KSnapshotWidget KSnapshotWidget 0 0 356 226 unnamed 0 lblImage 200 130 This is a preview of the current snapshot. The image can be dragged to another application or document to copy the full screenshot there. Try it with the Konqueror file manager. You can also copy the image to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+C. line1 HLine Sunken Horizontal spinDelay sec No delay Snapshot delay in seconds <qt> This is the number of seconds to wait after clicking the <i>New Snapshot</i> button before taking the snapshot. <p> This is very useful for getting windows, menus and other items on the screen set up just the way you want. <p> If <i>no delay</i> is set, the program will wait for a mouse click before taking a snapshot. </p> </qt> lblDelay Snapshot &delay: spinDelay textLabel1 Cap&ture mode: comboMode Spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 156 16 cbIncludeDecorations Include &window decorations true When enabled, snapshot of a window will also include the window decorations Full Screen Window Under Cursor Region Section of Window comboMode <qt>Using this menu, you can select from the four following snapshot modes: <p> <b>Full Screen</b> - captures the entire desktop.<br> <b>Window Under Cursor</b> - captures only the window (or menu) that is under the mouse cursor when the snapshot is taken.<br> <b>Region</b> - captures only the region of the desktop that you specify. When taking a new snapshot in this mode you will be able to select any area of the screen by clicking and dragging the mouse.</p> <b>Section of Window</b> - captures only a section of the window. When taking a new snapshot in this mode you will be able to select any child window by moving the mouse over it.</p></qt> layout1 unnamed btnNew &New Snapshot "ksnapshot", 32 Click this button to take a new snapshot. Spacer6 Vertical Expanding 16 16 btnSave &Save As... "document-save" Click this button to save the current snapshot. To quickly save the snapshot without showing the file dialog, press Ctrl+Shift+S. The filename is automatically incremented after each save. btnCopy &Copy to Clipboard "edit-copy" Click this button to copy the current snapshot to the clipboard. btnPrint &Print... "document-print" Click this button to print the current screenshot. KSnapshotPreview
-1 -1 0 5 5 0 0 image0 startDrag()
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 comboMode activated(int) KSnapshotWidget slotModeChanged(int) btnNew clicked() KSnapshotWidget slotNewClicked() btnPrint clicked() KSnapshotWidget slotPrintClicked() btnSave clicked() KSnapshotWidget slotSaveClicked() btnCopy clicked() KSnapshotWidget slotCopyClicked() lblImage startDrag() KSnapshotWidget slotStartDrag() btnNew btnSave btnCopy btnPrint comboMode spinDelay cbIncludeDecorations kdialog.h kiconloader.h tdeglobalsettings.h ksnapshotwidget.ui.h newClicked() saveClicked() copyClicked() printClicked() startImageDrag() slotModeChanged( int mode ) slotNewClicked() slotSaveClicked() slotCopyClicked() slotPrintClicked() slotStartDrag() previewWidth() previewHeight() setPreview( const TQPixmap & pm ) setDelay( int i ) setIncludeDecorations( bool b ) setMode( int mode ) delay() includeDecorations() mode() preview() SmallIconSet kpushbutton.h