Copyright ( C ) 2001 - 2003 KSVG Team
This file is part of the KDE project
This library is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either
version 2 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library ; see the file COPYING . LIB . If not , write to
the Free Software Foundation , Inc . , 51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor ,
Boston , MA 02110 - 1301 , USA .
# ifndef SVGTextContentElementImpl_H
# define SVGTextContentElementImpl_H
# include "ksvg_lookup.h"
# include "SVGShapeImpl.h"
# include "SVGTestsImpl.h"
# include "SVGStylableImpl.h"
# include "SVGLangSpaceImpl.h"
# include "SVGTextContentElement.h"
# include "SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl.h"
namespace T2P
class GlyphLayoutParams ;
namespace KSVG
class SVGAnimatedLengthImpl ;
class SVGAnimatedEnumerationImpl ;
class SVGTextContentElementImpl : public SVGShapeImpl ,
public SVGTestsImpl ,
public SVGLangSpaceImpl ,
public SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl ,
public SVGStylableImpl
public :
SVGTextContentElementImpl ( DOM : : ElementImpl * impl ) ;
virtual ~ SVGTextContentElementImpl ( ) ;
TQString textDirectionAwareText ( ) ;
virtual T2P : : GlyphLayoutParams * layoutParams ( ) const ;
SVGAnimatedLengthImpl * textLength ( ) const ;
SVGAnimatedEnumerationImpl * lengthAdjust ( ) const ;
virtual long getNumberOfChars ( ) ;
float getComputedTextLength ( ) ;
// float getSubStringLength(const unsigned long &charnum, const unsigned long &nchars);
// SVGPoint getStartPositionOfChar(const unsigned long &charnum);
// SVGPoint getEndPositionOfChar(const unsigned long &charnum);
// SVGRect getExtentOfChar(const unsigned long &charnum);
// float getRotationOfChar(const unsigned long &charnum);
// long getCharNumAtPosition(const SVGPoint &point);
// void selectSubString(const unsigned long &charnum, const unsigned long &nchars);
private :
SVGAnimatedEnumerationImpl * m_lengthAdjust ;
SVGAnimatedLengthImpl * m_textLength ;
public :
// Properties
TextLength , LengthAdjust ,
// Functions
GetTextLength , GetLengthAdjust ,
GetNumberOfChars , GetComputedTextLength ,
GetSubStringLength , GetStartPositionOfChar ,
GetEndPositionOfChar , GetExtentOfChar ,
GetRotationOfChar , GetCharNumAtPosition ,
} ;
KJS : : Value getValueProperty ( KJS : : ExecState * exec , int token ) const ;
void putValueProperty ( KJS : : ExecState * exec , int token , const KJS : : Value & value , int attr ) ;
} ;
class SVGTextContentElementImplConstructor : public KJS : : ObjectImp
public :
SVGTextContentElementImplConstructor ( KJS : : ExecState * ) { }
KJS : : Value getValueProperty ( KJS : : ExecState * , int token ) const ;
// no put - all read-only
} ;
KJS : : Value getSVGTextContentElementImplConstructor ( KJS : : ExecState * exec ) ;
KSVG_DEFINE_PROTOTYPE ( SVGTextContentElementImplProto )
KSVG_IMPLEMENT_PROTOFUNC ( SVGTextContentElementImplProtoFunc , SVGTextContentElementImpl )
# endif