You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

97 lines
2.6 KiB

#include "tdemultipage.h"
#include "dviRenderer.h"
#include <tqstringlist.h>
class KPrinter;
class KDVIMultiPage : public KMultiPage
KDVIMultiPage(TQWidget *parentWidget, const char *widgetName, TQObject *parent,
const char *name, const TQStringList& args = TQStringList());
virtual ~KDVIMultiPage();
// Interface definition start ------------------------------------------------
/// returns the list of supported file formats
virtual TQStringList fileFormats() const;
virtual void setFile(bool r);
virtual void print();
/// KDVI offers read- and write functionality must re-implement this
/// method and return true here.
virtual bool isReadWrite() {return true;}
virtual void addConfigDialogs(TDEConfigDialog* configDialog);
static TDEAboutData* createAboutData();
virtual DocumentWidget* createDocumentWidget();
virtual void initializePageCache();
/** Used to enable the export menu when a file is successfully
loaded. */
virtual void enableActions(bool);
public slots:
/** Opens a file requestor and saves. This really saves the content
of the DVI-file, and does not just start a copy job */
virtual void slotSave();
/** Similar to slotSave, but does not ask for a filename. */
virtual void slotSave_defaultFilename();
void setEmbedPostScriptAction();
void slotEmbedPostScript();
virtual void preferencesChanged();
/** Shows the "text search" dialog, if text search is supported by
the renderer. Otherwise, the method returns immediately.
We reimplement this slot to show a warning message that informs the
user about the currently limited search capabilities of KDVI. */
virtual void showFindTextDialog();
protected slots:
void doExportText();
void doEnableWarnings();
void showTip();
void showTipOnStart();
// Points to the same object as renderer to avoid downcasting.
// FIXME: Remove when the API of the Renderer-class is finished.
dviRenderer DVIRenderer;
// Set to true if we used the search function atleast once.
// It is used to remember if we already have show the warning message.
bool searchUsed;
* Methods and classes concerned with the find functionality *
/** Pointers to several actions which are disabled if no file is
loaded. */
TDEAction *docInfoAction;
TDEAction *embedPSAction;
TDEAction *exportPDFAction;
TDEAction *exportPSAction;