GIFFManager::load_file(const TArray & data) { GP str=ByteStream::create((const char *)data, data.size()); load_file(str); } void GIFFManager::load_file(GP str) { DEBUG_MSG("GIFFManager::load_file(): Loading IFF file.\n"); DEBUG_MAKE_INDENT(3); GP gistr=IFFByteStream::create(str); IFFByteStream &istr=*gistr; GUTF8String chunk_id; if (istr.get_chunk(chunk_id)) { if (chunk_id.substr(0,5) != "FORM:") G_THROW( ERR_MSG("GIFFManager.cant_find2") ); set_name(chunk_id); load_chunk(istr, top_level); istr.close_chunk(); } } void GIFFManager::save_file(TArray & data) { GP gstr=ByteStream::create(); save_file(gstr); data=gstr->get_data(); } void GIFFManager::save_file(GP str) { GP istr=IFFByteStream::create(str); top_level->save(*istr, 1); } #ifdef HAVE_NAMESPACES } # ifndef NOT_USING_DJVU_NAMESPACE using namespace DJVU; # endif #endif